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Demons and Angels

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Fri Mar 10, 2006 4:40 am
Snoink says...

Roman stroked his chestnut hair back and looked back at his watch. Ten minutes till two. More precisely, ten minutes till two in the middle of the night. Or was it morning? He didn’t really care. He glanced at his watch again and then, glancing furtively over his shoulder, he took out the wad of crumpled paper in his pocket.

Carefully, tenderly, he smoothed it out. On it, written in smooth perfect letters was, “Meet me in the alley.” That was it. Yet the man was certain who it was from. Kashmiel’s writing was hard to misplace.

The alley. He shivered and looked around. It was a small place, really. It was between two disintegrating brick buildings. The city ordinance had tried to demolish the buildings for years, yet they had only gotten past the paperwork stages before giving up. Now the alley was covered in black trash bags which had long been torn apart, oozing garbage everywhere.

He was there now, waiting. He had been waiting for several hours, since nine o’clock anyway. His eyelids felt heavy, but he didn’t dare shut them. In the corner of the alley, he could hear scuffling. He felt his insides turn. Rats, they had to be.

He hated rats.

Five minutes. Then ten. Suddenly he heard a noise. Footsteps. He turned quickly.

There was only one light in the alley, an orange light that flickered on and off depending on its mood. As the footsteps came closer, the light turned decisively off. Then the footsteps stopped. Roman saw a silhouette of a man. The man turned to where Roman was and then smiled. Roman blinked. He could see the teeth clearly, glistening white, even though the rest of the features were dark. The teeth had an odd sort of gleam to them; they looked normal, but Roman had never felt more terrified in his life.

The demon. It had to be.

The demon stopped smiling and strode towards Roman. Roman could feel himself shaking. He looked at the orange light, willing it would turn on, but not daring to hope.

“You’ve come.” Roman could see the flash of teeth again, and felt his stomach drop. He stammered out something. The demon laughed. “Are you scared?”


This seemed to please the demon, and it brought forth something from his pocket. Roman heard a small snap, and suddenly a grey light flooded the area.

Once Roman had seen the demon, he wondered why he had been afraid at all. The demon was human in all respects. Even his clothes were normal, albeit a little fancy for an alley strewn with garbage. And even Roman couldn’t deny that the demon was attractive. The demon self-consciously straightened his tie and then smiled. “You didn’t expect a little man with red tights and horns, did you?”

Roman laughed at this and felt a little better. “My name is Kashmiel, by the way. And I’m sure we met.” He extended his hand and Roman shook it shyly. “Do you know why I’m here?”

“No,” he admitted. “But I did get your letter.”

“Yes, I know.” Then he paused. “We’ve chosen you for a duty.” He took out a handkerchief and wrapped his hand. He turned to Roman and made a face. “Do you believe in the story of Adam and Eve?”

“Not particularly. Why?”

“No reason.” Then the demon dipped his hand into his pocket. He grunted, and Roman could see sweat beginning to glisten his brow. Then slowly, very slowly, he brought forth a little bag.

Roman gasped.

It was a small bag really, about the size of a fist, and drawn tight with a string. It had a strange glow to it. At first, Roman thought it glowed blue, but then it turned purple, to a deep crimson, to green.

But that wasn’t all! There was something about the bag that made him want to jump and scream, though he wasn’t sure if it was out of joy or pain. But he wanted it so badly that he began to shake.

Kashmiel stared at Roman’s face. “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

“Give it to me.”

“Do you really want it?”

“Yes.” Roman had fallen to his knees, though he wasn’t aware of it. His face was now twisted and blue and he was gasping for breath. The demon stared at him pitilessly, though the strain was visible on his own face from holding the bag. Even he was beginning to shake. Slowly, he put the bag back in his pocket.

“If you want it, come with me.” He turned off the grey light and began to walk away.

Roman stared at his retreating silhouette and gasped. “Wait!” he cried, staggering after him.

The orange light flickered on.

