
Young Writers Society

Expect the Unexpected- Chapter Eight

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Tue Oct 30, 2007 6:28 pm
Chaotic Romance says...

EDIT: I've made some changes to this due to the suggestions/criticisms of both sokool15 and bigbadbear, thanks guys!!

Well, this will be my last update for a few days, I want to wait before I post the next chapter... mostly because I don't want to fill the forum up with my story...

Here's chapter 8, hope you like it!

The man didn’t come back. Instead the boy who had taken her to him came through the door about ten minutes later. He grabbed her roughly and dragged her to the dungeon cell once more, where he chained her up. He left without a word.

She tried to get loose from the chains but they were made of some tough, thick type of metal and they would not budge. So, after a few moments of trying to unchain herself she finally gave up and just sat there; using this time to think about the predicament that she found herself in. She had a lot to think about and a lot of questions, like where was her family? Why did that guy want to talk to her father so badly anyway? And why did they need her to get to her father? None of this made any sense at all.

“It will in time, my dear.” a voice said in the darkness.

Elizabeth jumped about a foot in the air, or probably not that much since her legs were chained to the floor, but she jumped as high as she could “W-who’s there?” she stuttered looking around frantically trying to find the owner of the voice but no such luck it was too dark. She saw something move out of the corner of eye.

“W-whoever you are, you’re not scaring me.” she said trying to sound calm, but failing.

“Oh, I think I am, my dear.” a voice said right by her ear. She turned her head but there was nothing there, just pitch blackness. “Who are you? And what the hell do you want?” she asked looking around frantically for the unknown person in the room with her.

“Feisty aren’t we, hun?” said a voice by her other ear. Yet again she turned to look but there was no one there.

She heard a chuckle, “Would you like me to reveal myself?” they asked.

“Well, that would be nice, but there’s a catch isn’t there?” she asked.

“No, dear of course not though, I’m afraid you might be a little startled.” He stated knowingly, she had figured that it was a boy, the voice was too deep to be a girls'.

“What is that suppose to mean?” she asked curiously.

“You will see,” was the reply that she got.

And, quite suddenly, the room was flooded with light, though it really wasn't all that bright, but compared to the darkness she was use to it was blinding. She had to shield her eyes from the intense glow of of the overhead lamp.

It took several seconds for her eyes to adjust and when they did she slowly took her hands from her face and she gasped as she immediately recognized the figure that was standing before her. “You.” she snarled.

“Yes, me,” the boy grinned at her.

“I knew there was something wrong about you!” he smirked, “What’s going on? I demand to know!” she was trying to sound forceful but in her fear she failed miserably. “I swear if you don’t tell me what is going on I’ll- I’ll-”

“You’ll what? Hmm... Now you aren’t really in the position to be threatening me, now are you?” he asked smirking at her.

“Damn you, Just tell me what the hell is going on!” she nearly screeched.

“Tsk, tsk,” he shook his head “a girl as young as yourself should not be using that type of language. Were you not taught the proper manners, dear?” he asked cocking his head to one side.

“Shut up.” she growled.

“If I were you I would not be ordering me about.”

“Oh, yea why not?” she asked courageously though the minute she said it she wished she hadn’t because he suddenly came up to her grabbed her by the neck and pulled her to a standing position this caused the chains to break clean from the wall as well as the ones on the floor. She gasped as he brought his head to her neck and she felt two tiny pricks. Not enough to draw blood but just enough to scare the shit out of her.

“You’re a- a vampire, but that’s impossible; vampires don’t exist.”

“Everything is possible.” he stated his mouth still less then an inch from her neck.

“But-but why?” she asked, as thankfully he took his mouth away from her neck, though he put both hands above her shoulders pinning her in front of him. “Why what?” he asked curiously, playing with a strand of her hair.

She rolled her eyes, “Why I’m here.” she said “Surely you can tell me that.”

“Hmm, well maybe I could… But it would come at a price.”

She rolled her eyes again, “well…” He grinned at her. “Oh no you are not] biting me.” she stated.

He smirked as he brought his head once again down to her neck. She fought, hard, trying to push him away from her, but all he did was take both of her hands in one of his and pinned them above her head. That pretty much left her immobile.

She still struggled though and that just made him laugh at her.

“Don’t worry I won’t take too much.” she could here the smirk in his voice. Little bastard…

She felt his breath on her neck for about a second before she felt his fangs sink slowly and very painfully into the tender skin of her neck. She gasped. It hurt at first, bringing sheering pain, but just after the pain started it stopped and she was left with a very peaceful feeling.

