
Young Writers Society

Hermione's Adventure

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Wed Mar 31, 2010 8:15 pm
brassnbridle says...

If you can guess, this is a Harry Potter fanfic. It takes place during the first book, after Harry and Hermione split up at the potion riddle and while Harry is facing off Professor Quirrel. I've always been curious to how Hermione and Ron's part of the adventure ended and disappointed that it was never mentioned, so I decided to write it, just for the fun of it. Let me know what you think!

Hermione raced across the black and white checkered floor littered with shattered marble. Dropping beside the prone figure, she hurriedly felt for a pulse, holding her breath.

Yes. There was a steady beating. Knocked out was always better than dead, she thought to herself. She studied her friend carefully. He didn’t look too great- he was almost as pale as Nearly-Headless Nick, stark against his freckles and shock of bright red hair. But at least Ron didn’t seem to have broken anything. Sighing with relief, Hermione stuck her wand back into her robes. She needed to get Ron to the hospital wing before he got any worse.

Then came the problem of moving him. Princes in Muggle fairy tales had no problem carrying swooning girls, but Hermione discovered fast that unconscious bodies were much too awkward and limp for such things- especially when they were taller than she was. So much for fairy tales, Hermione thought huffily as she wrapped her arms around Ron’s chest and headed for the door, Ron’s feet dragging on the ground.

Hermione glanced over her shoulder once, momentarily torn by indecision of leaving Harry to face whatever horrors he may come across in that final room. What if he needed her brains, her skills?

Ron needs me, too, she reminded herself firmly, and there‘s nothing you can do for Harry now. Although she did intend on tracking down the headmaster or anyone else useful the moment she got the chance.

Time seemed to stand still as Hermione and her limp burden passed the towering, lifeless and broken chess figures that loomed forebodingly overhead. Nothing stirred, but Hermione was still glad when they were through the doors.

Until she remembered the troll. Twelve whole feet of stinky, slimy, stupid troll sprawled out at the door. The troll was twitching and snorting now- showing signs of waking up. Hermione shuddered at the thought of facing another troll anytime soon.

She was much better prepared now, she assured herself. She stopped to reposition Ron so that she gripped his arms over her shoulders and his red head lolled at her left arm, then hurried for the opposite door as quickly as she could.

Hermione felt as much as heard the troll lumber to its feet, and it didn’t sound happy. She paused just long enough to pull out her wand and blast a fountain of red sparks at the far wall, hoping to distract the beast. Fear coursing through her veins gave her the strength to sprint the last halfway to the door under her heavy load. As the troll’s angry roars filled her ears, Hermione grasped the door handle, yanked it open, dragged herself and Ron through, and slammed it shut as hard as she could.

Blissful, still, silence greeted her, for in this room there was nothing more than bird-keys flapping peacefully overhead. There were hundreds of them, of every shape and size. Hermione, though, was interested only in catching her breath. She still had a long way to go.

Hermione slapped a hand to her forehead. How could she not have thought of it? They had learned the flying charm months ago! It might not be ideal, she thought, but it would certainly be easier than carrying Ron.

Wingardium Leviosa!” she said with a flick of her wand. Ron rose into the air until he hung four feet above the ground, and Hermione concentrated on keeping him in a hover just in front of her as she crossed the room. Much easier than carrying.

Hermione stopped at the far door, gently letting Ron down. She couldn’t forget the Devil’s Snare that had very nearly suffocated Harry and Ron. And even without the Devil’s Snare, how were they supposed to get to the trap door? She could fly Ron up there, but then he’d be at the mercy of the three-headed dog!

Desperately, Hermione raised her wand, glad she’d studied ahead in their charm book, and called out, “Accio rope!”

