
Young Writers Society


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Tue Apr 11, 2023 2:39 pm
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TheBlueCat says...


half mast

the flag is half mast today.

i sit on a boiling metal bench nearby,
listening to the whip of the faded flag
in the late spring breeze.
a lone robin sit upon the pole,
unbothered by the waves of fabric below.

i wonder why it's half mast today.

people scuttle by, ignoring my still form,
bustling to get to their destinations,
single minded focus yanking them unnoticing
past the flag, half mast.
the flag ripples on.

i sit and watch, hoping it's not for me.
Unofficial Blue Cat of YWS =^-^=
she/her please <3

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Wed Apr 12, 2023 5:55 pm
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TheBlueCat says...



memory is like photos left in the sun,
every day, new light stripping away the once vibrant snapshot,
faces left to fade into shadows of colors.

it's like stacks of VHS tapes with crossed out labels,
echoes of what was once there peering out under the sharpie.
it's the flashes of forgotten videos under the new,
where the tape skipped in the recording.

it's a feeling of déjà vu when you swear you've done this already,
or was that another time, another life?
it's the redrawing of a familiar face on a new friend,
or old names with new faces and the struggle to keep them apart.

memory is like a puzzle made with sand,
a million pieces shift slightly and make something new.
it's a familiar scent carried on an unfamiliar breeze,
emotions carried with a familiar scent.

it's hearing a song and seeing the face that smiled
as they turned up the volume.
it's a bowl of soup wafting up the feeling
of a tender kiss on a forehead boiling with fever.

it's everything forgotten
as an echo of today.
Unofficial Blue Cat of YWS =^-^=
she/her please <3

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Fri Apr 14, 2023 3:17 am
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TheBlueCat says...



i wonder what it would be like
to be a little firefly looking up at the night.
would i admire the stars as romeo admired juliet?
but, soft, what light through yonder dark sky breaks?
it is a cookie, and the stars sugar crystals upon it.
or maybe i would yearn to dance with the heavenly fairies,
my own light sparkling in the endless galactic parade.
would fireflies even dream of life beyond the skies?
i would let my little wings carry me
until i could see nothing but stars.
Unofficial Blue Cat of YWS =^-^=
she/her please <3

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Fri Apr 14, 2023 5:49 pm
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TheBlueCat says...


poetry is

poetry is a jumble of feelings wrapped in metaphors,
croissants made of complicated emotions
that simple words won't do justice.
it's dewdrops on the first ideas of spring,
morning light kissing the growing blooms
as they stretch up to greet the day.
it's a whisper between lovers,
a secret for the ones who stay silent enough to listen.
it's tears and rain running rivers over your face,
the broken cry of the pieces of your heart.
it's an orchestra of analogies,
layers of melodies echoing through the hall
threading through your heart in waves of passion.

poetry, in all its wanderings and ponderings,
is a love letter to the universe.
Unofficial Blue Cat of YWS =^-^=
she/her please <3

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Sat Apr 15, 2023 4:25 pm
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TheBlueCat says...



even the sun weeps
as the ashes drift away
from the ruination we have wrought
to be human is to destroy
everything we see
a reverse midas touch
as the rivers run
with the tears of the sun
gilded pain glowing
in the dying light of day

Spoiler! :
We're reading about the "discovery" of the New World in class and what really was happening and oh boy is it sad and painful
Unofficial Blue Cat of YWS =^-^=
she/her please <3

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Sat Apr 15, 2023 11:36 pm
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Spearmint says...

Spoiler! :
omg I swear I didn’t copy your “midas touch” line for my poem of the day xD but even if I subconsciously picked it up somehow, it’s really interesting to see the different direction you went in!
I love the lines “as the rivers run / with the tears of the sun”— along with the rhyming, the imagery of a golden river that’s actually made from tears of sorrow and pain is just !! And yeah, that part of history sucks… but you wrote a beautiful poem in response to it, so that’s something, I guess… ^^’
Also loved your line about poetry being a love letter to the universe <3 Looking forward to the rest of your poems this NaPo!!
mint, she/her

.--. / ... ...- -.-. .-.. / - .--. ..- .- / .--- --- ...- .--- / .--- --- .--. .-- / .--. .--- .-.. / .--- -.-- .-.. .... -

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Sun Apr 16, 2023 1:10 am
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TheBlueCat says...

Spoiler! :
omg @Spearmint I just read your poem for today lol we're just on the same brainwave
Thank you! And also thank you for reading and liking all my poetry this month your support is so awesome and keeps me going ilysm <3
Unofficial Blue Cat of YWS =^-^=
she/her please <3

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Sun Apr 16, 2023 12:18 pm
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Spearmint says...