After about only one minute he pulled out. She glared at him. He just chuckled again. That’s when she remembered that he had pulled the chains off the wall as well as the floor. And in a way she was free, well she was if you didn’t count the ten-pound metal chains still around her wrists and ankles. They were't attached to the way, but they were still wrapped somewhat tightly around her wrists.

Well her feet were free, and she brought her knee up and kneed him where it hurts. He bent over in pain. “Serves you right, you bastard.” she said smirking as she walked around him and headed towards the door, which she found was unlocked. “Well I would love to stay longer but I got better things to do David, dear, see ya.” she smirked as she opened the door and walked out only to be greeted by the man that she had met before and at least half a dozen more men.

“Well, my dear, how exactly did you get out? Hmm?” he questioned as two of the men tried to grab her but failed miserably.

“I want to know what is going on and I want to know right now!" she screamed as she dodged two other men that were trying to get her. “And I am not taking any of that 'you will in time' crap either!” she continued as she dodged the same two men as before, but this time they succeeded in catching her and pinning her arms to her sides, making an attempt at an escape almost futile. She struggled uselessly in their arms, and tried to kick them, but they strategically were just out of her range. It almost looked like they were use to doing this for they looked bored holding her. She growled as she continued to struggle, though she knew it was futile, she wasn't at all willing to give up that easily. It wasn't like her to do so.

“Well, my dear, if you must know,” he said to her, grinning somewhat evilly, “you shall.”

He gaze left her and he looked between the two men holding her, “Take her to my office I’ll be there in a moment, after I have a word with David.” the men nodded their understanding and began dragging her, still struggling, along with them, because she was not at all willing to be going anywhere with these two men, they looked downright evil.

They paused for a second at the sound of the 'boss's' voice, that's what she was referring to him as, since she had yet to hear a name. The 'boss' muttered something so only one of the men could hear it. He nodded his head and they continued on their way, Elizabeth uselessly struggling the whole way.

After two flights of stairs and a few turns, Elizabeth found herself back in that office that she had been in only hours before. The two men, unceremoniously, dumped her in the chair across from the desk and left her without a word. She looked around, now what was she supposed to do? She glanced at the door, she didn't recall hearing the familiar sound of a lock clicking. She got up from the chair, cautiously, and tiptoed her way to the door. She ever so quietly opened the door and glanced out. And she discovered quite quickly, that these people were not as dumb as they looked...

She scowled at the smirk a few of them were sending her. She backed away, not really thinking she could make it past all of them. They were all rather muscular and scary looking. No, she wasn't willing to risk her life trying to get past them. Now, that would not go well. She closed the door but not before she sent them a very dirty look and gave them all the finger. She closed the door to the sound of laughter. She huffed and glared at the door for several moments before she made her way to the chair and sat down again.
Darren glared at the boy in front of him; he was standing upright now, but he could tell that he was still in pain due to the girl kneeing him where it hurt. He didn’t blame her, the boy deserved it.

“You told me that she was cooperative David!” Darren all but snarled at him. This was after several moments of watching David grimace in complete agony.

“Okay, so I lied a little. So, sue me.” David answered, shrugging slightly.

Darren rolled his eyes, “I don’t really think its a little David, she won’t say anything.”

“Give her time, she will.” said knowingly.

Darren looked at him for a few moments, seeming to be making up his mind about something. After several moments of silence, he finally spoke, “You better be right. Or you’ll be sorry that you ever lied to me.” And with that he turned on his heel and left him there in all his pain. Now, it was time to talk to the girl. And hopefully, she would be a little more cooperative this time. Otherwise, he might have to get violent.

Elizabeth wasn't sure how long she sat in that boring office. There was no clock in the barren room nor was there anything to do. She had started counting the ceiling tiles, when the man finally decided to grace her with his presence.

He was muttering to the one of the men who had been guarding the door, "No, Mark. I'm fine. I think I can handle a teenage girl." Elizabeth glared at the ceiling, but didn't say anything to that comment, pretending, instead, that she hadn't even heard it. It sounded like this Mark person had answered, but it was too muffled, so she couldn't make out what he was saying. Finally she heard the door close and turned around to watch as the man made his way over to behind his desk. He looked at her for several moments before finally speaking, “So you want to know what’s going on?” he questioned.

“Well, yes that would be incredibly nice to know.” she stated sarcastically.

