
Young Writers Society

Xcom: Conquest of Earth!

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Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:34 pm
Jahn-Xealios says...

This story is inspired by and based upon several things to the game Xcom UFO, I would also like to thank the creators or the game for making the game.


The year is 2041, in 2014 the first contact with another humanoid species was established. At first it was peaceful, simple observation of the earth and who inhabit it. Communication was limited, the alien vessels which hovered over many towns and cities were difficult to contact. Only three vessels out of hundreds were able to be communicated with. Although none of those three were able to speak with the humans who attempted, and quickly went into orbit to lose communications. It was clear that the alien species did not wish to have contact with the humans.
A mere six years past…then it began.

Xcom: Conquest of Earth

A full scale alien invasion took place on December 1st of 2020. It took many countries by surprise, weaker nations were quickly annihilated. Superpowers were able to amass large armies to fight the aliens. This did not have a huge factor on repelling the aliens due to the aliens struck fast and without warning, enabling countries to put up their proper defense. Fortunately for the humans the aliens finally attacked in large groups to attempt to take control of the earth. This was met with extreme resistance by human forces, with superior numbers humanity was able to push the alien ground forces off world. Even though with superior numbers casualties were high on the humans end, the ratio was for every one alien killed in battle three human soldiers were killed.
In 2033 the war against these invaders ended when the alien force suddenly went back into the darkness of space and had not returned.
The total losses in the war were immense, almost 300 million humans were lost. Not even a quarter of that were soldiers fighting the aliens, the rest were innocent civilians caught by the aliens surprise attacks. Almost every alien encounter was a surprise, the aliens spared no lives when they attacked, they were completely barbaric considering how advanced their technology was. Only a few months passed with no sign of the alien invaders, people believed that they had fought off the aliens for good.

They were wrong…

The following year of 2034 the aliens once again appeared throughout earth. It started with small incidents such as attacks on very small villages in under civilized areas and several abductions. The earths governments knew they could not handle another full scale war against the aliens. They came to the decision to create a special organization to combat the hordes of alien invaders. Thus creating…

The Extraterrestrial Combat Force

The nations of the world did not want to be involved with another war with the alien species, let alone afford it. Gasoline and oil was hard to attain due to it being almost completely harvested from the fact of the earth. Cares were rare due to gas prices raising to seven dollars in 2018. Fuel was mostly reserved for military use with only major companies and celebrities being able to afford the bloated prices.
Only weeks passed after the creation of Xcom until they made their move against the alien invaders. Xcom gathered humanities best and brightest minds along with borrowing some vehicles from the U.S. government for use against the alien aggressors. Finally they had a need for good soldiers. Xcom wanted strong, brave, and young soldiers. A criteria was set to enlist skilled soldiers in the ages of 17-21, this young age limit was die because Xcom officials wanted a group of soldiers that would be able to stay with the organization for as long as possible, as long as they survived of course.
The first generation of Xcom soldiers were chosen from U.S. army recruits who joined after the first great alien war. The first squad of Xcom soldiers held fourteen members, and just want they wanted, young, brave, and more then ready to fight. Unfortunately Xcom was still a young organization and had little funding and budget for high end weaponry. These first fourteen were equipped with rifles, very minimal armor, and little Intel on what they were going to be fighting.
The first missions for Xcom were fairly simple, checking up on a UFO sighting here and there, and tracking down any traces of alien involvement. Until the fateful first fight…

A battleship class alien ship was spotted over the ruins of Chicago, since battleships are the largest of known alien vessels this was of huge distress to the American government. Many of the Xcom’s Raptor fighters were sent out to attempt to bring down the giant ship. Before the vessel could be attacked by the fighters it had landed in a large crop field in Illinois, very close to the Xcom base. The Xcom soldiers were sent almost as soon as the ship had landed. They arrived and quickly engaged the aliens. It was a catastrophe.
The battle ended in a complete loss, out of the fourteen squad members that were sent to eliminate the alien force only two men had survived. They returned to the base on foot aided by some locals who gave them medical aid for some minor wounds and food and water for their journey back to the Xcom base. At the base they explained the fight to the officials stationed at the base.

