
Young Writers Society

Zeitgeist Chapter 1-7 :)

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Wed Mar 19, 2008 5:27 am
Echolair says...

Chapter 1: City District Park. London.

“Nate, could you be yourself now and get on with it?” Kevin nudged him in his side, trying to persuade him to buy him a drink.

“You know, we don’t have all day for this.” Carter proclaimed impatiently.

“Nate.” Kevin nudged him again.

“Sod off. I’m in the middle of my bizarre day dream.” Nate tiredly shoved him towards Carter. He handed out of his pocket a few bucks. “Here, feast away. Don’t come back yelling and all. I’m not drinking. And I’m resting.”

Kevin lets out an angry sigh, trying to get Carter pissed as well. “Right as if you won’t drink. I’d buy two cases especially for you.” He scoffed and cursed as he headed towards the street, down to the store with Carter.
Nate chuckled then put his head down the table again. “I’ve abstained from drinking.” Nate said dreamily, playing with an abandoned fry. “Really.”

“I swear I could fly to Rome right now and never come back again.” Isobel said, showing a serious face at him.”Oh you’ll come back and get me..” Both of them laughed.

“I missed you.” Her eyes gleamed with happiness as she held out her arms and took Nate in.

“I died the day you left.” Nate snickered, slowly withdrawing from their embrace.

“So.. Natey.. What have you been doing? I missed those party-cuckeroos we used to hang out with. Are you still going out with those bombshells?” she said as she sipped from a bottle of water.

“I’ve never gone out with them, Isobel.” He looked away, nervous that she brought it up.

“Oh! You’re not over her, are you? Damn!” She said, with a subtle tease in what she said.

“Whatever.” he said, shaking his head giving her a thwarted look. “I’m completely over her. She’s not the reason I didn’t go out with any of them.” He stood up situating himself, trying to ignore Isobel.

Isobel raised her eyebrow. “So why not?” She asked curiously, standing up as well.

There was a long pause. Desperate to find an excuse to go, he mockingly answered “The other one looked like Ms. Piggy, the blondie was too slutty..” Isobel chortled as he described each of the girls. “Oh, and darn! The feisty sock fiend brunette looked like you. Should I really share more?” he sarcastically said. A sinister smile crept up his face.

Isobel’s mouth was hanging half open. “You bast---.” She reminded herself to act proper and refined so she walked out and made her way to the store.
“Socks are friends.” Isobel held up a bad sign.

He smiled at the thought of Isobel annoyed. “Pick me up later 8. Dylan will be early. Got that twerp?” Isobel reminded him and went on her way.
Nate stopped smiling when she left and was dumbfounded for a short while, thinking deeply. Good thing he came back to his senses and followed her with his hands deeply buried under his pockets. Isobel’s right. Penny seems to be constantly running in his head. Oh, enough of her already.

Chapter 2: Nate’s beer

Nate bought a beer on his way to his place but as luck have it, a dog has rammed him the minute he was about to take a swig of the alcohol causing it to mess his shirt. What made it worse, the dog unconsciously recognized his dark gray pants as a post, making it the perfect spot for its..yeah, pee.

“Great. Well, if it isn’t my lucky day?” He disgustedly wiped his shirt with his bare hand and thumped his right leg onto the ground, heaving a distressed sigh.

“Gavin! Come here, boy!” Nate turned around to see a fine woman heading towards him. But as cold and abrasive as he is, he failed to notice. Instead, he silently cursed both the woman and its pet.

“Oh God.” The woman put her hands over her mouth surprised with the most subtle snigger.“I’m terribly sorry--.”

“Yeah? I bet you are.” he said crossly.

“Really sorry. Uhm, anyway here..” the woman handed him her handkerchief, quite ashamed and feeling awful now.

“Seriously?” he scoffed, continually wiping the mess made. He added whispering, bitch,

“Augh. Excuse me?” the woman was noticeably insulted.

“If you must.” Nate sneered without looking.

“Look, I gave my proper apologies and even intended to help. I wasn’t aware that Gavin would be that strong to be capable of smacking the crap out of you. I take it that you didn’t realize--.”

Nate cut in and sardonically said, “Oh madam, I did recognize your sympathy. Too bad, I don’t care, especially coming from a lady who can’t seem to shut herself up. Are you supposingly done sweetheart?”

She knew it was stupid to fight back so she coolly replied, “I just assumed you were well-built enough to handle a poke.” She winked happily as if nothing bad happened.

“By the way, name’s Charlie.” She said, reaching out her hand. Nate impassively looked at her.

Completely amused with what she has done. “Save it,”

The woman’s hand was still left unshaken. He continued to wipe and curse silently. He glanced up to meet her eyes and said, “So, when’s the part where you curse for the last time and leave?” primping his self up, he added, “That’s what women do. They leave.” He held a cold gaze towards the ground.

Charlie folded her hands as if she was entertained by how he talked. He suddenly felt the urge to stab himself for saying that. Stupid. It crushed him whenever he thinks about it, especially for someone to notice that.
Charlie seemed to have noticed the hurt in his amazing and shining light olives.

“I see.” she said, zipping up her suede jacket, feeling colder by the minute.

Nate frowned on; not nearly listening to what she blabbered. He casually reached a pack of cigarettes, got one, lighted it up and took a puff.

Charlie got a hold of Gavin, sat down at the concrete and lightly brushed her fingers through its fluffy fur. She looked up to him. For a minute, letting her eyes linger around Nate’s physical entirety. God, he’s hot. She thought to herself. She was brought back to reality when Gavin barked.
“My aunt used to have this dog.” she said, looking gloomy as she played on the dog’s fur.

Nate pretended to be amused, “Oh yipee, a dog story.”

