
Young Writers Society

Welcome to the Zombie Apocalypse!

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Sat Dec 17, 2016 3:31 am
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XxXTheSwordsmanXxX says...

"Welcome to Clayton, the New York of North Carolina! This large urban city is filled with a populace to match the city size. Multiple skyscrapers stretch toward the sky with a maze of roads and buildings that stretch out in all directions. Five miles from the coast, come catch a few rays or spend your time traveling through our wonderful downtown shopping center. Don't miss our Pharaoh exhibit at the Museum of Natural History."

This is the greeting you would see in a pamphlet for Clayton, North Carolina. A large urban city with just about every store or attraction that one can imagine. This story begins at Clayton High School. The usual boring school day is in session and most everyone is in class listening to dull lectures. What everyone doesn't realize that while this may have started as a perfect day....it is about to become the perfect hell...

1. This SB will be rated 16+ to include language, violence, and gore.
2.All characters are meant to be human and without superpowers. Semi-realistic. Though unique skills (Such as being able to jump start a car) are allowed but please keep it somewhat limited. No people that are able to survive a zombie apocalypse with a stick of gum and a paperclip. ((Please include how your character knows the skills they do in their history.))
4.No controlling other people's character without permission. To include killing of a character.
5.No God-Moding
6.Romance is allowed. If you plan to have a sex scene either imply it or fade to black.
7.All YWS rules are still applied
8.Most important rule....have fun! This is all meant for the enjoyment of the group, so please have fun.

General Zombie info

I am going to say that none of the characters for this SB are aware of any of this information without either spending time studying them or through personal experience. The source of this disease is completely unknown, even by the military and the governments of the world. No one knows how or where it started. It seemed to be everywhere at once all of a sudden.

As there are a HUGE selection of zombie types out there, I am going to narrow down the results to the specifics.

While they are your normal style zombies in a sense (Consuming flesh, turning anyone bit into one of them) there are a few minor differences. For one thing, these zombies do no hunt by sight or by smell, even touching them does nothing. They hunt by sound, meaning that you could sneak through a crowd of zombies as long as you made little to no noise. A gasp, a yelp, or stumbling over your own two feet and falling will immediately alert them to you and well....I'm sure you all know what the outcome will be. However, If they grab hold of something that they deem to be flesh they will immediately start trying to bite into it.

These zombies are not fast, mainly shuffling and stumbling about. They can walk up stairs, but they can't walk down if they are relatively steep (Like those you might find in a mall or an escalator). Steep hills also give them trouble, but they are usually able to recover from such falls.

Zombies retain their incredible strength in this version. Getting grabbed by one doesn't mean certain death, but it would be like Arnold Schwarzenegger grabbing hold of you. You can get out, it will just take some work.

Bites are the only means of transferring the disease. If a person is bitten they have a max of one hour before they die. After death it takes no longer than a minute for the dead to become a zombie.

Character sheet

All characters will begin in the high school, so please create one that actually makes sense for being there. No war veterans unless they became a science teacher or something. If/when we leave the school if people would like to add characters from outside the school then that is fine.

Code: Select all
[b]Age: (15 to adult)[/b]
[b]Available for Romance?:[/b]
[b]Best School Subject:[/b]
[b]Skills:[/b]  (Please give a reason as to why a person has a certain skill.  For instance, if your character is able to hot wire a car then they are either good at building cars or they have a record as a carjacker.)
[b]Bio:[/b] (A brief summary of what kind of character they are and more information as to why a character has the skills that they have.)

Arc Pad: http://xxxtheswordsmanxxx.writerfeedpad.com/1

Zombie Apocalypse Thus Far... : http://xxxtheswordsmanxxx.writerfeedpad.com/3

Character Chat: http://writerfeedpad.com/gsnIxP3ks9
Last edited by XxXTheSwordsmanXxX on Fri Feb 10, 2017 8:05 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Sun Dec 18, 2016 8:51 pm
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XxXTheSwordsmanXxX says...

Aaron Harrison

That's the fifth siren in twenty minutes, Aaron thought to himself as he watched the ambulance go speeding by the school. Must have been a bad accident.

"Mr. Harrison can you tell me why Gettysburg was so important during the Civil War?" the teacher asked pulling Aaron's attention to the front of the class.

"Cause it was where the Gettysburg Address was done?" Aaron answered putting his hand into his chin. He hated history class. It wasn't like learning about the Civil War was going to apply to his everyday life.

"Good try, but if you paid attention to the lecture you would know that..."

