
Young Writers Society

From a male's point of view.

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Tue Jul 14, 2009 12:53 pm
Lava says...

Well, I know each guy is different and I'd like different answers to make up my character.

1. How would you react if your crush talks to you?
2.How would you try to flirt with a girl?
3.Would you ask a girl out directly or.... what?
4. How would you reject a girl?
5. How would you deal with feelings? Tell? Scream? Write? Bottle-it up?
6. How would you describe physical attractiveness and feelings about a girl among your guy friends?

More info related to this appreciated. And as I said, each person id different, I'd like a variety of answers. Thanks!
Pretending in words was too tentative, too vulnerable, too embarrassing to let anyone know.
- Ian McEwan in Atonement

sachi: influencing others since GOD KNOWS WHEN.


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Fri Jul 17, 2009 4:39 am
silented1 says...

lavabubblingout wrote:Well, I know each guy is different and I'd like different answers to make up my character.

1. How would you react if your crush talks to you?
2.How would you try to flirt with a girl?
3.Would you ask a girl out directly or.... what?
4. How would you reject a girl?
5. How would you deal with feelings? Tell? Scream? Write? Bottle-it up?
6. How would you describe physical attractiveness and feelings about a girl among your guy friends?

More info related to this appreciated. And as I said, each person id different, I'd like a variety of answers. Thanks!

in that order..
1: probably talk a little less.. worry more about what i'm saying and be as funny as possible... which i do every time i talk to her =]...
2: be funny.. talk with her... get to now her..show her some poetry ? haha...but it does work..
3: well sort of.. i'd be like wanna go do something and see if they get the hint.. i don't actully will you go out with me.. but i sort of hint to it...
4:first laugh a little(i know i'm an ass) then say no sorry..
5:punch my solid and broken dresser...
6: shes awesome looking and to be with ? idk.. that or shes a ***** depends on what happens.. haha..

sorry for sucking at this...
[quote]If it's arguable, then it probably is." - Xeriana X

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Mon Jul 20, 2009 7:19 pm
Sugarbowl says...

I'll try :?

1. Personally, overly sophisticated, mature and funny. Basically, I try too hard :)

2. Same as above really. But body language is a good weapon. A hand on a girl's arm or shoulder can be affectionate without being too forward.

3. Ask her out for a drink, or a coffee, but nothing too official to start with.

4. Probably lie :? Tell her I'm not ready for anything like that right now; I'm too busy with things in my head/school/work/family stuff.

5. I tell someone if someone asks me. I hate bringing it up, but I would maybe stretch to dropping hints to get a friend to ask me about it, then I'd tell them everything.

6. Normally my guy friends will joke around and tell me that they think my new interest is ugly etc, so I normally just have to play along with the joke. Terrible I know, but thats the way it is with my guy friends. All in good fun though :)

Hope that helps :)

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Sat Aug 01, 2009 6:29 pm
Alec Laine says...

lavabubblingout wrote:Well, I know each guy is different and I'd like different answers to make up my character.

1. How would you react if your crush talks to you?
2.How would you try to flirt with a girl?
3.Would you ask a girl out directly or.... what?
4. How would you reject a girl?
5. How would you deal with feelings? Tell? Scream? Write? Bottle-it up?
6. How would you describe physical attractiveness and feelings about a girl among your guy friends?

More info related to this appreciated. And as I said, each person id different, I'd like a variety of answers. Thanks!

I'll do my best!

1. I would be ecstatic, happy and try my best to not screw it up. A little bit of nervousness would probably be present.

2. Compliments, compliments, compliments! I would never say something I didn't mean, though.

3. I'm usually very open with my feelings, regardless of what feelings they are. If I would like to take a girl out, I make sure that she knows about it. There is usually no time to waste, either. If you care for someone, you want to spend as much time with them as possible.

4. I would try my best to be polite and friendly. I'm already in a relationship, so it wouldn't work out.

5. I have a few dear friends I can share everything with. I talk alot with my teachers at school, as well, and sometimes it helps to go out for a walk and kick some rocks around, just to get the steam out.

6. As I said, I'm very open with my feelings, so I tell my friends as much as I can without them growing bored of listening to it. Usually, it would go something like this: "This girl is so beautiful and cute! I've never felt this way about anyone before, and I can only hope she feels the same way for me."

I hope this helped! Good luck with your character. ^^

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Sat Aug 01, 2009 6:50 pm
ThisIsAUserName says...

1. How would you react if your crush talks to you?

I try to react as normally as I can, just like I would talk with any other of my friends, but I would definitely throw in more (much-deserved) compliments. I try desperately to be just a bit more cool, but usually I end up seeming just a bit less cool. :] It helps if they had been one of your good friends for awhile. If you don't know them as well, though, nerves can set in much more easily.

2.How would you try to flirt with a girl?

Like I said above, I give honest, deserved compliments anywhere from "you have an amazing personality" to "those are pretty sweet socks". Of course there's always offering things "No, you go first! I interrupted." Or "No, really! I'm not hungry. You have it."

3.Would you ask a girl out directly or.... what?

It depends on my feelings towards them. Most often, yes. It's very blunt.

4. How would you reject a girl?

"I'm so sorry.....it's just, I don't like you in the same way. I really just want to stay friends".

5. How would you deal with feelings? Tell? Scream? Write? Bottle-it up?
I bottle to mostly everybody, excluding the ones I care most about. Often my crush or girlfriend is one of those. I try to avoid screaming as much as possible, and writing sometimes helps, yes.

6. How would you describe physical attractiveness and feelings about a girl among your guy friends?
It's never just "Aww man, look at her *insert body part here*." All my friends know there has to be other aspects for me to actually be interested in someone. It's rarely ever vulgar like you would expect, and I'm sure a lot of guys are like that. However, I don't like to share feelings towards physical things with people other than my closest friends.

I hope I provided some sort of assistance at all. You're right, every guy is different, and it's difficult not to allow yourself to write according to the stereotypes out there. Not every guy's a charming stud, not every guy's a shy nerd. Though both of these extremes do make for a more interesting character. :]
In me thou see'st the glowing of such fire,
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
As the deathbed whereon it must expire,
Consumed by that which it was nourished by.
(Exerpt from Shakespearean Sonnet Number 73)

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Sun Aug 02, 2009 1:18 am
Krupp says...

Hm...what the heck. I'll throw my thoughts in here.

1. I'd probably be pretty cool, because talking is just talking to me. It can take you places, but it can only go so far, depending on what's being spoken about...
2. I don't really flirt much, to be honest. I might joke or tease her every now and then, but most of the time, I just prefer to get into really, really deep discussions on spirituality, current events, literature, art, etc.
3. I have no real tact. I'm not a really smooth talker. If I wanna date a girl, I will straight up tell her to her face what i'd like to do.
4. I don't know; I haven't had this problem yet. I'd probably just tell her the truth, because lies have a nasty way of acting like a boomerang and kicking you in the rear when you're least expecting it.
5. I think it's fair to say that most guys bottle up their feelings; some of us feel like we'd be ashamed to reveal our issues with other guys or people in general, as that it looks like a weakness then. I'm speaking not for all guys though; some are different with this.
6. Funny enough, I've often described a girl in real life the same way I'd describe her in my writing. Sad? Maybe. But it works.
I'm advertising here: Rosetta...A Determinism of Morality...out May 25th...2010 album of the year, without question.

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Sun Aug 02, 2009 3:30 am
Teufelshund says...

1. How would you react if your crush talks to you?

Well, men don't really have "crushes" perse...most guys would scoff at any spineless wimp who admitted to having a "crush." But it's just posturing! There's always that special someone, no matter how much of a playboy/wallflower you male charter may be.

