
Young Writers Society

Test of Humanity

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Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:15 pm
Jordan Lacroix says...

Something I wrote one morning a few weeks ago....

Test of Humanity

A man, well dressed, possibly around in his thirties takes a seat at a local McDonald's, with a brief case at his side. He gentle puts the case onto the seat towards the glass window. While the man is seated, he readjusts his suit, and gives his hair one quick brush back with his right hand, letting each piece of hair fly back then fall back into its right place. The man sits quietly, not disturbing anyone that's close to him, even though they were a few seats away. Another man at the counter was making a ruckus, but he simply ignored it, and didn't even bother to look back. James was his name, the guy who wouldn't shut the hell up about his order. The man could easily hear him from his table. "What do you mean you’re all out of burgers?" James yelled. "This is a fucking burger joint, it ain't no ice cream shop you fucking twit." The employee tries to explain to him, "It's late at night and we don't get another shipment till the morning, we had a lot of people come in today, more than what we expected." James didn't care, he just ranted on. "Oh good for you, but I don't give a shit." The clerk just stood there taking all the yelling, unable to fight back because of his defenseless uniform. "Who gives a fuck of how late it is. I can eat whenever I want; I don't need you telling me..." James yelled, then the clerk cuts in, "But sir I didn't tell you what you can't eat or what you can, I'm just saying were all out of burgers so it’s off the list for right now, there are plenty of other choices." James didn't show any teamwork, he bent over the counter. "I don't give a fuck, I want a fucking burger." The two just stared down each other for a short period of time until the clerk gives in. "Here, how about this, you go sit down, and me and the manager will figure something out, and get you the burger you want." James stood back, and replenishes himself. "Alright, better be a fucking cheese burger, because if it ain't no god damn cheese burger, you better believe that I'm gonna be after you."

James walks back towards the man in the suit sitting quietly at his table. "Take it easy on the kid, why don't ya?" The man said. James quickly responded back, "Dan, there are things you're gonna have to learn with punks like him. You may think he's good, but he's not. He's nothing but some dopey high school kid that does nothing for his life but smokes up, and bangs every chick he can get a hold of. Somebody needs to shake him out of his shoes or there ain't gonna be no god damn humanity." Dan just simply, replied, "Your going to hell." James took a seat across from Dan, and then he started to search his own pockets. "Shit. There ain't no 'God', Ha, Hell? I wouldn't be surprised to see you there too Dan considering ...” Dan breaks in his conversation. "How do you know this isn't all just a test, a test of good will, manners, respect, anything to show your good and kindness?" James pulls out a carton of cigarettes, takes one deadly cancer stick and places it in between his lips. "Hey, maybe I'm wrong, maybe there is a God, but he just doesn't fucking give a flying shit about us." James said, while taking out his lighter and igniting a flame to burn the ends of his cigarette. Dan just stared at him for quite a long time, until James ruins his moment by blowing smoke in his face, James quickly questioned. "So what the hell did you wanna talk about? Why the fuck did I have to come down here, and have a little chit chat, I couldn't just meet up with the boss?" Dan's tone quickly changed to a tone that he would only use at an interrogation. "The boss asked me to handle it, he ain't gonna see you, he wants you to come to me instead." The commotion in the background broke James concentrate. A kid, who was once in uniform came running through the entry doors, carry a Burger King bag in one hand, and busted his way through the back off the restaurant. James was not easily fooled, and he yelled out to the kid. "I ain't no fucking idiot, if I wanted Burger King I would of went there myself. Just get me a fucking coffee!" James took a few more hits of his cancer stick. "For fucks sake people are god damn cheap and stupid. Reminds me of shopping online." Dan fell somewhat interested. "How so?" James had this expression on his face, which looked shocked, and had a lot to say. "Well, you know that almost every city in this country has its own online site, and many of them have fucking for sale stuff from citizens of the town." Dan nodded, and James carried on, "You could put something up for free, doesn't matter what the fuck it is because no one has a god damn fucking conscience to actually fucking think, they will just keep call the fucking number until somebody gives them what they re-call as 'free'" Dan cut in, "But who would even put something up that's free, why wouldn't they just give it to somebody they know or throw it out?" James continued his long lecture. "That's the thing though, that person isn't fucking real. It's kids like that punk clerk over there making pranks on their other asshole friends. Some of these kids though can make it pretty damn obvious that its fake, but people here, are fucking stupid, once they see the word 'free' they can't fucking control themselves, they just have to call, even if it’s something they don't fucking need." Dan nodded, and slightly agrees with him. "Some people can be stupid, but not all." James butts in, "Oh no, everybody is stupid at something. You just don't fucking know it, but eventually it will cost them their life someday." Dan finishes with his lecture by saying, "Well then, you better hope that it doesn't happen."

