
Young Writers Society

Vesuvios - Accepting (Still on)

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Sun Apr 15, 2012 3:20 pm
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SirTobes says...

I run as fast as I can, my legs pumping and my heart beating like drums. I can only think of one thing to do, get out of here. The ash is pouring down and I can see children crying for their mothers and fathers. Our world is crumbling, everything I grew up with is crashing down around us and we can't explain it. Flame and dirt is rising from the mountain and falling to the ground.

I dart across a stepping stone crosswalk. I'm out of my street, and I'm very lost. Everyone is pushing past me, trying to reach safety. A big rock about the size of a house hurtles towards me, I jump away, and land on my face. The shock from the big pile of molten rock flings me onto a cart of fruit and it crushes beneath me. I flip myself over, so I'm lying on the cart staring up at the sky. Another rock is raining down on me, it's much bigger this time.

I hurl myself up and try to jump to safety. Another rock is coming down at me and I haven't even got away from the first. The whole stret is burning and covered in ash.
The big rock lands.
It is like a big wave coming in from the bay.
The other one lands.
The world goes red,
Then black.
Then nothing.

Spoiler! :
It's August 1st, 79 AD and it's the last month of winter in Pompei.
The light snow that did fall is melting and the first buds are starting to show on the trees. But over the horizon comes a dark day, the mountain always known as Vesuvio is starting to tremble. No one suspects anything.

Spoiler! :
You live in Pompei in 79 AD. The choice of character (Name, age, family, story) is completely up to you. The storybook starts on 1st August and is quite simple. When the 24th comes you have to get yourself to safety and any family you may have. Live the first twenty three days as a typical day in Pompei.

Spoiler! :
This is permission only. So once you have posted your profile wait for a PM from me on an answer. Do not argue with what I have to say.
EDIT: This is all accepting, but please try your best to make a nice, interesting and detailed character.I can not stress enough that you mix charcaters up. I hate seeing 10 17 year old girls all in one SB. MIX IT UP. A centurion, a gladiator, an emperors slave (no emperor, that is me), an old man, a bartender, a castaway, a wife fearing for her family's life, a widow, a young lover, a mute little girl, the possibilities are endless! So please, don't bore me with same old same old, mix it up.
There are 12 slots available (Including me). We will be starting with 8, but it will still be open to others. More slots may be added if on high demand.

Spoiler! :
Name- This speaks for itself.
Age- Same here.
Gender- And here.
Story- Not a full life story, just a paragraph on your characters past up until August 79.
Appearance/Picture (Optional)- This speaks for itself. Be detailed please.
Status- This is a bit complicated. Tell me where you stand in Pompei. How wealthy are you? Are you popular? Do lots of people know you? What do you do for a living? What slot do you fit in?
Again, please be detailed.
Personality- You know it.
Strengths/Weaknesses- Please be detailed. No God modding. Three strengths and weaknesses per person.
Other- anything else you want to say about your character? Do it here.

Spoiler! :
Code: Select all




Appearance/ Picture(Optional):





Spoiler! :
6 Slots taken.
6 slots available. (More may be added if on high demand)

1. JustToby- Fim
2. Satan- Cornelius
3. SidereaAquila- Leona Quinta
4. XxMusicaxX- Nacosta 'Nas'
4A. XxMusicaxX- Waiting on profile
5. 567ajt- Maximus Propane
6. CeruleanBlaze- April Blackford.

Spoiler! :
1. I am boss. And always right. I take any comments, concerns you have whole heartedly and please don't be afraid of me.

2. Proper Grammar/Spelling. It's painful to my eyes and everyone elses so please use it. Make sure to edit posts if mistakes are spotten.

3. No God Modding. It's stupid, and if I notice it I will have a talk and if it happens three times your out.

4. No fighting. If you have a problem, consult me, not the person. If you have been directly abused by a member of the SB contact me and I will evict them immediately.