It was as much a surprise to her as it would have been to anybody else when just that came tumbling through the hole. Hermione stared- the rope was heavy, probably four inches thick. Glancing up, she couldn’t see it’s end. Crossing her fingers, Hermione grabbed the rope and tugged. When nothing happened, she gripped it with both hands and hung. She breathed a sigh of relief when the rope didn’t give way. Now, all she needed was…

She still had Hagrid’s flute! Glad she hadn’t given it back to Harry yet, Hermione pulled it out of her robes, turning it in her fingers as she thought. The next step would be tricky, as the Devil’s Snare plant was only a few feet from which she stood- she didn’t want to tangle with that plant again.

Reluctantly, she decided the only way this would work would be to send Ron ahead of her. Clenching the flute in her teeth, she cast the flying charm on Ron once more and carefully maneuvered him through the door at the top, letting him drop gently on the ground. Immediately a low growl started, and Hermione started playing.

All she could manage without her hands was one tuneless note, but that seemed to be enough for the dog. Cramming her wand back into her robes, Hermione grabbed the rope and began hauling herself up, one slow pull at a time, all the while blowing through the little wooden flute. Finally, she pulled herself up over the edge. The rest was easy, she told herself.

Then she saw where the rope had come from- it was attached to one of the dog’s collars! Hermione gasped, accidentally taking her teeth out of the flute. Desperately she scrambled to catch it, but she was a second to slow- and the flute tumbled through the trap door.

Instantly, all three heads came awake- three sets of teeth bared and three low growls coming from its throats as six red eyes narrowed on her alone. Grapping Ron’s arm, Hermione yanked her wand out with a shaking hand, sending off green and red sparks as well as any spell she could think of to distract the monster. But the dog was not easily distracted from it’s prey, and the spells were buying her very little time- not as much time as she needed to make it to the door.

Teeth snapped inches from her wand tip and Hermione screamed, dragging Ron by one arm and firing red sparks in the head’s eyes with the other. Almost at the door… nearly there…

The door flew open with a bang, and light flooded in the room. Hermione glanced up to see a tall figure in billowing robes silhouette in the light… the man called out something in a booming voice, and instantly the three-headed dog dropped into a drooling sleep.

“Professor Dumbledore!” Hermione exclaimed, relieved.
“Yes, I do go by that name. Are you two all right?” he asked, looking concerned.
“We are now, thank you. Professor, Harry-”

“Yes, I’m aware- I must hurry,” Dumbledore called over his shoulder as he crossed the room. Hermione felt as though a ten ton load had been lifted from her. If Dumbledore was here, everything would be fine, she told herself, sighing in relief. Now all she had to do was haul Ron up to the hospital wing.

“You could wake up anytime now, Ron,” she muttered, resigned to the long haul. She was physically and emotionally exhausted. This heroics thing was much harder than it ever was in Muggle fairy tales.
If there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.~Toni Morrison

It is written in m life-blood, such as that is, thick or thin; I can do no other~ Tolkien

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Thu Apr 01, 2010 2:50 pm
WritingWords says...

You did a pretty good impression of Dumbledore there. What I found very vague was when you described Hermione's spells.
She paused just long enough to pull out her wand and blast a fountain of red sparks at the far wall, hoping to distract the beast.

Red sparks? Would there be any of that in the Harry Potter books? Even if you can't find a spell like that mentioned in the series, just make up one! Don't say red sparks and green sparks! It sounds lame to the reader! And, you should expand the troll part. It was too easily beaten, almost like you were too lazy to write about the troll. Some red sparks distracted the troll so easily? I mean, after that part, I almost felt like not reading on. I don't want to sound mean, but this is how the reader will feel.
Oh, and at this part
She still had Hagrid’s flute! Glad she hadn’t given it back to Harry yet, Hermione pulled it out of her robes, turning it in her fingers as she thought.

I thought you just mentioned that Hermione was worried about Harry. Why would she suddenly feel good that she hadn't given it back to him? Wouldn't she be worried about Harry getting out? It makes Hermione seem like she suddenly had a change of personality. Be careful not to change the way your characters think in the middle of the story. I would take that sentence out.
Be sure to PM me with any questions! :)
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Popularity Wars Chapter Three is now here:

Please review!! Love ya!

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Thu Apr 01, 2010 4:23 pm
curiousvampire says...