Eternal fandom goes to smaur's story, [url=http://www.youngwriterssociety.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7276&highlight=[/url]Wraith[/url].
Last edited by Snoink on Sat Mar 11, 2006 4:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

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Fri Mar 10, 2006 6:15 am
smaur says...


You already know how much I freaking adore this, but when it's not 1:30(ish) in the morning, I'll try and write a coherently incoherent rambling review of why exactly I love Kashmiel (ah, his real name is so much plainer) and your Roman and the orange flickering lights.
"He yanked himself free and fled to the kitchen where something huddled against the flooded windowpanes. It sighed and wept and tapped continually, and suddenly he was outside, staring in, the rain beating, the wind chilling him, and all the candle darkness inside lost."

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Fri Mar 10, 2006 8:53 am
Elelel says...

Smaur probably has a better idea about exactly what's going on ... but I shall of course do what I can. Knowing nothing of the reasons for the orange light to be flickering ... I still like it! Yay! Light doing weird things is just so fun to play with. And I love how it's in the last sentence with it coming back on!

I don't have nearly as much grammar expertise as either you or Smaur, so I don't know what I can do on that count ... plus I can't spot anything wrong. We shall see how we go.

The alley. He shivered and looked around. It was a small place, really.

That is great! That is so great. I will always like short sentences, especially when used well, and that is used well. I love it how it just names the alley ... like giving the paragraph a title or something.

It was a small bag really, about the size of a fist, and drawn tight with a string. It had a strange glow to it. At first, Roman thought it glowed blue, but then it turned purple, to a deep crimson, to green.

I want more on this bag. What exactly is glowing? The material it's made of? Something in it? And I don't like the bit where it's saying it changed colour, myself. "but then it turned purple, to a deep crimson" It doesn't really fit together, at least not to me.

Kashmiel stared at Roman’s face.

Well, this is really just me, but I've never liked the word 'stared' for something like this. 'Stared' gives me the impression of someone now really paying attention to anything else, and isn't necessarily watching something, but just looking at it. Most people probably don't feel that way about the word, so you can just ignore this, but my advice is to say the demon was watching Roman's face. Maybe 'carefully' or 'closely' or something as well. It gives an image of the demon thinking while he's looking, rather than just looking. To me it seems as though this is more of what Kashmiel's doing. Not just staring, but thinking and being in control.

... it's dinnertime and I'm getting yelled at ... I'll come back tomorrow or the next day.
Oh, you're angry! Click your pen.
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Sat Mar 11, 2006 1:08 am
Jiggity says...

I liked this short yet interesting piece. There were only a couple of things which I noticed:


You say this twice and it is misspelt both times. silhouette

The demon. It had to be.

Rats, they had to be

These two sentences are both decisive. Definitive. They have an impact as such. An impact which is ruined by the following "it had to be" or "they had to be".

Just my thoughts,
Mah name is jiggleh. And I like to jiggle.

"Indecision and terror, thy name is novel." - Chiko

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Sat Mar 11, 2006 2:32 am
Fishr says...

I'm surprised Snoink didn't make her Roman drop dead gorgeous since she loves him, lol. This has inspired me to write my own version of Smaur's Wraith, since she decidedly neglected some details, ;). LOL. I'm not sure when I'll get around to writing it but you'll both see my version. ;D

By the way Snoink, this was very well written. Your Roman seems a little desperate, kinda like a moth attracted to a gleam of white lights. I uh... *scratches head* Have nothing really to critique. Oh well, good job anyway.

And Smaur, get ready for my version. Or in other words, get ready to see what my imagination cooks up. :twisted:
The sadness drains through me rather than skating over my skin. It travels through every cell to reach the ground. I filter it yet strangely enough, I keep what was pure and it is the dirt that leaves.

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Sat Mar 11, 2006 4:22 am
Snoink says...

What the...?

Why did spellcheck say it was right? What the hell was I spelling?

*grumbles about how stupid Word is*

Er... Jiggy, can you explain your complaint about those two sentences again? If they're definitive and decisive, then what's the problem? :?