“Her name’s Leila and my aunt loved her dearly. But when she had gone to Mississippi, the landlord of her apartment left her no choice but to get rid of Leila. I was left to take care of her. In truth, I really hated keeping pets inside my house. Often, I didn’t leave food on her bowl or water. Don’t get me wrong though. She was strangely obedient to me. She loved me despite of my hatred. Anyway, my cruelties got Leila to get sick one day. She sure looked to die very soon. I shooed her out of the house and yelled at her to stay outside and never enter. My extreme revulsion didn’t take pity, neither did my conscience. Three days went by, and that third day, something happened. I phoned a vet about Leila’s condition. I took pity, finally. That afternoon, I left to talk to the vet that Leila couldn’t move due to her condition. So I asked him to go to my house and check him there. We arrived late, around 9pm because I had to pick up some groceries and everything. It was raining heavily that time. When I came out of the car, it pierced my heart. I saw Leila, lifeless on the porch. She didn’t move even an inch. She stayed where she was. She did what I told her to. Despite of the rain killing her, she still stayed. Only then did I realize how lucky I was to have had her. I never saw the good in her.” She embraced Gavin as if he was about to be taken away from her. A tear fell and slid across her glowing cheek.

Nate obviously wasn’t buying any of these. He disrespectfully chuckled and shook his head. “My.” He threw his cigarette at Gavin to which he received a threatening look from the dog. “So, your point being, you killed her.” He let out a sarcastic sigh.

Charlie stood up, primping herself and holding Gavin’s leash. She shook her head and gloomily said, “My point is, Leila stayed. She shouldn’t have, so I’ll be holding her now instead of Gavin.” She quickly replaced it with a smile and momentarily looked at Gavin then back to Nate. “and you won’t look like you have just humped a bull.”She smiled and buried her other hand to her side pocket, turned her back from him and started walking away.

Nate raised his eyebrow, completely frustrated of what had happened, who he met and what he had in mind. He looked down, visualizing Penny’s smile.

It faded away as soon as Charlie looked back and shouted, “Anyway I’m Charlie.” She smiled sweetly, Gavin barked. “Oh! And Gavin too!” she cheery pranced as she went away.

Nate, nonchalant about it, coughed a bit, combed his strawberry chestnut hair with his fingers and went back to the store he bought his beer. Unbelievable. Looks like he actually needed his turn for alcohol. Bleck.

As he made his way out of the store, he caught a disturbing sight. Behind the lime curtains of the coffee shop, stood a pretty young girl whom he swore not want to see again. Yes, indeed it was…Penny. She glanced outside and met Nate’s eyes. As if being heard, she mumbled, “It’s you.” And threw a gracious smile at Nate. As if also understood, he replied with a big sigh, “No.” He detached his gaze from Penny and walked wordlessly.

Chapter 3: Bigley’s Apartment

Nate fidgeted as he walked past the corridors of the apartment. “Darn!” Nate cursed, realizing he had left the key inside the room before he went out. It came to him that he had hidden a key just right above his doorstep. Boorish as he was, ill-words came out from his mouth, a seeming multitude of mixed emotions that he kept bottling up. He held his hand up, trying to feel the key with a hope to locate it somewhere but failed to find it. He sat down jadedly.

He heaved a worn-out sigh and checked his watch for the time. Just as he was about to look up, a middle-aged man, roughly a 48 year old towering above him, smiled menacingly.

”You know, Only ex-druggie washouts leave their keys either there..” pointing inwardly at the spot where he hid his room key. “..or under that lame rug of yours.. which, frankly, smells like poop.” The man said, scrunching up his nose.
“I think I’ve given you enough money to afford a maid.”

Nate nearly choked. It was Stan. The one he blamed for all the loneliness and misery that ate up his life. The one he hated so much. The one he wished was long gone. The one he once called dad.

He stood up stiffly and nodded in a falsely casual manner.
“Well, only screwed-up morons with a great need of life, actually waste time stealing keys under the rugs or above the door from strangers. Give it back.”

The only reaction he got from Stan was a lazy raised eyebrow. “Your life or the key?”

Nate cackled unappreciatively.

“So much for, like father like son eh?” he said, reaching in his pockets and holding out in front of his face a somewhat familiar key.
Stan unlocked the door. He cavorted his way inside and settled in Nate’s couch. “Oohh.. nothing like a good ‘ol night with my son. Do you have any ice wine or beer?”

Nate was still standing at the door. Stan could tell how furious he was but disregarded the thought nonetheless. He couldn’t change his past. He knows he couldn’t change their past. “What do you want?” Nate said calmly yet heated in a sense. He finally decided to go inside his room and shut the door.

“Why the hell are you here?” He couldn’t help but shout and release all his anger. It’s been 5 years since his mom had left the both of them. He believed his dad caused every wretchedness that destroyed their family.
Stan was practically ignoring his somewhat ‘whines’.

He held up his hand and said, “I don’t want to be a bothersome, so just give me whatever you have.” He plopped back into the couch. “Perhaps, you have a chicken leftover in the fridge? I’m hungry real bad!” he chuckled, turning on the television.
He glanced at Nate and added a cheeky “Pretty please” which made Nate even more irritated. Couldn’t Stan be more sensitive of the situation here?

“There must be something you want. That’s why you’re here.” He folded his arms not in a defensive way but in a what-do-you-have-to-say way.

“I believe I told you just earlier that I would want to put something in my mouth!” Stan threw the white pillow he hugged at the moss green-colored wall, acting like a child having tantrums.
Stan stood up, and raided the contents of Nate’s muddled kitchen which looked like the area where the Japanese soldiers took their shit out. Oh Yes.

He found nothing, but a can full of tuna. “You sure are doing okay being alone.” He hates tuna but he took it anyway and went back to the living room. Stan swallowed at what he saw. Nate’s cat, Mr. Lenny, purred around his legs ever-so softly and seemed to have loved Stan’s warmth. He stopped still and almost drooled. “Isn’t he just delectable?” he sheepishly commented.

Nate, thankfully, walked towards the television set to turn it off which startled the cat by the sudden silence. Weird, I know. Nate scooped Mr. Lenny up and settled him on the basket which looked like the basket kids use to dump their Easter candy eggs. Stan is hungry. God.
Stan made his way to the couch and sat down once again, eating this time. And silent. Phew. Nate scratched his head and grinned, “Imagine that.”

”What? Can’t an old man eat in silence?” Stan shoved a forkful of tuna shreds into his mouth.

Nate quickly was zapped back into the real condition of the situation. He shook his head and got up. He rudely snatched the can of tuna from Stan’s hand and gave him a get-out look.

“I see.” Stan shook his head and stood up slowly. “Wow, we have too much things in common.” He tilted his head.


“I don’t have a father or a mother.” Nate motioned for him to get out.

