
Young Writers Society

Golden Moon Ch. 1 P1

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Sun Oct 11, 2009 12:11 am
turity says...

EDIT: Because of the large word count, I had to split the chapter in two parts. I will post part 2 as soon as this one gets more critique. Sorry if it feels like I've left you hanging.

It's at a dead place, today's raid. They called it a mall before the Division--a place that was supposed to be bustling with teenagers hanging out with friends, and other shoppers looking for a time-out from life. That was back when time-outs could be afforded. Back when shopping was possible and no one had to worry about randomly stabbing themselves in the heart, or drinking a vial of poison, or jumping off a cliff, plunging towards death.

Suicide had been rare back in the day.

I step over a chunk of ceiling that looks like it collapsed at least three years ago. The spiders have a well maintained domain over the crumbling gray cement and scurry about as my heavy boot descends upon years of hard work. That right there is the story of life outside the city of Globe. The Sectors work and work for God knows how many generations, until the Globe comes down and tramples us all with their so-called superior technology.
Gabriel's voice echoes back to me through the humongous space of the second level of this complex.

"Lena!" He calls my name from inside one of the badly beaten down stores. The glass showcasing is smashed out and the shards crunched down to sparkling dust. Same thing with the beauty salon next door, and a Goodwill branch after that.

Five years. The glass would need that much time to achieve its current state.

I make my way through the mess, dating anything I can set my eyes on, trying to find something that matches the age of seven. Seven years of this wandering, serving the lowest of both Sectors: the once rebellious, now warriors of the Globe forced into submission. Seven years since my life has ended. This breathing and pounding of my heart isn't reality. I know one day I'm going to wake up and find my two favourite people in the world standing above me, one grinning with the golden halo surrounding his head and the other looking bored and tired of my games and as always managing to annoy the hell out of me. Jem and Lethan, the brothers, the companions of my childhood. The only other miracle humans born with the Golden Moon, and because of this, separated from me and sent away to be shared with the others, just as I was sent here.

On days when I'm particularly miserable--tired of the day long raids on the far fringes of the Globe, hiding and running from the hunting dogs and some strange motion detecting technology only the Globe possesses--the other option gets stuck in my head. The idea that maybe I will never wake up. Or worse, I am already awake. The first seven years of my life have been nothing but a sweet, unforgettable dream in which the three of us spent hours and hours running across the flat Ruin Fields and skipping stones over the majestic green lake as twilight descends, eliminating all the burden from our then fragile shoulders.

We called them just the Fields because to us, the toxic waste littering the once-upon-a-time-city was invisible, lost to the haze of being happy. But to keep ourselves amused we never forgot the ruin part. It made for good detective games, wandering the Fields searching for fragments of our ancestors' past.

"There's nothing but dust here," I say kicking down the empty cardboard box that must've held precious food once.

Gabriel looks tired and hopeless but manages to lift up the lid of the white box that must be what they called a freezer. It no longer sends up puffs of cold smoke so I know before he does that there is nothing of value inside. Outside the store, I hear some of the other men and women from our raiding team, scuffling around for anything worth dragging back to the village. We've travelled further this time than ever before, risking not only the wrath of the Globe if they found us, but also the possibility of a disappointment greater than any before. And although the former did not worry me just then, the latter could be seen in the hard lines of Gabe's face.

"We keep looking until sunset," he says letting the heavy lid fall close with an angry thump. I nod and meet his eyes. They are tight with worry--worry about returning empty handed to the villagers waiting for fresh spoils to be used at the Holiday. Worry about more deaths from starvation on top of the ever growing rate of the Blight. Worry about the future of his people, who grow weaker and weaker everyday, the Globe cruelly never providing a proper meal.

I know what the underlying meaning of all of this is. Weak people make bad warriors. Bad warriors are unwanted by the Globe, and although we're being forced into service--keeping the pathetic, lazy brains of the Globe safe from external threats--it is a chance at survival. Without that nothing awaits the Sector but obliteration.

It isn't fair to our Sector--more Gabe's than mine, really--that they be required to do the hardest jobs and receive the lowest payment. But as I was explained, this is the Globe's way of punishing the rebels for running away years ago to try and found a new, more just society. Standing as rebels, the Sector would be ruined. As warriors they could still cling to what precious hope they had left in these times of darkness.

It is different for the People of God. The religious Sector doesn't need to raise soldiers, just farmers and holy men. In return for food and shelter all they have to do is pray for the Globe and farm. Pray! How hard a task could that be? Besides, no amount of praying was going to get the Globe a ticket to Heaven.