The two just sit there quietly while the one clerk walks over with a coffee in his hands, approaching the two men. "Here you are sir, the coffee you requested. That will be $1.90" James pulls out his wallet, and gropes the change out of it. He counted exactly $1.90 in his open palm. While the clerk was putting down his coffee on the table, he had something else to say, "Sir, you are aware that you are not allowed to be smoking indoors, it is our policy." James closed the hand that had the money to pay for the coffee. "Well, I didn't get a cheese burger like I asked, because you were all out of them, so I decided upon myself to smoke because you guys fucking own me one." James then throws the change on the floor for the clerk to pick up by himself. The people across the room left there unfinished food on the table, and quickly jet their way out of the building. So now the only people in the restaurant were Dan, James, the clerk, and possibly some more employees in the back but not that much since it’s so late. The clerk stood there, looking deeply into his eyes, until Dan broke their staring showdown. Dan was holding a nice and shiny Tonnie towards the young boy. "Here take my money, I'm sorry about my friend here making a complete fool out of himself. Take it, relax, and go on your break." The clerk took his Tonnie, and ran off to the back of the store like some childish little girl, but James didn't even bother to look because he was locked onto Dan. "Now why the fuck would you do that? You ain't his mother."
"I didn't give him the Tonnie for that reason." Dan simply replies, and then James barks back at him, "Then for what fucking reason?" Dan just sat there calmly, without his pulse jumping. "How about we just get back on topic?" James pulls out a pistol and places it on the table."How about I just fucking shoot your god damn hand off, and maybe then, you won't be so fucking generous anymore." Dan gives a facially expression of disgust. "Put that thing away, no wonder the boss doesn't want to see you no more, you got the damn respect."
"What do you mean? I'm getting respect right now, if I have a god damn gun you better not fuck with me, there's your respect right there."
"Until someone else comes along and shoots your damn head off. I should have knew that you were nothing but some rotten punk."
The both just stared at each other for a long period of time, and then James decides to reach for his gun but by the time he had his hands on it, Dan already had his revolver out aiming at his eye. "Let go of the gun, and put both hands together like if you were praying for God, cause you got yourself in one hell of a mess." James took his hands off the gun, and folded them into a praying position.
"Why are you doing this?"
Dan raised his voice."I tried to tell you but you wouldn't listen! Maybe if you weren't so busy torturing that poor boy maybe you would have got the message clear."
"What are you talking about?" James questioned. There was a short pause before answering but they both just gazed at each other’s eyes as if they were playing some game of chance. Dan replies with a calm voice, "Well the boss have been noticing that you haven't been playing cool lately, and you been fucking up a lot. That is putting our business at risk." James opened his mouth but no words would come out, so then he just sat there quietly.
"The boss said that if you leave our company, return anything that is ours, quietly, without any foul play then he may have a bonus leaving reward for you."
"For fucks sake, you gotta be shittin' me." James mumbled.
"But by the way you acted so far, I think the only thing you’re getting is a fucking cheese burger."
"Let me guess, that suitcase is full of my money?"
Dan didn't say a word, with his left hand he grabbed the suit case threw it on the table facing the locks towards James without keeping his eyes off him. "It has your name on it. Go ahead. Open it." Dan said slowly, without a nervous bumpy tone of voice. James looked down at the suitcase, then back at Dan, the man in his well dressed suit. Dan insisted that he opened the suitcase, so James did. He very well knew the code, because the boss always pays him by using suitcases with the same code. Dan watches him as he enters the code. James opens the case, and his face begins to glow. What laid in the case were huge amounts of money, much more than his usually pay. The bills piled up in different sizes like if he was looking at a world map full of office buildings. But then James started to feel like if he were being played. There was no way they would pay someone this much just to leave their company, unless they got it back. James' smile quickly turns into a frown. Dan then points down at the gun with his own, and tells him, "I want you to put the gun in the suit case." James looks up at him staring him deeply in the eyes, without even paying attention to the gun pointed at his head. "Go ahead, put the gun in the case." Dan insisted. James slowly grabs the gun and moves it over the suitcase, but then pauses. "Maybe you're right, maybe there is a God, but he's testing us, to see how good we are."
"And you just failed that test." Dan said. Then it was a long pause of staring, and waiting. Suddenly a shot goes off, and then two guns fall, one after the other into the suitcase, then it suddenly closes and locks. The man in the suit grabs the handle of the suitcase, and grabs his coffee. Blood was splattered all over the wall in the back, and was gathering up on the table then flowing off the edge like if someone has just spilled their drink. The man casually walked out with his coffee, without any drip of blood on his nice suit. The clerk at the ordering station was hiding behind the counter, with his eyes peeping out. The man stopped in front of him, and gave him a wink. "Good coffee." Then the mysterious, well dressed man walked out the doors and then suddenly disappears into the night, out of sight. The boy just sat down behind the counter, with his conscience overflowing with fright and terror. Then suddenly the boy just forgot the whole event, and didn't say anything to his co-workers, like if it never happened.

