
Young Writers Society

Kiss the Damsel Chapter 12

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Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:19 am
Certainly Love says...

Chapter 12

The ball was exceptionally mellowed down. Most of society was in attendance and Marcus hadn’t seen Jane at all since it began. His brother wasn’t there either and it enraged him. If Trevor was with Jane, he was going to make the beating worth his while. For once, he detested his brother.

Lady Westinburgh was enjoying her time and Pamela was too. It was obvious she was happy she was getting married and to a very close friend of Marcus. Nathaniel Ridley. It was about time he married.

Just then, Marcus saw Jane appear with Trevor at his side. He squeezed his fists tightly and tried not to get so riled up. Indeed, Trevor was going too far. Marcus was focused upon them that he didn’t notice Nathaniel approach him. “Mayfair. What a surprise to see you here. I thought you were through with going to balls and the like.”

Marcus grabbed a glass of wine from a servant and consumed it all at once. Nathaniel frowned at him and looked at him curiously, “What the devil has you all tense?”

“Nothing at all, Ridley. Nothing at all.” Marcus replied sourly.

“Come now. I know you too well to believe that.” Nathaniel said, then greeting a few acquaintances who were passing by. Marcus threw him a sharp look. “What? You just seem so…Never mind. God help you.” Nathaniel sighed and chuckled, “Take a look see. Lady Westinburgh is performing her little match-making game, Damsel in Distress.”

Marcus turned to see a crowd gathering around and he scoffed. Good Lord.

“I wonder who will be the damsel. Wouldn’t you like to participate?”

Marcus didn’t hesitate, “What I’d like to do is find that damn woman and kiss the damsel to hell.” Marcus said that with such disdain and it got Nathaniel curious.

“Are you alright?”

Marcus paid no attention to him. He simply consumed another glass of wine. Apparently not.

“Is it a woman, Marcus? That young lovely Miss Jane Dorsey?”

“Ridley, why don’t you mind your own bloody business?” Marcus continued to stare at Jane and Trevor. They were laughing and not one of them noticed his presence. Marcus was so irked that he simply scowled and left.

* * *

Jane was satisfied with the way things were going. She liked that Trevor had been kind to her, but the only thing on her mind was Marcus. She hadn’t seen him anywhere since she arrived and she hoped he remembered to come. She smiled merrily at everyone.

Lady Westinburgh was enjoying herself quite a bit. “Jane, dear, wouldn’t you like to join the game?”

Jane laughed, “No thank you. I much rather prefer to sit this one out. I think I may head to the wash room. Do excuse me.”

Jane excused herself and told Trevor where she was headed. He had only nodded at her for he was deeply in conversation with George Masterson. It was evident they might have been talking mainly about that the races again. Now, she wondered, if that was all men talked about. Horses.

* * *

“Marcus is in a bit of a spit tonight. Just look at him.” George said.

Trevor frowned, “Where is he?”

“Over there, heading to that hall there.” George inclined his head in his direction.

“What makes you think he’s in a spit?”

“He’s been doing nothing but staring at you and Jane, drinking every glass he could find.”

Perfect. Trevor smiled. His plan was working. He had Marcus furious and now all it took was just a little alone time with Jane and then he’d make his way there in a little bit to announce a shot-gun wedding. The impropriety was enough to get them shackled to one another.

He chuckled to himself.

“What could be so funny now, Trevor?” George asked .

“It seems to me that we are to have a nice wedding.”

“Really Trevor, you’re not my type.” George joshed.

Trevor gave out a loud laugh and shook his head, “I mean between Jane and Marcus.”

“Ah, yes. I know that----The whole world knows that.” George replied.

“Not all, but when I show up in that little darkened hall unannounced, I will be issuing orders for a marriage to be arranged. After all, I know for a fact that something has already transpired between them.”

With that, Trevor sought for another drink.

* * *

Marcus hated being mocked indirectly. He knew exactly what his idiot brother was trying to do. Make him jealous. Marcus scoffed, he wasn’t jealous…merely angry. He wanted to throttle his little impertinent brother and make certain he wasn’t anywhere near Jane. Marcus knew one thing. He was in love with Jane and hated that she always had to hide her feelings. Why couldn’t she just be brave little lady and just confess, blast it all?

Marcus leaned drunkenly against what seemed like a wall. It was dark and Marcus didn’t care if he slept there and stayed until the sun rose. Marcus groaned.

In an instant, a lady walked into the hall, but it was too bloody dark and Marcus had a blurry vision. He couldn’t see a damned thing. She was humming. Marcus then slid to the floor with a loud hiccup. Damn.