Stan laughed and said, “I thought you would’ve said, ‘I don’t know a screwed-up moron. Nor a selfish bitch, in this case.’ ”

Nate grunted, “That’s exactly why mom left you.”

Stan could feel Nate’s seriousness. He always does, but he believes nothing would come out from his nonsense hiss. “Left us, Nate. Left the both of us.” He said, serious-looking now.
He gazed around the entirety of Nate’s room in the apartment, wobbling his head. “I hope you’re happy.” He said as if sounding pitiful, still studying the room.

He coughed a bit then started to walk away. “But..” he stopped and took the can out of Nate’s hand quickly. He shoved another forkful of tuna inside his mouth and said, “I believe this is mine now.” He smiled sweetly at his son, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. He walked out deeply absorbed in finishing his can of tuna.

Nate couldn’t help but give a huge grin. He knows his dad loves him. He wasn’t just as sure that he loves him enough. Like a real son, he wanted Stan to treat him. Not just any guy he happens to bump on the streets of New York which he adopts eventually. Just like Withshed, his adopted brother.

The only difference between them is that Stan seems to love him even more than Nate. Well it isn't that true.

Chapter 4: Kalyeero Bar

Nate looked at the clock. It was,“8 o clock! Crap.” he zoomed into his room, merely thinking of how he’ll get at Isobel’s fast enough. He changed into his basic hang-out look: A blue t-shirt, low-cut jeans and his pique-lapel blazer. Yeap, that’s his ORDINARY look. Top that.

“Darn. And this leads to my damnation.” he glanced intermittently at his wristwatch, looking a bit anxious. It was 8:30 and he was still on the road with his white Mercedes. Tsk. Boys.

“This will sure leave an endearing memory.” Isobel said as she clenched her fist. “That twerp,” Just as she was about to go in, a car swooshed right in front of her gate.

“Sorry.” a perfect soul stepped out of the car. It looked like a Greek god trapped in someone wearing ratty sneakers, gray blazer, a simple tee..with strawberry chestnut hair, olive green eyes and a muscular entirety. wait..Bloody hell..It’s NATE. uh-oh.

He closed the car door and stood stiffly with his hands hid inside his pockets, as always, leaving our little stunned Isobel more reasons to drool. “Sorry to be late. I got harassed by some shit at Bigley’s.” He said, momentarily looking at his watch. He brushed off his dazzling chestnut stray hair covering his olive eye.

“What’s wrong? Was I that late?” Nate said sarcastically. “I still have,” he looked at his watch and continued, “8 seconds. Don’t be harsh.”

Isobel came back from candy land. She went closer to the gate and opened it, nervous every time he catches her looking at him. What is with Isobel??

“Are you okay? Do you like, need to skip the night—.”

Isobel cut him out with a scream-my-lungs-out.. “NO!” she got him wide-eyed.

“O..kaaay..” he backed away a little. “No harm done. I’m innocent. Anyway, weren’t there bars at Rome? Perhaps, some fun to ease the burden of being bored? Or you’re just plain boring now?” Nate teased.

“Oh gosh Nate, I don’t know. I can think of a million reasons I should overstay at Rome instead of talking to you.” She said with a flippant wave of her hand.

“You don’t need to be that bitchy. Geez.” He said with a wry smile, to which he received a hard punch in the arm. He dug deep down his pockets due to the not-helping temperature, getting lower by the minute.

“What’s with the blazer? Your shoulders seem too broad to even distinguish where you positioned your arms.” She bit her lip as she studied him up and down. “I think you need a feminine touch.” She rested her hand softly at his shoulder.

Nate laughed hysterically. “Well not from you.” He started. “At least I look like a man.” checking her from top to bottom.

Isobel raised an eyebrow.

“At least I’ve got hips perfect for me unlike a manly one you got sporting there.. “ he said with his eyes fixed on her hips. “Or perhaps, that’s how you define sexy in Rome.” He teasingly commented.

Isobel exploded .“I do not have manly hips!” she slowly tapped her hips, feeling a bit of shame.
Nate snorted when he saw her turn her side, muttering under her breath, “Wait till you see my manly fists you bastard.”

“Let’s kill each other later.” He said fiddling with his car keys . “The bar isn’t going to wait for your hips to shrink to normalcy!” He ran to the car’s door and gently opened it. “Inside, you go.” He said, motioning for her to get inside the car.

Nate raised his eyebrow. “What? Oh come on. It’s our first night.” Nate still holding the door for her.

“I hope it’s the last.” she said and dragged herself into the car.
Nate let out a huge grin and positioned himself at the driver’s seat.
“Ah, you’re flirting with me again.”There was a deafening silence inside the vehicle.

“You know how repugnant you sound?” She said rather windy.

“Yes. And you still love me.”

He left her stunned again and quiet the rest of the ride. Who knows? Maybe he was right after all. Righhhhttt..

‘Yeah of course, you’re my best friend.’ She whispered to herself.

The moon was full. Nate opened the door for her once again. “Aww..thank you sweetness. Without you, I could have long stayed and cried inside this car being unable to pull my teeny-weeny, helpless self out.” She smirked.

“What am I for?” he said mockingly.

“Funny.” Isobel said vacantly. By the second she got out, she pulled him as to run with her inside. Both laughed at this. And that was all about???

“Oh! Isobel!” Both of them looked awkwardly at each other and looked over their shoulders.

Over the high division at the center, a Johnny-depp looking man with a Mohawk came poking his head out and waved incessantly.

“Dylan Ford? Is that you?” Isobel leered. Dylan stood up and moved closer to her.

“The world missed you, darling.” He said, giving her a peck on the cheek. “You must taste this incredible blessing.” He sweetly handed her a glass of champagne, ‘MIRACLE’.

Isobel gulped all the liquid down in a second. “Wow. MIRACLE speaks for itself.” Dylan commented as his mouth opened in awe. They all laughed and continued on to finally sit down. “How did Rome treat you?” Dylan asked, as he sipped from his glass of wine.

Isobel swallowed. “Well, for one fact, it was truly heaven.” She smiled and poured herself another nip of the champagne.

Dylan chortled, “Really? Last time I was there, I thought it was a hell full of hookers.” he put down his glass and added, “You were simply the angel that made it heavenly.”

