
Young Writers Society

First Light - Chapter One

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Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:19 am
Butterfly18 says...

Ela crawled through the smoke. Pressure rose in her chest, and she struggled to breathe. Not now, she thought. As heat of the growing flames wafted towards her, she glimpsed a hint of light through the seething smoke.

A hand touched her shoulder. “Ela,” Veronie said. “You okay?”

“I’m fine,” she coughed. “I think I see the door. This way.” Ela crawled towards the light. Broken glass cut into her palms and knees.

“Please evacuate the building.” Water gushed from the sprinklers.

She found the door, pulled herself to her feet and ran into the hall. Students poured from the classrooms and rushed for the nearest stairwell. “Tana,” Ela yelled, scouring the panicked faces.

Tana fought her way through the moving crowd. “Ela.”

Ela stumbled into a stairwell as it swelled with students from the second floor. A strong hand shoved her, and she fell into a girl below. “Sorry,” she mumbled.

“Watch your step, dumbass,” Tana yelled behind them.

Ela squeezed out the emergency exit and shielded her eyes from the sun. A thick cloud of smoke hung over the building. A hovercar pulled into the courtyard and medics jumped out with their kits. She glanced at the other students huddled in dishevelled groups, but fine. “What were you thinking?” She shoved Tana.

“Hey, I was very careful.”

“Someone could’ve gotten hurt.”

“No one did so just–” Tana paused as a pack of clerks arrived to do their rounds.

Ela straightened her uniform.

One approached, tablet clamped under her arm. “I’m collecting statements.”

“We know the drill.” Tana placed a hand on her hip.

The clerk held the tablet in front of Ela so she could press her thumb to the print-reader. “You had munitions class, correct?” she referred to Ela’s schedule on the screen.


“Were you in the Forging Room when the explosion occurred?”


“And someone can vouch for your whereabouts?”

“Yes.” Ela glanced at Tana.

The clerk ushered a medic over. He opened his kit and began tweezing the shards of glass from her palms as the clerk questioned Tana.

The medic sealed Ela’s wounds with a lightweight gel. “I’m fine.” She waved him away from her knees and turned to Tana.

“You can vouch for her whereabouts?” the clerk asked, unmistakably human except for the electric spark in her blue eyes.

Ela cleared her throat. “Yes. She was with me the whole time.” She tucked her hair behind her ears and kept eye contact with the clerk as she stood by her friend's side.

“Your belongings left in the room will be returned once we’ve completed a full assessment of the situation.” She moved to the next group of students.

“You think she bought it?” Ela whispered.

“They always buy it.”


Rain drizzled outside while Ela scrolled through a catalogue of bombs, memorizing different makes and detonations. The class squashed in pairs at single desks, Tana sat beside her at their shared table. Her back straight and head down, she appeared hard at work. Ela nudged Tana with her elbow to wake her.

“Eeeela,” the teacher loomed over her.


“I beg your pardon?”

“Sorry, Miss, what was the question?”

Miss Sella folded her arms. “What are the four principle parts of typical bomb composition?”

Everyone turned and stared.

“Ah, casing, fins, fuse, and…” the last one tickled the tip of her tongue. “High explosive charge.”

“Correct, but pay attention to the references. Tana?” Sella cleared her throat.

Tana’s hand slipped, and her head hit the table. “Ahhh–” She slapped a hand to her head and looked up at Sella dazed.

“Have you been asleep this whole time?”

“What, no–”

The teacher smacked Tana across the back of her head. “Revision.”

Tana pulled a laser from her pocket. She pointed it at the teacher and the word, floozy, appeared on the back of her white blouse in giant red letters. Students pointed and threw their heads back laughing. Ela snatched the laser and hid it in her pants pocket.

Sella spun round. “Revision, Tana.”

“Yes, Miss.” Tana’s eyes followed Sella to her desk. “Bitch,” she muttered.

“She’ll catch you one day with your floozy detector,” Ela said.

“Not my fault it gives extremely accurate readings.”

“You’ll get thrown in a detention cell, if you don’t quit it. You’ve got to stop your antics.”

“Antics?” Tana folded her arms.

“Flipping teachers off. Cracking bald jokes in front of staff with receding hairlines.” She watched her friends lips stretch into a smirk. “No joke, Tana. It can’t be fun and games anymore.”

“I’m not gunna’ suddenly start following the rules, Ela.” Tana began carving into the desk top with her pocket knife.