They call themselves the Globe--the last city remaining on the entire planet, the only one not attacked with the destructive bombs decades ago--but I know better. You can't become the world just by erecting a round, now mostly blue globe in the middle of your city. Monuments hold no meaning in a world full of despair, misery, and death--suicidal deaths to be exact. But then again, most of these things are non-existent inside the Globe where civilization flourishes just as always. It's only the Sectors, Nomads, and the few Wanderers that suffer from this wretchedness. It's their precious technology that gives them the upper hand. Otherwise they're a bunch of brainless cowards who can't tell the difference between thirst and hunger, always wanting more and more. And getting it. Even if a drop of water for them equals the blood of an entire battalion.

Sometimes it's hard to hate the Sectors despite their behaviour towards me. Deep down I know that like me and the brothers, they too are victims of the almighty Globe. Now if they could just smile at me once in a while, I might not be as ticked off all the time, eager to leave behind the people I'm meant to serve.

"We have one last day before the Holiday," I say walking deeper into the store to mark it so that none of the other teams waste time searching it again. I start to carve the symbol into the back door, where teams are suppose to check. This is routine so I don't think about the way my hands hold the knife, pressing hard into the unyielding metal. I just let it out. Let all my frustration and anger and hatred for the Globe pour into this piece of drawing.

Behind me Gabe is silent and this makes me turn around curiously.

"Have you decided?" he asks, and I don't need further clarification. It's apparent in the set of his jaw and the stiffness of his neck.

I turn back to face the door, sad that it has to be this way every year, but at the same time bubbling with excitement at the promise of another trip to the Fields, another day of waiting for him. Jem's words ring inside my head like a siren. More hopeful but slightly painful. There is always room for disappointment in my world.

"Yes," I say in an even tone. "I have to check. He'll be there this time. I can feel it."
Gabe sighs, irritated. "You felt it last year too, and the year before that and the one--"

"I can't give him up, Gabe," I say whirling around.

"You can't afford not to, Lena," he says, hands balling up at his sides. "One more year and then you have to either commit or they banish you."

I drop my voice so the others won't hear. "I don't want you," I tell him for what seems like the billionth time. It doesn't make me shy like it used to. It's a fact and we've both learned it well. It's not just that being Gabe's would feel like ripping my heart out, like abandoning and giving up on Jem, but I know without a doubt that we just aren't suitable for each other. He's five years older than me--much too old to be uncoupled, yet still waiting for my yes. He can have me if he wants to. By force. No one would say anything. But he chose to wait, let me be satisfied that Jem wasn't coming back so I don't spend the rest of my existence in anticipation. For Gabe, Jem has been delivered to the Globe for good. Gone for good.

Last edited by turity on Sun Oct 11, 2009 3:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
Writing blog: http://coffeeinkandblood.blogspot.com/
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Editing: RESURRECTION, bk 1 Ancient Project trilogy.---> need Betas(PM)
Writing: GOLDEN MOON (sci-fi)

"I try to leave out the parts that people skip." Elmore Leonard

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Sun Oct 11, 2009 2:24 am
Dubaian says...

A good post, quite a bit to read but I am glad I had the time :P.

I could not spot any spelling or grammatical errors, but as I review Ill take a closer look.

bustling with teenagers hanging out with friends

Here is one thing that caught my eye early on. It just seems that stating 'hanging out with friends' is not needed at all, where there are teenagers, there are groups hanging together. I think simply mentioning the teenagers is good enough.

From what I can see you have hit home with use of past and present tense. Although because I had a critiquing cap on, I was reading over sentences that used both tenses, but came out with the thought that it was done properly.

Im quite curious as to how the Globe managed to force the rebellious group into submission. Groups like this are not easily forced to do the hardest jobs for the lowest pay without having a revolutionary or someone being tired of the hard work with little reward, rising up to challenge the Globe. If this is to be explained later on in the next chapter, then please continue writing :).

Lastly, this post is 2771 words, a bit long for posts. As I recall the average length required from a rules post is 1700. Although I understand why short posts can be important, I enjoyed the read.

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Sun Oct 11, 2009 3:19 am
turity says...

Thanks for the critique. I know the post is a bit long but I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to split the chapter halfway. But you're right, I checked the rules and the suggested limit is 1500 words. I'm going to find a good cut off point and post the rest in another post later on.

P.S I forgot to mention that this is a novel so, yes, more information will be given as the story progresses.
Writing blog: http://coffeeinkandblood.blogspot.com/
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Editing: RESURRECTION, bk 1 Ancient Project trilogy.---> need Betas(PM)
Writing: GOLDEN MOON (sci-fi)

"I try to leave out the parts that people skip." Elmore Leonard

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Sun Oct 11, 2009 1:31 pm
Jetpack says...

Heya, I'm Jet. I was going to welcome you to YWS, but then I realised you've been here for ages. Oops. So instead, I'll get on with the crit.