The lady had noticed him lying like some penniless beggar on the streets. That was just dandy, she now knew he was there. He didn’t want to be bothered, let alone, by some woman who was probably as vexing as all the others. Bunch of hens, Marcus thought bitterly.

Hiccup. Damn. Damn. Damn.

“Excuse me, sir. Are you alright?” It was Jane. Marcus cursed under his breath.

“Hiccup. Evening Jane.” He slurred.

Jane took a step closer, “Marcus?”

“I thought I might…take a rest here. Bloody music makes me sick. Hiccup.” Marcus groaned, “But…you go on ahead. I’ll be fine.”

“Oh my lord! You’re drunk!” Jane said as she knelt down beside him.

“No, I’m…uhhh…I’m…drunk.” He confessed in surrender. With his mind not being able to function, he was too drunk to think of any reason.

Jane sighed, “Is there anything I can do for you?”

Wrong question. Marcus smiled cunningly. Jane couldn’t tell, but he was smiling like a fool, “As a matter of fact, would it be so wrong if you----you see, there’s something in my eye. It’s bloody bothersome. Would you be so kind and blow it out?”

She was silent and at first, he thought she was going to refuse. In truth, there wasn’t anything in his eye. Jane positioned herself and leaned in as she held the sides of his face. “Which eye is it?”

Marcus was too mesmerized by her movements that he forgot what she was doing. He had no idea which eye. Good Heavens.

“Oh, uh…it’s my left eye.” He lied as he held in his hiccups. He felt her hands lifting his left eyelids and as she heaved, he felt something inside him light on fire. Suddenly a soft-like gust of air blew into his eye. It felt good. If she continued blowing into his eye like this, he’d probably fall asleep.

Marcus inhaled and for some reason, he lifted his chin and with one hand, he pulled her closer, and kissed her. Marcus smiled. He knew that she wanted him just as much as he did. He wanted to remind her what it felt like when he first kissed her.

Slowly, he let his lips taste her softness and he tried to make it as pleasant as possible despite his drunkenness. Jane didn’t resist at all and Marcus was glad for that. He didn’t want to cause a scene.

But then, he didn’t think about getting caught either.

It had all happened so quickly. Marcus didn’t know who said what or who it was that came and caught them. Then his vision cleared as soon as he adjusted to the light that suddenly illuminated the blasted hall. Marcus could have murdered someone for damaging his eyes like that.

Squinting, he saw Trevor. Jane was standing near him as if she were trying to explain something. Marcus glowered at him. “What now Trevor?”

“Did you hear what I said?” Trevor asked.

“No. I was too busy trying to adjust to the blooming light.”

“Well, it is time to adjust to being a married man.”

Marcus frowned, “What?”

“Mr. Daniel, please. There must be some way we can negotiate.” Jane pleaded.

She wanted to negotiate? Marcus was angry. After kissing him, she still didn’t want to marry him?

“He’s drunk. That would explain everything.” Jane added.

“That much is true, darling. I am drunk, but I know darn well what I’m doing.” Marcus tried to stand on his own as a hiccup followed. “It’s either I announce our engagement or have Trevor announce to the whole blasted ton that he found us in a compromising position.”

“That isn’t fair.” She replied, stomping her foot.

“Fair? There is nothing unfair about it.” Trevor smiled. For some reason, Marcus was glad Trevor had discovered them instead of some elderly buffoon and their loud mouths.

Marcus stared into no where, awaiting a reply. There was none. Trevor crossed his arms and Marcus began to whistle.

“You…you tricked me into this.” Jane accused.

Marcus looked at her in surprise, “How dare you accuse me of black-mail.” He mocked, placing a hand on his chest. The only thing Marcus saw was her beautiful scowl.

“The blame is on me.” Trevor said, “After all, I know how much you love my brother.”

Marcus looked up at her in surprise and Jane turned red with embarrassment.

“How could you?” Jane said angrily.

“With a little bit of sound advice and judgment. You two make a splendid match.” Trevor said happily.

Marcus wasn’t listening to Trevor at all; he was much too concerned about Jane and her being in love with him. “You love me?” He slurred. A hiccup followed.

Jane scowled at him and without saying a single word, Jane marched back to the ball. Trevor laughed, “I think she just agreed to marry you.”

Marcus turned to his brother, “I ought to beat you black and blue, but I’m too drunk to even consider it.”

Trevor only laughed, “Believe me, I know.”

Marcus shut his eyes tight and opened them. This was a bad time to be drunk, “Excuse me while I search for my damsel.”