“You never changed, Dylan.” She said as she jabbed his arm gently.
Dylan snickered. “Oh true. I haven’t forgotten our deal, Arganzen.” He said with a devilish wink.

“What deal?” Isobel merely grunted.

Dylan raised his eyebrow, mouthing ‘kiss finale’.

“That was junior high. Oh come on!” She said with utter annoyance.

“You have to keep your promise!” Dylan grabbed his chest as if she had just poked his heart with a dagger.

“Come on darling.” He said, pointing to his lips.

“Some other lifetime, Ford.” Isobel smiled menacingly as she nudged Nate’s elbow, forgetting that he was part of that deal. “Oh. Still doesn’t change the fact that you so want me. I’m handsome. I’m so hot that there’s nothing good left to do than worship myself. You told the whole school that.” Dylan was smirking madly at her.

“Because that was the time the only guy I knew was you.”

“You sure?”

“You’re hopeless.”

“And you still want me.”

There it is again. Why do guys have to shut Isobel every time? It’s not that Isobel wasn’t attracted. Believe me, Dylan is one hottie. It was true when he said that Isobel likes him. Well, back then, yeah. But based on what happened earlier, she has completely gotten over Dylan. Go Nate?

“Maybe not.”

“Say something stupid. I have to get out of here.” Isobel anxiously whispered near Nate’s ear.

He looked at her fixedly. “You are the hopeless one.” He turned to look at Dylan, heaving a distressed sigh.
Dylan continues to blabber while obviously, Nate and Isobel are too annoyed to even bother listening to him. “And you my dear friend Nate Hausen. You have lost all your baby fats! You look hot, though particularly not as hot as I am. Too bad, Isobel’s mine.” Dylan said dramatically.

“Oh you can have her.”

“Do you think if we stab him with the heels of your stilettos, he’ll die?” Nate whispered near Isobel’s ear.

“Yea, but it’ll ruin my stilettos.” she answered sheepishly. Fact is, she was disturbed by what Nate told Dylan. Aww, what’s with that Isobel?

“Fair enough.” He agreed.

Isobel then quickly added, “But..” she glanced upon Dylan and smiled at him. “there’s a reason women love buying Jimmy Choo’s.”
Without anymore further fuss, Isobel introduced Nate to her STILETTOS. STOMP!

“Isobel fucking Arganzen!” Nate leaped from his seat and acted like his toe was bleeding.

“What happened? Is everything all right?” Dylan stood up and helped poor Nate stand. “On your toes now, buddy.” He said as he helped him situate himself on the leather seat.

“Oh god Nate?” Isobel said as if she didn’t know what caused his shrill cry. “Dylan we have to go.”

“Are you okay, mate?” Dylan said pretending to look concerned. He reached over the table and slid an ice over his forehead. “You dumb ass. It’s his foot not his head.” Isobel blurted out softly, holding onto Nate as they both stood up.

“I’ll take it from here. He’ll be fine.” She said, making her way towards the exit, leaving our Johnny depp behind. Awww.
Nate met Isobel’s eyes as their faces almost touching each other’s. Isobel was on it again.

She rubbed his back trying to give comfort as she murmured apologetic words which sounded rather I-told-you-so’s. She grabbed his brawny, perfect-tanned arms and let it surround her neck. Nate unconsciously rubbed her nape with his oh-so delicate innocent fingers which caused goose bumps to rise from her nape.

Isobel shuddered with his soft touch. She tried as hard as she could to fight back her emotions but she can’t seem to know how. She led him towards the exit. As much to her surprise, Nate suddenly laughed and jumped out of her grasp. Tsk. We all know how Isobel felt, now don’t we?

“Tell me I’m awesome and I’ll be scraping up Oscar’s soon.” He said shooting her that smoldering look again which makes her weak in her knees.
She could still smell the pungent, strawberry scent of his hair. His fragrance that lingered around her petite body which almost made her smell the same as Nate does. It’s not that she would mind that possibility.
Nate finished up putting his lapels in place as it began scrunching as he was dragged out by Isobel.

“You did well there. This..” he turned to his shoe “is as hard as metal.” He buried his hands in his pockets again as he continued, “I still don’t know why women literally die for Jimmy Choo’s.” He pointed towards her stilettos. “That can’t even pass up as a toothpick. You suck.” He laughed preposterously summoning the beast out of our dear Isobel.

“Yeah actually, you are a great actor. Bet you can’t fake these.” She smiled for a moment then without anymore ado, kicked his *toot* as incredibly hard as she could with her precious stilettos giving our Natey a night he would always remember.

“I had that coming. Sick bi--” He smirked, speaking between restrained breaths.

“Sick bitch, my ass.” She muttered enigmatically, turning her back from him. “Don’t you follow me, you nitwit. I’ve already warned you once.”
Nate sniggered. He had always thought it was cute whenever Isobel’s mad. Oh! Let’s not go there, Natey.

Chapter 5: Minutes

“525,600 minutes. 525,000 moments so dear, how do you measure a year in the life? How about love?” The song continued to play on Nate’s head as it was endlessly redundant on the radio. “Darn. How many more bloody minutes are there till you crap the whole song out?” he smacked the radio onto the floor before picking up his ringing black cordless phone from under his bed. Under? How did it get beneath his bed?

He stood at his usual spot on the wall, beside the window, with his back leaning on it. “Yeap. Nate Hausen still sleeping, though more likely, it seems I’m rather sleepwalking since I’m here speaking unconsciously right now, but alas, I’m still here awake, probably going to regret it later when I’m not disturbed by some psycho who can’t seem to have a life of his own. Or preferably, her, since only women desperately phone me during 3 am...WHO is calling?” he said the last bit with a high pitched, sarcastic tone. Too indolent to even bother knowing who’s at the other line.

“You are one fucked-up shit. I am Isobel, your worst nightmare. Now get up sleepy crap.” Isobel demanded quietly. Her voice low, appeared to have been tormented with hours of screaming. She sounded as if she was holding back her tears. Tears? Why would she want to cry?

Nate pulled himself together now, aware that Isobel’s threat isn’t far-fetched from becoming a reality. “At 3 am? What is with you? Your recent stunt last night nearly ended my manhood.” he grumbled, lying down on his bed, plopping his pillow just to give enough comfort for his head.