5. No killing other characters without permission from both me and the person.

6. No sex, although you can hint it, and romance is definitely allowed.

7. Swearing. I don't have a problem with occasional swearing, but NO MODERN SWEAR WORDS. This is 79 AD people. Do your research.

8. All out of character posts should be posted in the DT which will go up shortly.

9. Do not double post unless nothing has been posted in 24 hours.

10. For every new day I will start with this: # August, 79 AD.

11. I believe in complete contact with other SB members. Make sure conversation is always happening in the DT and when having a conversation with another character plan ahead with he person.

12. Please start every new post with this:
Name-Date-Place eg. Flavio- 24th of August 79- Ampitheatre

13. No modern slang. As I said, it's 79 AD!

14. Be kind.

15. Have fun!

Failure to stay within the rules will result in punishment, especially 15. Mwahahahahahaha!
I'm joking, just try to stick within these.
If you can't, don't bother applying.

DT will go up shortly.
EDIT: DT is here.

Problems...surely not! But if you do, contact me or visit the DT.
Have fun
Last edited by SirTobes on Fri May 11, 2012 7:50 am, edited 13 times in total.
There is no such thing as a stranger. Only friends we haven't met yet.

Previously Just Toby


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Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:49 pm
SirTobes says...

Name: No birth name. Known as Fim

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Story: Fims mother died at his birth leaving his Father to raise him. Fim's father never liked Fim, he blamed Fim for his wife's death and thought Fim was a big baby. He blew all his money on drinks at the bar and died when Fim was eight. Until he was ten, he didn't have a name. His parents wanted to be different and not name him Septum the second (his fathers name). When Fims mother died her husband was thrown until a world of hate against Fim. He didn't name him. No one knows how Fim became to be known as "Fim". But everyone calls him that. He lives on the streets now and begs for food. He did have a job as cleaning the toilets in the local bar where Drunken, smelly, old men went to relieve themselves and it wasn't very pleasent. He learnt to cope with it and what life threw at him, and he gets by. Just.

Appearance/ Picture(Optional): Fim is short and scrawny. He has messy, light brown hair that always has dirt and grime in it. He has a petite face, with a button nose and a cheeky mouth with the biggest and most heartwarming smile in Pompei. He has hazel eyes and short eyebrows. He wears old rags to clothes, with holes in the shirt. During winter it can get very cold. He goes barefoot. If he had a bit of a clean, he would be a vey handsome young man.

Personality: For a homeless, parent less, little boy he's a happy little bugger as the men at the bar would say. He is vey cheeky and always get's in your way. He is determined and courageous, and does it with a smile. He has an intriguing way about him, that makes you want to know more about him. It may not se it, but to strangers, he is quite shy. He is very brave and puts others before him.

Status: He is quite well known in the area he comes from. If you went two blocks in any direction they'd say- "The Fim what?" He is quite popular in his area and is quite well looked after by those around him, although he is still homeless. He doesn't have a job, yet is always helping out for small fees.

Strengths/Weaknesses: He is very quick, and agile. You wouldn't notice him if he came up and took some money out of your hand. He is very silent. He hates water. Can't swim. He doesn't like night, and tends to move around during the day. He isn't very strong.
1. Speed
2. Agility
3. Silence
1. Water & Swimming
2. Night
3. Strength

Other: He stole a knife from his father when he was five and keeps it behind his ear, tucked behind his hair. He wears a green bracelet made of string.

This is something I would be looking for.
Last edited by SirTobes on Wed Apr 18, 2012 7:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
There is no such thing as a stranger. Only friends we haven't met yet.

Previously Just Toby


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Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:37 pm
SidereaAquila says...

Post first, then wait for permission, right?

