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Top Forum Posters Of Feb. 2022

Who will the top 5 forum posters of Feb. 2022 be?

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Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:06 am
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MailicedeNamedy says...

The language is always the hardest. But if you give it a try, the people are always so nice. When I was in France, and people saw that I had still trouble speaking, they were so helpful, because they were honoured to hear a German speak French.
Reality is a prison and time is its guard

I´m just a random girl with gentle manners

Every bad voice in your head was once outside

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Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:09 am
Shady says...

Very true! People were very kind, it was just a struggle haha like once I really needed a bathroom and had no words to describe that to the waiter at the restaurant so I put it in Google Translate and showed him my phone and he laughed hysterically but pointed me to the right door haha

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

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Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:09 am
MailicedeNamedy says...

Hahaha. What was he thinking? :D
Reality is a prison and time is its guard

I´m just a random girl with gentle manners

Every bad voice in your head was once outside

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Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:12 am
Shady says...

Who knows xD He showed it to his manager and she started laughing too. I was just crossing my fingers and hoping for the best hahaha but hey, I got a bathroom, so all in all a win ;)

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

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Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:13 am
NewHope says...

I need you to go to the bathroom. (This is what the return is: Can you take a look at where the bathroom is?)

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Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:13 am
MailicedeNamedy says...

Oh yeah.

I´ve read that an insult to the King is still heavily punished even for tourists.
Reality is a prison and time is its guard

I´m just a random girl with gentle manners

Every bad voice in your head was once outside

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Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:28 am
Shady says...

Yeah! I was... culturally clueless when I showed up, unfortunately. And at one point asked if they liked their king because in America people absolutely drag the president and I was curious if they liked their king and they all panicked that i was asking and I was like ...okay... i will... keep my questions to myself xD

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

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Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:29 am
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MailicedeNamedy says...

Haha. Yeah. But I heard there are also things that you can´t say about the US President without getting in prison or so.
Reality is a prison and time is its guard

I´m just a random girl with gentle manners

Every bad voice in your head was once outside

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Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:31 am
Shady says...

What things? The only thing I can think of offhand would be like threats of assassination or domestic terrorism. Is there something else?

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

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Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:33 am
MailicedeNamedy says...

Something like

Spoiler! :
I am going to kill the President of the United States.

But yeah, I guess these things are worse, too.
Reality is a prison and time is its guard

I´m just a random girl with gentle manners

Every bad voice in your head was once outside

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Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:34 am
Shady says...

Ah, yeah, that’s what I meant with threats of assassination haha we can’t threaten bodily harm against him or really most people for that matter haha at least with intent and ability to actually follow through with it.

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

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Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:35 am
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MailicedeNamedy says...

Now that I think about it, I guess it´s the same with nearly every head of state, like the chancellor or Prime Minister.
Reality is a prison and time is its guard

I´m just a random girl with gentle manners

Every bad voice in your head was once outside

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Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:49 am
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Shady says...

Makes sense!

As long as it's not a threat, we can say whatever we like about our presidents and it's protected under the first amendment/freedom of speech. So you can be as mean as you want about a president and attack his policies or himself as a human as long as you're not making threats haha

Spoiler for politics/anti-Trump rhetoric

Spoiler! :

Like, there's a pretty big division in America where a frighteningly large number of people are fully bought into the violent MAGA nationalism -- where the rest of us are aggressively anti-Trump. Like, I grew up extremely conservative. Then was a moderate for a while. And now I am aggressively leftist and very much got radicalized by how utterly horrible that monster is.

So I can say he's a misogynist. Racist. Rapist. Homophobe. Transphobe. Ableist. Xenophobe. Cruel. Basically a murderer, given how many hundreds of thousands of people he let die because he wouldn't listen to scientists about COVID. Science-denier. Fascist. I want to call him stupid, too -- but he's not. He's just a manipulative jerk that knows exactly what he's doing and intentionally caused huge, irreparable rifts in the country as well as with the rest of the World in general with his horrible actions, and his followers are fully bought into the cult that he's created.

And no one at all can do anything about me publically saying that, even with my real name and address attached haha. He's utterly horrific and I can call him whatever name I want -- even when he was in office -- with no legal repercussions.

In general, presidents are shown respect and are referred to as "Mr. President" or "President (surname)" and usually that respect stays with the man throughout his life. So, like, in casual conversation it's fine to just use their surname, but like news outlets and stuff will still talk about "President Obama" "President Bush" etc. etc. as a signifier of respect even after he left office. Where most of the people I know call Trump "the orange man" or "the Cheeto" or other names that I can't share here and stay family-friendly haha

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

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Sun Feb 20, 2022 11:41 am
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MailicedeNamedy says...