The overhead speaker sudden came on and the panicked voice of the principle came on.

"Attention all students and staff, we have to implement an immediate evacuation of the school. There are individuals on the property that are causing harm to the stu...." The crash of a window trickled through the speaker.

"Oh my God they're inside! NO! No get off me! It's biting my leg! NOOOO! OH MY GOD SOMEONE HEL..." the hiss of static ended the announcement and for a long moment everyone stared at the speaker without saying a single word.

Like a dam bursting, a scream went out followed by the rest of the students rushing to get out, clogging the door.

Aaron's heart was hammering in his chest as he tried to keep calm. Running to the other door of the room, as most of the classrooms had two in their rooms, he quickly threw it open, looking down the hall.

Shambling toward the screaming students was a man dressed in a sweater vest, his eyes gray and looking off in different direction. His voice gave out tired moan, his arms stretched in front of him grasping at the air in front of him.

"What the hell?" Aaron muttered to himself. The zombie immediately turning to him and lunging forward.

Aaron didn't think. His elbow just lashed out hitting the man in the temple and sent him crashing into the wall. Aaron quickly ran to the door and pulled the jammed people out into the hall. "One at a time damn it!" he ordered as he tried to get people out, the shambling bodies still moving toward them.

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Sun Dec 18, 2016 10:33 pm
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Dracula says...

Charlotte Hawker

When the red light by the speaker turned on, Charlie's science teacher quickly flicked off the documentary they'd been watching and turned up the speaker volume. The principal's shocked, desperate cries filled the room. "Oh my God they're inside! NO! No get off me! It's biting my leg! NOOOO! OH MY GOD SOMEONE HEL..."

The students surrounding Charlie jumped out of their seats and bolted for the door, a mass panic ensuing. She dropped the paper clip she'd been fiddling with and looked to her teacher, looking for guidance.

"Sit back down! Please!" The science professor yelled, but no one was listening. "Panicking will not help! Sit down!" For perhaps the first time in her life, Charlie disobeyed the teacher and stood up. She edged towards the window, blinds pulled down, and jumped as scream echoed from the hallway.

"God, what's happening?!" The professor pulled at her hair, and losing all cool, sprinted out the door after the students. Charlie stayed put, feeling goosebumps forming on her skin. She pulled on the blind, flooding daylight into the room.

A police car sped past the school, but Charlie couldn't hear its siren over the shouts and screams of her peers. There were people on the streets, some running, some shuffling as if they were drunk. She froze; an old man, his arm bleeding, wrapped his hands around a woman's neck. Then he bit her.

Something snapped inside Charlie's mind, and she realised the seriousness of whatever the hell was happening. War? A riot? A city-wide drug overdose? People were attacking other people. Biting them.

As Charlie backed away from the window, eyes frozen on the murder scene outside, she heard a moan from behind her. The goosebumps practically exploded, and she bit into her lip, slowly turning her head. The janitor was walked past the science lab, holding out his arms as if trying to feel his way. But he didn't have any hands. Just two bloody, shredded stumps.

As soon as he was gone, Charlie bolted out the door into the hall. She didn't know what was happening, she just wanted to get home. Away from the living nightmare.

"One at a time damn it!" A boy forced his way out of a classroom a couple doors down, followed by a stream of desperate kids. They joined the flood of students rushing towards the exit. Charlie was pretty sure they were the class below her. That guy was called Aaron, she recognised him from the sports section of the newsletter.

As frightened tears forced their way out of her eyes, she met Aaron's. The janitor was getting closer to him, and his fists were raised, ready to strike the man. But Aaron wasn't looking at her, he was looking behind her. A group of drunk/hallucinating/rabid/whatever possessed them people were shuffling down the hall towards her. Their moans filled Charlie's ears, standing out amidst the screams and shouts.

"Get the hell away from them!" Aaron shouted at her. As he did, Charlie noticed the janitor speed up just a little bit, as if he was playing blind man's bluff.

She looked at the hoard of moaners approaching her. Some were missing limbs, others had blood dripping from wounds. A lot of them had visible bite marks. Bite marks, like the old man who had bitten his companion. Charlie wiped her eyes and didn't hesitate. She ran.
I bought a cactus. A week later it died. I got depressed because I thought Damn, I am less nurturing than a desert.
-Demetri Martin

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Mon Dec 19, 2016 12:16 pm
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Basil says...


The library is quiet, just the way I like it. I sit at a desk, four books open in front of me, each page giving me different information. I scribble it all down on my notebook as I skim over the words, sketching in some pictures every now and then to better explain what I'm writing. I pause in my furious scribbling to stretch my fingers, and the school intercom comes on.