The two men that returned were named Jahn and William. These two had survived the onslaught and were witness to the true destruction of the aliens advanced technology. Although Xcom suffered this large loss new recruits were quickly enlisted into Xcom. Since Xcom did not have a rank system it was decided they needed one to establish command in their squads.
Since Jahn and William were the only two to have encounter the alien through Xcom they were made the ranks captain and sergeant. Jahn as the captain and William as his sergeant. In over four years Xcom expanded and grew in numbers.
From 2034 to 2037 the Xcom organization repelled the alien threat to its best ability. Finally in 2038 the alien invaders once again retreated to whatever part of space they came from.

Only a year later the aliens appeared once again, only this time with new weapons, more ships, and several new species to join in the fight against the humans. A month of small sightings and chilling reports of alien activities passed until once again Xcom entered the fray.
Months later a city to guarantee human protection by Xcom was created die to years of work and planning. The city of Huven was created in 2040. This city was created in the vision of a large scale area in complete protection of Xcom with little to no chance of civilian casualties. This heavily protected city became the headquarters of Xcom. It also became the main source of new recruits and training facilities for Xcom.

It is now 2041, the alien species who invade earth are now more powerful then ever and with greater numbers. Xcom although is at its strongest point in its history and is more then ready to take on the challenge. The now high ranking commander Jahn and colonel William have lead Xcom to many victories and will continue to do so.
These invaders are at humanities doorstep and are ready to strike. Its up to Xcom and humanity to save itself and to bring these menaces to their deaths.


Chapter One is being worked on, Thanks - Jahn-Xealios

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Tue Jul 22, 2008 10:05 pm
ProfessorRabbit says...

Oooh, I see you haven't posted any reviews. :) This is just a friendly little note to tell you that this site requests a critique-to-post ratio of 2:1.

EDIT: I looked over your story, and I find that it reads more like an extra-long summary than an actual story. That was poorly phrased, but do you understand what I mean? It seems like you're telling us what your story is going to be about, rather than telling us the story. I'd suggest using this as an outline for a much longer work, and filling in all the details. Of course, I don't know anything about this videogame, so you may want to take my advice with a grain of salt.
Frylock, please, no books! I can't read; I'm not a loser!
-Master Shake

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Tue Jul 22, 2008 10:14 pm
Jahn-Xealios says...

ProfessorRabbit wrote:Oooh, I see you haven't posted any reviews. :) This is just a friendly little note to tell you that this site requests a critique-to-post ratio of 2:1.

EDIT: I looked over your story, and I find that it reads more like an extra-long summary than an actual story. That was poorly phrased, but do you understand what I mean? It seems like you're telling us what your story is going to be about, rather than telling us the story. I'd suggest using this as an outline for a much longer work, and filling in all the details. Of course, I don't know anything about this videogame, so you may want to take my advice with a grain of salt.

This is the prolouge of the story to come mate. I am using this to introduce the story of my story and filling in more details as the story moves along.

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Tue Jul 22, 2008 10:16 pm
ProfessorRabbit says...

That's fine, as long as it's what you intend. I just got the impression of picking up a TV series or anime mid-season and getting a synopsis at the beginning of the episode of what's gone before.
Frylock, please, no books! I can't read; I'm not a loser!
-Master Shake

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Tue Jul 22, 2008 10:34 pm
Jahn-Xealios says...

ProfessorRabbit wrote:That's fine, as long as it's what you intend. I just got the impression of picking up a TV series or anime mid-season and getting a synopsis at the beginning of the episode of what's gone before.

I get what your saying and thank you for your opinion.

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Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:33 am
Yatta! says...

Cute summary. Reminded me of Star Wars, so I guess that can't be bad. I'm usually not into Science Fiction like this, but it has potential I think. Can't want to see the real thing....

Hey, just on a side note, how about a smooth debonair character called "YATTA" eh? uh? Good idea?

“All stories are true," Skarpi said. "But this one really happened, if that's what you mean.”
— Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind