
Young Writers Society

The Lightning Girl

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425 Reviews

Gender: Gendervague he/she/they
Points: 50
Reviews: 425
Thu Apr 14, 2016 1:43 am
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Vervain says...

she suffered

my throat is covered in blue luminol patterns
the shape of fingerprints all the way down
a slashed jugular, a crushed windpipe
time of death: four years too late
stay off the faerie paths

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425 Reviews

Gender: Gendervague he/she/they
Points: 50
Reviews: 425
Fri Apr 15, 2016 1:36 am
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Vervain says...

temper, temper

he was a walking inferno;
his skin boiled to the touch,
searing everything around him
as he reached out and reached out
until he sat in a crater of burnt grass
and death so endemic to his existence
it tasted like sugar.

when the plants stopped growing,
he collapsed; his hands couldn't reach
the fertile edges of the crater any more
after years of chasing them out to the horizon
and there was no one running to save him—
you take too much effort
and he fell asleep starved.
stay off the faerie paths

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425 Reviews

Gender: Gendervague he/she/they
Points: 50
Reviews: 425
Fri Apr 15, 2016 7:34 pm
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Vervain says...

trust no one

it was young and still broken
when it was told to change—
its face was unpleasant,
its voice grating,
its skin pockmarked with
cat scratches and bug bites—
and it happily obliged, only to find
it was permanent.
stay off the faerie paths

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425 Reviews

Gender: Gendervague he/she/they
Points: 50
Reviews: 425
Sat Apr 16, 2016 3:49 pm
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Vervain says...

be my valentine

the leather wears off in my hands when I comb through your past
your static burns against my skin so thin and fragile
your music plays loud and every time the bass hits
brokenness snaps and shatters the base of my skull
your creaks are an apology to weary eyes and ears
so carefully guiding you down this sunlit road
but you know you don't need to say sorry to me
not now, not ever, not for as long as I toe
that white line - you always greet me the same way,
that throaty rumble that cuts right to the bone
to the core, and you spill me out for everyone to see
but I don't mind, not when you're almost home

we'll have to part soon, but you remember, honey
you'll rot under that rusty sun, but oh, your broken's beauty.
stay off the faerie paths

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425 Reviews

Gender: Gendervague he/she/they
Points: 50
Reviews: 425
Sun Apr 17, 2016 7:03 pm
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Vervain says...

the child

the gossamer tore
with a screech of steel and claws—
that was the first warning sign.
we should have backed off,
donned our innocence-white robes,
left the building and run
for the nuclear war on the horizon.
but we weren't cowards.

the thing looked at us,
red-eyed and virtuous
as it climbed out of its cocoon
and into the web of deception
we had created around it.

the thing stumbled into our arms,
and we cradled it, crying.

it was just a baby.
it couldn't have known—it couldn't have

steel sprouted from our backs;
it gutted us with wild abandon,
slinging bits and pieces all over
our equipment, staining white
into pink into red with an artistic hand.

we should have run—but
we weren't cowards—there was no
freedom for cowards—and we smiled
at the thing we had created
as it recreated us,
our humanity disappearing
against that nuclear sunset.
stay off the faerie paths

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425 Reviews

Gender: Gendervague he/she/they
Points: 50
Reviews: 425
Mon Apr 18, 2016 11:30 pm
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Vervain says...

one way

the anvil cloud teemed with angels
elbowing each other for room—
one pushed, one fell,
on the ground brimstone smoked
and the only thing left was the thunderclap.
stay off the faerie paths

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425 Reviews

Gender: Gendervague he/she/they
Points: 50
Reviews: 425
Tue Apr 19, 2016 6:24 pm
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Vervain says...

this is more a collection of poem fragments I kind of smashed together, but I have a cold, so it's probably the best I'll do today.

the star maker

she was always careful when she touched you.
it was the strange kind of careful,
the kind of careful that says
--i know you are broken
but you never said a word.

she stood on the horizon with you
when you wanted to watch the sunrise;
she stood on the pebbled shore with you
when you wanted to watch the tides;

she pulled you from the cosmos
and into the world of heartbeats and music

at sunset she said her careful goodbye
and you asked because you had to ask
--will i see you again?
and she folded your hand over in hers

she left you on that horizon
she never said a word

your heart washed up in the
evening tide, and you
picked it up and carried on
without her

but you were a child, and
she was the universe;
she made a profession of turning
broken things into stars.
stay off the faerie paths