Name: Leona Quinta
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Story: Leona led the sheltered life of a typical Roman girl. She has one younger sister. Her parents, especially her mother, were very stern when it came to proper social conduct. Leona felt repressed, and so as time progressed, her relationship with her mother grew worse and worse. About a month ago, Leona was betrothed against her will to Marcellus Aurelius, the son of a wealthy Roman senator. Leona and Marcellus do not get along, and Leona would much prefer to marry someone she actually likes. She desperately hopes that some disaster will befall Marcellus before their wedding day. If necessary, she is willing to create that disaster herself.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Leona wears a mask of quiet complacency, according to social custom. However, that masks hides a fiery personality, a rebellious nature, and a host of ambitions for the future. She is very smart, especially with numbers, but tends to hide this and her other abilities from her parents and her parents' friends. She is very goods friends with her sister, Aemilia, and Aemilia will keep any secret Leona tells her. Leona likes to sneak out of the family villa when her father is gone, and she will often go wandering the streets of Pompeii with the family dog as a guard. She has an unquenchable thirst for adventure, which can cause her to do some dangerous things.
Status: Leona's father, Gaius Quintus, is a very wealthy Roman senator. The Quinti have vacation homes in Pompeii and Baiae, and are not afraid to flaunt their upper class status. Gaius has quite a bit of financial control in Pompeii, and often hosts lavish dinner parties that are the talk of the town.
1. Sneakiness
2. Acting skills/intelligence
3. Financial power
1. Recklessness
2. Temper
3. Social restrictions
Other: Leona has a habit of flirting with other boys when her parents and Marcellus aren't around. She won't do anything too drastic when it comes to love, though; she would prefer to get to know someone before starting anything serious.

How's that?
Skittles: Taste the Spectrum


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Mon Apr 16, 2012 5:05 am
SirTobes says...

Great Job Siderea!
There is no such thing as a stranger. Only friends we haven't met yet.

Previously Just Toby


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Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:58 pm
Satan says...

Neat idea, hope this is adequete,

Name: Quadratus Oppius Cornelius, though he prefers Cornelius.
Age: Seventeen
Gender: Male
Story: Cornelius is the son of Caius Oppius Novanus and Cornelia Sosis Caeser. His mother died in childbirth, and his father named him after her. He grew up working at the bar his father owned, and constantly flirted with every girl in sight. His father grew sick of this around the time he was fifteen, and finally told him to grow up and marry a girl, or he would be out of a job and he'd tell everyone in Pompeii he was an awful worker. Cornelius, the sensible chap, quickly stole the heart of young Atia Domna, and had her married within the year. After a bit more bugging on his father's part, him and Atia are now the proud parents of Cornelia Oppius -- a nine month old baby girl.
Appearance/Picture: Image
Tall, and rather masculine, Cornelius bears a head of messy, dark brown hair, and has dull, green eyes. He has a full, roundish face like his mother, and bushy eyebrows like his father. Since Cornelia was born, he's developed a bit of a pot-belly as he's had too little time for excersize, and too much for food.
Status: Cornelius is popular among the women, and although most of the men think he's a bit immature, they all like him well enough because he brings them drinks and food at his father's bar. He makes good enough money, enough to get by, but not quite enough to enjoy a lavish lifestyle. His father, who knew from the start he didn't want a spoiled brat as a son, makes sure of that by holding back his wages every now and then.
Personality: Immature and a general fun-lover, Cornelius hardly takes anything seriously. And the things he does, he still treats with a care-free attitude. It's hard to get him to calm down once he's riled up, though it's equally as hard to get him moving when he's feeling slow. He's a good father, and an adequete husband, though he still has to catch himself from winking at girls whenever Atia's around. He doesn't know much, well, knowledge-wise. He can read, hardly, and is learning to write from his father, but beyond that he's really quite clueless.
    1. Persuasive -- he could sweet talk you to death
    2. Athletic
    3. Nice sense of humour
    1. An inability to take anything seriously -- even if it's life or death, he'll still find time to crack a few jokes
    2. Can't control himself around women
    3. Not very bright

Other: He's a fast runner, a swell swordsman, and a pretty good archer. And he'll do anything to protect Cornelia and Atia.
Last edited by Satan on Thu Apr 19, 2012 3:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
frickdamn, son.