Ela felt a tremor beneath her feet.

Thunder rumbled and the building shook. Everyone stood from their seats and crowded the windows. An explosion of light lit distant dark clouds. The haunting glow grew in size, billowing into a mushroom.

Ela placed a hand on the glass, heartbeat racing. “It’s happening again.”
Last edited by Butterfly18 on Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:52 am
FutureFamousWriter says...

Awsome! i first joined up today and decided to read one of someone elses chapter before posting mine and yours was the first. I LOVE the ending sentence. It leaves me aching to find out what is going to happen next and this is good because people want to read stuff like that, not stories that are boring and dont have any adrenaline, which you have. Keep up with this story and you will soon be a famous author yet.

Future Famous Writer :)

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Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:44 am
Butterfly18 says...

Oh well thank you, Future Famous Writer. :)

I don't necessarily want to be famous. I just want to be successful and write stories that people enjoy reading.

And I'm very glad you enjoyed reading this. It's obviously not complete, there's still things I have to do with this opening chapter but it's close.

With the ending sentence, I'm glad you want to find out more.

Thank you so much for the review. Appreciate it. :)

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Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:45 am
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Wolferion says...

Cheers! Let's get to it =) I've put your story into the spoiler along with my impressions, notes and corrections. Below the spoiler is my overall.

Spoiler! :
Ela crawled through the smoke. Pressure rose in her chest, and she struggled to breathe. Not now, she thought. As heat of the growing flames wafted towards her, she glimpsed a hint of light through the seething smoke.
- An immediate hook is not bad at all at the beginning, however, that "not now, she thought" seems rather badly placed between the two sentences or is too minor. I know it's supposed to let us know she is not going to give up that easily, but you put it between two sentences of excessive danger and you put it really small - just like a blurt, like if the situation wasn't much trouble. I could see it fit there better if it was a bit widened by a reason or her tone, people in danger aren't 100% cold blooded to be like "Hmph, not now".

A hand touched her shoulder. “Ela,” Veronie said. “You okay?”

“I’m fine,” she coughed. “I think I see the door. This way.” Ela crawled towards the light. Broken glass cut into her palms and knees.

“Please evacuate the building.” Water gushed from the sprinklers.

She found the door, pulled herself to her feet and ran into the hall. Students poured from the classrooms and rushed for the nearest stairwell. “Tana,” Ela yelled, scouring the panicked faces.

Tana fought her way through the moving crowd. “Ela.”

Ela stumbled into a stairwell as it swelled with students from the second floor. A strong hand shoved her, and she fell into a girl below. “Sorry,” she mumbled.

“Watch your step, dumbass,” Tana yelled behind them.

Ela squeezed out the emergency exit and shielded her eyes from the sun. A thick cloud of smoke hung over the building. A hovercar pulled into the courtyard and medics jumped out with their kits. She glanced at the other students huddled in dishevelled groups, but fine. “What were you thinking?” She shoved Tana.
- Up to this point I feel like the narrator has no feelings. After the beginning, when we get to know that Ela feels pressure, it's only action&action sentences. No feelings, emotions, impressions, it's just action through long lines, a very systematic action. It can make somebody assume that they aren't really that shocked or anything. Then Ela gets out through emergency exit and without any idea of her complete feelings she just shoves Tana for previous act. Alright, we could assume she's angry at her for the shove, but we still can't tell if she's furious or plainly angry or whatever. You tell nothing about it and if it's not written, we can assume whatever we want and that would create a completely different experience than the one you want to offer.

“Hey, I was very careful.”

“Someone could’ve gotten hurt.”

“No one did so just–” Tana paused as a pack of clerks arrived to do their rounds.

Ela straightened her uniform.

One approached, tablet clamped under her arm. “I’m collecting statements.”

“We know the drill.” Tana placed a hand on her hip.

The clerk held the tablet in front of Ela so she could press her thumb to the print-reader. “You had munitions class, correct?” she referred to Ela’s schedule on the screen.
- A tad late information that the cleric (which we have imagined by now, probably some jerky male f.e. is out of a blue a female. Young, old? Or it's so irrelevant that somebody's asking Ela and Tana questions, that you can hide it all behind simple "clerk" and then "she"?) is a woman.


“Were you in the Forging Room when the explosion occurred?”


“And someone can vouch for your whereabouts?”

“Yes.” Ela glanced at Tana.