"Attention all students and staff, we have to implement an immediate evacuation of the school. There are individuals on the property that are causing harm to the stu ..." There is a shattering sound, followed by screaming. "Oh my God they're inside! NO! No get off me! It's biting my leg! NOOOO! OH MY GOD SOMEONE HEL ..." Static finishes the sentence, leaving me stunned.

Evacuate the school? Individuals causing harm to students? What, like beating them? Killing them? Oh my gosh, am I going to die? No, I'm not. I should stay here, in the library. With a confused sigh, I close the books on the desk, and stack them neatly on top of each other. I'm about to stand up, when the library doors burst open, and someone comes bolting in. Screaming fills the air, coming from the hallway outside. Frowning, I shove my notebook in my messenger bag, and leap to my feet just as some other students come rushing into the library. Someone else follows, stumbling forward, arms out as though they're blind and can't find they're way. They follow the screaming students, and more people come shuffling in, arms stretched out, searching. My frown deepens, and I watch as they move toward the screaming students. As they draw closer, I notice something odd about them. Their eyes are grey, some of them have open wounds, almost like bite marks, and one of them is missing an arm. What?

My eyes widen in shock at the sight of them. I just watch as they corner the screaming students, lunging at them and biting them. The kids scream in agony, and all I do is just stand there, watching. My eyes dart away from the scene, toward the open library doors. Kids are running hither and thither out there, how can I get out of the school?

With a determined set to my lips, I climb on top of the desk I'd been studying at, and leap forward. I land on the desk almost soundless, and glance over my shoulder. The blind people don't seen to notice me at all, so I keep jumping over the desks. I pause at the last one, a thought coming to mind. I wonder if these people are drawn to sound.

Bending down, I pick up a chair and throw it as hard as I can. It crashes into the wall and clatters onto the desks below, making the blind people look up and start shuffling toward the chair. So sound does draw them.

Smiling triumphantly, I turn toward the library doors to leave, but find lots of blind people shuffling in. I pick up another chair and hurl it toward the back of the library, causing the blind people at the doors to start moving toward the crashing sound. When the door is clear, I leap to the floor and sprint into the hall, looking for a way to escape the school grounds.
Last edited by Basil on Fri Dec 23, 2016 10:21 am, edited 2 times in total.
Dorian, are you the one adding all the spices to our food?
Of course I am.
Because frankly the food here tastes like poorly cooked sawdust. It genuinely tastes how Solas looks.

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Mon Dec 19, 2016 2:47 pm
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Snoops says...

I walked out of the bathroom stall whistling. Today was going to be a good day! Today I would ask out Jane Ying. Jane Ying was the perfect girl for me—smart, pretty and laughs at my jokes. My dad insists that's all you need.

"Attention all students and staff, we have to implement an immediate evacuation of the school. There are individuals on the property that are causing harm to the stu...." The crash of a window trickled through the speaker.

"Oh my God they're inside! NO! No get off me! It's biting my leg! NOOOO! OH MY GOD SOMEONE HEL..." the hiss of static ended the announcement and for a long moment everyone stared at the speaker without saying a single word.

Wait what? Who's inside? Was this is a practical joke, like last year when the school mascot goat was stolen?

Suddenly, along with loud moans, a skinny woman appeared, her eyes unfocused, grasping for nothing. She seemed sick and...dead?

“Umh, this is the man's bathroom..” I said unsure. I mean, what were you supposed to say in situations like this? “Miss, do you need help?”

She came closer and closer, never answering or even looking at me. Soon, I was cornerd, her skinny bone hands reaching out to me, smelling me.

“Miss, this feels very uncomfortable, I think I'm going to go now.” I said, trying to move away from the hot stinky breathe she was emiting. I disloged myself from the wall and moved away. The woman stayed where she was, attached to a wall.

“Well, okay then, I'm going to go.” I said, her face turned, her nostrils flared and she started to scaddadel a lot quicker than before, her arms out, trying to grab me. I had to be honest, I was going to poop my pants.

I ran out the door, the screams filling my ears from the other students, and my only thought was, “this was defintely not a prank”. Twenty or so man and woman, moaning, grasping for air with their limbed hands, blood everywhere. I followed the screaming teenagers out of my school. Where to? Does this count as skipping school?

I ran to the parking lot and grabbed my phone—Should I call my dad? See! This is why I need my car! In case a Zombie Apocalypse happens! No one takes the school bus during a zombie apocalypse!