He put both elbows on the desk and rested his head on his hands and looked at her. “Hmm...where should I start?” he asked, thoughtfully.

“The beginning would be nice.” she said, cynically, glaring at him.

“Don’t be a smartass” he growled dangerously. “Well, I’m assuming you know something about this, you’re not completely naïve, are you?” he asked.

“If you mean if my dad has told me about some of this, then yes, my dad did tell me some of it, though he never told me what exactly happened, he just said that it was too gruesome for me to hear at my age.” she explained. She had decided that in order to get what she wanted, which were some answers; she was going to have to be somewhat cooperative herself.

“Oh, how old are you exactly, dear?” he asked though he already knew that, but if she knew that he knew she might back off and stop cooperating with him.

“Sixteen.” she stated, seeing no harm in giving him that information. But she had a feeling that he already knew that.

“Hmm... I heard much worse things when I was ten.” he said.

“So, you know what happened?” she asked.

“Of course I do, why do you think you’ve been brought here?” he questioned. “Your father attacked this vampire clan and others that were in the area twenty years ago, and killed half of our kind, including my own father. Not only that but before that he married a mortal woman, and he refused to change her and that is strictly against vampire rules.”

“What do you mean, ‘mortal woman’, my father was a mortal too!” she protested, still glaring at him.

“Oh, I see he never told you that part of the story did he?” he smirked. “Not surprised at the slightest about that. He’s not at all proud of what he is.”

She glared at him, “And what exactly is he then?”

“Your father’s a vampire Elizabeth, may I call you that?”

“No.” she said simply, crossing her arms over her chest.

“No to what, dear?” he was smiling at her, “You have to be specific.” He was smiling in a very mocking sort of way.

“Both.” she said angrily “You’re lying, my father is not an evil beast of the night like you!” she spat.

“You may call me whatever you like and deny it all you want but that will not change facts, my dear.” he smirked at her.

“Well, even if you’re telling the truth, which you’re not, he had perfectly good reason to not change my mother.” She leaned back in her chair staring at him, refusing to look away even though his very predatory look was making that difficult.

“Oh he did? Now that’s news to me.” He said simply. “So what was his great excuse for not changing her then, my dear, if you’d be so kind as to inform me?” he cocked his head to one side, looking expectantly at her.

She debated with herself for a second, deciding if she should tell him or not, deciding to do so would pretty much mean that she was willing to give him information that no one but her mother, her father and herself knew. Her parents had never trusted the secret with anyone else; they knew Elizabeth would keep it and they were correct in their assumptions.

She took a deep breath, “Because she’s a witch and my dad couldn’t change her if he did he would have killed her.” she explained. Her mother had informed her of this idea just a few days before. If a witch were to be bitten by a vampire or any other creature, the witch would die… because witch’s blood is the supposedly the purest blood after a virgin’s blood and it's very rare.

“Hmm, that’s very interesting, so that will not only make you a half vampire but also half witch.”

“My dad is not an evil creature of the night,” she said, “If he’s a vampire then how come he can come outside during the day? Hmm? Answer me that.” she said triumphantly, knowing that she won. But accepting that victory sooner then she should have.

“Well, my dear, that is quite an easy question to answer. You see, vampires aren’t like they are in the movies and all the books that stupid humans come up with. Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles have completely slandered the vampire population.”

She stared at him, “So that’s why David was able to go outside in the daylight?”

“Ah, you’re starting to catch on, well I better hurry this along then I got other places to be.” He smiled at her again. “The only reason you happen to be here is because I want to speak with your father, and you happen to be the ticket to getting him to come to me.”

“What makes you think he’ll come to you, just because you got me?” she asked skeptically.

“Because, I’m giving him exactly one month to show and if he doesn’t, well… let’s just say, you won’t be around to see what happens.” he smirked at her.

He was going to kill her, if her father didn’t show? Why couldn’t he want money like everyone else?

“I have no need for money, Elizabeth.” He had read her mind, “I am a vampire and thus, I don’t eat that stuff that you like to call food.”

“Hey!” she yelled, “stay out of my head!”

“I will search your mind if I see it fit to do so. That will be happening a lot here, so you might as well get use to it.”

“If you could read my mind, then why didn’t you do just that and not make me answer all those questions then?”

“Because, I wanted to hear the answers from you.” he said simply, “I’m not a cold heartless bastard.”

Elizabeth snorted, “Could have fooled me.” she nearly choked at the expression that crossed his face at her words.

