
Young Writers Society

my response to griffinkeepers PM/ goodbye

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Sat Feb 18, 2006 9:58 am
Nephilim says...

*These words are not worthy of being read*

- Firestarter
Mal: "i base my decsicion on that your a person actually and whole if i'm wrong you best shoot me now..."
(River cocks gun)
Mal: "or we could talk some more."

The following HA-HA is not from amusement, but an expression of contempt: HA-HA!!!!

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Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:21 am
deleted6 says...

No wonder your getting banned. :x
We get off to the rhythm of the trigger and destruction. Fallujah to New Orleans with impunity to kill. We are the hidden fist of the free market.
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[The Ink And The Quill (Be Afraid) - Anti-Flag]

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Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:34 am
thegirlwhofateloves says...

Oh dear, the Black Death is back in town. Nice long painful death for me.

I don't know what's going on here, but what you're saying is completely out of order. There are a number of things I could say, but I'm not going to, on account of the fact that I'm not trying to get banned. Oh and by the way, dear - I don't think that Snoink is actually half a pig. That would just be silly, non?

I think that if you didn't care you wouldn't be on this thread shouting your mouth off about it. And I don't think anyone actually cares what you have to say if you're going to voice your opinions in that manner. So off you go to 'f*ck' somewhere else. Have a jolly good time of it.

Big up the YWS Massive!

....And I still don't know what SPEW is....

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Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:35 am
Emma says...

Hey, hey, hey! Calm down lady! I think you should take a deep breath and re-read what you have written. Do you think any of it is really necessary? You have a quick temper and it is easily shown. ^o^

I know you never really meant any of it. You were really just sticking up for you friend and yourself!

And Fontroy no need to make it worse! ^^

Nephilim if you never lost your temper and thought about what you wrote then you wouldn't be in this situation.

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Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:57 am
Myth says...

Why did the story get locked in the first place?

I thought my swearing was bad.
.: ₪ :.


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Sat Feb 18, 2006 12:58 pm
backgroundbob says...

Now, the easy way to rectify this situation: pointing out the obvious.

1. This is a writing website - that means that people post things they've written, and expect them to be critiqued. This is not a site for people who want a pat on the back, it's for people who want to improve.

2. We're honest - if we're critiquing a piece, we'll do it properly, not leave bits so as to avoid hurting someone's feelings. If there's something wrong with a piece of writing, we'll tell the person, since we've assumed (see 1) that they want to improve.

3. We're critiquing the piece, not the person - I've fought with JigSaw since the minute he popped up in the debating threads. This doesn't mean that I would change how I critique his piece - if it's perfect, I'll tell him so; if it's not, I'll tell him what's wrong with it. People who take these critiques personally are overestimating us - we could care less what you're like, really, it's the writing that matters.

4. Some of us are actually making an effort - Snoink is one of the best and most active critiquers we have; I try to do the same for poetry, since my prose critques are not excellent, but Incandescence is another who comes to mind whose input really counts for something. Before you start throwing stones, Nephilim, look at that critique and think exactly how long that took her to write; insulting JigSaw would've taken all of ten seconds to write "This is probably the worst story I've seen in a long time," but instead she's gone to the effort of really giving JigSaw some points for improvement.

5. Being able to accept critique is one of the most important aspects of writing - if you can't take other people's views, you're in a lot of trouble, because you have no opinion but your own to base improvements on. There are times when a reviewer will get the wrong idea once or twice, but JigSaw's argued with half of Snoink's points, all of which were perfectly valid.

6. You - finally, to what you've done wrong. You've joined up, posted two short messages, and then suddenly started attacking people. You're swearing, you're rude in general, and as I've just demonstrated to you, you have no idea what you're talking about. We are critiquers - JigSaw was given some points for improvement - just because JigSaw didn't like what he heard is NO reason for you to start ranting.

In conclusion, I will say this: this site has done for JigSaw what it always does, and I hope always will - shown him how to improve. If he feels he can't take criticism because of how stressed he is, then he needs to not post anymore work, because criticism is what this site is all about. I can accept that; there are times when you just don't need to hear the bad side, and that's when you keep it to yourself.
But: the one single thing that this did not need is a foulmouthed, subjective person who's "not a writer" and so won't understand what we're doing anyway, jumping in to defend someone who doesn't need defending. Understand this: we work for the improvement of people on this site, and you have absolutely no part in that; all you do is degrade YWS, JigSaw for knowing you, and yourself for being as you are.

I hope you realise now exactly why you're wrong: in future, think before you make comments - make sure you actually have a clue what you're talking about.
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Sat Feb 18, 2006 1:27 pm
Swires says...

Taking sides and argueing something that really has nothing to do with you is wrong. Snoink just critted my piece, I am grateful for it and it really helped for me to realise some mistakes in my piece and how to make it better. Jigsaw should have thanked Snoink in the same way that I have done.

You are not a writer so why are you here? This is a writing forum! WE as writers are intellgenent enough to articulate without swearing or using unecessary expletives. Your ignorance is showing when you are using this language about something that doesnt concern you. I hope you are banned as you are ruining the friendly, warm atmosphere this community has.

Have a nice day

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Sat Feb 18, 2006 1:35 pm
smaur says...

Wow. Snoink's crit was nicer than mine, and she gets more insults?

...I feel so left out.

"He yanked himself free and fled to the kitchen where something huddled against the flooded windowpanes. It sighed and wept and tapped continually, and suddenly he was outside, staring in, the rain beating, the wind chilling him, and all the candle darkness inside lost."

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Sat Feb 18, 2006 2:48 pm
Firestarter says...

Thread is locked.
Nate wrote:And if YWS ever does become a company, Jack will be the President of European Operations. In fact, I'm just going to call him that anyways.

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