Okay, first of all, I found this quite hard to follow. I wasn't sure what was going on in places. I had to read it twice to make some sense of it, and I'm still not entirely sure I got it. Maybe that's just me, though, but I'll give you my reasoning anyways. I think your style is very thick, meaning that there's quite a lot to deal with, and shortening this isn't going to help. It's not to say you can't write well - you do - but be aware that the reader can feel a bit bogged down in a lot of description.

Equally, there's the info-dumping. I feel like you decided to tell us everything about your world in this one chapter. You don't have to do that, and combined with your style, it's hard to get through. The reader is swamped by all this information, and the more you overload our brains, the more likely we are to forget it all later, when this information might be useful. You use so many names in this and I felt so confused trying to keep up with it all. Whether you'll explain it later or not, that much information can put a reader off straight away, so that there'll be no later.

The plot itself is interesting, but reminded me a lot of The Hunger Games. Have you read it? Basically, there is a single city called the Capitol, and twelve Districts do specific jobs around it. Their punishment for rebellion years before is to send two teenaged tributes from each District to an event called the Hunger Games, where the teenagers will fight to the death with the other tributes. The day on which these tributes are chosen is called the Reaping. You see the similarities I found between this piece and that novel? Even the name Gabe is so close to Gale, the MC's friend and fellow hunter (hunting being illegal) in The Hunger Games. It was hard to take the novel seriously, regardless of how the plot differs, with so many similarities in the setting. That said, there were some unique ideas in this, so focus on those.

Your grammar was pretty much flawless, as was your punctuation, as far as I can tell. However, I recommend you proof-read. There were a few odd words in here which I thought didn't make sense. Proof-read, or read it aloud, and you'll catch those. I agree with the previous reviewer in that you managed the tense switches well, but be very careful with them. I don't recommend doing it often.

Character-wise, I got a nice sense of Lena's irritation, which was good, but again, the info-dump rather distracted me from it. I'm wondering if we get to see Gabe's reaction to Lena's dismissal in the next half of the chapter, because he could do with a bit of flesh here.

So, that's about it. Good job on this; keep it up. :)

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Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:32 am
Zephy says...

Hi there Turity! I'm Zephy and I'm going to be reviewing your piece! :D *my first ACTUAL review >.>*


Okay so wow! This was quite amazing, I was hooked! I do have to agree with Jet though, sounds a lot like The Hunger Games but hopefully thats not on purpose! Maybe you could change Gabe's name to something else because it is very much close to Gale.

CHARACTERS: I like Lena! Her personality seems to be quite down to earth but you should really describe her appearance to us, we need a visual on how she looks ;) Same with Gabe. And tel us more about this Jem person, we only know his name and nothing about what went on between him and Lena. Maybe you shouldn't even really mention anything about it yet, too early.

GRAMMAR/PUNCTUATION: Quite amazing! I found no mistakes!

Your starting paragraph could be a bit more interesting though, just change up the wording so it can draw in the reader.

Keep writing! :D

- Zeph

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Mon Oct 12, 2009 7:28 am
turity says...

Thanks Jet and Zephy for the amazing reviews! I have read Hunger Games and I think the similarities occur because I started the story while I was hooked on Hunger Games. I agree there are many similarities but as you pointed out I'm going to get rid of those and focus more on the other new ideas--develop them more.

Jet: I think I understand what you mean by "thick", but I have no idea how to fix this in my writing. I was on another forum where people mentioned similar issues and I really do wonder if anyone has any advice on how I can make my writing less bogged up and easier to read. I want the reader interested and not turned away. Anyone got anything?

Zephy: Cool! Your first review. Congrats! Glad to hear you liked my work and, no I did not intentially make my story like Hunger Games, but you can say I was inspired. Looking at it now though, I think it can use a little more of my personal touch to make it stand out. I'm going to work on the first paragrahp to make it more of a hook.

Once again, thank you guys. I'll post a revised version after I work with it a little more. All your suggestions were great and really did help me see things in a new light. Very constructive! :)
Writing blog: http://coffeeinkandblood.blogspot.com/
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Editing: RESURRECTION, bk 1 Ancient Project trilogy.---> need Betas(PM)
Writing: GOLDEN MOON (sci-fi)

"I try to leave out the parts that people skip." Elmore Leonard

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Mon Oct 12, 2009 3:51 pm
Jetpack says...

Hello again. I figure I'd better try and answer your question to the best of my ability. I want to help you out with the thick prose as best I can, since I was the one to mention it, but I feel like I've just ended up repeating myself here. I'll try and qualify it a bit better.

Your priority should be to reduce the info-dump. Believe me, that's making a big difference to your writing style at the moment. You're just giving us too much detail in such a short space of time, and it makes reading your writing like wading through treacle. See how much of it you can sort into subsequent chapters. Show the reader all of this information when it applies, rather than in one go where we don't have time to process it. It'll even out your writing a lot. Think how many names you give us in this section alone. How are we going to retain all of it? You may know your world inside out, but we're new to it. Sustaining our interest is hard when nothing much happens here and you just give us an insight into the world rather than the story.