“Cut the crap and go over here asap!” she hurriedly muttered with seeming depression.

“Why?” he asked, shifting his body to the other side. “You understand it is 3 ri--.”

He was cut off short by a loud bang on the other line, which caused him to be flabbergasted.

“AH!” Isobel sobbed as gently as she could. Something isn’t right.

“Isobel!” he stiffly sat up with his charming eyes all popped out. “Dang, Are you ok? What’s happening?” Nate got off his bed and grabbed his keys.

“Stay where you are. I’m coming.” He hung up and ran to his car. He couldn’t gather his thoughts. He has no clue what could have been happening. All he knows is he has to get his ass at Isobel’s fast.

“Please. Dad, please. I didn’t kill Rob! You did! You are drunk. It wasn’t me!” Isobel trembled with fear as she looked at a poor dog’s cadaver lying on their Persian rug.

“I should have never considered you a part of this family! You of all, should have been killed beforehand! You bring me bad things I take consequences from! You were meant to be aborted when you were a frigging scum baby! Your idiotic mother chose you rather than me. Who in her right mind would keep a shitty wanker like you?!” Clyde held up his fist and threatened Isobel with it. “You should die you bitch!”

“No! Stop!” she tried to convince him into stopping but her tirade of explanations got interrupted by a fist crashing into her stomach with great cruelty, making her double over the pain which she felt when she was scared.

Blood sprinkled on their lavender curtain as she pulled it over her as to cover up her poor form. Isobel wiped the blood that tainted her shirt as well as her mouth.“Get your dirty stubby hands off of me, you asshole! Wait till I get your sorry ass bashed down into pieces with..” she snapped when she saw Clyde beam a gun at her.

“With what?” he moved in closer with the gun still in his hands. “Don’t you realize that with one pull of this,” he said shifting his gaze at the trigger. “You’re officially no longer an Arganzen?” he tittered, tracing the gun along her chest to her forehead. “Dad..” she called softly. Isobel felt emptiness and numbness take over her. She couldn’t make sense of what’s happening. For all she wants was that miracle to happen, that perfect soul to step in and save her.

Nate arrived irately. He got out of the car, took out his baseball bat frantically running and stopped at what he saw. A gun so close Isobel’s face that it seemed it was planted on her forehead. He went through the back door just to be safe.

“Isobel, you’ve been a bad girl.” Clyde pouted playfully as he said it. “As you know, bad girls go to hell. I’ll make your trip a little sooner, darling.” He laughed menacingly.

Just as he was about to pull the trigger, Nate kicked his stomach and knocked him down with his baseball bat leaving a blood-spattered Clyde unconscious down on the floor, or so he thought. Clyde looked horrible. He quickly crashed his stomach with immense strength. They fought for about 15 minutes. Finally, he grabbed him down and jabbed his face protected by his shivering hands. Nate got a jolt when he felt something pierce his right shoulder. He reached out to his side and grabbed the bat he brought and banged it onto Clyde’s head leaving him knocked down, real unconscious this time. Nate weakly got up and looked at Isobel.

“Nate?” Isobel felt too weak to even bother figuring who it was. But she was right. It was Nate.

Nate no longer thought of what to do with Clyde but he picked up his phone which laid solemnly in the floor, and rang the police informing about Clyde. Hello Prison.

He tenderly scooped Isobel up and carried her to his car. He leaned her nimble body on the hood while he fumbled for his keys in his pockets. He guided Isobel in and strapped the seatbelt across her lap before he settled himself in the driver’s seat. For a minute, he merely leaned back his seat, blaming himself for taking so much time before saving her. Not even bothering cleaning up himself from all the bruises. He then started the engine and drove silently.

Nate pulled in front of his apartment. He turned to her and with eyes of pity he whispered almost to himself, “You’re home.”It’s as if Isobel heard it. She nodded weakly but he had already gotten out of the car to have noticed. He opened the door and grabbed her with utter care.

They got inside and went straight to his room. He helped her to bed and once she was lying straight down, proceeded to take her shoes off. He washed her up with a white cloth and cleansed her slash marks. He walked blankly into his bathroom, facing the mirror with extreme confusion.

“Nate..” she whispered blustery. He heard it due to the constant silence between them.


She smiled knowing that it was Nate. “Come here.”

He got up and faced her. “Why? Do you need something?”

She smiled once more and motioned for him to lie down beside her. “Here.” she uttered feebly.

He got into the bed next to her, slipped an arm around her waist while his other hand stroked her hair lovingly. He let himself drift to the nice moment they were sharing. Needless to say, he was as tired as she was.

“Thanks.” she whispered near his ear. She looked upon his dazzling olive green eyes. At the same time, Nate met her misty hazel eyes. They didn’t know what happened but their lips somehow found their way to each other’s. And it cured the both of them.

They drifted to sleep but Nate was gone before she could even stir in the morning light.

Chapter 6: Break

She got up feeling like the world was turning wildly. The mirror showed a wretched young woman, with deplorable swollen eyes, pale and bleach-like in color. She was the very image of newly starched bed covers. Yet she’s still beautiful. Her scrawny exterior beckoned a cry from her, overshadowing what was truly stunning. She was too weak to even bother.
She wanted to clench up her fist but felt too frail to even try. Guilt, confusion and self-pity were swimming in her head. She then lay down on Nate’s bed, her eyes bulging open. She turned to her side and saw a plate of blueberry bagel with cream cheese slathered on it. As if zapped by lightning, she sat up hastily and shoved practically the whole bagel into her mouth. “Oh goodness.” She said with sheer delight.

She finished up and looked for a napkin on the table.

“My worst nightmare..” She looked closer and saw something written on the tissue laid down beside the plate.
She grabbed and read it aloud:

My worst nightmare, Blueberry bagel topped with deelish cream cheese at your service. I know it’s just a small thing but I figured it was your favorite. See you later =)
P.S I didn’t know you’re a good kisser.—Nate

Her mouth opened in shock as she tapped her lips. Last night, he saved her. Last night, he tucked her in bed. Last night, she asked him to lie down beside her. Last night, they KISSED!

