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Purple Shirts

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Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:48 pm
miyaviloves says...


Armadiel smiled at the devastation he had inflicted on the worthless people around him. Pain and suffering was what he lived for, and he was going to bask in his sick glory. His eyes scattered across the people, drowning, being engulfed by their own blood. You should never break a demons heart. She had done this to him, if she hadn’t of done what she did these people would still be alive. He could feel the rage dwelling up inside of him. Silence fell.
“What have you done Armadiel?” Her soft innocent voice pierced through him like a thousand knives. She stared at him. His fierce red eyes glowed with anger, but his face was pale and sullen. She watched as his long dark brown hair blew slightly in the breeze as his eyes focused onto her. “They are coming” She whispered as a tear rolled down her cheek. She was so innocent, standing there. The light summer white dress came neatly to her knees, contrasted with her raven coloured hair that fell down her slender back. Her eyes, big and brown, yet through those eyes you could see, this girl was heartbroken.
“I know they are…” His voice was comforting to her in a strange way. This man took away her life, her family, her reason for living. Yet the feeling she got in her stomach when she saw him could bring her to her knees. “Go home Kisho” He muttered under his breath “I don’t want to hurt you”.
“I cant”
“Why? I don’t want you to see what is about to happen”
“I have to see. I have to know. I have to feel what’s happening. I am one of those who are destined to destroy you Armadiel” As she said those final words to the man she once loved the three others part of the prophecy approached behind her. The pain and heartbreak took over him, he did not feel their attacks nor did he hear their insults.
“Pathetic humans…none of you will destroy me. Not even you Kisho. I will come back” He gasped his final breath.
Last edited by miyaviloves on Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:55 pm
RoxanneR says...

I like this, especially the names, which make it seem like it is supposed to be set a long time ago. Is it? I also like the crack about the purple shirt.

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Thu Nov 09, 2006 7:56 pm
miyaviloves says...

I do have more but i didnt want to post it all in one go as it is quite long, i also left out the prologue which needs to be posted to make more sense with the next part :)

The names are Japanese based apart from Mr Sinclair cos hes English :\ but Karm is an old name, well done for noticing!

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Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:47 pm
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miyaviloves says...

Chapter one

Kyoto sighed heavily. It was only third period yet all his energy had been pulled out of him. Not that Kyoto was a particularly energetic person anyway, in fact he was one of the laziest in the school. It was unknown to every pupil, and himself how he actually managed to pass his classes when he slept through the majority of them. It was a wonder to him how he survived at the school. Compared to the other boys Kyoto was the weird one: he was quiet, rarely engaging in conversation with anyone; when he did speak he made no sense; he had no friends. Kyoto wished more than anything that he could be accepted into the other popular groups. He would give anything for them to acknowledge him. He would give anything to have a conversation with Karm. Karm Yusuke. Karm Yusuke was the most popular boy in the academy, and Kyoto admired him. He was perfect. Karm stood at about 5‘6“, a slim, slender build suited the young teen well. He had choppy shoulder length blonde hair that shaped around his sharp featured face. Big blue eyes finished his cute but distinctive look, Karm was the best of the best in the academy.

The dorm was silent. It came as a surprise to Karm who lay awake on his bottom bunk: he was sure most of the boys snored or grunted or even talked in their sleep. Yet it was silent, only the faint sound of breathing could be heard from his friend on the top bunk. The silence was erupted to the loud sound of footsteps making their way down the long corridor. Karm held his breath, not even knowing why. The footsteps stopped. Karm slowly sat up and looked around him. Mr Sinclair stared back at him.
“And what are you doing awake at this late hour?” The teacher said in a quiet but harsh tone.
“Nothing sir” Karm felt uneasy. Mr Sinclair was the head of the school. His eyes were sharp and focused through his small black rimmed glasses. He wore a black suit that was the same night colour as his smart hair.
“I hardly believe you were doing nothing Karm. A boy like you is always up to something”
“I cant sleep, that’s all Sir” Karm looked away from his headmasters gaze.
“Well then, why don’t you come with me and do something worth while?” A smirk spread across the mans handsome face.
“I’m sure that I shall get back to sleep soon Sir. Sorry” Karm lay back down into the comfort and childlike security of his bed. Without another word Mr Sinclair made his way out of the dorm room. Karm let out a sigh of relief. That man had always made him nervous, and his way of putting things could be misinterpreted easily. What was he doing in the dorm room at that time of night anyway? And what could he have wanted Karm to do that was more worthwhile? He decided to forget about it. He was probably going to ask him to help with a new student, after all, all students that attended this school had to arrive at night, so they were not seen entering or leaving the academy. That thought made Karm wonder even more. There was plenty of schools of magic out there, and all had open days and allowed students to leave at weekends. But not here. Weekends were spent revising for exams, visits from parents were arranged for one day only every three months for a day. But maybe that’s why the school got such high grades, maybe that’s why it was so hard to get into this school, and maybe that’s why the teachers were so strange.

