
Young Writers Society

The Key Room Chapter 1

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Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:54 am
TylynRae says...

“You can’t go, yet. What am I supposed to do after school when you’re gone?” I whined, hanging from Jonah’s jacket as he swayed from side to side, his arms wrapped lightly around my shoulders. 
“It’s only for a few months. And we still have a week left, there’s no need to be down about it now.” he rubbed his cheek against my forehead, the bristles on his chin prickly against my skin. I looked up at him, all blue eyes and blonde hair. He’d refused to cut his hair ever since he’d enlisted in the military, and wasn’t going to shave it until absolutely necessary. I brushed my fingers against the sturdy bones of his jaw, his throat, trying to memorize each crevice. In only seven days, I’d have to remember his face from memory and trace each line of his smile into my pillow. He nipped at my fingers as I dragged my hands down the crease of his brow, to the tip of his nose. 
“Jonah, I can’t do this. I really just can’t.” The tears that I’d promised myself wouldn’t fall trickled down my face like traitors marching to the opposing side. I scowled as he lifted my chin. 
“Claw, it’ll be okay. Before you know it, I’ll be back making you cook for me at the diner and we’ll both be going off to college.” 
I growled. “Don’t call me that.”
I grimaced, the tears falling freely. Jonah had first called me Claw the second he’d heard what my name was back in eighth grade. I had sat at an open lunch table, far away from everyone else, on my first day at the new school. Jonah, being the loud and obnoxious boy that he was in eighth grade, came over to my table, plopped down and said, ‘I hear your name is Claw.’ My response was a swift punch to the face and storming off to lock myself in a bathroom stall. He’d been madly in love with me ever since. 
“Oh, shush. I love you. Don’t be so grumpy.” 
“Then what’s my name?” I asked mock snidely. 
“Talon Anderson, soon to be Talon Michaels.” he pressed a soft kiss to my lips as we swayed back in forth on his front porch. 
The sun was going down now as we wrapped ourselves up in our own world that we’d created so long ago. Nothing else mattered here, with just the two of us facing the rest of the world. 
“What are you gonna do having to sleep in that bunk all alone?” I asked. He mussed up my hair with the warmth of his breath. 
“Miss you like hell.” he said softly. 
I nodded, burying my face against his solid chest. 
“You’ll be a good soldier though. They need you there.” 
Jonah, several inches over six feet tall, towered over most of the officers that he’d talked to when registering for basic training. Ever since he’d signed up I despised the United States military. I hated what it felt like to know that the person I’d loved for my entire high school career could easily be taken away from me and would be for eight miserable months.
His golden hair lay messy and unkempt on the top of his head. Normally he wore it short with the ends barely skimming the tips of his ears. But now, knowing that it would all be gone soon, he kept his hair long enough for it to constantly have to be brushed to the side in order for him to not run headlong into a door. His frame, although slim, was sturdy, which had always comforted me somehow by knowing that if there was ever anything in this world that would hurt me, Jonah could stop it. 
“And you’ll be a good soldier here, manning the fort and what not.” he laughed. 
I snorted. “Yeah, because my five foot seven inches of greatness is totally going to be able fend off all the creeps in this town.” 
I’d thought before I had met Jonah, that I was relatively tall. I was the tallest one in my foster family by far, until I was introduced to Jonah’s family, where I quickly became the shortest. Even his fifteen year old sister stood at least three inches taller than me. 
I shivered as the wind picked up. I buried my face in Jonah’s jacket, roping my arms around his waist. 
“You do know if you’d agree to wear coats you wouldn’t be so cold all the time.” 
“I don’t need a coat.” I growled. 
“Right.” He said, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder with one arm and opening the door with the other. 
I pounded my fists against his back as he walked easily into the kitchen. I looked around his body to see his mom, Nadine, pouring a pot of what smelled like chili into a large tupperware container. Nadine always came over and cooked one night a week. It was her way of checking up on her son and being able to do something other than work all day. She always cooked a day’s dinner in advance since she never had time to cook when she got home on most days.
“Why is it that Talon is almost always upside down when she’s in this kitchen?” Nadine smiled at me. 
Jonah snorted. “Because she’s weird. Why else?”
“Well, I just finished this up. It was nice talking to you today, Talon.” she smiled at me.
“What did you guys talk about anyway?”
“About how much your feet stink.” His mother sneered teasingly.
I agreed with her and thanked her for cooking.
“I guess we’ll see you tomorrow for supper.” I said, still swaying from my not so upright position on Jonah’s back. Jonah and I waved our goodbyes as she left the house and drove away.
Jonah made his way to the stairs and I tensed my body, bracing myself for the jostling effects of the sudden inclination of him running up the stairs with me upside down on his back. 
He jogged lightly with my arms wrapped around his waist, clinging to dear life to the front of his t-shirt. 
He opened the door to his room, closed is softly behind him, and flipped me back over his shoulder, cradling me gently in his arms. 
He sat me down softly on his bed where I gently sunk into the billowy haven that was his mattress. He sat down next to me with that wanting look in his eyes that I knew all too well from my years of knowing all of his faces. 
“Don’t even.” I teased. 
“I’m not doing anything.” he said softly, nuzzling my neck. “But really, what did you guys talk about while I was at the diner?”
“Nothing really. She asked how it was being able to live together now. Asked how paying rent was and if I needed anything when you left.”
Jonah thought to himself. Leaving me here in this house alone was the last thing he wanted to do and being able to live together for a short time before he left for basics was a gift that neither one of us wanted to give up, no matter the costs.
“We grew up fast.” Jonah said softly. “It seems like yesterday you punched me in the face and now we’re eighteen and living in our own house. You’re going to college and I’m going to the military. We have everything planned out. I don’t know whether to be absolutely terrified or so just... happy that I know exactly what I want to do with my life.”
“And what do you want to do exactly?” I questioned softly. I knew the answer, but hearing it again only solidified my future even more, making it seem more real.
“I plan on coming home from basics with everything I need to provide a better future for myself and for the girl that I’m going to marry, every possible way that I can. We won’t have to worry about paying for a house, and definitely won’t have to pay for the rent here, and we’ll have everything we need to settle down and focus on our life together.” he explained. Whenever he thought about the future, his brow always creased as he gazed further and further into the unknown. And while he stared, the unknown became clear. “Not only that, but Miss Talon Anderson will become Mrs. Talon Michaels.” he smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to my palm.
I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed, weaseling my body as close to his as possible in hopes that we’d meld together. I could almost feel our bodies fuse together. 
I yawned. “It’s my bedtime.” 
“Nine o’clock. Right on time.” he laughed lightly. 
He rolled over off of the bed, taking his shirt and jeans off on his way to the light. He turned them off as I weaseled out of my pants and threw them to the floor. I kicked the blankets back, pulling them over me. 
Jonah sidled in next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me to him, my body fitting perfectly against his. I turned to face him, pressing deep kisses to his mouth, feeling his body go tense in response. Goosebumps rose on his arms, a sure sign that he didn’t plan on sleeping. The heat arose in waves, our eyelids so heavy that opening them was a feat that dared not be conquered anytime soon. Our hands fumbled to be closer until all I could feel was his skin on mine, and all I could hear was the rapid beat of his heart and the catch in his breathing as the love that we’d felt for each other for years all came tumbling out of our systems like water from a dam. When all that was left of our energy and coherence was the shaking of our hands, we curled up close, holding each other no matter the cost. I fell asleep that way, with his arm resting under my head, and the strength of his embrace comforting and easing my every worry of the day, until nothing existed except his touch, and his love and his strength around me, a silent promise that nothing would ever hurt me.
Last edited by TylynRae on Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
TylynTyrannosaurus<3 (tydecker777)

