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33 Reviews

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Reviews: 33
Sun Dec 05, 2010 8:43 am
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Roal says...

This is my first time doing a short story so I don't really know how to balance things out... heck I don't even know how to balance things out in novels xD
Please give feed backs and likes :]


August 27, 2010
“Alright, petit frère,” he said as we stood in our backyard, our feet on the grass. “I want you to have a practice first, so punch these as fast and swift as you can. Don’t tire yourself out.”
He held up the two punching mitts. It was black on the front and back with red stripes in between it. I hauled up my hands into a semi-crouched position and gave the mitts a left jab then a right. He slowly stepped back. “Duck.” He warned and threw a left hook at me. I crouched with haste and before I stood up.
“Uppercut.” He commanded, placing his right mitt sideways. I did what he said and curved my hand as it bashed the mitt.
Bon, now let’s try that again—go.”
I tried it again before he gave out new orders. “Now a hook—go.”
I swung my arm at him with full force, he pompously blocked it.
“Wait a second.” He stopped. My brother walked toward me and said, “We’re going to do a 360 backhand.”
He positioned me, my right leg front and left leg back. Both stood on the same line. He paced behind me and directed, “I want you to turn and hit me with your best shot.”
I took a deep breath and waited for the right moment. Hoisting up my arms, I made a sharp turn and slammed my backhand on the mitt. That really hurts. I bit my lips, trying to get the pain away from my hand.
“That was a great hit—again.”
The pain got worse as I did the 360 backhand again. And by the time I did it three times, I paused and took off my boxing gloves. My knuckles and backhand was glowing red. He took his punching mitts off and ended the session. “We’re done for today.”

January 16, 2017
I forced my heavy eyelids open and looked at my keyboard. My fingers were on it. What was I doing again? My head bobbed its way up to the screen.
“Oh! That’s right; I was supposed to send my brother a letter!”
I wobbled my head and resumed writing. After various thoughts and rejected ideas, I finally gave up and decided to make a voice mail instead.
“Hey Charlie, how have you been doing? It’s been two years since I moved, you probably moved somewhere too. I probably don’t have to tell you about my MMA career since I am on almost every single magazine and television. I have a vacation next week so I was hoping if I can get your address. We haven’t seen each other face to face during these two years. I thought that we could have a little bit of chatting on how it’s going. Uhh… I think that’s all I have to say for now. Please reply and hope to see you soon!”
I waited for the voicemail to finish sending and looked at my phone: 2:24 A.M. I left my chair and head to the bathroom. I glanced at the mirror; there were bags under my eyes.
“I really need some sleep.” I yawned, pinched the middle of my eyebrows, and left the square paneled bathroom. I laid on my red mattress and looked at the ceiling. It was decorated with the darkest color and glimmering green stars. I had grown to love staring at stars as I am now one of them. Although people consider me rich, I preferred not to buy myself a château. Unlike others, I kept my brother’s word.

“Petit frère—my little brother—if you ever one become riche, there is one thing you must prevail. Never sell your soul to the devil.”

My hand appeared on my vision as I smiled. I kept my promise frère. I closed my eyes, grinning, and trying to go to sleep.

August 28, 2010
“Okay, let’s resume what we did yesterday.” He put on his head gear and punching mitts. “I want you to show me what you learn.”
I breathed in and out slowly as I focus on the mitts. Left jab, right, right hook. Without warning, he tossed a left hook at me. I didn’t react quickly enough, he punched me in the face and I fell down onto the grass.
Désolé, but you did well; let me go get my gloves.” He took off his mitts and armed himself with his boxing gloves. Charlie grinned at me as he began, “We’re going to spar for real now so don’t hold back just because I’m your brother.”
We stood in front of each other as we gazed face to face. Neither of us moved, waiting for the right moment. And when the time was right, Charlie swiftly moved left to right as he jogged toward me. I pounced back, trying to get my defense. He suddenly stopped, pressed the grass with his hind leg and pounced at me. Shifting back, I blocked his jab. His attack was followed by a hook. I ducked, only to be greeted by his knee.
“Dodging an opponent’s attack is never the best choice, to damage an enemy; you must take their pain and transfer it back to them.” He cited as he grabbed my hand and pulled me up. My head was starting to feel heavy. At this point, tears were forcing itself out of my eyes. He placed his palm on my forehead and pressed as hard as he can.
“I know you can do better than that, show me your style, petit frère.” He took three large steps and turned around. “I want you to use your own fighting skill not just the one I taught you.” He smirked at me.
Geh! He knows about my grappling skills. I frowned and wobbled my head. Pinching my own cheek to divert the pain, I decided to change into a position I found more at ease. My right hand up in front of my eye and my left below my chin. I was constantly tightening my grip and releasing it. Once again, Charlie charged at me with the same plan. Not making the same mistake as before, I blocked his hook and with my palm, I pushed him. He tried to balance himself but I did not wait. Sneaking behind him, I wrapped my arm around the nape of his neck. My main hand formed a fist and using my other hand, I pressed it against myself. Charlie clutched my forearm and tried to force himself out. I resisted with all my might. I could feel my brother’s neck getting hotter and hi head getting redder. I slowly began to lose my grip; his sweats were making it difficult to keep it right. My arm would gradually let loose. I stepped back and looked at my red headed brother as he choked on himself. “Okay, let’s end this session.”