I'm a huge 'Harry Potter' fanatic and I loved this piece. Thank You for the read and the hard work you put into this. Good Job!
"I became insane,with long intervals of horrible insanity."

"Their ideology is that human nature is fundamentally evil.In other words, humans are evil from the day they are born."

"Human is beatiful. Perfect is boring."

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Thu Apr 01, 2010 4:50 pm
midnightread says...

Hi brassnbridle
I like this, it is a fanfiction of one of my all time favourite books.
I had never really thought of what Hermione did after Harry went through th flames but I like your idea of what could have happened.
If you write any more Harry Potter fanfiction be sure to pm me.
midnightread :elephant:
The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
A wise man does not need advice and a fool won't take it.

Growing old is mandatory,
Growing up is optional.

Rugby is a thugs game played by gentle men,
Football is a gentleman's game played by thugs.

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Thu Apr 15, 2010 3:04 am
NinjaCookieMonster says...

I could review this, but I don't feel like it. I did like this, though, a lot; I always did wonder what happened to Ron and Hermione. I think you put in Hermione's personality, which was a nice touch, since we don't really see a lot of that. There were a couple of misspellings, but I don't feel like correcting them. Very nice!
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Sat Apr 17, 2010 10:48 am
Maddy says...

I really enjoyed reading this!
I have always wondered what happened to Ron and Hermione when Harry was facing Voldemort. You can see you put a great effort into this. I love your writing skill"z": your words flowed easily, your sentences easy to read, and you captured Hermione's character well.
All in all, a fantastic piece! Well done!
-If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you!
-"Careful with that light at the end of the tunnel, it might be another train coming."

This awesome post bought to you by me. :)

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Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:43 pm
thehobbitgangster says...

Ha! I loved Dumbledore's line "Yes, I do go by that name." I thoroughly enjoyed your interpretation of what happened!!
A man can change his stars.
William Thatcher ~ "A Knight's Tale"

Just because I'm losing, doesn't mean I'm lost ~ Lost! by Coldplay

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Tue Apr 20, 2010 12:49 am
xXShadowPeopleXx says...

Wow! :smt005
I love the way you were able to keep J. K. Rowling's style as you wrote this. It's great!
I cry in secret, for the world doesn't under stand me...

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Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:55 am
brassnbridle says...

Thank you everybody for your reviews and suggestions! Much appreciated!
If there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.~Toni Morrison

It is written in m life-blood, such as that is, thick or thin; I can do no other~ Tolkien

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Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:13 am
NepoGirl says...

I absolutely love Harry Potter and I like your interpretation of what happened to Harry's friends when he was with Quirrel.

The descriptions were nice and the story went along with a hitch. However, I think you could've described Hermione's feelings more at the time. She is just 11 and she just encountered a 3 headed dog, a deadly plant, flying keys, a troll, and a destructive chess pieces. I would've been terrified and the Halloween troll incident in the book said she froze in terror while here she was cool and calm.

It might just be the adrenaline but she should have a better reaction.

Though, it's still pretty good and I love your interpretation!

Cioa! :elephant:
This Months Disney Film: Beauty And The Beast

~Is It Wrong That I Find The Beast More Attractive As An Actual Beast Then His Human Prince Form?

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Fri May 07, 2010 6:33 pm
butterflyflutterby2 says...

Hey loved this! i love harry potter and it sounds like its in the book you have done an exelent job !! :elephant:
"Royalties are the money you earn each week after publishing a book..." "Okay" "Guess where i learned that from?" "Were?" " SIMS3!"

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Tue Jun 01, 2010 7:17 pm
bunnie_i_am says...

I really like this peice, it's very realistic to Herminones charecter, but one thing that bothered me was this-
“Accio rope!”

I know you mentioned her studing a head, but that would be three years ahead... That didn't learn that spell until the fourth book...
That's just me though.
Good job! =-D

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Sun Jun 06, 2010 7:57 pm
IsebellaLynnette says...

