
Young Writers Society

My Weird Life

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34 Reviews

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Points: 1359
Reviews: 34
Sat Oct 15, 2011 8:08 am
angel007angel says...

Spoiler! :
I started to write this as a novel but I decided no, I was gonna do it as a short story because I really couldn't be bothered with the hassel of this. I'm not too sure what it's like, I'll just have to see...

My Weird Life

Sometimes I wonder if I am adopted. Seriously, yesterday I walked into the kitchen with my best friend, Madeleine, where dad was singing to Walk Like An Egyptian. Even worse, he was actually doing the dance moves as well.
“Hi girls, I’m just practising my new dance number for Britain’s Got Talent,” he explained, flinging the oven gloves onto his shoulder and sitting down, panting. I rolled my eyes, knowing he’s probably drunk too much cherry coke again.
“Right, well I’ll be in my bedroom… And please, don’t feel the need to do that dance in front of anymore of my friends.” I sniggered, running into my room, which is just across from the kitchen.
When my eleven-month-old sister, Evie, was born, I was kicked out of my bedroom to go into the spare room downstairs. Mum said I could do anything I wanted with it, so I asked if I could have all the walls black. Mum said no automatically. So now I’m stuck with my dark purple wall paper on three of the walls, and then a stupid teal colour on the other wall.
Maddy’s parents let her do anything she wants, but that’s because she’s an only child. I am defiantly NOT an only child, and I can’t run away from the fact that I am. My seven-year-old sister, Kara, is a complete and utter freak. She keeps spiders in her jewellery box as a ’pet’, but after two days she’ll come downstairs in the morning crying because her spider had died. Then there’s my terrible, misbehaving, disobedient brothers, Cooper and Austin, who are both three.
I guess the only normal one here is me and Evie, but all she does is sleep and eat. Which is the only thing we have in common.

School doesn’t make my home life any easier. I mean, there’s this gorgeous year ten called Brad and I’ve been trying to get him to speak to me for just over three months. At this moment, he’s smiling to me occasionally, but only when he hasn’t got his tongue down Sophia Rowe’s throat.
Sophia Rowe is the prettiest, hottest, most popular girl in the whole school. She’s the kind of girl who doesn’t need a best friend, because she’s got Anna Richardson and Milly Hocking worshiping her everyday. They’re in the year above me, and even the teachers think she’s amazing. Sophia and Brad have been dating for three weeks now, and it’s been on my case to get to know Brad better ever since. But the thing is, Sophia hates anybody less popular than her, and if I get friendly with her boyfriend, stuff can get pretty ugly. One reason why I may not have one shot to get with Brad is he’s in year ten, and I’m in year eight. Nobody has said anything about him going out with a year nine, but that’s because she’s hot, I know I’m not. Well, mum says I’m beautiful but mothers HAVE to say that, don’t they?

Kara had her friend Alexia over today. It sucked because I’m not even allowed Maddy over unless it’s to study for a test or something. And Alexia is a complete spoil sport, she wouldn’t eat her pizza because it had cheese on it. Then she smacked Austin, but that’s because he smacked her first. Mum went to work after dinner, so dad was left to his own devices while I finished my English paper.
Mum had to come home early from work because Austin and Cooper were screaming murder. (Obviously not literally, it’s a saying) Then Kara started having a temper tantrum as Alexia was sent home.
Austin and Cooper are nightmares when it comes to bedtime. They come downstairs about eight times between them and eventually go to sleep at around my bedtime, 10:30 or 11:00.
My dog, Pepsi, comes into my room when I’m reading or something and lies on the end of my bed. Dad comes in before he goes to work (he’s a night policeman. He thinks it’s the coolest job ever, and talks about it to my friend’s parents all the time) and he gets Pepsi out so I can stretch my legs out better. Pepsi is MY responsibility, and I find it entirely unfair that I have to use up my monthly allowance on dog food.