January 23, 2017
I gazed at the paper as I looked at the glossy wine door. I landed myself on the steps and proceeded toward the door. I took a heavy breath and rang the bell. The door opened and came a shave headed man. He looked at me and smiled. “Petit frère, how are you?”
“I’m fine Charlie.”
“Come inside, petit frère.” He invited me in. The inside was a modern style house, nothing special to me. The outside was plain and a bore to look at. The only things that was eye catching was the door that smells like fine wine and that fancy plasma television he had.
“I see that you’ve become famous.”
“Yeah, but I still kept my promise.”
We sat on the green couch as his wife, Anna, came from the kitchen and offered us tea.
“Thanks,” I said.
Petit frère, let us have a friendly match.” He suddenly decided.
“Huh? Why?”
“For old time sake… and besides, I want to see how much you’ve improved over the years.”
I agreed as he called for his wife. She brought boxing gloves and head gears and gave it to us. We walked out to the backyard, old memories seemed to reemerge. I sniff the fresh air and asked, “Charlie, I have a match tomorrow, can you come and watch?”
He grinned at me and answered, “Only if you beat me.”
I slammed my fists together and got ready. We waited… and at the same time, we both charged and pounded each other in the face.

January 24, 2017
I place my mouth guard on and my boxing gloves ready. I was dressed in a black boxer shorts and overall robes. I sighed and stood up; I went out of the waiting room and head on to the ring.
“Welcome ladies and gentlemen! To the Universal Fighting Realm, today, our leading challenger is finally going to fight again our champion, Ricky!”
The crowds boomed as I step on to the ring. Ricky smirked at me and silently said, “You’re going down, enfant.”
I sighed and studied him. He specializes in boxing and is a slugger; he gives out a powerful blow to his opponent so I need to dodge those deadly punches if I want to survive for at least three minutes. My eyes scanned the building, searching for Charlie. Where is he? I lightly hit my forehead and focused on Ricky.
“Ready, go!” the referee started the match.
Ricky began to make his rhythms while I was searching the room, my fists up but my guard down. Where is he? I continued to look for Charlie as Ricky rushed in for an attack. Noticing, I tried to defend it but failed. He gave me a powerful blow that blasted me to the end of the ring. Ricky shifted his way to me and grabbed my neck and pulled me to the middle of the ring. I balanced myself and as I turned back to Ricky, he delivered a over cut on me. His gloves smash my face, causing my nose to bleed. I fell onto the ground as the referee came by me and began to count.
“Ten… nine…”
Come on… get up. I struggled to rise up. Fighting against myself, I firmly laid my right arm on the ground and pushed my way up.
“Time out!” my coach suddenly interrupted. I walked to my corner and took out my mouth guard off. The helpers poured water on me and feeling refreshed, the coach yelled, “What are you doing? Focus!”
He’s right, I need to focus… this is an important match for me. The bell rang when I stood up and proceed to the center. No matter how many times I tried to keep focus, my eyes would divert itself from Ricky and into the crowds. Even a little bit of hope would take away my focus, a hope that my brother is here.
Ricky did not hesitate, he knew that I’m not in the game, he was taking advantages. He jabbed me in the stomach five times and switched to my chest. Ignoring the pain, I remained concentrated on finding him. Ricky smirked when he pulled his hand back and released it upon my face. My feet departed from the ground as my head readied itself to be first to land. And in that moment, I looked to my right and saw a familiar figure. It was Charlie… my head slammed onto the ground and I got up without any hesitation at all. I gazed at Charlie, who looked irritated; he looked back at me and raised his eyebrows.
“I thought you were the one who was supposed to win!” He shouted at me. I sighed and grinned. He’s here, now I can finally focus on the match. I turned around to Ricky and altered my form to my original. He looked at me, surprised, but went in for the assault. On that moment, I could feel things beginning to go slow… remarks of my brother began to direct me.
Ricky flung a straight at me as I hastily evade.
I slowly twisted my forearm sideways as I aimed for his chest with an uppercut. Ricky sprung back, giving out heavy breathes.
Running toward him, I tossed my hand in a circular motion. My fist jammed against his head, his legs then crossed with each other as it got tangled. Ricky fell, face first, the referee rushed to Ricky and began the countdown.
“Eight… seven... six...”
I gave out a slow breath and turned around and closed my eyes. I could hear people’s excitement as they cheered when Ricky stood up. The stomping sounds made it clear that he was tearing his way toward me.
“360 backhand.”
Grasping my grip and with full strength, I immediately rotated and bashed my hand to Ricky’s cheek. Ricky fell down and once again, the referee counted down.
“Five… four… three… two… one…!” he stood up and grabbed my hand and raised it up. “We have a new champion!”
The crowds were mixed with applause and hisses. I looked around the crowds and finally focus on Charlie. He looked displeased at first, but then he slowly lifted up his hands and clapped. And with a smile, he congratulated me. “Good job… Roal.”