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Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:07 am
SirTobes says...

Nice Satan, I'm just waiting on a reply from someone important.
I'll get back to you, as soon as I can.
There is no such thing as a stranger. Only friends we haven't met yet.

Previously Just Toby


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Tue Apr 17, 2012 8:15 pm
SirTobes says...

DT is up. Please keep all out of character posts here. Thank you.
There is no such thing as a stranger. Only friends we haven't met yet.

Previously Just Toby


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Fri Apr 20, 2012 4:34 pm
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SirTobes says...

Live your picture Satan!
The description goes great with it!
There is no such thing as a stranger. Only friends we haven't met yet.

Previously Just Toby


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Sat Apr 21, 2012 9:18 pm
SirTobes says...

Name: Emperor Thesius Romulus Corniglia

Age: 42, looks 100.


Story: Thesius was born a leader, his father was an emperor, his grandfather was an emperor, his great grandfather was an emperor: He was an emperor. He has a wife, although she isn't seen by the public often. He was 15 when he became emperor after his father threatened to kill him and ended up being killed by Thesius. He isn't a cruel person, he's someone you don't see around that often and know is pretty scary. At 30, he decided to build the grandest villa in the Roman empire.
12 years on, and it is still just a pile of pillars. The cause for slow building is unknown.

Appearance/ Picture(optional):Yes, he's 42, but he looks about 500. His hair has gone grey and he has nearly lost it all. His eyebrows have been mnown to be he fate of small children and pets and his nose is long and round. He has dark hazel eyes and they are like hawks. They have huge bags under them. His mouth is never smiling and it is quite large. He has wrinkles everywhere and a frown on his forehead. He wears a simple white Dalmatica with purple strip indicating superiority. He wears a red and gold toga and sandals and calcie for footwear. He is tall and quite slim, although he is getting bigger.

Personality: Thesius isn't a bad emperor. He has the public with him and he likes it like that. He is very quiet and well kept, and loves a good joke. But he never smiles. Just laughs on the inside. He is very optimistic but can be boring and slow. As a young man, he was quite strong and quick, but nowadays, not so much.

Status: As an emperor, his status is simple: He is popular, well known, wealthy and fits into Emperor slot.

1. Popular
2. Optimistic
3. Good eyesight
1. Slow.
2. Boring.
3. Getting plump.

Other: Is already in a relationship and that's it.

So this is your emperor. You may want to mention him in your posts somewhere.
I will not post the Emperor as much as Fim, but he will be posted.
Keep reading the DT, the SB and have a nice day.
Tobes- 8)
There is no such thing as a stranger. Only friends we haven't met yet.

Previously Just Toby


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Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:41 pm
MasterGrieves says...

Name: Maximus Propane

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Story: Enslaved by the Persians as a youngster, he ran away to be raised by wolves on the outskirts of Rome. He was practically a begger for 20 years until taken under the wing of Prime, leader of the Roman military. There he gained his skills of no mercy and he is a known right-hand-man for the Emperor. He likes wine.

Appearance/ Picture(Optional): He needs no picture. He is that cool.

Personality: He has little to no personality. He just kills, and kills some more. However, like Macbeth, he is known to question his conscience. However this is usually in the middle of combat; something he sucks at notoriously.

Status: He gets paid WAY too much.

1) Paid a lot
2) Is noble
3) Never-say-die
1) Sucker for women
2) Is corrupted by money
3) Has a phobia of midgets

Other: Loves to sing in the Choir of Lost Souls.

The Nation of Ulysses Must Prevail!

If you don't like Mikko, you better friggin' die.

The power of Robert Smith compels you!

Adam + Lisa ♥

When you greet a stranger look at his shoes.
Keep your money in your shoes.

I was 567ajt

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Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:38 am
xXmusicaXx says...