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425 Reviews

Gender: Gendervague he/she/they
Points: 50
Reviews: 425
Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:37 pm
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Vervain says...


i wonder sometimes if we are all made of dust,
like they say. if the stars look down on us from
trillions of miles away and impossible centuries
before we even knew they existed, if we are
because they were, parts of corpses of things
once so much greater than ourselves. if they
whisper to us in voices we can't understand,
calling out to the pieces of them that became
pieces of us strewn across this glassy marble
made of still other pieces created in a cloud
of gravity. if it matters that we die, when we
roll through the vast darkness of the universe
the same. i wonder sometimes if we are all
made of dust—captured from the far edges
of the skies we know and hold dear to us,
from stars for which we have no names—
much smaller than we think; much grander
than we believe.
stay off the faerie paths

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425 Reviews

Gender: Gendervague he/she/they
Points: 50
Reviews: 425
Thu Apr 21, 2016 11:48 pm
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Vervain says...

dead things

i am full of crumbling chalk
that sifts out through my skin
and catches in my joints,
grinding me down to something
smoother, something more
ideal. seaweed pulls at my
legs as i walk, yanks at my
throat and my scalp until i'm
trapped where i stand,
forced to face the dead things
i've become.
stay off the faerie paths

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425 Reviews

Gender: Gendervague he/she/they
Points: 50
Reviews: 425
Fri Apr 22, 2016 10:47 pm
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Vervain says...

traffic jam

my mother is cursing in the car again
this time about the haitian girls at work
or maybe about the young charge nurse
who wants the two dollars more per hour—
it's r

before she even gets the whole word out
i'm staring at her and the window behind
her head, the world zipping by as we drive
to the mall or maybe to dinner with my dad—

what? why are you angry?
she looks at me as we roll up to a red light
and tosses the words out the window
like a cigarette butt twisted and crushed
in her hand: you're not retarded.
stay off the faerie paths

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425 Reviews

Gender: Gendervague he/she/they
Points: 50
Reviews: 425
Sun Apr 24, 2016 3:09 am
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Vervain says...

ferric oxide

our mouths are filled with scorching bone and dust,
a taste the water cannot wash away;
we drag ourselves to drink the morning rust
from dew-laden flowers bloomed in early may.

the world collapses with a crushing boom,
shattering our limbs and what we know,
and up above the fates arrange their loom
in accordance with the sickly orange glow.

please seek shelter, this is not a drill
say those who've sacrificed their lives to war;
they close the radio lines and drink their fill
of the nuclear disaster at their door.

the sands of this new desert that we made
will be bone and brick, to stars a glowing grave.
stay off the faerie paths

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425 Reviews

Gender: Gendervague he/she/they
Points: 50
Reviews: 425
Mon Apr 25, 2016 3:24 am
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Vervain says...


the things i forget are
too little, too late
to be anything but pockmarks
on sun-mottled skin
and broken strands of
sea-bleached hair—

when will i find a sunset
that makes me forget mallory square?
stay off the faerie paths

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425 Reviews

Gender: Gendervague he/she/they
Points: 50
Reviews: 425
Mon Apr 25, 2016 7:52 pm
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Vervain says...

redbird girl

she wears a cloak of cardinal feathers
that bounces with every laugh,
the sun glinting off her eyes as she
takes everyone under her wing;
her silence is strong,
but her meaning is stronger.
stay off the faerie paths

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425 Reviews

Gender: Gendervague he/she/they
Points: 50
Reviews: 425
Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:41 am
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Vervain says...


words are so flimsy.
it's like using aluminum foil for a sword—
sure, it looks like it'll cut,
but you know you'll lose your head anyway.
stay off the faerie paths

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425 Reviews

Gender: Gendervague he/she/they
Points: 50
Reviews: 425
Wed Apr 27, 2016 8:35 pm
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Vervain says...

this side up

i 3d-printed my dreams
onto a sheet of glass
tough plastic binding together
all the fragility i balanced in my heart

every pulse sent it rocking
in another new direction
threatening to shatter and
let my breath leak out through holes
jabbed deep into my lungs

i thought the people around me
would reach out and catch me
when i stumbled into their sides
but they moved on
running for the sunset
for their handful of divinity

i thought the plastic would save me
but in the end it was just another chunk
for the coroner to excise from my chest
stay off the faerie paths

Those are my principles. If you don't like them I have others.
— Groucho Marx