Spoiler! :
I guess from one perspective Trump is created through the Anti-American Way of Life by doing nothing and getting money, having no invention but only real estate and is the true capitalist, that people should fear. I think the rank of politicians should be made so that only people that have an idea of what they are doing are allowed there. Like last year the Minister for education wanted to privatise the posts of teachers in schools. He had no idea about anything school-related, he was a blunt mathematician.

But yeah, there were even demonstrations against Chancellor Merkel where people burned straw dolls of her and the police didn´t do anything because of the freedom of speech. I think that is the advantage and disadvantage of being a democracy. You have the problem with Neonazis in Germany and for some years you have the AfD, which is a mix of neonazis, East German people and deniers of everything, like flat earthers, no climate change, etc... and they got 4 % in the last election.

I think that´s the problem but also the beginning to bring a change into a democracy. And one has also to consider that the Head of the state =/= the people. That was something that affected extremely the news in Europe. People here associated the whole of America like these guys that were always shown with Trump. I think that´s also an issue because it creates stereotypes.

Now I don´t know anymore how the topic started.
Reality is a prison and time is its guard

I´m just a random girl with gentle manners

Every bad voice in your head was once outside

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Sun Feb 20, 2022 12:07 pm
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Shady says...

Spoiler! :
No, yeah, that makes sense! The Trumpers are like MaKe AmErIcA gReAt AgAiN and legitimately think he helped secure us as a superpower when in reality he just made us look idiotic to literally the rest of the entire world. It's really upsetting to me haha for a while I was legitimately afraid he was going to start a nuclear war with North Korea because they're both overgrown man-children in control of nuclear weapons. I remember this all happened in fall 2017 because I was in Thailand at the time and was like ???? what is this going to mean for me if Trump starts launching nukes at Asia???

It is frightening to me how many people voted for Trump both times, but especially the second time. Like the first time I was pretty young and my parents were like "we are conservative Christians and we vote republican" and I was like "I really dislike Trump but sure you're right he's probably better than Hillary" and now I feel such an immense amount of guilt even though my vote meant nothing at all xD Like, in America we have the Electoral College which is horrible and unfair but it guarantees that West Virginia is voting Republican 100% of the time so the fact that I have to vote there means my vote is literally worthless. But still. I had no earthly idea what he was going to do once he got to office or there's literally not a chance in the world I would have voted for him even a single time.

And then we all saw what a complete monster the orange man is and he still got over 74 million votes and I am utterly horrified. Not to mention a lot of his supporters are neo-Nazis and get physically violent somewhat frequently and I absolutely had concerns for my safety after the 2020 election since he sanctioned domestic terrorism as an appropriate response to losing a fair election. And I'm in a very, very conservative pro-Trump state and I was afraid of what they may do.

Thankfully it was unwarranted fear and I stayed safe.

But there are "Trump 2024", "Trump Won", "Still My President" etc. etc. signs/stickers/flags everywhere. Like, people will have absurd Trump flags on the back of their pickup trucks just driving around town. Being in Trump's cult is literally their entire personality and he absolutely encourages them to be violent and belligerent.

I was delighted when Twitter banned him. And even happier when Parler went bankrupt. And am waiting with bated breath hoping that he gets charged with the multiple felonies he's committed.

It's just... awful. It is the exact rhetoric dictators use to get blind trust from their followers and make it us vs. them and encourage violent nationalism and absolutely flood every piece of media there is with MAGA propaganda. And it's horrifying that 74 million people don't realize that and are still idolizing the jerkface. And if you point it out then you're a libtard and a sheeple and a snowflake and they just mock you rather than attempt anything close to critical thinking.

And don't even get me started on how utterly horrific his cult-ees are about COVID. Like he was actively anti-mask and anti-vaxx at first and gassed up his followers to be, too, and there have been so many physical assaults and harassment by MAGA jerks regarding COVID guidelines. We call them COVIDiots haha

I'm white and pass as cis so I'm relatively safe, compared to marginalized populations. But I have to deal with a lot of LGBTQ slurs thrown at me by MAGA boys -- even before I realized I was queer myself lol I'm not out, they just see my undercut and I turn down their creepy advances, and suddenly I'm a lesbian because I won't give them the time of day haha

Anyway. Sorry. This has been therapeutic but I didn't mean to rant at you like this. I think it started because we went traveling > languages > to cultures that don't let you insult your leader > to me absolutely slandering Trump for the horrific things he's done. We can move on if you like lol

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

When I use caps I do not want you to read it like a little screech, I want you to read it like a 5,000 year old ogre with the strength of 10,000 men.
— avianwings47