I turned around, and saw the kid that sits in front of me in my science class! I didn't know anything about my classmate except that he/she had a car.

(AN: Sorry that it took so long. :) I left the opening like that so anyone could join in. Hope you enjoyed it!)
"Keep calm, drink tea and hide under the bedcovers"

Previously Lau2001

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Tue Dec 20, 2016 8:16 am
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Ninlil says...

The corridor had turned into a shaft of panic. Screams bounced around and blurry, horrified faces whooshed past. Sanda's breath came quick and shallow, cold sweat running down her back. She pressed herself against her locker, if only she could get enough room to open it.
A gurgling scream emanated right next to her. She twisted around with a shriek. A man with grey, maggot-like eyes had sunken his teeth into a young boy's neck. Sanda was so close, that she could hear a faint crushing noise and then a moist sound as blood oozed out of the wound and trickled down the sick man's jaw. The scarlet streams clashing against his colourless skin.
She gagged, a sour taste filling her mouth and then she ran. Heedlessly she smashed herself through the crowd with only one thought in her mind. Get the hell out of this place.

Well outside she gasped for fresh air, her chest heaving in an uncontrollable speed. She reached into her pocket and felt the reassuring pump of her car keys. But... her bowls dissolved. She had not been able to retrieve the box from the locker. After a moment of hesitation, she swivelled around, only to meet the eyes of the skinny, smart guy from her science class. She did not bother to remember his name. He looked as though he wanted to ask something, but there was no time for that either.
"I am sorry", she mumbled and then sprinted back into the building.

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Tue Dec 20, 2016 8:46 pm
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felidae says...

Tom Sutcliffe

Everything was falling apart.

The screaming of "Oh my God they're inside! NO! No get off me! It's biting my leg! NOOOO! OH MY GOD SOMEONE HEL..." had long since gone. What appeared to be the undead were pouring into the school in a groaning mass of hunger. They snatched and bit at people, killing them like livestock.

These were the people he loved, being slaughtered. These were the people who loved him, being slaughtered. He needed to do something. He had to do something.

Tom's consciousness was a blur as he panicked. He ran from the filled corridor, back into the classroom and dived through the window. The glass sliced into his back and his landing could've used a lot of work. Come to think of it, he could've used a chair. But that was in the past. There was only one thing he could imagine that would be able to combat the undead.

Or rather, more than one. His dogs. His loyal, lovable, intelligent, fearless pups. They'd be at home, curled up and napping, waiting for their masters to return. Tom raced across the carpark and sprinted across the road without so much as a glance in either direction, up his front garden and over the fence to the back. He rammed the key into the door with shaking hands and stumbled into the living room.

Three crates were lined up - an Akita, a German Shepherd, and his mother's Labrador all perked up and started to whine at him. He scrawled a note and left it on the table, and freed the Akita and the shepherd. They were his dogs - dogs he'd raised and trained himself - and they would be faithful. He leashed them and charged back, one lead in each hand. The sable shepherd, Balto, hesitated ever so slightly as they neared the school.

"Come. Good boy, good boy," Tom coaxed Balto back into fearlessness (the poor guy had always been a bit too neurotic for a shepherd), and they ran on like soldiers into battle, towards the main doors to the building.

"Oh, we're screwed." Tom peered into the glass and backed away as if it was electrified. Kai barked, her hackles coming up, as zombies pressed up against the door. "God, no, oh, God, no, no, no, no!"

"Dogs! There!" Tom pointed to the stairs leading up to the roof to give the terrified animals some indication of what was to happen next. Kai and Balto dragged Tom up, and then he pressed all of them up against the wall, motioning desperately for the dogs to hush. The obeyed.

They stopped panting. They waited.
Tiger, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?

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Tue Dec 20, 2016 9:08 pm
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HazelGrace16 says...

Abigail Kerwood

History class was actually the worst. I would bet my entire life savings that no one in this class actually knew my name.

"Mr. Harrison can you tell me why Gettysburg was so important during the Civil War?" The teacher asks one of the students trying to gain what was left of our classrooms attention. I don't even know why the teachers bother. Half of the remaining students refuse to come to school because of the recent "disease outbreak" anyways. It's only a matter of time before something snaps.

"Cause it was where the Gettysburg Address was done?"

Yeah no shit Harrison...

Aaron Harrison. The boy has sat in front of me the entire year, and once again goes into my bet of not knowing my name. Not that I would care anyways. I actually like history.