Kyoto watched as Karm fell asleep yet again. He loved watching him, he loved hearing his voice, he almost wanted to jump off of his bunk and jump on him to surprise him. It would surprise him as Karm didn’t even know who he was. But he could have introduced himself, or said “Hi! I’m awake too!” when Mr Sinclair entered the room, at least that way Karm would have looked at him. He didn’t know why he worried so much about Karm, he really didn’t know. Karm didn’t even know who he was, he would probably forget anyway, what with the amount people said to him each day. Karm was too good. Just too good.
The new boy stood in front of the class, with Mr Sinclair’s hand on his shoulder. Karm knew there would be a new kid, and this boy looked like he was about to wet himself. It must be daunting standing in front of your new class, your new friends, and already they were judging you.
“Right, now you are all quiet I shall introduce your new classmate” Mr Sinclair looked around his class “This is Yoshi, Yoshi please tell us about yourself” He continued as he nudged Yoshi a little forward. Yoshi went bright red. Karm found this particularly amusing as the boy was so pale anyway. He was actually a really attractive boy. His hair was long and light brown, tied messily back into a high pony tail, with the random strands of hair falling down the sides of this thin face. His eyes were a deep crystal green, and Karm thought that they should really be girls eyes as they were far to pretty to be on a guy. He was about 5’7” and very thin, maybe even thinner than Karm, but Karm was yet to decide that.
“Well erm I’m Yoshi. I transferred here from St Lucinda’s when my dad got a new job and that’s about it” Yoshi turned to the headmaster to be greeted with a friendly smile from him.
“Ok, well take your seat next to Kyoto, he’s at the back there” Mr Sinclair pointed to Kyoto who had a goofy grin plastered across his young face. His gaze lingered on Kyoto for a few seconds “What on earth happened to your shirt Kyoto?” Mr Sinclair asked with curiosity.
“Oh this old thing?!” Kyoto laughed as he looked down at his shirt “Don’t you like it?”
“Kyoto, purple shirts are not allowed in school, what happened to the white one you were given?”
“Oh this is the white one. I washed it with my socks, and now its pretty, I think that Karm should also have a purple shirt” He grinned. Karm casually looked to the back of the class to see who the idiot was that was rambling on.
“And why should I have to wear a purple shirt?” Karm asked him bitterly, his eyes showing his boredom. Kyoto frowned.
“Please, now, Yoshi go sit down, and we can get on with your lesson” Mr Sinclair said in annoyance. “And Kyoto you need to buy a new shirt”.

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Fri Nov 10, 2006 6:47 pm
miyaviloves says...

The friendship that blossomed between Yoshi and Kyoto was a rare one. From the first lesson they had spent together Yoshi had not wandered from Kyoto’s side. Kyoto thought it might be because it was a new place, even he still got lost in. But Yoshi actually liked Kyoto, he had never before met someone so naïve yet so friendly. He generally liked him. Yet his constant talk about some boy named Karm made him realise that all Kyoto wanted was to be liked, so he decided to be his friend and he would like him, it was the least he could do for the guy who had shown him around the academy all day. Kyoto’s opinion of Yoshi was something a bit different. Yoshi was now his friend, and they would now do everything together. Just like he had always wanted, and if Karm was mean to Yoshi, Kyoto could stand up for him, not that he would ever say something mean back to Karm, he still wanted to be friends with him too. The thought of being friends with Yoshi and Karm made Kyoto happy, that would be a dream come true.

