
Young Writers Society

full of phantoms

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Sat Apr 15, 2023 2:04 am
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fatherfig says...

old souls- planted in fragile new bodies
imposter syndrome- was i ever a child
how did i get here- why am i still here
this racket is meaningless- does it matter who leads us
we are marching towards death and being reborn- as rats
whether man or animal- always rats in a maze made for men
made by men- even nature now corrupted reformed
i find peace in everything - because if i dont who will
everyone else is busy - they run through the maze
there are one million dead ends - they are determined to find them all
i sit legs crossed- hands together- eyes closed
i will be reborn a dove - i do not run the maze
i breeze past it - over it - waking or sleeping
i was never a part of this race
"i dont slay i slaughter, luke i am your father..." ~fatherfig

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Sat Apr 15, 2023 2:21 am
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fatherfig says...

waking up at 5 am without our pancakes
or the small wrinkles the bridge of your nose made
or the laugh that used to reverberate
makes me want to call in a sick day
"i dont slay i slaughter, luke i am your father..." ~fatherfig

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Sat Apr 15, 2023 2:55 am
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fatherfig says...

- bitten fingernails

flakey and jagged
torn between leaving the situation
and being bold so no one questions you
tearing off peices of yourself
until nothing catches anymore
none of you is in the way
biting out all of the parts you dont like
until it hurts to press against the friction
because the part of you that held on
is a scabbed up mess
"i dont slay i slaughter, luke i am your father..." ~fatherfig

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Sat Apr 15, 2023 11:10 pm
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fatherfig says...

-ductaped wrists

squinting past wet strings of my own hair
trying to see anything that is not cold and grey
my chafe wrists straining against their restraints
pale light cascading through a window far away
the air smells like broken bricks and mold
any help is far away and my voice is strained
but i am not scared and i am not ashamed

i picked this place to sit my chair days ago
i sat down and held the ductape roll
wound it around my wrists myself
until i was sure i wouldnt get out at all
and now everything is closing in
on me and my ductaped wrists
"i dont slay i slaughter, luke i am your father..." ~fatherfig

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Sun Apr 16, 2023 5:19 am
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fatherfig says...

i'm i human, but i'm a moth
and you are a man-made light
i think that you are my star
the one who will guide my flight
my photoreceptors are trying with all their might
to make you my compass
without a goal in sight
this glass i keep running into
it hurts, but i'm determined to get there
for better or worse
"i dont slay i slaughter, luke i am your father..." ~fatherfig

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Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:44 pm
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fatherfig says...

in the moment i would rather die than see you fall
and isnt that a love
even knowing when
i am alone again
and i reach out for you
you wont be there

isnt death such a sweet call
knowing at the end of it all
you did good
or will regret still come
with my last breath
wishing i loved you less
"i dont slay i slaughter, luke i am your father..." ~fatherfig

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Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:46 pm
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fatherfig says...

he's so good for you and i know you love him too
hes so good for you and i hope he loves you too
but i feel a fault in the stars
and i hope that it hits my heart
so it doesnt come for you
"i dont slay i slaughter, luke i am your father..." ~fatherfig

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Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:47 pm
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fatherfig says...

written for a friend:

i dont see how you walk down crowded streets
watching people part for you as you silently pad along
with your heavy lashes and criss-cross patterned legs
without realizing your presence is something everyone notices


I dont see how you make any room you enter a studio
and you watch the paintings in the exhibits without seeing how
their colors melt into each other at the sight of you


i dont see how you touch the brush to an empty plane on the canvas
and all your heavy thoughts mixed with true emotions
become paint fading into stark city scapes and bright neon lights
and you claim that you arent an artist

dont forget ive seen you
bleed yourself dry on a canvas
while pretending not to be a part of it

you dont see yourself
reflected in the road side puddles
and you dont see yourself in my broken heart

but i see you and sorry but if you dont see yourself
let me paint for you; you are leaving something out
i may not be destined to hold a brush
but i will give what i can afford you

let me pen it down--
in an ink that you cant remove from the picture--

i place you exiting a building; probably a coffee shop
feet poised ever walking in the painting on the side walk
moving forward eyes ahead towards the crosswalk

dark eylashes and soft sad eyes that cant be silenced;
stark and bright all at once, your feet are planted beside the road
but you dont glance down at the puddle near your feet
too tired of your reflection.
it was raining but when you walked out it brightened right up
the street hasnt dried up since this mornings meltdown--
and a sandwich with no water and your cheeks havent either
the advertisments shine off of you like lights always do
you are a diamond doused in mud

your reflection is a wave of colors in the puddle
as if it cant capture you because nothing can
your determination is movement in a still life even when you feel like death
you have those elegant soft lips with a harsh curve downwards;
why are you always unhappy with yourself

you are only half a dozen laugh lines away from permanantly sad
im not sure how to draw hair tossled with every step-
colored with you newest obsession but i can try


im not sure how to paint your clothes always beautiful always bold
so just picture an artist and that is as close as i can get; art is even in the way you step
there is a bag draped off of your arm with a sketchbook in it
it is large black and heavy with things you yearn to capture and place on pages
you capture everything around you except yourself
and i was hoping this would help
"i dont slay i slaughter, luke i am your father..." ~fatherfig

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Thu Apr 20, 2023 12:38 am
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fatherfig says...

isn't it funny how i caterwaul to the void
as if it will make some difference
set my feelings straight as my ghosts listen
make things right with them

am i just shelving and reshelving the same thoughts
that i inadvertently wrestle with
any time they resurface from the depths
of the drawer i'm too afraid to touch
the one that knows i've never been in love
the one that knows i'm just a broken bug
"i dont slay i slaughter, luke i am your father..." ~fatherfig

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Thu Apr 20, 2023 12:39 am
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fatherfig says...