I like the word stare... *whimpers*

But you're right about the needed description. It did feel a bit lacking when I was writing it... I'll fix it up soon.

And fishr>> awesome! It should be interesting to see what you get. :D I mean, smaur is an agnostic (or atheist?), you're a not-too-regular churchgoer, and I am a fairly regular churchgoer, so it should be awesome to see our different perspectives on angels and demons. I'm sure smaur would be tickled pink.

And I didn't make him sound handsome... yet. It's not necessary... yet.
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Sat Mar 11, 2006 8:39 am
Griffinkeeper says...

This is good for your age, write more.
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Sun Mar 12, 2006 1:39 am
smaur says...

Okay, here we go. I'm not going to crit this, because I'm horrifically biased on all things Wraith-related. (Plus — dood. Fanfic for my story. Too flattered to critique.) So I'm just going to ramble on and on about how awesome this is until someone hits me over the head with a sledgehammer.

*rolls up sleeves*

And even Roman couldn’t deny that the demon was attractive.

Ha ha. I love this. I love the idea of Kashmiel being a snappy dresser, complete with hat and tie, I love that he has neat writing and he's self-conscious and he has a handkerchief, for godssakes. He's interesting and mysterious, and since you mentioned Adam & Eve, I'm assuming you're taking the religious route. Which is something (like I told you before) I hadn't really considered, so it's cool to see it from that perspective.

Plus, I love this bit of dialogue:

Kashmiel stared at Roman’s face. “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

“Give it to me.”

“Do you really want it?”


It's not overly long and cumbersome — it's short, sweet, and gets the point across. (And if I wrote fanfic for my story, or even fanfic for your fanfic of my story, I'd totally write Kashmiel/Roman slash. :roll:) And without adding any additional tags, I the reader can envision the characters perfectly here. Their emotions — Roman's urgency and eagerness, Kashmiel teasing him intently ("teasing" not necessarily in the fun, playful sense) — are beautifully conveyed through the dialogue alone.

I like the way you've done Roman. You've explored him as a more human character; unlike Wraith, where he's very distant and kind of stoic, you've given him a wide array of human emotions (fear, shyness, awe, desire) that the readers can relate to. And of the two characters, Kashmiel is the more mysterious; you've given us little bits and pieces of his character that, while satisfying, make us (or me, at least) want to know more about him.

And I love the little things. Especially:

Carefully, tenderly, he smoothed it out.

The compassion with which Roman treats his inimate piece of paper is such a great contrast to his treatment of the angel; it's funny and interesting and kinda sad that he treats an object more tenderly than he treats her. (And I've officially used the word "treat", or some variation thereof, too many times in that sentence.) And the thing that I like most? It's such an innocuous detail snuck into the story, and it took me a couple of re-reads to realize the implications of his seemingly insignificant actions.

To make a long story slightly less long: this is awesome and I loved it and wow.


Éloeré wrote:Smaur probably has a better idea about exactly what's going on

Nope. I have absolutely no clue where Snoink's taking this. :)
"He yanked himself free and fled to the kitchen where something huddled against the flooded windowpanes. It sighed and wept and tapped continually, and suddenly he was outside, staring in, the rain beating, the wind chilling him, and all the candle darkness inside lost."

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Sun Mar 12, 2006 2:00 am
Jiggity says...

*hits smaur on the head with a sledgehammer*

I ment that the sentences would be difinitive and decisive if it weren't for the following "it had to be", "they had to be."
Mah name is jiggleh. And I like to jiggle.

"Indecision and terror, thy name is novel." - Chiko

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Tue Mar 21, 2006 8:07 am
Snoink says...

Chapter 2

It was painful to walk. Every step was an obstacle. His lungs felt like they had been clamped shut, and he gripped at his sides, gasping. He could barely see. But when the buzzing in his head increased, all he had to do was look back at the demon, always composed, walking right behind him.

And then look at his pocket.

In this fashion, Roman hobbled home, the demon placidly following him.

