
Young Writers Society

My Gr. 8 Valedictorian Speech

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Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:55 pm
fragile_heart(!) says...

(What do you think? Thanks! :D)

Good evening staff, family, friends, and our graduating Comets!
Day by day the sun glides down as the moon floats up. The stars chase the day away and darkness begins to take over. When the city is still and the night sky begins, we lay down to sleep. As we put our minds to rest, it brings a wonder of images, thoughts and emotions. A dream.
Growing up with my fellow classmates has really shown me how unique a dream can be. From aspiring to walk down the red carpet in beautiful designer clothes, to stepping into an office building and answering the continuous phone calls. All of that inspired me to consider my own dream, which I realized could never have been constructed without the help of all the people in this room. Eleanor Roosevelt once said “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”, and I believe she said it best.
Although this is the point in our lives where we have to move on and leave some things behind, we’re using all that we have learned to have a further understanding of the future to come. We’re using it all to make our dreams come true – because I think we’ve all learned the hard way that wishing on a star doesn’t always turn out too well.
But more importantly, this is the point where the phrase ‘thank you’ can’t even begin to explain the gratitude that has filled us to have been blessed with every experience we have gone through at C.T.K. We still have so much to offer and many things that are waiting to be accomplished, but for right now, thank you so very much. Staff, family, and friends who have been there since the very beginning, we appreciate everything you’ve ever done for us.
To the staff; you were the ones who crammed everything you possibly could in the short section of time we had.
To our family; you were the ones that made us look both ways when we crossed the street and wiped the food stains off our cheeks with your spit.
And to our friends and peers; you were the ones who clapped after a presentation, sacrificed an extra pencil, and made the memories of a lifetime.
Saying that, I get a rush of all the things that have occurred within the walls of CTK. Like watching the rain fall down in fat droplets when recess was indoors – being totally enthralled by the rhythmical pounding against the windows and black splotches on the wall – or swinging on the monkey bars with tiny blistered hands – running around in the pebbles, shrieking and chanting. Those other less repetitive days, such as fundraisers, can drives, and field trips. The cute birthday parties at Pizza Hut, jump rope rhymes, Valentines Day cards… I remember it all, and I’m sure you all do, too. But there’s one distinguishing memory that sticks out.
I remember one day, my grade four science teacher, Mrs. Campagna, told the class “Never put anything in your ears except your elbows.” At that particular moment, I was too preoccupied in trying to shove my elbow in my ear to really appreciate her. Now, looking back, I wish I could’ve spent more time listening and less time shoving.
I remember walking up into the school yard in my little Mary Jane shoes and pigtails, looking up at the seniors and thinking “Wow! I can’t wait to be just like them!” I think it’s just so funny that when we were younger, we couldn’t wait to grow up and be ‘big kids’, and now, a majority wish we could turn back time and become a kid again. A little ironic, don’t you think?
When a writer pauses their work, they’re far from finished. The words ‘The End’ are in the back of the creative novelists mind, because their story is merely a work in progress. That’s precisely what we are right now; an unfinished novel with blank pages that await eagerly to be filled.
All of us in this room are crying right now, mourning the ending of this book. But this isn’t the ending to our book. We may mourn the loss of this memorable chapter in our life, but this is far from our happy ending. Our world is just an endless line of possibilities, and this is only a small, small chapter that is coming to an end.
And so, I’ll leave you with two things tonight:
1. Graduation is not the end, but only the beginning of a wonderful life to come.
And 2. Never put anything in your ears except your elbows.

(In Memory of Hiyan Campagna 1964 - 2006)

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Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:54 pm
Jon says...

To the staff; you were the ones who crammed everything you possibly could in the short section of time we had.

Other teachers/parents will be here, yes? Well, you may not want to say "crammed", it makes the teachers look like they just rushed through everything. Even if they did, it isn't appropriate for this type of speech.
To our family; you were the ones that made us look both ways when we crossed the street and wiped the food stains off our cheeks with your spit.

Ah? This little bit is really, well, too personal. I mean., wiping stains off your cheek with spit? Yes, you want people to laugh at certain points, but, not in this type of way. Try to talk about how they helped out in a different way. ^^ :D
– running around in the pebbles, shrieking and chanting.

Shrieking? Chanting?
Shrieking and chanting are, strong words?
Maybe you could replace them with more subtle and *calmer* words?

One other thing I saw was the part about how "everyone is crying by now".
You might not want to say this because what if people aren't crying? You'll sound and feel a little embaressed. Try to cut that little bit out.

Overall I thought this was nice, but, there is room for improvement.

My pleasure,

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