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Sun Apr 24, 2005 12:44 pm
Acid_Fairy says...

When nothing else in the world matters, and all you can do is wait. wait for the worst you know is going to happen. Wondering if you will ever see that person smile again. Hoping that your dreams will take you to a place with blue skies and no worries. Praying every night with tears in your eyes. When each footstep brings pain to your heart and carries you closer to something you don't want to face.

This is dread

Understanding what it feels like to expeirience the loss of a loved one is impossible. Unless it has happened to you, it is an emotion no-one can fathom. Maybe not even the person themself. Sometimes you will find you cannot cry your greif away. and when you wait for them to come, the feeling stays inside you and all you can do is sit and feel the pain which never goes away. A web of emotions so complex, you get lost in your own mind.
You feel you can't go on living. And how can you, when all you want is things to be the same as before, but deep down you begin to realise-you can't go back.
When dreams are made of more than just fantasies and your tears seem contain all the sadness of the world

This is Sadness

At times like this the world is a dark place, but lights in these places shine brighter than any othe. People you love never get left behind, and like a ring has no end- there will be no end to your memories.
The only thing we never have enough of is time. So when that time finally comes- don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened and you were lucky enough to have that person there with you. The time will come when you beleive you are at the end of everything, that will only be the beginning. When you realise that today is the first day of the rest of your life.

This is moving on

When dreams shatter into 1million peices before your eyes. When flowers fail to bloom. When a cold frost covers your life, and a dark cloud blocks out the sun.When you cry everyday, because the sadness you feel is too great to be contained and the star you wish upon dies. When life loses it's meaning, and no music reaches any ears. When the world is drenched in blck and white, and all colours are drained from it. When peace becomes a word forgotten. When time stands still and you become trapped in a single moment of goodbyes. When not one single smile remains.

This will be the end.

.:'*':.dedicated to all the people i would have known-and the friends i would have had, if my life had not changed in all the ways it did.:'*':.
Angel now- Devil forever ;-P

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Sun Apr 24, 2005 5:10 pm
Rei says...

This is more of a piece of creative non-fiction rather than fiction. But it's a good start. I can tell you really understand what you're writing about. However, I would probably find it a more compelling read if you were to change "you" to "I". That will make it more personal, and you'll be able to connect with the reader better.
Please, sit down before you fall down.
Belloq, "Raiders of the Lost Ark"

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Sun Apr 24, 2005 7:02 pm
Emma says...

Wow this is a moving piece..

The only thing I dont like is where you put: 1million.. It kinda puts me off like you cant bebothered to write it properly... Just ignore me.. I talks a load of rubbish most of the time :P

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40 Reviews

Gender: Female
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Reviews: 40
Mon Apr 25, 2005 2:44 am
Acid_Fairy says...

hmm... it wasn't really intended as non-fiction, but i see what you mean. thanks for the ponts guys!
Angel now- Devil forever ;-P

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683 Reviews

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Mon Apr 25, 2005 6:40 am
Emma says...

Youre welcome :P

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Wed Apr 27, 2005 1:29 am
Mattie says...

Hey I really enjoyed this. It was a good read since it was written really well. I liked this part the best:

This is Sadness

At times like this the world is a dark place, but lights in these places shine brighter than any othe. People you love never get left behind, and like a ring has no end- there will be no end to your memories.
The only thing we never have enough of is time. So when that time finally comes- don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened and you were lucky enough to have that person there with you. The time will come when you beleive you are at the end of everything, that will only be the beginning. When you realise that today is the first day of the rest of your life.

It was very moving, I agree so I hope to read more.

"You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it."
— We Bought A Zoo