Spoiler! :
I swear I posted a profile last night. Then again, I can't even remember when I dropped off to sleep so..
Anyways, profile in construction. Thanks for the invite Tobes.

Name: Nascosta 'Nas'
Age: 31
Gender: Male

Orphaned at the age of five, Bas grew up to be a natural thief. He fell in with another group of street kids who would lie, steal and generally do anything short of killing a person for a way to survive. He was

Spoiler! :


Status: Commoner. (Criminal, actually) Lowest of the low.

Other: Plans to rob the royal vault one day. That happens to be the day before Vesuvius erupts. I need a few characters who can help with this plan. :D
Last edited by xXmusicaXx on Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:57 am, edited 3 times in total.
"Married to music - 'nuff said."
"Freedom is everything to me."

"Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?"
"I shall futterwacken vigorously"
~ Tarrant Hightop, Alice in Wonderland.

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Tue Apr 24, 2012 3:11 am
CeruleanBlaze says...

Sorry this is all I have so far, but I really need to finish school stuff first and THEN I promise to dedicate my time to this. And I also wanted to bring this back up to the top :3

Name: April Blackford

Age: 17

Gender: female

Story: Orphaned at 5 (mom was a prostitute who died at April's birth and dad was some nobody labourer who died of exhaustion) and was sent to live with her beer belly, bald uncle (dad's side) who was terribly awkward and secluded. He spent his days in his little cottage at the edge of town, making keys, thin chains and various other small and simple metal work.

April herself doesn't hold herself too highly. She knows her parents past and had constantly been told she's no better than them, and soon enough, she starts to believe them. She just doesn't know what to do with herself and have an uncle like that isn't the ideal role model.

Appearance/ Picture(Optional):
Spoiler! :

Spoiler! :

She's got dark redish brown hair and light olive skin. April has a sprinkle of almost invisible freckles on her nose and around her shoulders/chest area. She's about five four and has a slim build and long legs. She's got plain brown eyes framed with thick lashes that are always enhanced with makeup. In fact, she wears very heavy makeup though she doesn't need it. Her eyes are complimented with thin lips and a small nose.

Personality: She's cocky, tries to be seductive and brutally honest to people. April doesn't sense boundaries and would stick her nose into anything. If it was said generously, April was a brave and carefree girl. Another prespective would say she's sharp tongued and a heartless whore. She's kind of like Beatrice from Much Ado About Nothing, except she doesn't have much self respect. Though she acts like a slut, she isn't really.

Status: Middle class.The easy girl around the corner, but someone that'll bring you a good time. She's very memorable, but no one really cares.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Sharp tongue, strong willed and usually wins arguements. Doesn't have much fear and doesn't have much at risk; she'd do anything. April is a smart girl too. Weaknesses are that she doesn't have physical strength and she's not good at opening up and well, being nice.

Last edited by CeruleanBlaze on Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:55 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:21 am
SirTobes says...

Nice Adam, Musica and Ceru.
Adam, he may be cool and not have a picture, but please supply a description.
Feel free to do it lyka baws!
Tobes- 8)
There is no such thing as a stranger. Only friends we haven't met yet.

Previously Just Toby


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Wed Apr 25, 2012 12:24 pm
xXmusicaXx says...

Should be completed by tonight. :)
(Posting to bring this back up). :D
"Married to music - 'nuff said."
"Freedom is everything to me."

"Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?"
"I shall futterwacken vigorously"
~ Tarrant Hightop, Alice in Wonderland.

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Reviews: 14
Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:42 am
SirTobes says...

Great! We need a couple more people to start and I'm having a hard time finding people. Sooooooo, I give you guys permission to invite anyone you think is a great writer. Send them a PM with the link to the SB.
Tobes- 8)
There is no such thing as a stranger. Only friends we haven't met yet.

Previously Just Toby


You know how hard it is to feel like an extreme falcon-headed combat machine when somebody calls you "chicken man"?
— Rick Riordan, The Red Pyramid