His home was an apartment, about five blocks away. It wasn’t the nicest of neighborhoods, and even at two thirty, he could still here a couple screaming at each other. He paused before he entered it, stopping at the stairs.

“It’s kind of messy.”

“I don’t care.”

Roman looked at the demon and squinted. He still felt a pounding in his head. It felt like he had a hangover, except it wasn’t. It was so bizarre… he was beginning to feel cranky. “Perhaps I should clean it?”

“Let me in.”

This made Roman even crankier, but he swaggered up the stairs, clutching the railing fiercely, until he tripped inside. “It’s not clean,” he said. His head was beginning to pound. He could barely see anything, let alone stand up. He gasped and leaned on the wall.

The demon followed him in, meekly looking around.

Roman was right – the room was messy. Clothes were strewn across the room, amidst CDs, sticky notes, and magazines. There was a guitar in the corner caked in dust and there were several rotten bananas lying around. The demon looked over the room, his face mildly interested, but said nothing. He closed the door.

“Wait a minute.” Roman’s face had turned white. Holding his head, he staggered into the bathroom. Blindly, he dumped out one, two, five pills, swallowing them at once. Then he came back to the demon looking worse than ever.

“I feel terrible.”

The demon said nothing, his hand tracing along a girl’s nipple on a poster on his main door. Then he said, “She looks pretty.”

Roman looked up and suddenly realized what the demon was talking about. “I share a room with –“

“No one. You’re a loner. You are handsome, but not attractive. You expect perfection in your friends, lovers, coworkers, and family, but since nobody is perfect, you are continually disappointed. You have isolated yourself from everyone you have ever loved. You are alone.”

Roman scowled. “And what’s this got to do with anything?”

“Do you have any space in this room?”

“The bed’s clear.” The demon looked at the bed with disdain. It was clear, one of the clearer spots in the room, but dirty socks and condoms still covered it. The demon immediately patted his pocket and shook his head.

“I am sorry for wasting your time, sir. Perhaps, when you learn what a washer is…”

“You’re not leaving, are you?” Roman’s voice was rising into a panic. “You can’t leave, not now. You’re not going to give it to me?”

“Apparently not. You wouldn’t know how to take care of it.”

“No! You can’t leave, not now! Please, please, I’ll do anything! I need it.” The demon’s lip twitched.

“Obviously not enough.”

“But I need it!”

“Do you even know what it is?” Roman stopped. His hair was greasy from him rubbing his head too much. He was beginning to sweat; his eyes were bloodshot. He was beginning to pant and gasp again, and his hand was over his heart. He doubled over, but shook his head.

“It is something that needs space. A lot of space. But private.”

“Someplace clean?”

“Not necessarily.”

Roman looked up hopefully. “I know of place. It’s a little place, just a basement really. It has rats…” he shuddered involuntarily. “But it’s better than nothing. I can take care of it. I can do anything. It’s underneath this floor. Nobody else knows about it, and even if they did, they can’t go to it.” He was about to say more, but he choked and began coughing. Then he fell to the floor, still gasping.

The demon regarded him carefully. He took out another paper in his pocket and unfolded it carefully. He read the contents and then stuffed it back in. “Roman?”

Roman looked at him blearily. “Yes?”

“I’ve changed my mind. You can have it. Let’s go.”

Roman nodded quickly. “Just wait a minute.” He hurried back into the bathroom and downed a couple more pills before coming back. Then they went down into the basement together.

Roman was right. The basement was full of little rats darting around. It was partially collapsed, so they had to duck more than a couple of times to get through. Besides that, there was a sewage leak. Still, the demon looked around and smiled.

“Lovely place.”

Roman shivered as he heard a chittering sound. “May I have it?”

The demon suddenly looked at him. “Draw a circle.”

“A circle?”

“Yes, a circle in the ground. Don’t make it too small.”

Roman looked scared, but he sat on the ground and with his finger, he made a little circle in the dust. The demon seemed even more pleased with the circle. He laughed harshly. “Oh, that will do, that will do quite nicely!” Roman smiled uncertainly.