“You’re mouth is going to get you in trouble one of these days.” he said, in a soft voice, a voice that she didn’t think a creature like him could even have. “I can handle your petty little insults, but I’m not making any promises that anyone else here can. Insult someone else and it might be the very last thing you say.”

She glared at him, “Whatever.” was the only thing she could say at the moment. “You can’t kill me for a month.”

He smirked, “Just because I can’t, doesn’t mean I won’t. I can make special arrangements.” he said as he got up and headed for the door, not before turning around and stating, “I would keep that in mind, if I were you.” With that he left her, sitting there in the chair, mouth agape in some form of shock.
Last edited by Chaotic Romance on Thu Nov 01, 2007 3:39 am, edited 3 times in total.
"Assert your right to make a few mistakes. If people can't accept your imperfections, that's their fault." - Dr. David M. Burns

My website: http://www.freewebs.com/chaoticromance1/index.htm

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Tue Oct 30, 2007 7:32 pm
BigBadBear says...

Hey! Well, I'm here to critique and to read your story cuz it's freaking awesome! Well, here I go!
The man didn’t come back instead the boy who had taken her to him came through the door about ten minutes later;

The man didn't come back is a full sentence. Split it.

Using this time to think about the predicament that she found herself in.

This isn't a complete sentence.

“What’s going on? I demand to know!”

Would you really say, "I demand to know?" Sounds a little cheesy. Maybe say something that sounds like a teenager would say.

“Oh, yea why not?”

Yea = Yeah.. we aren't talking in the Bible.

she asked courageously though the minute she said it she wished she hadn’t because he suddenly came up to her grabbed her by the neck and pulled her to a standing position this caused the chains to break clean from the wall as well as the ones on the floor.

That's a really long sentence. Maybe you can break it up?

“You’re a- a vampire, but that’s impossible vampires don’t exist.”

It should be, "but that's impossible BECAUSE vampires don't exist."

After about five minutes he pulled out.

Wow.. five minuets is a long time! Do you really want it to be that long?

In the next couple of paragraphs, you say well a lot. Try to cut it out.


after I have a word with David.”

We all know that the man is talking about himself, so you don't have to put I have a word. Put it like, "after a word with David."

She looked around, now what was she supposed to do?

These are two separate sentences. You do this a lot, so be sure to watch out.

“I don’t really think its a little David, she won’t say anything.”

uh.. what?

WHAT? Her father's a vampire??? Oh creepy!

“You’re lying, my father is not an evil beast of the night like you!”

I know that it sounds cool like this, but no one would say 'of the night' Evil beast will be plenty.

Um.. everything just got a little complicated. Her mother is a witch? Her father's a vampire? Hm.. I find this a little hard to understand, but I'll go with the flow for now.

“Hey!” she yelled, “stay out of my head!”


Well, well, well. A very impressive chapter. I have learned a lot. This is great! You keep the suspense building until the end! I love it!

Just write -- the rest of life will follow.

Would love help on this.

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Thu Nov 01, 2007 3:09 am
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sokool15 says...

All right, awesome! I love the way you're developing this story (although i am wondering how a romance will blossom here - everybody hates everybody else!) and you're doing much better in capturing emotions instead of just telling us how people felt.

That being said, I've got a few critiques.

The man didn't come back instead the boy who had taken her to him came through the door about ten minutes later; he grabbed her quite roughly and dragged her to the dungeon cell once more, where he chained her up.

Full stop after 'didn't come back.' Full stop after 'ten minutes later' instead of semi-colon. Cross out 'quite' in 'quite roughly,' it takes the sting from the phrase.

but they were made of some tough, thick type of metal

Um...what was she expecting the chains to be made of...alluminum? I can see struggling against chains - it's the natural impulse when you're tied up to try to get free. But you're implying that she was expecting a type of metal that wasn't 'tough and thick' and that if it hadn't been 'tough and thick' she could have broken it. Doesn't make much sense to me, really.

Why did that guy want to talk to her father so badly anyway? And why did they need her to get to her father?

It seems to me that it would be quite obvious why they would need her to get to her father. Wondering why your father is being hunted by a group of vampires...okay. But wondering why you're being held hostage in order to get your father to come to teh group of vampires - not okay. Seems like that would be pretty easy to figure out. If Elizabeth knows the vampires want her father, she should be able to draw the conclusion that she's a hostage.