TW: mentions of death

half the times i sat alone in grade school
i was painting pictures of stick families in my head
and you were a blank space because you refused to exist in my life
but the pale girl who held the paint brush

taller and broader than most of the other kids
slow to learn or trust herself with anything sharper than
a page from the library-- she thought you were gone because
she erased you from the picture somehow against your will

moonless nights and sunless days are what you gave me on my birthdays
you littered the crevices of my mind with lies and broken promises
hateful secrets that i found out and you've already forgotten
things you said to my father that can't be forgiven

the things ive been told about you are crueler than my imagination
i cross referenced and fact checked and from my gatherings
you arent salvageable; you could have been once
before the telephone call when you broke his heart

before you shamed him for things he couldn't help
you could have left him a victim of circumstance and heartbreak
but you had to twist your heel on his heart until it was gone
and leave us to pick up the peices; only there werent any

you turned this grown man into a broken boy
i don't blame you for leaving; i blame you for leaving him hollow
taking everything from him so you could heal, you are a vampire,
a harpy, a witch-- you are the most disgusting person in my life

if i could split my atoms to not have a single part of you i would
i do not pity you or what has happened to you
i will not mourn a single thing from your passing
i will not be one of the many at your funeral

i hope they burn you at the stake when you die
put a stone in your agape souless mouth when you are buried
i hope they stake you in the heart--- cut off your head and bury you
and if they want to keep out tresspassers

they could place your urn in their garden at the expense of their crop
because nothing but nightshade would grow there
"i dont slay i slaughter, luke i am your father..." ~fatherfig

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Thu Apr 20, 2023 12:39 am
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fatherfig says...

from my birth ive been told all the things i am

i am weak, delicate, fragile, and stupid
and i have been told what i am not; good at anything

all of my life i have been told that i am ugly
that i should wear long pants and sleeves

that seeing me is bothersome enough
that i should never be heard unless spoken to

i have been told to go along with others opinions
i have been told not to create friction

but do you know-- you who have told me this
do you know why i have not listened?

long before you told me any of this you told me something important:
do not listen to liars, hypocrites, or people speaking in anger

so all of my life i have disregarded your words
"i dont slay i slaughter, luke i am your father..." ~fatherfig

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Thu Apr 20, 2023 12:39 am
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fatherfig says...

TW: death mentions

you were the colors in my life for a year or two
the only reason i didn't bite the knife
i thought you might die once
i cried all night
and now i dont even know if you are alive
and it feels like i swallow an icicle
every time i think about it
reverse heartburn- cardiac dry ice
"i dont slay i slaughter, luke i am your father..." ~fatherfig

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Thu Apr 20, 2023 12:40 am
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fatherfig says...

TW: death

your parents thought i knew you
and i wish i did-- you died when i was in sixth grade
and i thought i knew you; so i spent all afternoon
coloring pastel lions to show your family how strong you were--
how loyal how brave, i gave you wings to signify
how you were soaring now
because you never needed to walk home again
you got hit by a bus-- and i wish i were joking
the driver didn't see you
and now i never will
"i dont slay i slaughter, luke i am your father..." ~fatherfig

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Fri Apr 21, 2023 5:53 am
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fatherfig says...

sitting in the dark

here i am in the midnight
eyes dark like a moodlight
im trying my best to feel right
like i believe i can be okay
have i ever felt that way before
and if i did how could i tell
i am afraid i cant know
here i am eys on fire
feeling like a liar
with a permanent frown on my face
listening to others as they
spew hopeful sounds into the air
trying to hang on to the notes
and climb up them as if they
lead somewhere other than
the end of the youtube video
they say music is a quick fix
for the emotionally unfit
and i think it fits a bit too well
for me to be comfortable with
here i am sitting in the dark
hoping i can leave
a positive mark
on me
"i dont slay i slaughter, luke i am your father..." ~fatherfig

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Fri Apr 21, 2023 6:03 am
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fatherfig says...

im in the kitchen vibing

my hands flow over the page as if they arent afraid of anything anymore
a form of release where im no longer hindered
and i dont have to make words anymore; deftly trailing across a page
glancing at my muse and tracing his face with memorizing fingers
every line in his face every mark i want to bleed into the paper
i look away to the blank page and begin
each mark has its own reason
a sign of age or joy or fear
or love or lack of sleep
and at the end it tells a story
one with no words
but so much meaning
"i dont slay i slaughter, luke i am your father..." ~fatherfig

"Be yourself" is not advice. It's an existential crisis waiting to happen.
— Hank Green