“May I have it now?”

“Yes, yes. Here.” The smile disappeared, and once more the demon reached for the handkerchief, taking out the glowing little bag. Roman stepped closer, his face illuminated by the soft glow. “Take it.”

It was barely a whisper, but it was enough. Roman’s headache had disappeared and never before had he felt so wonderful. With trembling hands, he took it and slowly began to undo the cords.

“Put it in the circle.”

Roman did as he was commanded, and dumped the little bag into the circle. There was a hiss and then a fizzle. The dirt seemed to melt away, and a liquid was there, almost as if it was there to purify. It seeped everywhere, and it looked like it would spread across the entire room and engulf them both (or at least Roman hoped) but it stopped within the circle. It fizzed and sputtered more. And then something strange happened… the liquid began climbing onto itself in an ever faster rate until finally – finally – it began to form something. The form was at first strange, but then, slowly, it turned into something which Roman recognized at once.

It was an angel.

It wasn’t a human. Though it had human features (the long slender arms and legs, the flowing hair, the arched neck) there was something about it which was alien. Roman couldn’t understand it, but he wanted it all the same. He reached towards her.

“Don’t touch her.” It was Kashmiel.

Roman turned around, surprised. “Why not? She doesn’t look to dangerous, not now anyway.”

“If you touch her, she will kill you. Don’t touch her.”

“Why would she kill me?”

“To get back to heaven. To sacrifice you to him. The slave master of all the humans.” The demon laughed, though it wasn’t nice one. Then he turned to Roman. “She is not human, you know. She is very dangerous still.”

The angel was trembling violently. Her eyes were closed tightly, and her hands were curled into little fists. She was whimpering, and her fists moved just slightly, so it looked like she was pounding the earth.

Roman couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

“She’s so beautiful,” he whispered. The demon nodded slightly, though he seemed bored.

“She will need you to take care of her.”

“But how? If I can’t touch her…”

“She’ll only kill you if you want her to kill you. Only then. Here, I have something for you.” The demon rummaged through his pockets again and brought out a small bottle. “It’s for the angel. You should give her some every couple of hours.”

Roman took the bottle and looked dubiously at it. “What is it?”

“Something she needs for this world. It’ll help her become mortal.” Suddenly, Roman’s face snapped to his.



“No. She’s not going to be mortal. I like her this way. She’s beautiful.”

Kashmiel’s eyes narrowed. Then, very slowly, he said, “Do you know what an angel is?”

“No, but I do know one thing and that’s… “

“An angel is a human transformation of a soul. They have no bodies, they just look like they have bodies. If you put your hand on her, you could put your whole hand through her. And then she would consume you.”

“That’s besides the point!”

Kashmiel glowered at the man. “How long do you think an angel lasts on this mortal world, Roman?”

An uncomfortable pause.

“She will die if you don’t make her mortal. And by dying, I mean she will disappear. The divine slave master does not care for his fallen angels. She will be wiped away from all existence.” Roman stared at him and then the angel. He began wringing his hands.

“I can’t do this! You can’t make me do this…”

Kashmiel interrupted him, “She is bound to you now. You must give her a tablespoon every couple of hours until the bottle is empty. She will remain confined to the circle until she is mortal.”

“But…“ Roman’s voice was starting to panic.

“Goodbye, Roman.” The demon walked away.
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Tue Mar 21, 2006 8:43 am
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Caligula's Launderette says...

Hugs! Snoink, you updated! yay! and like the Campbell's soup commericals - Mmm Mmm Good. I actually tried to sleep, and couldn't so I thought I'd read. I love the emphasis you put on Roman wanting his place clean. His room actually reminded me of a friend of mines, made me chuckle. Oooo... on Kashmiel's explanation of the angel, and such.

Poor Roman...

I'll come back and re-read when I am more awake.