The clerk ushered a medic over. He opened his kit and began tweezing the shards of glass from her palms as the clerk questioned Tana.

The medic sealed Ela’s wounds with a lightweight gel. “I’m fine.” She waved him away from her knees and turned to Tana.

“You can vouch for her whereabouts?” the clerk asked, unmistakably human except for the electric spark in her blue eyes.

Ela cleared her throat. “Yes. She was with me the whole time.” She tucked her hair behind her ears and kept eye contact with the clerk as she stood by her friend's side.

“Your belongings left in the room will be returned once we’ve completed a full assessment of the situation.” She moved to the next group of students.

“You think she bought it?” Ela whispered.

“They always buy it.”
- Interests nonetheless.


Rain drizzled outside while Ela scrolled through a catalogue of bombs, memorizing different makes and detonations. The class squashed in pairs at single desks, Tana sat beside her at their shared table. Her back straight and head down, she appeared hard at work. Ela nudged Tana with her elbow to wake her.

“Eeeela,” the teacher loomed over her.


“I beg your pardon?”

“Sorry, Miss, what was the question?”

Miss Sella folded her arms. “What are the four principle parts of typical bomb composition?”

Everyone turned and stared.

“Ah, casing, fins, fuse, and…” the last one tickled the tip of her tongue. “High explosive charge.”

“Correct, but pay attention to the references. Tana?” Sella cleared her throat.

Tana’s hand slipped, and her head hit the table. “Ahhh–” She slapped a hand to her head and looked up at Sella dazed.
- This is like 3rd or 4th time I've noticed a completely wrongly placed comma before "and". "And" is a word used as a joint without a need of a comma. Comma is used only if "and" joints a not too relevant sentence after 2-3 previous sentences of action&show.

“Have you been asleep this whole time?”

“What, no–”

The teacher smacked Tana across the back of her head. “Revision.”

Tana pulled a laser from her pocket. She pointed it at the teacher and the word, floozy, appeared on the back of her white blouse in giant red letters. Students pointed and threw their heads back laughing. Ela snatched the laser and hid it in her pants pocket.

Sella spun round. “Revision, Tana.”

“Yes, Miss.” Tana’s eyes followed Sella to her desk. “Bitch,” she muttered.

“She’ll catch you one day with your floozy detector,” Ela said.

“Not my fault it gives extremely accurate readings.”

“You’ll get thrown in a detention cell, if you don’t quit it. You’ve got to stop your antics.”

“Antics?” Tana folded her arms.

“Flipping teachers off. Cracking bald jokes in front of staff with receding hairlines.” She watched her friends lips stretch into a smirk. “No joke, Tana. It can’t be fun and games anymore.”

“I’m not gunna’ suddenly start following the rules, Ela.” Tana began carving into the desk top with her pocket knife.

Ela felt a tremor beneath her feet.

Thunder rumbled and the building shook. Everyone stood from their seats and crowded the windows. An explosion of light lit distant dark clouds. The haunting glow grew in size, billowing into a mushroom.

Ela placed a hand on the glass, heartbeat racing. “It’s happening again.”
- A bit typical ending. Something happens, we see the "It's happening again." and I immediately recall dozens of other stories and movies that have this. Nevertheless, it does raise a question about the light, so the job's done.

I wondered why your reviews seem to action&100% opinion focused, it makes sense now. Your story, Butterfly, is emotionless. I can see endless action sentences, which are also fast paced, without any hint of how the main characters or the tension in the air or heck knows what feels. I felt like reading a law brochure with an example story, a boring story. I might stress emotions out much, but stories aren't just action, we humans aren't just action based too. If you think that it's up to the reader to imagine the tension, feelings and emotions everywhere, then you are rather wrong - it's up to the writer to point out what emotions are important there and here and how it feels. I could read this story and say that it's very cold blooded and if one of the characters died next chapter, I wouldn't mind at all, because I do not feel any attached to them or whatsoever. The story might as well have potential, but it's cold blooded and so far not really intriguing when it comes to the events - again, with how you wrote it, the fire at the school seems like a no big deal situation at all, no big deal.

Best regards,
~Don't beg for things, do it yourself or else you'll never get anything~
-Formerly Shinda

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Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:08 am
Butterfly18 says...

Thanks. I'll reply to your post on my wall. :)

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Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:38 pm
RenGrey says...