She heard a chuckle, "Would you like me to reveal myself?" they asked.

they = the voice, right? there's only one voice.
And full stop after 'chuckle.'

"No, dear of course not though, I'm afraid you might be a little startled." He stated knowingly, she had figured that it was a boy, the voice was too deep to be a girls'.

Comma instead of full stop after 'a little startled' then lower-case 'H' to begin next sentence.

The whole part after 'knowingly' is completely unnecessary and awkward. After a child has reached puberty, it's usually fairly easy to tell whether the voice belongs to a girl or a boy. We don't need the whole wordy bit about how she figured it was a boy because it was too deep to be a girl. Dare I say...duh?

"You will see." and as if by some form of magic the room was suddenly flooded with a light from an unknown source.

Comma instead of full stop after dialogue. Also, before 'and as if by some form of magic' you need to add 'said the voice' or 'he said' to connect it to the dialogue before moving on. So "You will see," said the voice, and as if by some form of magic...etc.

"some unknown source' is an awkward and formal phrase. Not sure how you could rephrase it exactly...just play around with it, see if you can come up with something less formal and awkward. perhaps 'light coming from nowhere' or something.

"Yes, me." the boy grinned at her

Full stop after 'grinned at her'...you forgot it. Comma instead of full stop after 'yes, me' unless you want to capitalize 'The' and make it a separate sentence.

Oh, and perhaps instead of 'the boy' you could say 'David' because then we would be sure who the "you" is that Elizabeth is snarling at. We've got a pretty good idea, but you've called a lot of people 'boy' in the story so far, so you should be specific there.

What puzzles me in this story is that Elizabeth accepts without a doubt that her mother is a witch, but doesn't believe in vampires. Just a little side note.

She felt his breath on her neck for about a second before she felt his fangs sink slowly and very painfully into the tender skin of her neck. She gasped. It hurt at first, bringing sheering pain, but just after the pain started it stopped and she was left with a very peaceful feeling.

Note in bold how many times you used 'pain' in the same paragraph...be careful of repetition, try to find other words that mean the same thing.

well she was if you didn't count the ten-pound metal chains still around her wrists and ankles.

Um, a little confused here...you say she was free, except for the chains, and then later she walks out. So is she free or not? Make it more clear what you mean here...that the chains are loose but still attached to her?


Ack! This sentence makes me want to put my hands over my ears!
Okay, a quotation mark is plenty good enough to convey the importance of the fact that she's shouting. Never use all-capitalized letters in fiction! It's annoying and hard to read, and very unprofessional. I always say...recall your favorite novels. How many of them have capitilized letters in them? Not many.

Oh, and by the way (you didn't do this but I'll point it out anyway) no more than one exclamation point! No matter how much you want to emphasize a point, ONE IS ENOUGH!!! (I'm breaking my own rules to emphasize how important this is. :wink: ) It comes under the same immature heading as capitalized letters. Believe me, the readers have enough imagination to get the picture without all the dramatization!

Okay, I have to go, but that's about all I have anyway. A nice story, just some little things that need touching up. Your story deserves to be edited, because it's so fun to read - it has real potential. Thanks for deciding to keep posting.

One thing you have consistently...after dialogue, if you're going to continue with something like 'she said' or 'she stated' or 'he remarked' or something like that, do a comma instead of a full stop.


"You're wrong." she stated quietly.


"You're wrong." She stated quietly.


"You're wrong," she stated quietly.

See the difference?

Same rule also works for other punctuation.

"What are you talking about?" she asked.

"Go to hell!" she shouted at him.

Always continue dialogue add-ons as if they were part of the same sentence.

Okay, now that's all I got. Good luck, and please continue posting. I'm loving your story so far.

~Mademoiselle Kool
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
~Albert Einstein

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82 Reviews

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Sat Dec 01, 2007 3:23 pm
chayonz says...

Hey. I haven't been ctitiquing ur stories but I have been reading them! I really like them. They aren't like most of the cheesy vampire stories I have read before.

I like youre plot a lot. Its very interesting and I really want to know how Elizabeth finally comes to like David.

There's only one thing.

I think you should make lizzie feel more surprised when she finds out her father is a vampire. she hardly has any expression at all except for stubbornenss and when she finally doesn accept it, she stilll doesn't seem all that surprised.

Besides that, I really like it! Can't wait to read the rest!

h a y o n :)

nobody is perfect. thats why pencils have erasers.
- unknown

France... doesn't exist?
— WeepingWisteria