
Young Writers Society

What influenced you to write what you are writing right now?

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Mon Sep 01, 2008 1:02 am
moon jumper says...

Usually when I think about something, usually a story pops into my head. Well, the basis, actually. So a week or two I tried out for a cross country team. My mom runs and I thought if she liked it, I might. Anyway, to get to the point, I was in a up-lifting kind of mood, and I just thought of running and BANG! I got the idea for a runner who loses her legs. Duh. I know it's not that creative- probably cliche too, but I'm actually loving the story now.

Today I started the prologue and I'm not that happy with it, but hey, if you write something you love on the first try, then everyone would be a writer and it wouldn't be special to be one...Oh, God, I'm ranting or something like that. Back to the main idea!

Basically, on the bare bones here, Andi (the main character) loses her legs in a freak accident (so cliche, but whatever) and isn't able to run for a whole year. Her family's disfunctional, and her mom leaves, etc. etc., she isn't able to push herself to run. Until she meets Jordan. He gets her back on her feet (psychologically and physically) and stuff like that. The end is definitely murky and so is the middle and beginning, but I'll be able to sort it out sooner or later...I'm not sure about Jordan either... (sorry, Jordan!)
Writing once a day keeps the voices away, and I've created a blog all about it: Daily Dose.
...and I'm now trying to create a user group based on the idea! Tell me if you're interested!

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Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:49 am
alwaysawriter says...

Books, movies, tv shows, and people watching.
Meshugenah says to (18:12:36):
Kat's my new favorite. other than Sachi.

WWJD: What Would Jabber Do?

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Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:24 pm
Tlahti says...

What I'm working on at the moment is sort of a collection of short stories, all revolving around the same person (her life/history)

I was inspired to do this because of a fictional character, that a friend of mine has created. Her description of this character is remarkably detailed, and his (the character's) history contains so much. As the character is created as a 2000+ year old being there's a lot of empty space, which she fills up as new ideas pop into her head. I too have created a fictional character (no surprise there), but when I read about her's I noticed how blank mine was. Therefore I decided to fill in the blanks, though... my progress is slow.
In omnibus requiem quaesivi, et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro.
Character in avatar belongs to Sarah Ellerton.

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Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:38 pm
chocoholic says...

Loose Ends was inspired by a conversation with my mum about humanity's will to survive an fear of death, and how suicide fitted into that.
*Don't expect to see me around much in the next couple of weeks. School has started again, and it'll be a couple of weeks before I've settled in. If you've asked me for a critique, you will get it, but not for a little while. Sorry*

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Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:45 pm
Matt Bellamy says...

Event seven of the writing olympics - my entry is the first paragraph of my story.

Got Tumblr? Me too! http://www.writersam.co.uk

Peeking Cat Poetry Magazine is accepting submissions! http://peekingcatpoetrymagazine.blogspot.co.uk

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Tue Oct 28, 2008 2:50 am
niccy_v says...

Reading Twilight/NM/Eclipse/BD

As i was reading it i imagined alternatives and a whole storyline developed in my head, which i struggled to ignore until, when i'd finally had enough i got out Microsoft Word and bam. Fifty pages at least.

It's about a vampire and a human he falls in love with but he's done it in the past (he's 4 centuries old) and yeah she doesn't mind and yadayadayada.

Mainly i write after personal experiences but i alter them to the ways i wished they'd turned out.
Writing gives my life purpose

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Tue Oct 28, 2008 3:03 am
POTAFan1973 says...

My previous fan fic (seen in the fanfic section) everything before 'As soon as Shangar left' was actually something I found a POTA Yahoo Group. The person had started on it in 2003 or 2004 and they never finished it. I read it and said 'Hey this story as potential I'll save it and finish it'. Six chapters and an epilog later, I'm very proud of myself. It can be seen on FanFiction.net, my username is WriterNut.

This next one I'm writing I knew I was going to write it while I was on the 4th or 5th chapter of 'Search'. I will probably not write another fanfic after I get done with this one but you never know.
One person's craziness is another person's reality
-Tim Burton

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Tue Oct 28, 2008 12:42 pm
Stori says...

Well, I'm not actually writing... but I want to explore an idea that I call "Duskling."

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Sun Nov 02, 2008 1:05 am
Aspen says...

I'm writing 'The Chains that Bind Us' right now. I read another one of those Redwall books, and a couple of Redwall Fanfics.

Well, here I am now. I have an unhealthy obsession with Redwall.

Only when a beast has done wrong has he earned the name vermin.

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Mon Nov 03, 2008 11:17 am
niccy_v says...

For NaNo i'm doing this one about a magical horse who can hear the girls thoughts and feelings and responds. The girl is paralyzed but through the horse and the girls' boyfriend she's jumping in the paralympics and yeah... happy ending wooo

I got it out of re-reading My Little Pony for my niece and this horror movie on a paralyzed girl who gets everything she ever dreams of (including being able to move again) only to be savagely murdered by her jealous brother

My inspiration right there^^
Writing gives my life purpose

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Tue Nov 04, 2008 7:17 pm
Kevzta says...

Usually i go for a walk and loads of things spring to mind about what i could write about. But recently i have been having some dreams that would make fantastic stories, disturbing, but decent. The book im starting now, ( still in the first chapter, will hope to post soon) is called Frederic Brice. I dreamt that i was being stalked by a seriously deranged physcopath, and so that's what i decided to write about.

So stock up on sugar before you go bed, keep the mind active and have some weird dreams.

Then there was complete darkness...

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Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:34 pm
adi says...

i'm doing 3 stories right now.

slip: it's a dystopian, sort of vampire book. i was inspired by a bunch of dystopian books (we read 1984 and Fahrenheit 415 in school), and a little bit of twilight. shoot me. that was my twilight phase. i was twelve! and that was the rough draft. now, it's a lot darker and less vampire-y. more rebel against hitler/1984-y.

life: the one i started posting on here. one of my friends introduced me to the perks of being a wallflower and i caught on. fast. that was my inspiration for this. i also started writing this after i read markus zusak's books, so i was taking a try at colorful language. oh, and who could forget the inspiration from middle school drama.

unnamed: (it actually doesn't have a name yet) i ahve these freakishly vivid dreams. like really vivid, crazy dreams. and one day i had a dream about a warring kingdom (it was on top of huge snowball, but that's not the point). and the king was killed. stabbed with a sword, and then he froze. and his son, this kid with brown hair and freckles, just started crying. and on and on and on. that was my inspiration.
a c c e p t
the love we think we
d e s e r v e.

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Thu Dec 11, 2008 6:50 pm
fire_of_dawn says...

I was thinking a doing a story about a dragon changeling, then I thought "That's been done. What about a gryphon..." Then I came up with the idea of a cat being a gryphon in disguise.
"Do? I'll tell you what we'll do! We'll be ready!"
Matthias, from Redwall

"Life consists of doing the impossible."
Brother Fir, The Heir of Mistmantle

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Thu Dec 11, 2008 7:03 pm
Night Mistress says...

I suppose Twilight had a role in my inspiration for Poison Love.
"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

~Elizzabeth Grey of Addicting Posion

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Thu Dec 11, 2008 7:08 pm
Blink says...

Dunno, really.

Myself, and how I see things. How people treat me, and how people treat others. Stuff like that?
"A man's face is his autobiography. A woman's face is her work of fiction." ~ Oscar Wilde

You can't choose your parentage. But you can choose your legacy.
— Rick Riordan, The Blood of Olympus