Spoiler! :
aww, ofc! i love your poetry ^-^
mint, she/her

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Sun Apr 16, 2023 7:20 pm
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TheBlueCat says...


for all the lies i've lived before

i can't remember the last time i felt like me.
my personality is a mask i pick like clothes in the morning.
i have a closet full of them,
precarious stacks of lies hidden behind closed doors.
what is the true self if not layers of the false;
if not petticoats of protection against prying eyes?

i'm not sure there's anything under the masks anymore.
living a lie for a couple decades wears down the truth;
a waterfall of pretenses eroding any semblance of identity
once thought to be carved into stone.
even stone wears smooth.

the truth died the minute i made my first mask.
handcrafted for certain people, certain situations.
costumes collected like loose change,
if pennies reminded you of every mistake you've ever made.

is this how it's supposed to be?
three million lies stacked in a trench coat,
masquerading as a person?
is this the lie we're cursed to live?

tears paint rivers over the newest mask i'm cursed to make,
the faintest echo of the face i used to have.
Last edited by TheBlueCat on Wed May 03, 2023 2:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
Unofficial Blue Cat of YWS =^-^=
she/her please <3

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Tue Apr 18, 2023 12:09 am
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TheBlueCat says...


the idea of love

my lips are lined with phantom kisses,
a whisper of a dream i can't remember.
my heart is aching
for something i've never known;
yearning for an illusion.

i've fallen in love with the idea of love.

my childhood was a diet
of fairy-tale romances,
and i fell in love with the idea
of someone seeing all of me,
and still covering my face with
kisses as sweet as cherry blossoms.

of a lover sneaking up from behind,
encircling me in a bear trap of a warm embrace,
or of maple syrup-scented air
as we make each other heart-shaped pancakes,
even though it's mid-afternoon.

of making sandcastles,
me watching you grin
as you try to build up the tower,
only to have the hungry waves crash in,
devouring the foundation again.

of winter pinching our noses pink,
us huddling close as snowflakes kiss the ground
so we hurry on, mitten in mitten,
to a home filled with soft blankets
and warm drinks with way too much sugar.

of bodies curling together through the night,
puzzle pieces perfectly shaped for the other,
and a soft face caressed by sunbeams
being the first thing my drowsy eyes see,
and a petal-soft kiss a good luck charm for the day.

but when you read a book,
you can close it when it goes too far.
maybe i'm just a late bloomer,
but it's already the end of autumn
and the first snowflakes are starting to fall.

so i'm left loving only the idea of love.

Spoiler! :
I've been coming to terms with asexuality recently, especially because I am still heteroromantic. Most people don't separate the two, so it's been really difficult for me to figure out what this actually means for me. I'm still young, so I know things may change, but for now, this open space to write some rough and vulnerable poetry is super helpful <3
Unofficial Blue Cat of YWS =^-^=
she/her please <3

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Tue Apr 18, 2023 4:42 am
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phantasm says...

Spoiler! :
ahhh Cat I'm loving your latest poems !! The topics you're focusing upon are very relatable and powerful, and their vulnerability is very compelling and apparent while reading.
what is the true self if not layers of the false;
if not petticoats of protection against prying eyes?

^^ this is just soo good, I love the idea of clothing representing presentation of the self, plus the alliteration of all the "p"s is just *immaculate* <3
a whisper of a dream i can't remember.

^^ I CAN'T </3 This line is so genius and works so well in describing "phantom kisses" - you have some beautiful language in all of your poems!

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Tue Apr 18, 2023 2:17 pm
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TheBlueCat says...

Spoiler! :
@figmoon Ahhh thank you so much!! <3
Unofficial Blue Cat of YWS =^-^=
she/her please <3

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Wed Apr 19, 2023 2:02 am
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TheBlueCat says...



i don't believe in reincarnation,
but sometimes when the sun hits my face just right,
i can feel the echo of a thousand lives before mine,
turning their faces into the light,
layers of cellophane blurring the same feeling through time.
Unofficial Blue Cat of YWS =^-^=
she/her please <3

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Thu Apr 20, 2023 2:51 am
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TheBlueCat says...


(Enspoilered for gore)
Spoiler! :

the air tastes like metal,
the sharp edges of the scent grate on the edges of my brain.

the tang of life, leaking out across the floor.

the sticky essence drips off a blade sharp enough
to cut through the fabric of time
as you try to erase your problems from history.

red as the anger in your eyes,
it keeps pooling, staining your boots
with the weight of your choices.
the viscera clinging to the treads, clinging to the blade,
dripping off the still-beating heart
you ripped out mid-scream.

if you're not careful,
you will soon drown in a tidal wave of your own making,
heavy with the bones of the skeletons you hide in your closet,
the ghastly dry bones shattering yours as you drown.

Spoiler! :
idk man, I saw a prompt to write a poem based on a smell and apparently I've been reading too many heavy fantasy novels recently, so here's what we got. Maybe it's a metaphor, maybe my favorite characters are psychopaths. We'll never know.
Unofficial Blue Cat of YWS =^-^=
she/her please <3

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Thu Apr 20, 2023 3:25 am
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Meshugenah says...

Spoiler! :

a whisper of a dream i can't remember.

i don't believe in reincarnation

Oooh! This is how you know you're hitting your stride with NaPo - you have gems like these!
***Under the Responsibility of S.P.E.W.***
(Sadistic Perplexion of Everyone's Wits)

Medieval Lit! Come here to find out who Chaucer plagiarized and translated - and why and how it worked in the late 1300s.

I <3 Rydia

If I have any beliefs about immortality, it is that certain dogs I have known will go to heaven - and very, very few persons.
— James Thurber