Karm folded his uniform carefully and placed it into the wooden drawer next to his bunk. As he put his white shirt into the drawer he thought for a split second that it would actually look good in purple, he immediately pushed the thought out of his head and slumped down onto his bed. How come he had never noticed Kyoto before? Surely someone as strange as him, who wears a purple shirt would be hard not to notice. But somehow he had managed it. He was also surprised that Kyoto didn’t have guys all over him, he was incredibly effeminate, which most of the guys would probably like in an all boys school. Kyoto had long brown hair that fell to just above his slim waist, his eyes were a crystal blue, enhanced by his rather long eyelashes. Kyoto was just attractive. He seemed cute too. Karm shook himself out of this thoughts again and decided that he must never think about a guy for that long ever again. Instead he re-directed his thoughts towards the annual open day. Open days that their academy were rare and only one day a year was set aside for it. Parents were expected to attend as this was the only time they would get to see their children throughout the year, and keep up with their progress. Karm would admit to missing his parents and twin brother, although he enjoyed life at the academy. It was still unknown to him why his brother, Xian, never attended the academy and enrolled in a normal school, but after thinking about it, it was clear that Xian would probably cry if he was told to create fire from thin air. Karm laughed quietly to himself, maybe he would try and make Xian cry on the open day, just for the hell of it.
“What you laughing at?!” Kyoto leaped onto Karm’s back. Karm fell forward in shock and let out a tiny squealing noise.
“What do you think your doing?!” Karm snapped back at the feminine boy. Kyoto folded his slender arms across his chest, as he did this Karm noticed that the boy was wearing white pyjamas with yellow aeroplanes plastered all over them.
“I want to get in on the joke, go on tell me” Kyoto smiled.
“Where did you find your night clothes?” Karm stared at what Kyoto was wearing.
“Oh these?! You like them?! Here take them!” Kyoto started pulling his top off.
“No no no!” Karm grabbed Kyoto and pulled the top back down over him. “That’s quite alright, I would never wear anything like that, not even to sleep in” The smile on Kyoto’s face fell.
“I thought you liked them….”
“No, now get away from my bed” Karm pushed Kyoto away from him harshly. Kyoto stumbled back in half alarm. After finding his balance again he looked directly at the blonde boy standing opposite him.
“What have I ever done to you Karm? Why do you hate me?” He sighed as he made his way back to his bunk. Karm looked down to his feet, what had Kyoto ever done to him? Was it because Kyoto was not as popular as him that he was afraid to talk to him? That was quite possibly the answer, but why should he risk his reputation for someone he never knew existed until today?
“I don’t hate you, I just don’t appreciate people jumping on me then trying to make me have their pyjamas…” Karm found himself apologising. Kyoto turned back to the blonde. Karm looked at the taller male to see a serious face looking back at him.
“Anything you say to me from now on will be taken noted of Karm, every move you make towards me will be noticed and I swear if you dare push me away again you will be sorry”

As it was a Sunday the students did not have to study, although most did at this crucial time as the midyear exams were looming. Yoshi stared at the book in front of him ‘Magic and It’s History’. He wasn’t sure how many times he had read the title but he was sure that if anyone asked him about that book he could tell him the style of handwriting the colour and texture of the front cover. Not that knowing this information would fair him any better in the exams but he was proud that he knew these tiny details. He glanced around the bustling library. At his old school no one studied in their free time, if they did they would probably get beaten up for trying to be smart. This school and its students clearly took pride in their vast knowledge of magic and its origins, something Yoshi was not used to. He needed to catch up and fast, a lot was expected of him. As it goes each student had a different level of expectations, their lives were already planned out ahead of them for what they had to do once they finished school. Yoshi was going to be a house worker, that meant going to live in a big establishment to be head of magic. To most boys at the academy that would be their dream job, but for Yoshi it was a job that he most dreaded doing. He only had three more years if study before he was to be sent off to his chosen home to work, those three years for Yoshi was a countdown to his imprisonment.
“And doesn’t someone look deep in thought” Kyoto somehow appeared next to his new friend. Yoshi laughed a little, he thought it amazing how Kyoto seemed to be everywhere and anywhere around the academy.
“Yes I was deep in thought actually. You don’t seem to be doing any revision at all” Yoshi smiled at brown haired friend.
“Eh?” Kyoto scratched his head. Yoshi stared blankly back at him.
“I said you don’t seem to be doing any revision at all” Yoshi said slower this time.
“No…” Kyoto leaned away from the other male as he prolonged the word ‘no’.
“Are you ok?” Yoshi pushed Kyoto’s back forward so not to let him fall off the wooden bench.
“Oh why yes! Actually I was just about to grab myself some nice fresh strawberries and some delicious whipped cream! How about you join me good companion?” Kyoto leaped off the bench throwing his arms in the air as he did so in a very awkward manor.
“Um…ok” Yoshi was a little bit afraid to say no to the eccentric boy leaping around the library. Kyoto beamed as his friend stood up, grabbing him by the wrist he charged out of the busy room, pulling the other boy behind him.

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Besides, if you want perfection, write a haiku. Anything longer is bound to have some passages that don't work as well as they might.
— Philip Pullman