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Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:12 am
Antigone Cadmus says...

Whoa. :shock:
Those are some biiiiggg paragraphs. Not only does this look intimidating, it is also the incorrect way to format.
Whenever someone new is talking, start a new paragraph.
Here's an example...

"Zomg, Bob, I found a treasure map!" screamed Rob. "Zomg, let's go look!" Bob declared.

"Zomg, Bob, I found a treasure map!" screamed Bob.
"Zomg, let's go look!" Bob declared.

Look inside any novel and you will see that this is the correct formatting.
With this ginormous paragraphs, your story is too hard to review. Break them up, and you'll get a lot more critiques!

PM me with any questions!

Best of luck,
Odi et amo. quare id faciam, fortasse requiris?
nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.
-Catullus, Carmen 85

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Wed Jun 24, 2009 11:07 pm
Lamfada56 says...

Whoa Jordan. Damn that is a the most Ive heard the word fucking used in a 1 page story. Like, Im Irish cursing is our thing! Loved the story though. Great feel to it. Felt someold style gangster nostalgia. Dan and James's confrontation was well thought out though I do feel as though you could have executed it better. By that I mean I wish you had developed on the characters some what. That's not to say they were not without appeal. James is the typical asshole that we all love to hate and he has this brutal honesty about him that I liked. Dan is a sly, slick gangster who always keeps his cool. A real professional that is to say. However despite the superficial overview of these two men the never become real characters. Actually thats not fair because Jame's is exactly like an uncle I have! Dan on the otherhand does'nt stand out. Sure he's cool character, a hitman, but writers such as Stephen King or Robert Harris always give these sly gangster style characters some human flaws or concerns. Dan dosent break a sweat throughout the story which makes it seem as though he had no life before that event ie he doesnt mention anything apart from his work such as family, the fact that he forgot his shopping ect. Don't get me wrong I liked the story and the characters but it never drew me into the world because I couldnt make a human connection with the main character Dan. James I could. Loved the ending how the waiter turns a blind eye. Good Story!
"History is a nightmare from which I'm trying to awake" Stephen Dedalus

That's how we should measure our lives. Not in distance traveled, or time passed, or worlds conquered, but in moments... and the rush of joy—of grace—that exists within them.
— Megatron (Lost Light, by Roberts, Lawrence, Lafuente)