OK first off the title alone drew me in. Secondly IT WAS REFRIGERATINGLY brilliant! Once i finished reading I couldn't wait for more. my god that is better then some fully published books I have read. It was by far one of the best things I have ever read. And I have read 200 books in just the past 2 years alone. This book will have epic proportions if it ever hits shelves. And let me tell you, I WILL be one of the first to buy it. The characters were believable and lovely. *(I see a lot of myself in Tana XD) and the teachers convincing. The world they live in seems so enamoring and dangerous. Keep it up my friend and never stop writing. That is your true gift in life. If anyone has anything bad to say don't listen flip em off and walk away with a smile on your face. Don't ever give up.
A Balanced Diet Is A Cookie In Each Hand

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Sun Sep 25, 2011 3:23 am
Butterfly18 says...

Well thank you, RenGrey.

I appreciate you taking the time to read and review.

And I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

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Sun Sep 25, 2011 6:06 am
phoenixwriter says...

Sorry that this is going to be a short review, but I don't have much criticism for you, since you did this so wonderfully!

Events moved along a little too quickly. It's good that it appears to pass too fast for the characters, but maybe slow down for the readers so the readers don't have to reread what you wrote to completely comprehend the situation.

With the glass crushing into her palm, you could take advantage of that moment to show off some detailing skill, by elaborating with the warm blood trickling down her arm the floor and how she might have stared dumbly at her cut, feeling the whole situation unreal, only to be brought back to Earth (wait a sec. They ARE on Earth, right?) by someone shoving her... or something....

Everything else is absolutely perfect. I love how you add the un-human-like characteristic to the interrogator's eyes, and I love the hook at the end. I look forward to see where this novel will go! And usually I'm into fantasy (vs sci fi) all the way, too!
"Which came first? The Phoenix or the flame?"

-H.P. Deathly Hallows

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Sun Sep 25, 2011 6:32 am
Butterfly18 says...

I'm glad you liked it. :)

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Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:10 pm
Island6 says...

Great first chapter! I really liked reading all the action. Something I think you need to improve on is emotions. I want to get to know your characters more.
Also, it moves very fast paced. Slow down just a little, and put in more detail.
Other then that, excellent job :]

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Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:29 pm
Butterfly18 says...

Thanks, Island6.

The emotions is what some people have commented on. I'm working on it. :)

Glad you liked it. :)

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Sat Oct 01, 2011 3:27 pm
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StellaThomas says...

Hey Butterfly! Stella here! I saw Chapter Three and it looked interesting but I thought I'd better start at the start. Firstly, I had a character called Ela! Still have the character, only I changed the name. She's Daelia now- it just fitted her better and I had too many characters with three letter names. But yes. I like the name already.


Ela crawled through the smoke.

Brilliant, brilliant first line.

A hand touched her shoulder. “Ela,” Veronie said. “You okay?”

In this context, something about the verb "touched" seems too light and, oh-Ela-won't-you-come-for-tea. I feel like there needs to be more urgency.

Tana fought her way through the moving crowd. “Ela.”

Rather than describing Tana's movements, why don't you show us her through Ela's eyes? It'd also be the perfect time to introduce what her relationship to Tana is- sisters, friends?

unmistakably human except for the electric spark in her blue eyes.

so is she human or not?

The teacher smacked Tana across the back of her head. “Revision.”

I don't understand why she keeps repeating this word. To me, revision is, you know, going over stuff for exams. I'm unclear here.


This is great suspense and story wise, but I think that right now you need two things to stop this chapter being good and make it start being great. The first is more meat on the bones and the second is a decrease in reader-confusion. And I believe you can easily kill both birds with one stone.

Here we've got all this suspense- has Tana blown the place up? Why does she do that sort of thing- why won't she follow the rules? But the thing is, we don't know where they are. We don't even know what age her and Ela are. We don't know what exactly caused the explosion. This chapter is just the bones of a story, that is, the plot. There's some character development too but right now we need to know just a little more. Some extra description and scene setting would be perfect. In taking the time- after the first suspenseful scene- to show us where they are and why they're there would not only set our poor little reading-hearts at ease, but it would also give your story a layer of fat and muscle it could really use.


I really did enjoy this! I just want to see more going on!

Hope I helped, drop me a note if you need anything!

-Stella x
"Stella. You were in my dream the other night. And everyone called you Princess." -Lauren2010

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Sun Oct 02, 2011 7:30 am
Butterfly18 says...

Wow, that's all very helpful.

Thank you. :)

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ding!
— spearbass