As the teacher goes into the beginning of her lecture towards Harrison, the overhead speaker dings to life with the panicked voice of our school principal.

"Attention all students and staff, we have to implement an immediate evacuation of the school. There are individuals on the property that are causing harm to the stu...." The classroom jumps at the sound of a sudden crash. "Oh my God they're inside! NO! No get off me! It's biting my leg! NOOOO! OH MY GOD SOMEONE HEL..." Silence pounds in my ears as we wait for the panic to set in.

And then suddenly everything was happening so fast. Too fast. After watching so many moments like this on your tv screen, you wouldnt expect them to be so utterly terrifying when they become reality. 5 minutes into the attack on the school and I've already seen one boy get his throat ripped out, and another girl get trampled over by the stomping of unknowing panicked students. It's sad to think that so many of these kids will die because of idiocy.

There is no way I'm getting through the main door. There has to be another way to get out of this school without dying first.


I run through the hallways avoiding as many students and things as possible. I am about to run straight into a hoard of those monsters when a firm grip pulls me straight into one of the janitors closets.

"Glad I caught you." I can sense the smirk on their face.

Now was not the time to get jokes from an unrecognizable person in the dark.
"Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine" - The Imitation Game

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Thu Dec 22, 2016 10:13 pm
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Eternity says...

Ursus McKay

The sound of light taps of my pen cap echoed in the near-to silent science room. I sat in the lab area of the room, a book that read Infectious Diseases lying in front of me as I skimmed over the words that described MRSA in great detail. I was most definitely intrigued by the flesh-eating disease, drawn into the book like no other interest was important. But my delighting excitement to learn about yet another disease was interrupted by the intercom.

"Attention all students and staff, we have to implement an immediate evacuation of the school. There are individuals on the property that are causing harm to the stud-..." A loud thud sounded among the other side of the intercom and I froze, cringing at the sound of a loud scream. "Oh my God, they're inside! NO! No, get off me! It's biting my leg! NOOOO! OH MY GOD SOMEONE HEL-..." The intercom cut off and I shivered, my muscles tensing as I threw my book into my book-bag.

"Ursus--" the professor looked at me with a concerning look, fear plastered on his face as the scream seemed to echo throughout the room still.

"Let's get out of here. No if's, and's, or but's. We need to go." I stated, tossing my book-bag against my back, slipping my phone out of my pocket to dial 911.

No service.

"Son of a bitch!" I growled. I glanced around the room, searching for any object to use as a weapon if encountering a threat. "Mister, get the key to the chemical cabinet." He glanced at me with wide eyes, hesitating slightly before bolting to the cabinet, swing the door open after unlocking it. "Grab anything you can get that you think would work against these... threats."

He nodded, grabbing a handful of thin tubes that contained all sorts of chemicals within them. We glanced at each other and bolted out of the room, back to back as we looked around for a clear shot to the Emergency Exit. A large group of kids ran down the halls, screams echoing as the low sound of shattering windows or the loud thuds of objects falling filled the air. The professor motioned for me to follow him and we stayed low, moving fast as we tried to go unseen as we ran toward the exit.

A low growl sounded and a collapsing body fell from a corner. I jumped slightly, stopped in my tracks. The rampaged-looking human looked at me with hungry eyes, and I gulped: I knew her. I tilted my head toward her, this urge to step forward fought. "F-Frey...what's wrong?"

She snarled, a reddish, bubbly foam escaping her lips as she lunged toward me, grasping onto my leg. I jumped back, kicking my legs, my entire body becoming stiff as I fell backwards. Frey crawled toward me, her teeth bared. "HOLY SHIT!" I yelled, "H-HELP!" I frantically pushed her away but her strength seemed abnormal. I pushed my body back, kicking my legs as I tried to get away. The professor jumped toward us, grabbing her my her shoulders and pulling her back. I scrambled up, backing away. "GO!" I yelled.

Our feet carried us toward the door and our muscles were stuff. I felt my heart pound against my chest, a frustration filling my body. Why her...? Why is she like that? What the hell is going on?

My thoughts lingered in my mind as time seemed to slow whilst running through the hell-bound school, bodies slamming against the floor, growling once-humans attacking whomever they see in sight, their blood-thirsty rampaging eyes scanning the hallways.

Breathe, Ursus. Breathe.

We came upon a blockage toward the exit and the professor glanced at me. We looked around and jumped into the nearest classroom, slamming the door and settling our bodies against it to hold it closed. My heart beat fast and my hands shook.

Just breathe.