In order to improve it, I'd suggest bringing that dialogue and character interaction between Gabe - I agree with Zephy that you should probably change that name - and Lena to the forefront. I understand this isn't all of chapter 1, so I can't really judge, but I don't feel like I see any of them in this opening page or two. It's all information. You can shuffle it around, or push it aside, so we have a story to focus on. You don't want to lose readers, because I think you have an awful lot of potential and this story does too. Your writing is good, just too full-on at the moment.

Anyway, I'm sorry I can't be of much more help to you. If you're still struggling, join one of the usergroups around here that help novelists out, or PM an instructor. They'll be of much more help than I am, since I'm better with short stories, and reviewing is their job, anyway. However, I'll stick by what I said for now. Hopefully it cleared things up a little bit.

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Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:39 pm
napalmerski says...

I've never read the Hunger Games, but I have seen Logan's Run... haha
What I've read is quite fine, just a few minor things:

1. Did they really play "detective" games as kids? As in - did they really know such a profession as "detective" used to exist? Perhaps they were rather playing at "trappers", or "grave robbers" or "past seers" or something?

2. Too many "globes", at least one of them can be transformed into "just because you hide behind a blue sphere..." or something.

3. Sometime soon, an explanation must be given, why the protagonist is an independant minded intelligent human surrounded by regressives. Something in the upbringing is responsible perhaps?

4. Dating a piece of ruin not as "half a decade old", but in the region of "three years", seems too precise, unless this is the field of specialization of the protagonist

5. I would play down a little the putting of all the anger and frustration into scraping a mark with a knife.

Very very nice read, good luck
she got a dazed impression of a whirling chaos in which steel flashed and hacked, arms tossed, snarling faces appeared and vanished, and straining bodies collided, rebounded, locked and mingled in a devil's dance of madness.
Robert Howard

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Fri Oct 23, 2009 4:24 pm
PatriciaTina says...

Hi! I'm Trish, and I saw that your second part needs reviews, so I thought I better stop over here first before I go review that! So here we go! (Just beware that I like to nit-pick, being the grammar freak that I am. ;))


I say kicking down the empty cardboard box that must've held precious food once.

You could probably have a comma after 'say'.

Gabriel looks tired and hopeless but manages to lift up the lid of the white box that must be what they called a freezer.

There should be commas in here. Maybe read it out loud, and put a comma in wherever you pause.

he says letting the heavy lid fall close with an angry thump.

Maybe this would work better as 'he says, letting the heavy lid fall closed with an angry thump.'

I say walking deeper into the store to mark it so that none of the other teams waste time searching it again.

Comma after 'say'.

Behind me Gabe is silent and this makes me turn around curiously.

This is a bit confusing and awkward. Why does that make her turn around curiously? Maybe explain a bit more and reword a bit.

And that's it for the nit-picks! Good job!



I can really tell that there's going to be a good plot in here, and that's good. Usually there's not that much proof of an upcoming plot in the very beginning, but you did a good job! I'm already hooked. :D


Overall, you did a pretty good job of developing your characters, except for the fact that we can't really picture them. What do they look like? Right now all you have is mostly about the main character, and what she feels. What about the other characters? Like Gabriel and Jem?

But I'm sure that that will come out more in the next parts. So it's not that big of a deal right now.


There's not much else I have to say. This is extremely well written! Just watch out for the few grammar mistakes I pointed out above, and it'll be perfect! Good job, and I'll go over to the next part now. See you around, and I hope this helped! Bye bye!

~ Trish :smt006
Last edited by PatriciaTina on Sat Oct 24, 2009 11:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
~ Patricia Tina :smt006

Don't look in the spoiler.

Spoiler! :
I lost the game.

"I always hear punch me in the face when you're speaking, but it's usually subtext."
~ Dr. John Watson

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Sat Oct 24, 2009 9:24 pm
turity says...

Thanks, Trish, for reading this close enough to pick out all the small things. Not many people do that so I really appreciate you taking the time. Now I can just go back and fix these w/o worrying about grammatical issues. :D

I'll forever love you for the overall comments. I'm glad you liked the story so far and I'll make sure to post chapter 2 just as soon as I feel satisfied with it.
Writing blog: http://coffeeinkandblood.blogspot.com/
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Editing: RESURRECTION, bk 1 Ancient Project trilogy.---> need Betas(PM)
Writing: GOLDEN MOON (sci-fi)

"I try to leave out the parts that people skip." Elmore Leonard

First you broke my moustache, now you break my heart.
— MaybeAndrew