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Wed Nov 09, 2011 4:20 am
Grandison says...

Overall opinion: it was romantic, but I'm with her, I don't agree with the military, perhaps I'm biased due to my religious beliefs, but I just don't agree. Why bothers me is when people, Jonah, go into it and claim to miss their love ones, if you missed them, why would you go and risk your life? is what I want to scream when I see articles or movies/TV shows about the military. There was a show on Lifetime about army wives, one of the women had a baby and still went back to the military, I think it's really selfish. Perhaps your MC will feel that way?

I love her name, I'm not the brightest bulb, but Claw=Talon, made me laugh...and jot down the name to use someday, haha.

I think you've created such a lovely set up for a romantic novel, I fear what happens since J wants to go to the military, let's have Talon "Claw" argue with him to stay some more, shall we?

Ok, a few nitpicks with errors I noticed...crap, I can't find them now that I'm commenting. At one point I do remember the MC saying we'd "meld" together, you mean, "melt". You also say "he" after dialogue, perhaps use a comma at the end of speaking since you haven't capitalized "he." I'd advise rereading this since I can't remember the other spelling/grammar errors.

This was a nice read like I said, I wouldn't change a thing. But for a question, did they make love in the end? With his mother home? Is that weird or the norm for them?

Keep going,

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Wed Nov 09, 2011 5:00 am
stargazer9927 says...