“Shit.” She glanced at the clock revealing it was 10am already. Her hands shuddered with panic. “Why? Oh shitty Isobel, why the heck did you let it happen?” with that she zoomed out of his apartment, feeling her lively self again.
---------------- %
“Nate, you did what?” Kevin was left bowled over. He sat up slowly and darted his eyes over Nate’s dreadfully.

“So you have the hots for Isobel? Which is rather tolerable since there’s no doubt she is hot. Not to mention, hot-headed as well! Are you kidding me? She’s like your sister, man.” He kept shooting Nate that you-must-be-kidding look, as he plunked himself again in his bean bag.

“No you idiot! Nowhere close to be a fact.” he assured him defensively. “It was a one-time thing. We were both not ourselves that moment. Besides, it’s ISOBEL, for Christ’s sake.”

“Oh come on! You’ve been known as to drag chicks to your home, force of habit remember?” Kevin said in one breath.

Nate threw the nearest thing he could grab, a magazine.
He rolled his eyes.

“What? You are one fucked-up shit.” His arms folded. “You came here in the first place spilling out all this crap to me!” He looked up to him disbelievingly.

“Sorry man, just a little high strung.” He apologized almost to himself.

“Just..just.” He said dumbly. “Anyway... So, what are you planning to do?” finally giving up of hitting him back.

“I have no idea. I left her a blueberry bagel with a note earlier this morning.” he said expressionlessly.

He stood up with utter disbelief in his face. “A bagel? A blueberry of your choice? Crap, Nate. That’s just really great. And you didn’t even bring me some. How typical of a friend. You knocked on my door furiously, woke me up at 4 am.” He complained, pointing towards the wall clock. “Didn’t even bother that I could die without eating. That’s strike 2! You call yourself my friend?” He pouted and slouched against his bean bag again.

Nate glanced over his watch. “You mean 4 in the afternoon. It’s after brunch. You haven’t eaten and it’s your fault. I never wanted you to be my friend anyway. Carter introduced you to me and we hanged out since then on, so we desist the issue and rest this case.” He informed him in one breath

A displeased Kevin checked his Nike wrist watch which he never took off, ever I say, and mouthed a silent, “Oh yea.”

“Anyway, Nate, it’s just a girl. Don’t worry about it. You’re Nate. You handle these stuff pretty awesome. Everything will fall back to place. It’s not like she’ll kill you for it. I bet she didn’t sleep thinking of how luscious and tender your lips were.” He said giving him a seducing wink.

Nate picked up the magazine and threw at him again. “Jerk.”

“Yeah, like you haven’t told me that yet. There are other hot girls out there anyway, Nate. Olivia’s looking fine. She is va va voom-ly mouthwatering after those 3 years of working out.” He said pensively, trying to visualize her.

“You sick dope-fiend. Olivia’s my cousin.”

“No shit?” he asked shockingly with his right hand covering up his mouth with utter humiliation.

“I can’t believe I was the one smoking pot when I was 9.”
He shook his head with a grin.

“Why are you so irksome?” Kevin asked wrathfully.

“Who the fuck makes use of the word irksome?”

“Will you stop changing the subject? This is crazy. Talking to you gives me a headache. Out!” He walked briskly towards the door and opened it with great force, tightening his grip on the doorknob.Nate is in for some punching again if he doesn’t quit being an ass.

Nate heaved a troubled, sarcastic sigh and walked his way out. “By the way..” he stopped at his door and continued. “We are 1st cousins, making Olivia your cousin as well.” He hastily ran his fingers through his striking gold- splashed chestnut hair which it probably got from the sun’s light. “You disgust me.” With that, he dashed out of the house laughing. Definitely, out of threat of getting dust in his perfectly fixed hair. Kevin leaned on the door and withdrew a sigh. “Isobel.”

He stopped for a moment, letting the cool breeze soothingly waft him. He could still remember Isobel’s warm face with her lips crashing into his. Unbelievable as it was, it still happened. And there’s no way he could erase that moment. Gah. The sun’s a bit magenta-colored. Everything seems weird. He went back to his apartment seeing only his cat Mr. Lenny. Isobel had obviously left earlier that morning.

“Unfixed bed. That’s her all right.” He grinned, moving towards his bed to get the covers.

He finished cleaning his room and finally plopped down his couch, with his hands beneath his head. “Mr. Lenny, how do you manage to sleep all day long?Let’s trade places sometimes.” He snapped at the cat sullenly.
Just as he was about to rest his eyes, his kitchen phone rang piercingly.
“Hell. People seem to love calling me.” He stood up hauling a cynical sigh and caught the phone sluggishly. “Yea, whaddya need?”

“Hausen, right?” the person from the receiver questioned. “Uh yeah. Who’s this?” He narrowed his alluring olive eyes, trying to detect the person who owns the voice.

“The dog killer.” She blatantly introduced.

Nate groaned and wobbled his head. “I see.”

He briefly took the phone away from him and took a smoke. “This better be good.”he patted Mr.Lenny’s furry head, sitting at his pale-blue kitchen counter.

There was some silence before she answered. “You threw your license at my dog and pocketed your joint. Tell me, what should I make out of that?.” She sniggered. “I went to a friend and had you tracked down, thinking, I’ve got to find this guy because he could actually make use of the license. Do you even have a car?” Her voice overwhelmed with disdain.

Nate laughed incredulously. “Aha. So it does work.” he said with amusement, aiming at the trash can then threw his joint.

“Pardon?” her voice sounding a bit husky and out of the blue curious.

“Check it. I throw my license, mistaking it for a smoke, I go home nonchalantly, some God-knows-who girl tracks me down, rings me up to return it. Instant gig. Pretty neat for picking up ladies, eh?” He gushed, trying to sound comedic.

“You’re one fucked-up shit.” She disgustingly responded.

Somehow, people love calling him fucked-up. Poor Natey. Come to me, I would never call you crap.

He headed to the fridge and took out a cold, half-drained bottle of Bloody Mary. He gulped with extreme thirst and took the phone back near his ears. “So I’ve been told.” But you managed to have time for an obnoxious..” he started, guzzling another of the wine. “Fucked-up shit, eh?”

“Someone needs to straighten em up and throw em.” She joked.
“Anyway, straight answer, dufus. Should I turn to the gutters or you want it?