Okay, so I’m in school waiting in the lunch queue to get my lunch when Brad, with his gorgeous red lips, smiled at me! Oh, my gosh. I didn’t know what to do so I just stood there staring, until Maddy shook me to wake up. I almost certainly looked like a right fool. I was so embarrassed when he went over to his mates, Tyler Jones (second hottest guy) and Lewis Palmer (fourth hottest guy, the third is Sam Oliver, but he moved to Switzerland a year ago and nobody has thought to replace him), then he started whispering to Tyler. I didn’t catch what he was saying because I was so far away, but he ended up going bright red. Maddy kept elbowing me and moving her eyebrows up and down when Lewis came over to talk to her.
I was to busy staring at Brad and Sophia snogging to notice what they were saying. Then, when Lewis left, she started jumping up and down screeching.
“Lewis ask me on a date!!!” She beamed.
“Awesome! Did you say yes?” I asked, kind of disappointed that she may have a hot boyfriend in the horizon.
“Well, duh! Of course I did you silly goose. It’s tomorrow at Pizza Hut.” She grinned.
“Wow, Pizza Hut is so romantic,” I muttered to myself.
“I’m sorry, what?” She asked, looking quite shocked because she possibly did hear me.
“Nothing.” I replied.
Then this loner Isa came up to me when Maddy went off to get a table and she started to TALK to me. I know this may sound harsh, but I really don’t like her. Nobody does, she gets her lunch and eats it in the girls toilets to avoid people laughing at her. She has never had any friends, and I don’t mean to be nasty or anything, but I see where these people are coming from.
“You are so jealous, Leah,” She said.
“Excuse me?” I snapped, moving forward a tiny bit.
“I can see when people are jealous and you are jealous of Madeleine.” Isa replied firmly.
“I am not! How dare you!”
“Don’t try to hide it, honey. You are resentful towards Lewis and Maddy. It’s okay though. I’m covetous of the majority of people.”
What? Covetous? Resentful? This is why I’m not friends with people like Isa. Smart people.
“Okay then. I’m off now. Bye,” I quickly spoke, sitting myself down next to Maddy.
I am not jealous. Not in the slightest. No way. By no means. No.
Okay maybe I am a little… Fine, a lot! I am a lot “covetous”. Is it bad to be like this about your best friend, who finally gets a hot boyfriend in two years above her, who’s only ever got a boyfriend in year three when Michael Jenkins split a hole in her trousers.
But, now I think about it, the better she and Lewis gets on, the better I will get to know Brad! Brilliant! I am a genius.
When I got home from school, no one was in. I was standing, waiting for someone to come and let me in so that I can feed my dog, but mum came an hour late with three bags of shopping.
“Sorry, lovey, have you been waiting all this time?” Mum asked, fishing through her bag for the door key.
“No, I just came back from school just now. It’s four o’clock and I wanted to stay for an extra hour. No harm done,” I said, sarcastically.
“Oh good.” Mum answered. She really doesn’t get sarcasm.
- angel007angel x

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5 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1008
Reviews: 5
Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:12 am
Irene says...

First off - this made me laugh so much I think its better suited to Comedy Short Stories (but that's just me personally). Good grammar and structure, it flowed nicely and definitively had me interested! I can relate to your character very well, and easily. Especially on the whole 'you can do anything you want with your room except what you REALLY want' part :).

Entertaining little piece that was good for laughing and just relaxing for a few minutes. You write well and I would definitively not mind reading me about your character and her life!
I Am The Daughter Of The Ancient Mother

"Remember the quiet wonders: the world has more need of them than it has for warriors," - Charles de Lint

Neutiquam erro

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67 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 557
Reviews: 67
Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:58 pm
mistielovesyou says...

The problem with this story is the CONSTANT cliches. I mean, every single character of yours seems to be some kind of stereotypical high school character. Very annoying and distracting.
The ending was humorous, but I didn't laugh. I didn't think this was that funny. If you changed the characters up a bit, this could be pretty good.
mistura is awesome and she loves you

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— W. A. Nance