
Young Writers Society

Worst Book You've Ever Read

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Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:57 pm
Pretty Crazy says...

The worst book I have ever read was about a computer game that came to life and a boy had to save the aliens or something like that. I read the whole thing, giving it every chance to get better but it didn't. I can't remember the name of it, but boy was it dumb! So from now on I make sure I'm positive I like the book before borrowing it from the library.
Looking for someone who won't disappoint you?
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Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:40 pm
EmmaJane says...

Okay! This has been killing me!!! Arrggghhhh!!! How can the Gemma Doyle series end up here! "The Worst Book You've Ever Read" :cry: *dies* "A Great and Terrible Beauty" is one of my favourite books. Libba Bray is an amazing writer and she doesn't stick anything that isn't related to the actual book. Although, the realms in the 3rd book did get a little tiring. :|

A few minutes later and somewhat composed.

How did Anne Rice end up here? Okay, interview with the Vampire is a little too descriptive, but it is such a riveting read. Ha ha, it's probably the first book where I also love the film too. *squeals* Lestat!

Lemony Snicket series. Okay, I'm getting angry just thinking about it. Why does he have to go and explain the words like it's a dictionary rather than a supposedly interesting book (series)??? I KNOW what it means okay! Can we move on now?

Darren Shan series. I thought it was pretty cool - in primary school. re-read it and was like: oh dear lord, the patronising tone kills. Cheshire-Writer - You are so right - it is such a Gary-Stu story.

Dum de dum de dum... what have we next. *goes upstairs to her bookshelf* One minute!


Okay: Shadowmancer. Seriously preachy stuff going on there.

Lionboy - I don't really know as I think I read one page or something and .. didn't read the rest.

Swallows and Amazons - might be amazing. I don't know. I attempted it quite a few years back and found it to be the dullest thing I'd ever laid eyes on. But maybe as I'm maturer now (ha!) I might get into it... o_O

Ha ha ha, last but not least. When I was a Doctor Who freak (am not now as I seriously can't stand the &£@#) I got a few books. So, Doctor Who: Winner Takes All.
There's this once scene where it is *groan* Mary Sue! The writer is Jacqueline Rayner. And there's a character called Robert and he sees Rose (yes, that's how old it is) and is like... Well, here's the bit that was Mary Sue to me:

[spoiler]And then the second person came out of the box, and Robert forgot all about the man, and all about Sarah the blonde sneering girl, and about his mum, **who was taken away by aliens and there was a rumour saying they got eaten!! I mean, sheesh! Nice character - not** and even all about Suzie Price, because this was the girl he was going to love forever. **freak. This one goes for looks instead of personality >:| As the reader I was not amused.** She was totally beautiful and utterly cool and just, well, perfect. **Seethes at the writer's terrible attempt at trying to sound like a teen. Just terrible!** She was probably about eighteen or nineteen, but that wouldn't matter because he was really mature for his age, **I don't think so** and she had dark blonde hair past her shoulders and a wide, smiling mouth that was even more desirable that Sarah the blonde sneering girl's, and as she left the blue box her eyes met his and she smiled, and he knew that she felt it too, the connection between them. **The only brilliant thing here is his imagination. Sheesh!**[/spoiler]

Oh well. I think that's done.

And I didn't even mention Twilight.


Your = Possession. Your shoes are so sweet!
You're = Omission. You're quite strange...

If you are confused about which to put, simply say in your mind "you are" and see if that fits the sentence. If not, you are looking for your.

Little Macey | Got YWS? | KOTS:BD

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Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:37 pm
thedelphinater says...

I must say, I'm rather shocked about some of the books people hate (Slaughter-House Five, To Kill a Mockingbird, His Dark Materials, Animal Farm, Lord of the Flies).

And then there are the books that certainly weren't my favorite, but I do think people were a bit harsh on (City of Ember, Maximum Ride, Elsewhere, etc.). First of all, these books aren't exactly written on a very high reading level, and second of all, they're really just what I call beach reads, something to keep you occupied on vacation while you're just hanging out.

A lot of the books I really hate are on here already.

The Pearl was terrible. Steinbeck described all the wrong things I felt. I had no empathy with the characters, yet he described some crab on the beach for an entire page.

I wanted to kill myself reading Across Five Aprils. Same goes for Number the Stars. Both of those books had no climax so far as I was concerned. I didn't think it was possible to read a boring war story, but apparently I was wrong.

The House of Night series made me want to vomit. It started out as something that could have been good, but it was just horrid. The writing was bad, as well as having an unoriginal and stupid plot. It was really just another book about teenage vampires. And most times it barely even dealt with being a vampire! It was basically a book about high school, plus some vampire stuff on the side, but mostly about the girl's social life.
So it goes.

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Wed Aug 05, 2009 8:52 am
Terpsichore says...


I know which book you're talking about! I read it a long time ago, and when I did a reivew for it for school, the teacher had NO idea what I was talking about and I said "Welcome to how I felt for that entire book!"

The guy's uncle made the computer game based on his childhood where the MC stays now or something... Piece of rubbish.

Worst book... I wouldn't even put Twilight here, because it wasn't the worst. I can't even think what the worst was. I just wanted my 2cents worth!
The pen is indeed mightier than the sword. I will maim you with a weapon, but destroy you with a word. -- A.C.G

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Thu Aug 06, 2009 4:23 am
pudin.junidf says...

OK, so one of the worst books I've read is Eldest(the second book in the inheritance series) and a book that I think only one person knows about it and that might be me and obviously the author: "The gavedigger's daughter" by Joyce Carol Oates it's so awfully boring!! and ther's another one that Ican't even remember it's name because it was so stupid, I only know it talked about tessellation and weird stuff and humans who turned into unicorns.
Les sanglots longs
Des violons
De l'autonne
Blessent mon coeur
D'une langueur


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Sat Aug 15, 2009 6:29 pm
Young gun says...

It was some Agatha Christie book.I just read a few pages and stopped at that.Boring beginning.
Too bad we don't live to experinece death

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Mon Aug 24, 2009 11:51 pm
PhoenixBishop says...

On my own time
Gone by Michael Grant

It had bad writing, the characters were flat and acted out of their age. The prose was repetetive, and the dialogue was just plain silly. I was about to slap one of the people for always using surfer lingo.

At school.

The Grapes of Wrath. I just don't like Steinbeck in general but this was so boring.
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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Tue Aug 25, 2009 5:41 pm
afeefah says...

Pretty Crazy - I think the book you're talking about is 'Only you can save mankind' By Terry Pratchet (Did I spell his name right?) I really enjoyed it and-That's not the point is it. Back to topic.

Umm, let me think...worst books...

Bog-child (not sure who wrote it)
The Mortal Engines (series) by Philip Reeve

And that's all I can think of at the moment-Oh wait! The Hunger Games (not sure who wrote it)

Afeefah :D

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Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:08 pm
mtempleton says...

Aaagh. How can you dislike Mortal Engines? It was my favourite book as a kid. I don't even care that Shrike was the Terminator and that the next three books sucked in comparison.

As for my least favourites...
I read some Dr Who and Star Wars adaptations. Don't ask me why. If you're looking for a proper book, there's an author called Catherine McPhail. It was something about a cave... and a giant worm? That was dire.

I really can't say Twilight? Fine. New Moon was the worst anyway. Until Eclipse...
"I want my journey to be full of laughter"

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Sun Aug 30, 2009 2:15 pm
OxfordandOnyx says...

mtempleton wrote:
I really can't say Twilight? Fine. New Moon was the worst anyway. Until Eclipse...

Did you read Breaking Dawn? :l

(It was the worst book I had ever read because I expected so much more for the ending a brilliant saga)

Four kinds of people I hate most in life.
1. People who use a preposition to end a sentence with.
2. People who can't count.
3. People who think it's 'clever' to quote ironic phrases.

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Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:06 pm
empressoftheuniverse says...

I feel a self obligation to finish books. Because usually I've paid for them and even if I haven't; I do it out of respect of the author. You can't fully judge a book until you've seen the entire picture.
And I've read so many terrible books..... I'm going to say PILLARS OF THE EARTH by Ken Fiollet. I bought it because it had an OPRA'S BOOK CLUB AWARD! Sticker on the front. But it was nine-hundred pages of miserable characters that I hated completeley.
And it was, nasty,nasty, nasty gruesome. The kind of thing that would be rated XXX if posted here. Just really awful.
But even bad books have their ups. The plot was so complex, i felt smart for comprehending it. It was set in the Middle Ages; but it showed how over-simplified most power struggles set in that time period are. There wasn't one battle between two people; there was nine hundred, each a win for a different side and each pretaining to different things. It was written by a well-known historian so I suppose that is understandable.
Pillars of the Earth. Don't read it if you're squeamish.
Oh! and I thought Series of Unfortunate Events was sublime; a word which here means "everyone who does not agree with me is an idiot."
Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart.
*Le Bible
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Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:10 am
GuiltybyAssociation says...

Cade wrote:The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory. I'm serious. Worst thing I've ever read. I got it for Christmas.

Are you kidding? The Other Boleyn Girl was truly good. I mean Anne and Mary's brother was homosexual and got hanged for having a lover! So much drama in historic fiction. But books like that are not made for everybody. I'm just saying.
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Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:30 am
Ross says...

I can't really make up my mind. I think it has to be "Body and Blood" by Michael...eh, I can't spell his last name.

Anyways, I particularly love romance. But there was too much sex. There has to be when the main characters do the deed within 15 minutes of meeting each other. Plus, the characters were depression to the max. Made me want to scream at the publisher who had the sense to publish a work as bad as that. Dear God...
And we'll be a dream...

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Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:39 pm
sunnygirl40 says...

The worst book I ever read was Missing May. It was horrible :evil:
It was about a girl whose mom died and her dad made windmill things. It
was awful :cry: :x :shock:

sunnygirl40 :elephant: :elephant: :elephant:

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Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:54 am
Hippie says...

I've already said The Handmaid's Tale, but I just read something nearly as bad. It was Area 7 by Matthew Reilly. If you want to know how bad it is, here's something he said in an interview at the back of the book:

if developing characters slows down the action, then developing characters gets the chop.

So you basically get 550 pages of cardboard characters having meanigless shootouts (and they're the worst kind too. The kind where the main character gets shot at every few seconds but the baddies just happen to miss, and then the MC hits with just about every shot). I didn't finish it because it was so mind numbingly pointless.

Thank god Matthew Reilly has improved with his more recent books.
Q: Where do you go to buy shoes?

A: At the shoez canal, lol.

You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension: a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You’re moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You’ve just crossed over into… the Twilight Zone.
— Rod Serling