If you haven't notice the main character's name and mine, well... the character was based on myself :]
This is a fiction I wrote about my brother's MMA influence on me. Brotherly love <3

French Dictionary
Spoiler! :
petit frère = little brother
enfant = little boy
Désolé = Sorry
riche = rich
bon = good
Last edited by Roal on Sat Dec 11, 2010 1:13 am, edited 5 times in total.
14 years have passed
And yet I'm unabled
To find a friend
For my existence is lower
Than a piece of grass.

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106 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1626
Reviews: 106
Sun Dec 05, 2010 1:56 pm
Funkymomo says...

I don't have much time, but I'll give you a short review. It was exciting, and I kept reading it once I started. You did a good job describing things, I knew what things looked like, but there was room for imagination. It was a great story, but I have one problem with it. The whole " I can't do this until Brother/mom/sister/other loved one shows up, has been done before. And it was very predictable. Also, you go 10 9 8 7 5 4 3 2 1. Missed a six.
Light one candle instead of cursing the darkness.

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75 Reviews

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Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:08 pm
Teardrop says...

Hey! Teardrop here to review!

Roal wrote:you probably move somewhere too.
"move" should be "moved"

Roal wrote:“Alright, petit frère.” He said as we stood in our backyard, our feet on the grass.
The period after frere should be a comma, and the "He" should not be capitilized. Since it's like a continuation, it shouldn't be treated as two seperate sentences. This happened a lot in this, I'm just going to point out one. : )

I think you could have added a lot more details, and about your MC's feelings and all that stuff. I liked the fact that you based the MC on yourself, that was pretty cool. This was great, and I enjoyed reading this. : )

Overall, I love it! *Likes* Nicely done, keep writing!

~ Teardrop
And are the doctors dancing in, while the ambulances sing. Another boy without a sharper knife. The moment, that's where I kill the conversation, wrap this up with a knife that loves to feel. How do you know how deep to go before it's real?
- Yeah Boy And Doll Face ~ Pierce The Veil

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67 Reviews

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Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:12 pm
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Jalmoc says...

Hey! Jalmoc here!
I loved your story! It's about time someone wrote a MMA story! I'm a MMA fighter myself, so I understand a little that went on in this story. But anyway, I agree that there wasn't much room for imagination... Also, I know that they were speaking French, but were they in France? Or somewhere else? The tournament, was it like the championship fir the world title? Or just that sponsor?

Just elaborate on small details like this and it will greatly help your story.

Well, that's all I can think of. Lol.

If you have any questions, please feel free to pm me.

-- Jalmoc
If you don't take a chance, you'll always live your life in regret, so let your heart show it's true colors and admit your feelings!

Tis not the blade that took your life, but the Assassin behind it.

When Reality has all but fallen away, recreate your own world

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205 Reviews

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Reviews: 205
Fri Dec 10, 2010 5:04 pm
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Kagi says...