Ciao, CL
Fraser: Stop stealing the blanket.
[Diefenbaker whines]
Fraser: You're an Arctic Wolf, for God's sake.
(Due South)

Hatter: Do I need a reason to help a pretty girl in a very wet dress? (Alice)

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Thu Mar 23, 2006 6:00 am
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Fishr says...

*pats Kashmiel*

I dunno. You originaly thought Roman was sexy but.... Kashmiel here is pretty appealing himself. :P

As for Roman, lol, I can't help but laugh. He has a poster of a naked woman on his door and condoms all over his bed? The poor bastard, lmao. I like this version of him. He knows nothing of what he's getting into and yet is too curious and desperate.

Angel+Roman= :wink:

Back to Kashmiel, hehehe... *stares at suit* *points to him with a thumb*
Why can't all people dress like this?

While I like Kashmiel, he is a perfect character. Where's the faults? Does he at least twiddle his thumbs when he's thinking? Mortal or not, he should have some type of fault.
The sadness drains through me rather than skating over my skin. It travels through every cell to reach the ground. I filter it yet strangely enough, I keep what was pure and it is the dirt that leaves.

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Thu Mar 23, 2006 6:22 am
Snoink says...

fishr wrote:While I like Kashmiel, he is a perfect character. Where's the faults? Does he at least twiddle his thumbs when he's thinking? Mortal or not, he should have some type of fault.

He's a demon! What do you expect?

But really... he does have his faults. He can't hold the angel. Did you see him sweating once he held it?

At this point, Kashmiel doesn't have to have psychological faults. Because he is a demon, we can assume that he is probably not going to be nice, so he can't have a fault of being too good. Okay. But instead of giving him a fault which is bad, I am opting for the mysterious characer fault.

:shock: WHAT IS THIS???

Basically, I'm saying, look, I have this strange character whose motives are sketchy. He hands this angel to this human, asks him about Adam and Eve, and when he doesn't respond, he gives it to him. Why? We don't know yet, but considering this is a demon, he probably intends to destroy this man with this woman by making the angel mortal, thus making her flawed. A human.

And humans can be tempted by the serpent.

Next, he cares about her welfare. That might come to bite him on the butt later. I don't know... you don't know! But what I am setting him up for is a possible conflict. No, his flaws aren't known. Not now anyway. He can't hold the angel, and that's about it. But it is setting it up for the story.
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

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Thu Mar 23, 2006 6:34 am
Fishr says...

But really... he does have his faults. He can't hold the angel. Did you see him sweating once he held it?

I actually didn't notice that, mainly because I'm slightly tired so my senses are not up to par.

While that's a technical fault, yes, he's a character and correct me if I'm wrong, should ALL characters have one known, significant fault that makes them stand out all their own in a story?

For example - A temper, a phobia, escalating emotions, a mentality disorder, illness, the loss of a limb... who knows. While none of these seem to fit Kashmiel character, can you at least give him some dark secret? Hehe... Like how did he become a demon in the first place?
The sadness drains through me rather than skating over my skin. It travels through every cell to reach the ground. I filter it yet strangely enough, I keep what was pure and it is the dirt that leaves.

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Thu Mar 23, 2006 8:12 am
Snoink says...

fishr wrote:
But really... he does have his faults. He can't hold the angel. Did you see him sweating once he held it?

I actually didn't notice that, mainly because I'm slightly tired so my senses are not up to par.

While that's a technical fault, yes, he's a character and correct me if I'm wrong, should ALL characters have one known, significant fault that makes them stand out all their own in a story?

For example - A temper, a phobia, escalating emotions, a mentality disorder, illness, the loss of a limb... who knows. While none of these seem to fit Kashmiel character, can you at least give him some dark secret? Hehe... Like how did he become a demon in the first place?

Who says he doesn't have one? ;)

The difference? You don't know it yet. :)
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

Moth and Myth <- My comic! :D

"In my contact with people I find that, as a rule, it is only the little, narrow people who live for themselves, who never read good books, who do not travel, who never open up their souls in a way to permit them to come into contact with other souls -- with the great outside world."
— Booker T. Washington, Up From Slavery