
Young Writers Society

Death Amongst The Shadows Chapter 2

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Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:15 am
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Shadowwriter1 says...

2. The Impossible Creation
Ryuu awoke at the base of the fence, her clothes damp with blood and dew. She lay still for a moment, trying to asses her injuries. Ryuu rose to her feet and walked back to the house. A cool wind made Ryuu shiver. She hugged herself in an attempt to make herself warm. She slipped silently into the living room and went to go upstairs, pausing only to look a blood stain that Ryuu knew she would have to scrub at later.
Ryuu silently walked up the stairs, dodging the areas that creaked, for she did not want to wake her family at this time in then morning. She walked slowly past the doors that led to the rooms that filled the enormous house. Ryuu quickly reached the window that stood at the end of the hallway, letting in the first lights of dawn. Ryuu took a deep breath and climbed out the window.
There was no way to get to Ryuu’s bedroom without climbing the wall that stood beneath the window. Fortunately, Ryuu had climbed this wall for many years and she knew every hand and foot hold that would help her with her ascent.
At the top, Ryuu climbed through her window and dropped to the floor. She crawled over to her bed and sat on it. Her room was cold and smelled of mould. Ryuu pulled out a first aid kit from underneath her pillow and started to clean and wrap her injuries. There was very few that required sewing together. It was a slow and painful process that Ryuu had been through many times before.
Just as Ryuu’s alarm went off just as she covered her last wound. She sighed and began to get ready for school. Ryuu attended Mistforn Primary School and she absolutely hates it, though she would much rather attend school than do chores. It was a fairly large house and there would be plenty to clean, polish, fix and redo all over again. Ryuu sighed again and pulled out her uniform. It was a black skirt and a blue shirt with the emblem on the pocket. Ryuu put it on and looked in the full length mirror. Her tanned, miserable face looked back at her. Her black hair made her blue eyes stand out and her freckles scattered themselves across her cheeks and nose. Ryuu had a large build from all the hard work she had done over the years and after her run in with the man the previous night she was glad that she was stronger than most. “Ryuu! Get down your lazy arse down here and go to school!” Ryuu’s father screamed up the stairs. Ryuu turned, grabbed her bag and raced down the stairs.
Ryuu arrived at school and attended her normal class, though she couldn’t wait until the last period. She had science with her best friend. It was the only class they had together and they never saw each other in the breaks because Ryuu was almost always held back and when she wasn’t Sherry would have sport training of some sort or Ryuu had vanished into the library. The day passed quickly. All Ryuu had to do was listen to the teacher talk and do a few worksheets. Simple. The breaks were the normal vanish to the library except the last break when Ryuu missed the bell.
Ryuu managed to get to her science room just as the bell rang. It sounded like a wailing child and always made Ryuu shiver. She lined up outside the classroom door and waited for her teacher to arrive. “Hey Ryuu, I haven’t seen you for a while. What’s been going on?” An all too familiar, friendly voice said from behind her. Ryuu spun around and hugged her best friend. “Hey Sherry. It’s good to see you again. Sorry about my being away, family issues.” Ryuu explained. Sherry nodded and gave Ryuu a small pat on the back. “I understand completely. Well not really, I don’t know why someone would beat their own child.” Sherry said. Ryuu game a small smile. She didn’t understand why she was beaten either. Just at that moment their teacher arrived. Everyone went quiet and waited to be told to go inside. “Enter.” Mrs McGregor ordered with a fierce look in her eye. We hustled inside and sat in our seats.
Ryuu allowed her mind to drift away from the sound of Mrs McGregor’s constant drawl. “Alright everybody, I want your attention. You are going to create a mixture using some ingredients that you chose. I want to see what you come up with and what it does. This is an individual project. Begin... now!” Mrs McGregor said. All the students rushed into the chemistry store room and began grabbing at a series of chemicals for their mixture. Ryuu went in and began to grab a random bunch of chemicals, not bothering to read what they were. In the end she had about a dozen different chemicals and no clue whatsoever when it comes to what they are. Ryuu began to mix all the ingredients together. The mixture changed from a blue to green and purple. In the end it was a bright white. Ryuu didn’t care. Mrs McGregor came over to her table and watched the process. She then turned to Sherry and said “Sherry, I want you to set up a power pack with some wires in the DC holes. I then want you to turn the volt metre up to twelve and place the ends of the wires near a match to see if you can light it.” Sherry nodded and ran off to grab the items required.
Sherry set up the experiment next to where Ryuu had placed her mixture. She turned up the volts and held the two wires close together, with a match separating them. “Ryuu, can you please turn on the power pack?” asked Sherry. Ryuu leant over and flicked the switch. An electric charge surged through the wires. Sherry screamed and tossed the wires into the air. She leapt backwards and clutched her right hand. “Sherry! Are you alright?” Ryuu cried racing over to her friend. Sherry nodded. “There must of been a lose wire or something because it electrocuted me” She explained. “Show me.” Ryuu ordered. Sherry held out her hand. It was a bright red and was beginning to blister. “Sick bay. Now.” Ryuu demanded pointing to the door. She was very protective of her friends and would do anything to make sure they were okay. Sherry nodded and left. Ryuu turned back to the power pack and went to examine the wires. It was then she realised that the wires were in her mixture. She pulled them out carefully and switched off the pack. Ryuu packed it up and turned back to her project. She looked closely at the mixture and noticed that there was small blue flashes in there that looked similar to lightning bolts. “Hmm that’s odd.” Ryuu commented. She then poured her mixture into a small container - she needed to take it home to perform tests on it as part of the project. The bell rang just as Ryuu finished packing up. She hurried from the room and began to run to the bus stop. If she was late she would receive another beating.
Ryuu only just managed to make the bus. She sat alone and stared out the window at all that went past. Ryuu saw the normal people wandering by going about their business. “I wish I was as free as those people. It would be nice not to be told what to do constantly, and if I am told what to do I won’t be beaten for it.” Ryuu whispered to herself. Oh how she longed for freedom, to be able to do as she pleases. She shifted in her seat and sighed. “AH!” Ryuu cried out as the person behind her dumped a bunch of freezing cold water on her head. Ryuu hated the cold more than anything. She spun around in her seat so she could see to did it. It was her brother. Of course. Ryuu scowled but didn’t dare say anything for it might just be a reason for her parents to beat her again. Fortunately the bus pulled up outside her house before anything else could happen. Ryuu and Stewart got off the bus and headed inside. Ryuu took one last look at the bus and went through the door into the nightmare that was her life.

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Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:20 pm
davantageous says...

I don't know how else to say this...Bravo>..........is the best thing I have read today and since i get points from reviewing this i will send you a gift. epic.... man

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Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:09 am
LoneWolf161 says...

Holy crap I have read both now it is oh my god the best book ever I want to write like you dadadad batman

I would like to be the air that inhabits you for a moment only. I would like to be that unnoticed and that necessary.
— Margaret Atwood