
Young Writers Society

Chapter 6 of "Tainted Life" by Callum Marshall.

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Thu Nov 26, 2009 6:36 pm
Calmal says...

This chapter is seen through the extendable lobes of the Queen of the Mellis Empire.
Chapter 6: Any means necessary.
Queen Doel.

The Queen of the Mellis Empire watched a Guel battle from her private box. The two finalists were battling over the mental control of the deadly blue poisna, a mixture between a rat and a snake. The winner would be given the Queen’s blessing and the loser would be consumed by the blue poisna. Many of the strongest mentalists were willing to take the risk just to get the honour of the Queen’s personal blessing.
The poisna reared up and was about to lunge for the first mentalist using it’s two heads but stopped dead. Its vicious claws twitched slightly as its pupils diluted and went in and out of focus. All the signs of the battle of wills. The real challenge was to gain greater control over the creature’s will soul and then force it to attack the opponent. The first was a woman called Nabi and the other was a man named Lenal. This was unique as it was well known that hardly any males had developed the same degree of power over the wisouric physic ability in all Mellis’ brains. That may have been the reason for such a large crowd. Numerous multicoloured Mellis had turned out the ones at the front extending their heads forward using their long telescopic sockets, whilst the few at the back used their extendable heads to overlook the rest of the crowd.
The poisna blinked and turned towards the male and reared. It lunged but stopped mere millimetres from Lenal’s thin aqua throat. Nabi showed surprise on her face, a lack of concentration. Before she could refocus, the poisna had turned and plunged it’s fangs into her deep ruby neck. She fell to the ground and died instantly.
A hushed silence filled the arena. This had never happened before. Female had always triumphed. Lenal picked up the diamond necklace around the dead women’s neck with no fear for the creature that was now devouring her. He put it around his neck where his own swayed. Kneeling before Doel, he spoke:
“Your majesty. I have beaten my opponent and proved my worth. I crave your blessing.”
The crowd turned so as to observe their leaders reaction. Even Amst, her majesty’s first lady was curious regarding her reaction. Doel considered her options; her ancestors would refuse the blessing and have him taken away. However this male was cunning, he had lured Nabi into a false sense of security by forcing her to underestimate his power and then overturned her. He would do.
“You have it. Lenal, you shall join my most exclusive council to help focus the wisouric into all other Mellis. Rise” she proclaimed.
He rose and left the hall for the council chambers. Amst bent over and whispered into Doel’s ear.
“Your majesty males never win.”
“I know. That’s what makes Lenal so special. I want him to be my personal envoy.”
Amst looked horrified.
“My lady the population will be in uproar. They will not stand for this.”
“I am their Queen and they shall appreciate my wishes. How would you go about it?”
“Refuse the blessing.”
“Never. He has a special connection which no woman has ever spawned before. He may be our saviour.”
“You seriously think this man can save your Empire. You know if the Galactic Community knew what you plan to do, what you plan to accomplish…”
“They will not know.” Doel rose and left her box with Amst following accompanied by an escort of green Mellis guards as she whispered “And if you or anyone else tells them, I will have that person executed in the slowest most painful way possible.”
“Your majesty, you know my loyalty has always been to you.”
“Which I am grateful for but don’t forget what you must keep secret. Tell no one of our conversation. I wish to retire now if I need you I will call you.” The Queen entered her royal room asking her guards to remain outside. She went to the centre of the room where a huge rare polished TV6-81 circular communicator sat. Typing in co-ordinates, she had to wait mere seconds before the expected static came through. No projection appeared, only a deep gravely voice.
“What is it?”
“Sire I have found the perfect man.” Bowed the royal.
“Are you sure? I don’t want another…disappointment.”
“I’m very sure. He will achieve your aims.”
“We must move quickly. The HAC have returned to their home system sooner than anticipated and one life ship recently found a spying Autha trade ship. It won’t take long for the Undrux to notice his disappearance. If I am to save your people you must deport him immediately.”
“The priest shall be with you by the end of the week. You think the Undrux know of your existence?” questioned the Queen
“I am uncertain. We have confiscated his ship and found that he was in charge of overseeing the construction of the crystal palace on Earth.” Answered the voice.
“So the Eese won’t be expecting him back soon.”
“We have checked the ships log and discovered he sent a messaging beacon to inform the Eese of his plan to follow our scout unit. If the messenger reports back to the head of the Undrux commission there are going to be investigations into his whereabouts. You must not allow that beacon to reach Undhom. Do you understand?”
“Yes Sir. It will be done.”
The transmission terminated and the Queen turned to her jewelled desk. She activated an intercom directly to her secretary.
“Raale after Lenal has met the council send him up here. I need to talk to him.”
Last edited by Calmal on Sun Nov 29, 2009 12:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sat Nov 28, 2009 10:15 pm
Stealth_Slicer says...

Ok I am still a bit confused wit hall the skipping but still very good. One thing I noticed is you changed the title from:

Chapter (1-5) of "Tainted Life" by Callum Marshall.


Chapter 6 of "Tainted Love" by Callum Marshall.

I don’t know if this was deliberate or not its just something I spotted. I like the idea of this plot building up a lot.

All the best.

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Sun Nov 29, 2009 12:39 pm
Calmal says...

Thanks I have now changed it

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Gender: Male
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Sun Nov 29, 2009 3:49 pm
Stealth_Slicer says...

No problem.

What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god -- the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals!
— William Shakespeare