
Young Writers Society

Heal the world, make it a better place

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Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:02 pm
salonikhera says...


“For you and for me and for the entire human race
There are ways to get there,
If you care enough for the living.
Heal the world, make it a better place,
Make a little space
For you and for me……… ”
These are not just the lyrics of a famous Michael Jackson song but a call to one and all to save this world from being reduced to shambles. A message that reaches out to each one of us who is human enough to perceive the sufferings of his fellowmen.
Look around you and you might come across countless instances of atrocities against man, whether it was the Kargil war, when many sons of India were lost or 1945’s nuclear bomb blasts in Hiroshima and Nagasaki or 1984 riots where people were ruthlessly killed by each other. Corruption, dishonesty, guns and bombs have become the order of the day. Man has progressed but at what cost? The pursuit for materialism has made him blind! The finer sensibilities of man like love, charity, forgiveness, etc, have taken a back seat.
Can we still call ourselves Human Beings or are we just creatures who can stand on two legs but whose souls have degenerated to the level of animals?
It is time we came forward to take responsibilities. It is time to recreate the lost glory. It’s time, somebody brought back the Kingdom of God on Earth. Somebody should come from us, the youth, the bearers of tomorrow is not as dark as yesterday was.
When God made man, he entrusted him with a responsibility. The time has come to shoulder this responsibility – To Heal the World!
We have to redefine our values. We have to change people. We have to do away with the Jayalalithas and Laloo Yadavs and bring back Gandhi and Nehru. We have to rise above our own selfish interests, if we want happiness to prevail all around us. Roosevelt said for America,
“This country will not be a good place; for any of us to live in,
If we don’t make it a good place for all of us to live in.”
And none other but the youth have to take up this responsibility for we are the “Source of new energy”. We all are the angels of God. We have the power in us to dispel the darkness and BRING BACK THE KINGDOM OF GOD!!

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16 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1058
Reviews: 16
Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:58 pm
BlackInk says...

*clap, clap, clap* Just wow!
I am left for words here. This is so inspiring, so powerful, so... out there it just makes me want to go out, and tell a stranger i love them. Wow... just... wow.
This was so empowering to read, so strong and it made me want to jump on your wagon and follow you into the land of good eill and yes, i too believe that mankind has let us down, with bombings and killings, murderous acts of selfsishness and racism but, yes, us as youths can also change what is now. We cannot change the past but we can learn from our mistakes, change the future with every tear falling and every breath we take we can change it.
As Moher Tereasa said; "I alone cannot change the world, but i can cast a pebble across the waters and create many ripples."

SO, i thank you for that amazing, well-written, empowering peice and i hope to see this world change, for the better and be apart of it.

Black Ink x.
Black Ink. x.
It's not what gender you love that counts, it's who you love. Don't let anyone drag you down. Never Ever.

Im always able to be contacted, day or night, anytime, for any reason. Im here for you. KourtneeMonster@gmail.com

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Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:50 pm
StoryWeaver13 says...

There are only two things I would change:

-Name of this (sounds a little preachy)
-How much you talk about God (not a bad thing - my reason for this is that this is the kind of thing you want to make universal, so a Muslim, Jew, Christian, Pagan...anybody could read this and say 'This is referring to me.')

The thing is, this is a great message. And I totally agree with you. I wish I lived in a time with simple values, where a single gift for Christmas was all we expected, where neighbors knew each other, where honest human integrity and individuality were admired. Small, simple stuff. So yeah, this definitely hit home for me. The only thing that I really want to clarify from above is the references to God. I'm a Catholic so I definitely believe in Him, but I felt like it'd be better if this reached out to everyone. The problem with referring to religion? It can't relate to everyone.

But I definitely agree.

Keep writing,
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