“At Asteroid, 6pm.” He piped up. “It wouldn’t be hard to find me, now would it?” He said with a wink, imagining she was there in front of him being shot with his persuasive flash. He hung up and slumped back on his couch.
Mr. Lenny sauntered towards him and settled on his lap. Before he could even mumble anything, a soft tingling purr broke the silence. “Meow.”

Chapter 7: Asteroid

He woke up seeing he has fallen from the couch. Upon reaching his watch, Mr. Lenny purred ever so softly. “How long have I been sleeping?” he asked the cat, his eyes still squinting, adjusting from the harsh light from his magenta-colored lamp. “I must have overslept.” He muttered darkly, glancing down at his watch, his head still feeling heavy.
He stood up and grabbed his jacket. He entered the car with much annoyance, hoping she wouldn’t show up so he’ll just grab a drink for himself. He could get a license anytime he wants. He inserted the key to the ignition and drove wordlessly.


His mischievous eyes fixed on the big wooden sign above a seeming skyscraper, only to think it was a bar.
His gaze dropped down enough to face the entrance. Dragging his feet, he made his way into the bar.

“I think she looks like Monica Bellucci, or am I drunk yet?” His head turned wildly, probably because of the 4 bloody Mary’s he consumed in a span of 20 minutes. When we thought he only drank a half-drained bottle? Looks like he is instinctively guzzling over alcohol whether he fancies it or not.
He plunked himself onto one of the stools. Perched at the bar and waved for a bartender to attend to him.

“Two Corzo,sir.” He said sluggishly with the slightest smirk he pulled off. Has he been not satisfied from all the drinks? Someone call 911 if he passes out.

The bartender rolled his eyes and fixed the drinks right away. A little clip on his shirt told him his name was Tony.
He waited for a good 2 minutes before scanning the crowd, gulping his drinks in one take-in.

Under a turquoise light, a gorgeous woman gracefully heading towards his direction was wearing a velvet green dress slightly covered with an haute nude coat, completing her look with silver flats. Almost every guy in the bar were drooling their asses off, taking time to appreciate the woman’s irresistible features.

“Drunkard dufus?” she settled next to him. The guys on the table almost died in envy.

He let out a huge grin. Before she could even call the bartender, he has prepared her a drink already. “Lemony as you wanted it, honey pot.” Tony playfully flirted. He winked her goodbye and turned to another customer.

“I’m a regular.” She explained defensively, sipping her Martini with a straw.

“Looking at those drooling dropouts..” he said eyeing the guys continually checking her out. “you don’t look regular to me.” With a bit of flirty feel creeping up the atmosphere as he told her it.

She broke into a derisive smile, setting her gaze on his roguish eyes. “Don’t tell me you’re one of them.”

Nate drank up and smiled. “Don’t worry. I’ve graduated from petty little girls who like to play ‘dress and make-up’.” A devilish smirk crept up his face, as he signaled Tony for another drink. Easy there, buddy.

“Oh really now, smartass?” the hair cascading down her shoulder fluttered to the back by her tan hand.

“I’m not trying to be a smartass. I’m trying to subconsciously get my license from you. After all, you haven’t changed. You still don’t know when to shut up.” He picked up his Corzo before smiling at her.

Around them, teetering in tables, were groups of college students just like them, having the time of their life. The brightly lit candles surrounding the vicinity freshened up the maladroit ambiance produced by different personalities crashing the place.

“I thought you could actually try being human, having a social life.” She rolled her eyes, scrabbling for the license inside her magenta handbag.

“Right. Educate me with that twaddle, social..fuck, what is it again? Pardon for such lack of incompetence. I just don’t have that..” he griped, rudely snatched Charlie’s half-drained glass and drank its contents. “Come on, help me now.” He sarcastically pleaded.

He clunked his glass onto the wooden counter. Her eyes rolled ever so beautifully. But of course, he hadn’t notice. Duh.

“Social life. But since your current mental state is frightful, I advise that you get a LIFE.” Opening her tote, she realized she have forgotten to bring along his license.

“Ohh.” A silence descended between the two. Nate shook his head. “Knew it. ” He stood up clumsily and headed towards the door.

She eyed him as he went out. “You’ll be back.” She gave in a soft smile which produced a vibrant glow on her face that made the ducklings drool once more. Yeap, that’s how blind Nate is.

“Yo!” Tony the bartender jumped over the table and ran towards Nate’s direction. “Don’t you run off like that you son of a bi—.”

“Oh shit.” Nate for a while stood frozen then turned around to go back. Too late though.

Tony’s eyes were burning with utter displeasure. “Dude,” Just as Nate was about to hand him the bills, he received a solid punch in the face. Oops.

He felt his head was cracked badly. The light pierced his eyes as he squinted. “Don’t mind. I already got the money from your wallet.” Tony turned away, grumbling in an annoyed tone. “College kids..”He closed his eyes for a second and opened it to see an angel-like woman with light brown hair smiling at him. Of course again, he hadn’t really noticed.

“Knew you’d be back.” He felt her warm finger tap his forehead. “Come on.” She slowly put his arms around her neck and helped him stand up. “Upsy-daisy, dufus.” Her breath smelled peppermint. Finally, he noticed something.

The moon was shining bright and the wind definitely was chilly; he could almost feel winter coming. Nate looked at Charlie; her head tilted upwards, her hands buried in her coat pockets and appeared to be gazing absorbedly at some heavenly body. No, her face is heavenly. He thought to himself. Wow, Nate I’m impressed. But hold on, he brushed off the thought and is now gone. Told you to lay off the wine Nate.
She detached her gaze from the sky and looked at him.

“Does it still hurt?” she asked with a concerned tone evident on her voice. A convincing smile formed on her face.

Alas, it wasn’t convincing enough.

He refused to be nice and mockingly replied, “Apparently, your voice seemed to have brought more pain. Shut it.” He wondered whether he was about to be thrown into a near garbage bin by what he just said to her. Surprisingly, as he slyly turned to look at her a smile never left her face.
“Why can’t you just be like other men?” she asked sarcastically with an over-done tone of her voice, as she glanced with her pretty hazel eyes. Just like Isobel’s.

He gave a wicked chuckle and sardonically replied, “Maybe I’m not a man.” Giving emphasis on the ‘im not’ phrase he continued, “and I’m picky.” Her glance seemed to have given an incredible effect on his body. Tapping his lower lip, suddenly no pain seemed to have been beyond agonizing compared earlier.

She smiled and let out a barely audible laugh. They let the time pass by without talking to each other. Charlie knew how incompetent Nate could get if they continue with the conversation. Especially, considering he is a bit tipsy. Right, just a bit, huh?

An empty can rolled in front of them. Her reflexes did a great job making her stop; however Nate looked like he was sleeping already, just with his eyes slightly open.

“Careful there!” Charlie quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him to straighten up. “I might’ve been nice but I’m not about to look after you, dufus.”

She couldn’t help but smile at Nate looking all blank and deadpan yet still so hot. Told you he wasn’t just a bit tipsy.

“Hands off me, missy. You didn’t have to make excuses to touch my irresistible muscular frame. Just by looking at the way you look at me, you could’ve melted on your spot.” He said narrowing his eyes as tried to stop the world from turning. No honey, you’re just too drunk.

He coughed a bit and continued, “Seriously, stop taking advantage of my poor innocence.” She drew closer and flapped his stray hair away from his eye.

“Seriously, you have to stop tempting me then.” She said with a wink, half- expecting him to smile but thought he was too weak to even bother.
A flash of confusion shone through his eyes, but it was soon covered with resolve and a fake smile. “Right.”

He was awoken by Charlie’s soft muttering. “Well, here I am.” She said with her eyes glistening as the moonlight reflected on it.

He nodded and looked up to check where she has stopped. “Oh fu--.” His head cleared all of a sudden. The noises that came barging in his stoned mind suddenly stopped; pushing him though a bewildering scene. “You’ve got to be kidding” His eyes bulging open as he stared dumbly at the disturbing sight, Kevin’s house. Oh brother.
Last edited by Echolair on Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:45 am, edited 3 times in total.
In heaven there is only you, on earth you are all i want. -Psalms 73:25

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Wed Mar 19, 2008 5:30 am
Echolair says...

You tell me if I need to post the next chapters. ;)

[No all caps, please. ~ Snoink]
In heaven there is only you, on earth you are all i want. -Psalms 73:25

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Wed Mar 19, 2008 6:38 am
Loose says...

Yuck. That font is disgusting. Please change it now!

Your first paragraph (prologue?) seems a little dry, and your chapter 1 seems too dialogue dependant. Might I suggest trying to write what you'd want to read, rather than just something for others to read, because it is very bare. And you don't really venture much into your characters; they are just names.

Need help, PM me, because I know this critique has been a little skimpy, but that font is giving me a headache.

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Wed Mar 19, 2008 9:13 am
Echolair says...

Loose girl: Lol. Changed it. And ive already sent you a message regarding this baleful style of writing for the first chapter and blah and blah. :x

TO EVERYONE: Please R&R! -,- will definitely update asap. since ive got the 14 chapters done..i guess mine's a long one! really MORE and MORE and MORE chapters needed to finish this up. ;D So please please.:) Will comment on yours too. Will do. ;)

TTFN. xoxo-Jace
In heaven there is only you, on earth you are all i want. -Psalms 73:25

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Fri Mar 21, 2008 5:41 am
tRiCk says...

“An impatient Carter proclaimed.” Might sound better like this:

“Carter impatiently proclaimed…”
“Carter proclaimed impatiently”

I think daydream is one word.

“Right[,] as if you wont drink.” Comma was needed.

“specially” should be especially

“She said, with a subtle tease in what she said.” Might sound better like this:
“She said, teasing subtly.

Also when you write incomplete sentences you usually use three dots (…) not just the two.

The dialogue between the lady and Nate became really confusing and the punctuation needs work.

Anyway, that’s all I have time for now. It was a really funny story though and I did enjoy it. If you’d like I can finish the review later. Or if not, maybe I sounded to rude, you can just say noooooooooooo!
Ha ha,


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Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:57 am
casey_kent says...

I loved it. Post more chapters, dear. Like now. Uhm it may need some punctuation work though. And uhm some lines to indicate where the lines are supposed to be. The first one is the prologue I guess. Put a line after that to show that the first paragraph is the prologue.

Like this:
Echolair wrote:Chapter 1: City District Park. London.

“Nate, could you be yourself now and get on with it?” Kevin nudged him in his side, trying to persuade him to buy him a drink.
“You know, we don’t have all day for this.” An impatient Carter proclaimed.
“Nate.” Kevin nudged him again. “Sod off. I’m in the middle of my bizarre day dream.” Nate tiredly shoved him towards Carter. He handed out of his pocket a few bucks. “Here, feast away. Don’t come back yelling and all. I’m not drinking. And I’m resting.”
Kevin lets out an angry sigh, trying to get Carter pissed as well. “Right as if you won’t drink. I’d buy two cases specially for you.” He scoffed and cursed as he headed towards the street, down to the store with Carter.
Nate chuckled then put his head down the table again. “I’ve abstained from drinking.” Nate said dreamily, playing with an abandoned fry. “Really.”


“I swear I could fly to Rome right now and never come back again.” Isobel said, showing a serious face at him.”Oh you’ll come back and get me..” Both of them laughed.
“I missed you.” Her eyes gleamed with happiness as she held out her arms and took Nate in.
“I died the day you left.” Nate snickered, slowly withdrawing from their embrace.
Christianity is not a religion, it's a relationship.

I may not be perfect but Jesus thinks I'm to die for.

"Let's destroy these little darlings..."- W.Beckett

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Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:19 am
casey_kent says...

Hey next chapter please cuz. Get a good agent to publish this thang, ayt? Love it. Now post the next chapters.
Christianity is not a religion, it's a relationship.

I may not be perfect but Jesus thinks I'm to die for.

"Let's destroy these little darlings..."- W.Beckett

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Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:22 am
casey_kent says...

where are the next chapters? you told me that you would post it. where is it? *motions to go to your house* I'll go there today if you won't post it.
Christianity is not a religion, it's a relationship.

I may not be perfect but Jesus thinks I'm to die for.

"Let's destroy these little darlings..."- W.Beckett

Maybe our favorite quotations say more about us than about the stories and people we're quoting.
— John Green