
Young Writers Society

Choosing a State

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Thu Oct 08, 2009 6:14 pm
LookUpThere says...

I'm writing a story called the Janitors, based in America although I don't live there. I'm just wodnering what states you'd want a group of six young superheroes to travel through. The order is:

West Coast State/High Octane Mid West State/Beautiful, Scenic State North-West/A High Octane, Bright Lights, Loud Noise state above D.C where a battle can take place. Finally I'll need somewhere to base the superhero H.Q.

My current guess from Wikipedia searches is:

California/Illinois/Unknown/New York/South Carolina.

As I say this is just to see what you would like in the story and also I don't live in the states so any help would be appreciated thanks.

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Sat Nov 28, 2009 6:07 pm
Lauren2010 says...

I live nin in America! Woot!

Anyways here I go. Oh, and I have zero idea about what you mean by 'high octane'.

West Coast State/High Octane:
1) California is probably a good choice. It's very big, and the general climate can differ from north to south and such. (versatility!)
2) Oregon is also probably an option. It's generally cooler everywhere, but right above California. And, much less frequented in west coast literary worlds than California.

Mid West State/Beautiful:
Yeah, not too familiar with the mid west, so Illinois is pobably a good choice. I also hear Wisconsin has some really nice landscape.

Scenic State North-West/A High Octane:
Do you mean like up around Montanta or more like the east coast? Montana is really beautiful, and scenic. It's home to at least one national park.
East coast (if you want to know) I'd say probably Maine or Massachusetts. Maine is pretty scenic, and I just like Massachusetts.

Bright Lights, Loud Noise state:
Definitely New York. You're golden with that one. Another city in that area could be Boston (in Massachusetts). It's less bright lights and loud noise probably, but would work just as well.

Superhero H.Q.:
I'd say Alaska or Hawaii. Just because...well I don't really know. Or Ohio. Ohio is great if you're looking for inconspicuous locations. There's nothing in Ohio. Sadly.

Well, I hope I helped some. If you have anything else you want to know (my specialty is Ohio, lol, I live there) feel free to ask.
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Mon Nov 30, 2009 3:31 am
MeadowLark says...

Hi there,

I don't really know any of the states and I don't live there. I'm just their happy neighbour to the north.

What state you should have in your novel is defiantly Alaska. For reasons such as: One never hears anything about Alaska, I've only read one novel with Alaska in its setting, and it's got beautiful scenery and wildlife. Wildlife you don't find down south :D I would defiantly suggest it for the Headquarters or even the place for the big battle.

I know, I'm not helpful at all but I just had to throw in my opinion. But Alaska just seems to be forgotten like the Territories seem to be forgotten in Canada.

Good luck with your story!

Purple light in the canyon
that is where I long to be
With my three good companions
just my rifle, pony and me

--- "My Rifle My Pony and Me"

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Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:50 pm
AspiringAuthorA..M. says...

I'd say Texas. They say everything is bigger in Texas. There are various cities in the state that you can choose from Dallas, San Antonio, or the coastal Houston. Or you can even have a setting in the many wild areas of the state.
"Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
-John 11:25-26

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.
— Neil Armstrong