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Thu Dec 22, 2016 11:35 pm
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NympheaLily says...

Alsklova was sitting in the English class when the alarm went off. She listened to the panicked voice over the loud speaker. Static took it over and every one started panicking. Feye just sat there confused. English was not her first language and the message over the loudspeaker was confusing. Is something eating leg? Suddenly, the door to the english class flew open and there were humans, but not normal humans.

"Zhivoy mertvets!" she yelled in Russian.Asklova was born and raised in Russia but she was an exchange student this year in America. Right now she couldn't remember the word for these people coming through the door and grabbing students. Asklova scanned the ceiling for something to climb. There! A pole was leading up to the vents that went through the entire school. Asklova sprung into action, leaping from desk to desk and she landed like a cat on the pole. She scrambled up and punched the grate off the vent and scrambled inside. Lucky for her, the vent was too high for the zombies and they soon lost interest as she crawled away down the vents.

Asklova breathed a sigh of relief. Her amazing feat of agility was thanks to all fifteen years in a Russian circus, training to be the best performer she could be. She was also very small for a seventeen year old, but she was a tough as nails. Feye made her way further down the vents, thinking of a plan to escape her prision of a school.

Chert! This is not what I thought America would be like at all...
Will Solace IRL

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Fri Dec 23, 2016 1:43 am
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Casanova says...


Hunter stared at the worksheet in front of him. Put into augmentative matrices form. He'd seen it a thousand times before, and he had no clue why his Calculus teacher would put something so simple as a quiz grade. Maybe she gave us the wrong one? She does do Algebra for the freshman as well, I think. He sighed steadily, going to work on the worksheet.

A few moments later the speaker sounded, "Attention all students and staff, we have to implement an immediate evacuation of the school. There are individuals on the property that are causing harm to the stu...." The crash of a window trickled through the speaker.

"Oh my God they're inside! NO! No get off me! It's biting my leg! NOOOO! OH MY GOD SOMEONE HEL..." the hiss of static ended the announcement, and everyone panicked. The kids all got up from their desks and rushed towards the door, but Hunter stayed planted in his seat towards the back, knowing trying to get out of the door with everyone rushing it would be a bad idea.

Finally, everyone seemed to get out of the door, so Hunter stood up and stretched a bit, not really caring about the threat that was apparently in the school. "You guys do know it's probably a prank, right?" he chuckled a bit, thinking about how the school really got a good one on the students this time.

He moved towards the door, peaking out but not yet seeing anyone. Well, that's odd. There should be a ton of people in here. It's not like the school would let everyone go outside at once unless we were being dismissed. Odd. He shrugged, heading out of the door and moving casually down the hallway, his hands in his pockets and whistling an old western tune.

Once Hunter turned the corner towards the office, he noticed a couple of slow moving people heading towards him, their feet barely shuffling. "Hey! Finally, I've been looking for people all over. Do you guys know what's going on?" Their low moans and growls didn't escape Hunter's notice, and he stopped in his tracks for a moment. "Uh, are you guys okay? You seriously smell. Take a bath once in a while, why don't you?" he chuckled softly at his own joke, but stopped quickly as the two kept drawing near him. He peeked at them, his sharp eyes trying to make out the weird details of their faces.

"What the fuck are you guys?" One of the figures lunged at him, but Hunter side stepped him and brought his knee up to connect with his stomach, his elbow slamming down hard on the back of his skull. He felt the satisfying thump of the body hitting the floor, hopefully only knocking the guy out. He felt sorry for the man, he probably didn't know what he was up against.

"Are you next, fat ass? Want some of what your friend got?" Hunter smiled broadly, waving a threatening fist towards the second figure. What he didn't count on; however, was this one lunging at him as well. Hunter couldn't side step the guy as the others body was planted next to his feet, and he groaned slightly as the guy grabbed his wrist. His wrist felt as if it had iron clamps over it, and Hunter's automatic reaction was to punch the guy once in the face, another time in the stomach, and he twisted just enough to bring his foot up in the guy's crotch. He had a quick breath of relief as the mans grip on his wrist loosed, and he swung his fist around, hitting the man in the temple. He watched the man drop, and he turned and ran towards the exit.
What the fuck are these things? Are there more of them? And where the hell is everyone?
Chat's bangin' yo

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Fri Dec 23, 2016 4:36 am
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XxXTheSwordsmanXxX says...

Mr. Jameson

"Oh my God they're inside! NO! No get off me! It's biting my leg! NOOOO! OH MY GOD SOMEONE HEL..." the hiss of static ended the announcement.

Jameson had frozen mid lecture at the start of the announcement. With a scream the entire classroom erupted into chaos. Running his hand over his oiled hair to ensure that everything was in place he strode to the door and opened it. Coming face to face with one of the screaming students as he was dragged away by the dead and eaten.

"Come dear students!" he said sweeping his hand out to the hall. "We shall find a means of escaping this situation." All the bodies immediately ran out into the hall. With a small grin he moved to the center of the group so that he had protection on all sides by the student he said he would protect.

Looking over his shoulder he could see the shambling bodies gaining on them and quickly pushed one of the boys into the dead Spanish teacher. His cries drawing the dead to him. As the students were picked off one after the other he paused he noticed an open closet.

"Hurry! Head to the stairs!" he called urging his class to the mob that was making their way up and beginning to clog the corridor.

As he looked over his shoulder his grin spread over his features. Abigail, a young girl he had had his eye on for a while was hurrying down the corridor. Having sacrificed his class to the horde he quickly grabbed Abigail and pulled her into the dark closet. He looked down to where he knew that her face was though he could see her, but he could picture her perfectly within his mind.

"Glad I caught you," he said in a false voice of relief. In truth he was imagining what he would have her do, once she was under his power.

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Sat Dec 24, 2016 12:32 am
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NicoleBri says...

Meredith Palmer

Sitting in History class I had almost fallen asleep. Out of all classes History was my weak point, Math & English I was amazing at and could do in my sleep. I never understood the point in this class. I WAS NEVER GOING T NEED HISTORY IN THE REAL WORLD.

The intercom came on in mid sentence of the teacher, I laughed to myself.

"Attention all students and staff, we have to implement an immediate evacuation of the school. There are individuals on the property that are causing harm to the stu...." There was a crash and I heard what sounded like screams.

It beeped again...

"Oh my God they're inside! NO! No get off me! It's biting my leg! NOOOO! OH MY GOD SOMEONE HEL..."

The whole class got up and started running to the door. None of that noise from the intercom sounded great at all.

I took my notebook from desk and back pack and ran out with everyone else, it took me a minute because I got trapped in the door with a guy.

They were retarded. Always in the damn way.

Once I managed to leave the class... I was in shock in what I saw in the hall.

Zombie people. They were loud, ugly, and walked crazy. Their hands were out in front of them as they tried to grab students. No one had ran after me yet so as I skimmed the wall looking for protection I saw the fire extinguisher. I took my book and slammed the glass to take it and then an alarm sounded.

The zombies stopped in their steps and looked up at the ceiling and all started running to the same corner.

What the hell was going on?

I took this oportunity to run through the school entrance since the zombies had all cornered a corner. I snickered to myself and as I exited I felt a relief sworm over me. I spotted a group of people running,

"Follow me!! To the roof!!" There were a couple of people running and I decided to follow. I didn't recognize the voice but I was in no way to argue.

Spoiler! :
I hope this is okay @XxXTheSwordsmanXxX since you want some people stuck up there I figured it would be okay for a few to already be up there. Let me know if you don't like it.
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.

- Ayn Rand

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Mon Dec 26, 2016 6:13 am
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XxXTheSwordsmanXxX says...

"Get the hell away from them!" Aaron shouted at the girl. The janitor in front of him sped up, hurrying for him immediately after he spoke. Deflecting his stump of an arm, Aaron grabbed the dead man by his shirt collar and threw him through the nearby window to the outside. He made sure that the girl had started moving before making sure the last of the students got out of the class.

"Go! Go!" Aaron ordered as he hurriedly got students out of the classroom. Feeling something grab the back of his shirt he whirled about, his arm outstretched for a spinning knuckle. He was shocked when the strike actually connected, the shambling student's jaw cracking from the force. He didn't dodge? Aaron thought as he stepped back. That move was just to get people away from you, not actually hit anything.

Catching another student zombified student, drenched in blood, he manipulated the girl's body to use as a shield against the other shambling forms. The girl, her hair a bright green to match her punk rock outfit, slowly turned her heard toward Aaron's arm that held her....and then she did the impossible. She turned her head so far that she was now staring at Aaron from the back.

Aaron quickly kicked the girl away from him trying to process how the girl had swiveled her head a full one eighty. Making a snap decision he grabbed hold of the lockers in the hallway, remembering the big issue that the students brought up with them not being bolted to the wall and pulled it toppling down. It didn't make any sort of barrier, but it crushed the punk rock girl beneath it and the other students began to trip over the obstacle rather than go over it.