Well, I think you just found a follower to your novel ;) It is reality fiction right? This sounds very interesting, and I'm totally interested in it just as long as the romance isn't the entire plot (but I'm hoping it's not after reading the summary).

I would have to disagree with the reviewer before me. I would never join the military (although I was thinking about it) but I've had many family and friends join and I'm so proud of them for what they do for their country and how brave they are. Yes, they could die, but it's awesome they're willing to take that risk to fight for something they believe in. We need soilders to fight in wars and keep our country free as well as take care of foreign affairs (history nut talking here :P ). But that's just my opinion. I know it must be hard for your MC, and you did a great job in capturing that emotion.

I also noticed a few grammar errors, but I'm too lazy to point them out. Just do a simple proof read and I'm sure you'll find them.

Might I just say this first part was a good attention grabber, but you could have done better with it. Starting a story off with dialogue isn't always a good idea, and I don't even know what this girl looks like. Discription is important.

I would also like to learn more about this girl's feelings. Why did she start to like him back, even though he was madly in love with her? Wouldn't that make him seem stalkerish? I realize this will probably be answered in the next chapters, but since you mentioned it I wondered if you were going to expand on it or if that was it.

Great work! Keep writing and PM me when the next chapter is out.
Let's eat mom.
Let's eat, mom.
Good grammar saves lives :D

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Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:16 am
pandapez says...

Hi there : ) Really great chapter! I found a couple of mistakes, though, and since you've already gotten pretty detailed responses on your plot from other reviewers, I'll just make mine about the things I caught.

he rubbed his cheek against my forehead, the bristles on his chin prickly against my skin.

'he' should be capitalized here, because its the start of a sentence.

he pressed a soft kiss to my lips as we swayed back in forth on his front porch.

Same thing here.

I’d thought before I had met Jonah, that I was relatively tall.

The comma isn't necessary here.

I buried my face in Jonah’s jacket, roping my arms around his waist.

'roping' should be 'wrapping'.

He made his way to the stairs and I tensed my body, bracing myself for the jostling effects of the sudden inclination of Jonah running up the stairs with me upside down on his back.
He jogged lightly with my arms wrapped around his back, clinging to fordear life to the front of his t-shirt.
He opened the door to his room, closed is softly behind him, and flipped me back over his shoulder, cradling me gently in his arms.
He sat me down softly on his bed where I gently sunk into the billowy haven that was his mattress. He sat down next to me with that wanting look in his eyes that I knew all too well from my years of knowing all of his faces.

Couple of things about this part. First off, I think these should all a part of one paragraph, not individual ones by themselves. Second, it's never a good thing to have so many successive sentences start off with the same word. It bugs readers and just kind of throws things off. I suggest switching some of their structures around, so that they don't all start with 'He'.
Maybe something like this:
"I clung for dear life as he jogged lightly, my arms wrapped around his back." (Also, I revised this sentence because it seemed to contradict itself to me. At the beginning, you have her clinging to the the front of his shirt, but then later you say her arms are wrapped around his back. It can't be both ways, so I suggest picking just one.)

he laughed lightly.

Again, capitalize the 'he'.

That's about it : ) Overall, I thought this was a really great chapter and the characters' dialogues were great. Hope this helps and if you have any questions feel free to ask!

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Wed Nov 09, 2011 2:28 pm
Rascalover says...

I really enjoyed reading this and can't wait for the next chapter, hopfully you continue this.

“You can’t go, yet. What am I supposed to do after school when you’re gone?”

I think the word not should be put in right before yet because it would make this sentence sound better..

“It’s only for a few months. And we still have a week left, there’s no need to be down about it now.”

Replace the period after months with a period and lowercase the a in and. The comma after left should be a semi-colon because you are combining two complete sentences.

he rubbed his cheek against my forehead,

Capitalize the h in he.

In only seven days, I’d have to remember his face from memory and trace each line of his smile into my pillow. He nipped at my fingers as I dragged my hands down the crease of his brow, to the tip of his nose.

This scene is very sweet and cute. :D

The tears that I’d promised myself wouldn’t fall trickled down my face like traitors marching to the opposing side.

There should be a comma after fall. I love the personificationin this sentence.

Before you know it, I’ll be back making you cook for me at the diner and we’ll both be going off to college.”

There needs to be a comma after diner because you are combining two complete sentences with the conjunction and.

Jonah, being the loud and obnoxious boy that he was in eighth grade, came over to my table, plopped down and said, ‘I hear your name is Claw.’

