So first off, check out the week's challenge in Writing Gooder, then fulfill the challenge and post your results here.
I'll post my attempts here as well.
Yep, I think that's it. Enjoy!
Deanie wrote:Aaaand my Google gallivanting one My fave so far! Original first, translations later...
The children move so quietly these days.
We told them to be seen, not heard
but they can still hear us. Even when we think
they can’t. They hear our cries for help as
we lose the world to our own sins.
They see what we’ve done, what we’ve committed
and are persecuted for it every day.
No, there are no more children these days.
They have all grown up in short little bodies.
Knowing the truth, but daring not to speak it,
and seeing solutions, but commanded to silence.
If only we asked their wisdom before we trained
and pounded their open minds into boxes like ours.
The children move so quietly these days,
but they are plotting against us. Because they have gathered
in words and numbers. They know the only way
to save themselves.
Is by killing us.
Children still.
Tell them that we see, hear,
But we can hear. Even if we think
Failure. Hear our voices
Generally, the loss we have.
We will try to see what we do, what we stand for
The aim is to provide on one day.
Of course, there's more than that, these days.
All small businesses grow.
To find out the truth, but dared not speak,
And find solutions, but also to stop it.
If their intelligence research, and problems just before
And control of their minds open window like us.
Children and even today,
But it is against us. Why reality
Sofia and figures. They know that the only way
It kills us.
Points: 11009
Reviews: 413