Anyways back to the subject. I would freeze and sputter and stutter and something terrible would just happen to happen. I'm just shy, but lot of guys would answer this way as well. If they're more outgoing alpha types though, they'd just start immediately flirting with her or dropping subtle gestures.

2.How would you try to flirt with a girl?

I'd exude absurd cocky bravado. Kind of poke fun at her in flirty jest and say witty things. Doing manly things. Flexing muscles. Acting [falsely] humble or chivalrous or nice to get her. Making very forward remarks [read: pick up lines] about random parts of her body.

3.Would you ask a girl out directly or.... what?

[Like the whole "crush" thing here...guys never say "asking out."] Guys are generally forward and intentional. They ask for her number or use some witty lines to brek the ice. Really depends on personal style and how outgoing the guy is. Again, I'm a little more introverted, so I'd probably just bring up the subject in conversation while alone with her.

4. How would you reject a girl?

To parry unwanted advances by some ugly lovesick girl, I'd just ignore her. Cruel but that way you don't have to get involved with 'feelings' and such.

5. How would you deal with feelings? Tell? Scream? Write? Bottle-it up?

I like to sulk and listen to loud music in my room. Usually us guys just kinda go "blow some steam," burning all of our feelings out through violence, sports, drinking, drugs, random sex, shooting hoops, driving fast, playing GTA, whatever.

6. How would you describe physical attractiveness and feelings about a girl among your guy friends?

If it was a very close friend, I would sound pitifully romantic and empty my heart out, describing all of her best qualities and traits. But... if I was just hanging with "the guys" like usual I'd just make a bunch of snide remarks about how great her arse loooks or something like that. Most guys feel tender and emotional about this stuff but hide it through though-guy bravado. Believe it or not guys really do look beyond a girl's body. We just don't let it show.

For this and all of these questions: Bottom line: think Clint Eastwood. Guys are all about power games and posturing and acting the role. All guys are loving, emotional, and sensitive on the inside but we're too lustful/scared/inept/ashamed to deal with it and so we hide behind the flexed muscles and the six shooters and the whisky bottles.
Semper Fidelis

"If I became a philosopher, if I have so keenly sought this fame for which I'm still waiting, it's all been to seduce women basically. "

-Jean-Paul Sartre

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Fri Aug 14, 2009 9:08 pm
ZakkuAlpha says...

This is rather difficult to answer, please be patient =)

1. How would you react if your crush talks to you?
I have to agree with Teufelshund on the topic that men don't have crushes. I'd be really nervous talking to her, mainly because I'm a really shy and awkward person. My mouth would go dry, I'd say stupid things, possibly twitch and such.

2.How would you try to flirt with a girl?
Compliment them. Not saying their hot, complimenting their hair, eyes, ect... I'd try to make them laugh, make fun of them a little bit.

3.Would you ask a girl out directly or.... what?
I have a fear of rejection, so I'd wait until I knew that they liked me and we knew each other pretty well.

4. How would you reject a girl?
Not bluntly. I'd try to tell them slowly and explain why i felt that way.

5. How would you deal with feelings? Tell? Scream? Write? Bottle-it up?
Bottle it up or try to reveal them with my actions, if that makes sense.

6. How would you describe physical attractiveness and feelings about a girl among your guy friends?
Hard question. Hmm. I really don't know.

Hope i helped a little.

It had a perfectly round door like a porthole, painted green, with a shiny yellow brass knob in the exact middle. The door opened on to a tube-shaped hall like a tunnel: a very comfortable tunnel without smoke, with panelled walls, and floors tiled and carpeted, provided with polished chairs, and lots and lots of pegs for hats and coats—the hobbit was fond of visitors. The tunnel wound on and on, going fairly but not quite straight into the side of the hill —The Hill, as all the people for many miles round called it—and many little round doors opened out of it, first on one side and then on another.
— JRR Tolkien