Yay! To tell you the truth, I actually have never really thought about what happened to Hermione and Ron while Harry was stuck with Quirrell and Voldy-thing. Good idea! :)

I really liked this because you described everything in depth. I could imagine everything that was going on and see it in my head. What I also found hilarious was Dumbledore's statement "Yes, I do go by that name." XD

However, I think the ending was a little...abrupt. I mean, I understand why you'd put it like that, and I'd probably do it the same way, but maybe you could add just a little bit more, maybe what happens when Ron wakes up, how they hope Harry's all right, their tense waiting as Dumbledore goes off to rescue him, etc. Just saying.

Still--I think this was very good; you should write more HP fan-fictions! ^^
"There's a big difference between shooting a target and shooting a charging Wargal. A target isn't usually trying to kill you."
~Halt, Ranger's Apprentice Book Two: The Burning Bridge

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Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:31 pm
Seraphina says...

I really liked this! Especially Dumbledore's entree xD so funny!
You kept JK Rowlings style and that's great!
Well done!

-- A.

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Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:19 pm
seeminglymeaningless says...

Hey Brass :) You critiqued Battle for me, so I thought I would return the favour :]

As it so happens, I don't generally read fanfiction, but due to a YWS user's suggestion, I started to read these amazing remakes of ALL of the books, and I'm still caught up in the whole awesomeness that is Harry Potter.

Anyway, here's my review. Hope it's useful (I see you've already got plenty of critiques, so my review might not be that great) :)

brassnbridle wrote:Yes. There was a steady beating. Knocked out was always better than dead, she thought to herself.

brassnbridle wrote:Ron needs me, too, she reminded herself firmly, and there‘s nothing you can do for Harry now. Although she did intend on tracking down the headmaster or anyone else useful the moment she got the chance.

Should what she's thinking be in italics?

brassnbridle wrote:Desperately, Hermione raised her wand, glad she’d studied ahead in their charm book, and called out, “Accio rope!”

Earlier you have made italicised spells, decide which one you wish to have :P

brassnbridle wrote:It was as much a surprise to her as it would have been to anybody else when just that came tumbling through the hole. Hermione stared- the rope was heavy, probably four inches thick.

Just a small thing here - four inches is quite thick for a rope. Do you mean radius (because yes, it's definitely way too thick), diameter or circumference?

brassnbridle wrote:Clenching the flute in her teeth, she cast the flying charm on Ron once more and carefully maneuvered manoeuvred him through the door at the top, letting him drop gently on the ground.

brassnbridle wrote:Cramming her wand back into her robes, Hermione grabbed the rope and began hauling herself up, one slow pull at a time, all the while blowing through the little wooden flute. Finally, she pulled herself up over the edge.

Quick question, why didn't she just levitate herself up as well?

brassnbridle wrote:Hermione gasped, accidentally taking her teeth out of the flute.

I think you mean, "Hermione gasped, accidentally taking her teeth off of the flute."

brassnbridle wrote:Grapping Grasping? Grabbing? Ron’s arm, Hermione yanked her wand out with a shaking hand, sending off green and red sparks as well as any spell she could think of to distract the monster.

I agree with a previous comment. Hermione is smart, I'm sure she can come up with other spells to use to distract Fluffy.

brassnbridle wrote:“Yes, I do go by that name. Are you two all right?” he asked, looking concerned.

Perversely, I think this should be:
"Yes, I do go by that name. Lemon drop?" He asked cheerfully, a foil packet in one hand.

Well, that's all I have to say in terms of mistakes and small opinions. Your grammar, spelling and style was very mature and I found very little flaws. As some of the other commentators have pointed out, Hermione seems to have little feeling, but I know how hard it is to convey a characters feelings :P

Do have a read of that Harry Potter fan fiction I supplied at the top. The first book is a bit hard to get through, but my, the series is fantastic. And I'm not even that much of a Harry Potter fan :P

Thanks for the very easy read - I wish other posters would take as much care as you did with this story :)

I have an approximate knowledge of many things.

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— V for Vendetta