Hurrying down the hall he called to the students ahead of him. "Emergency stairs! Head for the emergency stairs!"

It's probably our only way out of here. He heard the fire alarm go off and the zombies began moving toward the boxes on the walls. What the hell? he thought before he heard the screaming that drowned out the alarm.

One of the students had made it to a stairs and threw the door open releasing another horde into the halls. The zombie-like creatures began to drag people into the horde and devour them in bloody screams. He grabbed the girl, Charlotte, who he had seen in the hall to stop her. Looking around he saw more of the zombies making their way up the stairs.

"The roof! We can barricade the door! To the roof!" he cried making a break for the stairs. He stopped when he saw one of the few emergency phones in the hall. "Get everyone to the roof!" he ordered the girl as he ran for the phone, practically ripping the small door of its hinges.

"Everyone listen up!" he yelled into the receiver. "The emergency stairs are filled with these things! Head to the roof! It's the only place left! Head to the roof!" He tore the phone from the box and drove it sideways into the mouth of one of the dead students. "Try biting me without teeth fucker!" He roared as he kicked the student away and pulled on the phone in its mouth, ripping out the things teeth. Smashing the thing's head against the wall.

"What the hell is going on?" he muttered to himself as he moved to the stairs himself, kicking away the zombies that got to close. Pausing on the landing before the roof door he stood guard trying to judge how quickly everyone could get on the roof before they would be forced to shut the door for good.

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Mon Dec 26, 2016 8:59 am
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Dracula says...

Charlotte Hawker

If Charlotte was good at anything, it was following orders. Everyone to the roof!" She shouted, waving her hands in the air to get the students' attention. "Follow me!! To the roof!!" As Aaron ran away from the door, heading for the speaker phone, kids started running towards Charlie. So did the zombies. A couple of the stronger students stayed back, pushing away the demons as younger kids ran to safety. If anywhere's safe, she thought.

Charlie clenched a fist, scratching her nails against her palm. She kept waving, herding children towards the stairs. Then she spotted a familiar head of grey and brown hair in the chaos. It was a girl from her home class, Esher. Charlie never really talked to her, but the girl was quiet and withdrawn just like her, and Charlie felt a sort of comradery towards her.

"Esher!" She shouted. The student was sliding along the wall, keeping completely quiet and out of the way. She ignored Charlie, making her wonder if the two had somehow become enemies. But there wasn't time for pondering on relationship statuses, the dead were approaching from all directions, and they needed to barricade the door now.

Luckily, a girl with red hair and freckles brushed past Esher, getting the warrior's attention. "Esher! C'mon!" She no longer ignored Charlie, and changed her course, now moving across the hall directly for the roof stairs. Her lips were pursed, though, as if she didn't want Charlie to be paying her any attention. Charlotte didn't understand, she was trying to help!

An arm lunged towards her, and Charlie ducked sideways as a dead teacher flew at her. She held her breath, completely silent except for her beating heart. The teacher then swung around, its neck cracking to the right, and lunged at another student as if it'd completely forgotten about Charlie. Maybe they're blind, she thought, when I stopped making noise, it went away.

And there was certainly a lot of noise to distract the attackers. Aaron's voice sounded over the speakers, echoing through the halls. The undead stopped for a second, their heads whirling in all directions as they tried to locate his voice. Then they got bored, and once again aimed for all the students running to the stairs.

""The emergency stairs are filled with these things! Head to the roof! It's the only place left! Head to the roof!" Aaron shouted. Other kids, following his lead, emerged from around the hall corners.

"Over here!" Charlie yelled to them, resuming her waving.

"We're coming, Charlotte!" One of them shouted back. "Wait for us!" The kids had been hearing her voice, listening to her voice, since she'd taken the role given to her by Aaron, but Charlie still blushed when her name was called. Being recognised, named by someone she couldn't recognise in the confusion, made the reality of everything suddenly wash over her. People who should have been dead were attacking. They were corpses, they had blood gushing from wounds. Some were very much alive, but in weird trances. She could possibly die.

"Oh god..." Charlie heard a moan from her right, and she became aware of her fast breathes. "Just get to the roof!" She shouted, one last attempt to help her peers, then she herself darted up the staircase. She just wanted to get away.
I bought a cactus. A week later it died. I got depressed because I thought Damn, I am less nurturing than a desert.
-Demetri Martin

I hate television. I hate it as much as peanuts. But I can't stop eating peanuts.
— Orson Welles