The quotation marks should be complete quotation marks like this : " Also, you don't need to repeat that he's in the eight grade; it's being redundant because you had just said that you were in the eight grade.

“Then what’s my name?” I asked mock snidely.

There should be a comma after asked, and what is mock snidely? I'm not sure that works here.

he pressed a soft kiss to my lips as we swayed back in forth on his front porch.

The h in he should be capitalize because you are starting a new sentence. There should be a comma after lips.

“Miss you like hell.” he said softly.

The period after hell should be a comma because it's followed by he said.
For example:
"I love you," he said.
"I love you." He kissed her softly.
Does this make sense? I hope so! :)

Normally he wore it short with the ends barely skimming the tips of his ears. But now, knowing that it would all be gone soon, he kept his hair long enough for it to constantly have to be brushed to the side in order for him to not run headlong into a door.

There should be a comma after ears and lower case the b in but. Remember never start a sentence with a conjunction.

“Right.” He said

Replace the period after right with a comma.

Jonah snorted. “Because she’s weird. Why else?”

I'd like to see a funny, sarcastic remark from him. I don't think this would be something anyone would say in response. Try rethinking this.

He made his way to the stairs, and I tensed my body, bracing myself for the jostling effects of the sudden inclination of Jonah running up the stairs with me upside down on his back.

There should be a comma after stairs

“I’m not doing anything.” he said softly, nuzzling my neck.

Replace the period after anything with a comma.

I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed, weaseling my body as close to his as possible in hopes that we’d meld together. I could almost feel our bodies fuse together.

Because you have already said together right before the end, I think it would be fitting to just put I could almost feel our bodies fusing.

Jonah sidled in next to me,

It should be Jonah slid.

I turned to face him, pressing deep kisses to his mouth, feeling his body go tense in response. Goosebumps rose on his arms, a sure sign that he didn’t plan on sleeping. The heat arose in waves, our eyelids so heavy that opening them was a feat that dared not be conquered anytime soon. Our hands fumbled to be closer until all I could feel was his skin on mine, and all I could hear was the rapid beat of his heart and the catch in his breathing as the love that we’d felt for each other for years all came tumbling out of our systems like water from a dam. When all that was left of our energy and coherence was the shaking of our hands, we curled up close, holding each other no matter the cost. I fell asleep that way, with his arm resting under my head, and the strength of his embrace comforting and easing my every worry of the day, until nothing existed except his touch, and his love and his strength around me, a silent promise that nothing would ever hurt me.

This is beautifully written ending.

Overall, this was beautiful and a very nice beginning to a novel. I just have one inquiry: Why does her parents let her live with her boyfriend? Are they still in highschool? Does his mom just let them have sex? Why are they allowed to sleep in the same room? I don't know anyone who would be allowed to do these things unless they have a bad homelife and even then the boyfriends mom would let them sleep in the same room. i don't see Nadine has the mom to let her son sleep with his girlfriend and make love to her. You should explain this a little bit more. If you have any questions or need another review feel free to ask.

Have a great day,
There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and open a vein~ Red Smith

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Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:48 pm
Skydreamer says...

You did a fantastic job on the story! I absolutely enjoyed it! A really really good start!
I can see a lot of good advise was given out. The first one I was going to talk about, was already mentioned and it was the part about the shirt.
I'm not that great on grammar an all, but I did notice something that I found confusing,

“Don’t even.” I teased.

shouldn't you have a dash or something, that doesn't make it seem like a statement. It's just that if she was teasing, she wouldn't have made it a statement, maybe "Don't even..." would be better (or maybe just adding a comma instead of a period).

I also want to say that it's a great way to make one want to know more about your book to sort of keep a lot of information from the reader. I say that because I feel like I'm missing a piece from their story, but I remember that it's only the first chapter!

The last thing is that Talon is an interesting character! She's extremely tough! There is a lot to her that one needs to discover, but I thought it was little weird this sentence :
My response was a swift punch to the face and storming off to lock myself in a bathroom stall. He’d been madly in love with me ever since.

I don't know why but it just seems strange to me that she said he's been madly in love with her ever since. I get it, but, to me somehow it seems, different from her character. I know I'm really just speaking my mind, so it's not like advise or anything, but it just seems weird to me. :P

Sorry this was such an awkward review, but I LOVED your story, and I LOVED your Talon "CLAW" and I think you did an amazing job!! :D
I believe in that, which is not seen.
I call it truth, faith, hope, life.

~~~~Sometimes life beckons us to be different~~~~

I used to be known as thewritersdream, but now my dreams have taken flight

Go in fear of abstractions.
— Ezra Pound