Great story, a good few grammitical errors but seems to be covered by fellow critques. Your description was excellent and I loved your word choice in some parts.
Overall it was a good piece although you should always read through and edit a couple of times before you submit. Don't lose interest before the end-keep going..
Hope I helped,
Kaka xxxx
(P.s any thing else you want me to reveiw I will do! );)
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If, when you mean to type yes you type yws, you know you belong. :P

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Fri Dec 10, 2010 5:48 pm
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Sins says...

Hey Roal. :)

I'm here to review as requested! If you have any questions or comments after this review, just let me know. I'd be happy to answer any questions or whatever that you have.

I really liked this actually, Roal. It was different. I think that some of your descriptions, especially the physical ones, were very good. I really like how you've put yourself into this as well because by doing that, you've managed to create a believable, but at the same time, interesting character to read about. Well done!

My only real critique for this is actually what I've mentioned in previous reviews. Things seem to be moving too quickly for my liking. I'm not sure if it's just me, but I think that there are some areas where you could slow things down, especially nearer the beginning. The big fight was great. The pacing was wonderful, and I didn't have any problems with that at all. It's just the beginning I'm a little uncomfortable right now when it comes to the pace. It's not a huge problem, but I think that you could consider editing it.

The problem that it's creating right now is that one of the main focuses of this is supposed to be the relationship between the brothers, right? The ending of the piece shows that off well, but because the beginning isn't all too detailed, we can't really empathise with their relationship as much. I'd like to see you showing Charlie (Love the name Charlie, by the way) and Roal's relationship at the beginning. I liked the part where they were practising their boxing, and I would have liked to have seen more details on that. It's little things like that which makes us reader feel more connected to your characters and their relationships.

The only other issue I have is based on opinion really. I didn't realise at first that this wasn't written in chronological order. Because of that, I was a little confused at first when you kept switching between Roal and Charlie boxing, and Roal being on his own. That might have just been me being a little slow though... What I'd suggest for you to do would actually help out my first critique actually.

I think that, at the beginning, you should fully concentrate on Roal's childhood with his brother. Really show us readers how close the two brothers are, so that we can feel the connection between them. By doing that, when Roal is searching for Charlie, we'll feel a bolt of happiness when he spots Charlie. It will basically tie the relationship together a bit better. By doing that, you'd put the story in chronological order as well, making the whole thing tie together better, in my opinion. In the end, it's up to you what you do, but that is a suggestion.

Keep writing,

xoxo Skins
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

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20 Reviews

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Reviews: 20
Sat Dec 25, 2010 11:48 pm
Micheley says...

Roal wrote:“Duck.” He warned and threw a left hook at me.

Should it be,
"Duck" he warned, throwing a left hook at me.
I dunno. I'm not like.. really good at this /:
But I LOVED the story :D It was awesome!
& maybe it's true
We don't know what we have till we lose it
But maybe it's also true
We don't know what we're missing
Till we [find it]

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199 Reviews

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Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:53 am
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Apple says...

Oh Roal I'm terribly sorry about the late review but I'll give it all I got anyway.

This was great! I mean I loved the expression and detail you placed in it and since it came from the heart it was made even better. One thing I do suggest though is that you try and add more show instead of tell. Now I'm probably not making any sense but look at the reviewer's not and it'll explain.

R/A: Show not tell simply means that you explain the things around the main character a little more in depth. Such as what the setting around them looks like or the other characters they are interacting with appearance. It can be hard but it makes your writing all the better.

What I'm suggesting with that is you explain what the characters look like even if it is little it'll give us a better insight on what they appear like. Here is an example:

He put on his head gear over his spiky dark hair...

This is a pretty bad example but do you get what I'm coming at. You really need to explain what each of the character's appearance because right now I'm thinking short dark haired boy but the brother could end up being a large, lanky, dark haired supermodel that has bad arthiritis. You know what I mean?

That is probably the only real problem I find with this. A little tweak maybe is to add more personality to your MC. In some parts you make us truly relate to her and then in others it seems like she doesn't really have much. And its you so that can easily be fixed. I may have said this numerous times but layering is your best best.

R/A: Layering: Going through your work and adding/minising things that may help improve the structure of your work.

Good luck, Roal and I'm terribly sorry about the late review. If you want me to review anything else, you know where to ask and hopefully I won't be late, again.
I spy!

i am neither a loose leaf nor do i like loose leafs. really, i am a piece of wide-ruled looseleaf paper
— looseleaf