“By all means.” Trevor ushered with a raise of his hand.

Marcus tried to pull himself together as he struggled to walk right. His eyes could barely see a thing. Where was Jane? Marcus stood up tall as soon as he entered the ball room. Apparently, the ball was swarming with every lass in the bloody continent. Now how was he going to find Jane among all these hens?

Marcus wasn’t going to search all night. Being that he was drunk and probably wouldn’t remember a thing tomorrow, he lifted his hands to the side of his mouth.
“Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen!” He shouted. A whole army was looking straight at him that he almost forgot what he was going to say, “Have any of you…people…” He slurred, “Seen the lovely Miss Jane Dorsey?”

Merely all of them looked at him as if he were daft. Only one sane woman had the audacity to speak to a drunk and that was Rebecca Dorsey. Jane’s mother was a kindred spirit.

“She’s right here.” Rebecca said, looking at Jane who stood beside her. Jane was placing a hand over her face. It was evident that she was embarrassed beyond anyone’s understanding.

The crowd went about what they were doing and Marcus stared at Jane with a wry smile, “Jane…I…”

Jane finally looked at him and he knew that he had to say what he had wanted to say. Jane lifted her head proudly, “Marcus, of all the ridiculous things to do…is your vision so distorted that you had to resort to shouting my name out to the world?”

“Sorry…” He cleared his throat, “I just have to tell you something of great importance.”

It was silent. Jane’s mother was listening intently, “I’m listening.”

“Since we are getting…married---”

Jane’s mother gasped, “Married?”

Marcus closed his eyes. He forgot that her mother was standing right there. Jane’s eyes were wide.

“I’m sorry…” Marcus apologized again. He hiccupped regretfully. Indeed, he was making himself look like a complete irresponsible sort.

“Marcus Daniel, if you insist on speaking to me, then do it when you are in a good state of mind. Right now, you are only making a fool out of yourself.”

“Dear heavens, Jane. He’s just a man. I think we should help him before he tumbles to the floor.” Rebecca was about to reach for him.

“No, Miss Dorsey. Really, I’m fine.” Marcus said, not taking his eyes off Jane. She was down right beautiful glowering at him at that moment.

“Really, Marcus, I haven’t any time for this.” Jane took her mother by the arm, “Let us go mother.”

Marcus couldn’t let her leave him like this. So he simply took hold of her hand, “Wait…”

Jane turned around, furious, “What is it?” She wanted to yell.

“I…I…” He looked to her mother and then to Jane. His throat was dry and he felt like falling to the ground.

“You what?” They waited and Jane’s mother was so insistent on hearing what he had to say that she held Jane by the arm.

“I…love…you.” With that Marcus’s eyes rolled into his head and he slipped to the floor. Jane let out a shriek and cursed him for embarrassing her the whole night. Everyone was looking at them and Rebecca didn’t seem to mind. All she cared about was Jane marrying the duke.

Jane knelt down beside him and slapped him in the face a few times. He didn’t move and she sighed as a few gentlemen came to assist her.

I love you? Jane wanted to smile, but she was too furious to take in the meaning and the feeling.

George knelt beside him, “He’s drunk one too many.”

“Indeed.” Jane replied, “I don’t know what the devil for. It seems when men can not handle their problems they succumb to drinking their life away.”

George looked at her and shook his head in dismay, “He did it absent-mindedly for he was trying to figure out how he was going to win you.”

That made Jane’s heart drop with pure sympathy. She had no idea she had the power to drive him mad. She thought she was just another woman he’d simply forget about after a long courtship.

“You may take your leave. I’ll handle it from here.” George said.

Jane only nodded and left with her mother. That night, she made up her mind. She was going to marry Marcus. Despite his ill-mannered character that led her to be the object of humiliation, Jane found no reason or excuses of why she shouldn’t just marry the man and live happily ever after. Indeed, she was his damsel.
Sincerely, Amanda R. Holden, Author of Azyea's GIfts

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Fri May 04, 2007 4:33 am
Kay Kay says...

I absolutley love it as much as chapter 11! I can't wait to read more.
Quarrels would not last long if the fault were only on one side.
--La Rochedoucauld

"An unexamined life is not worth living..."

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Mon May 07, 2007 3:18 pm
TellATaleForTwo says...

Sorry it took so long for me to comment! Its a rare thing for me to be around a computer these days. Well, the story is great as always! cant wait for more! :D
"Theoretically, if you go to the past in the future, then your future lies in the past. This is a picture of you in the future - in the past."

~Kate and Leopold

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Tue May 08, 2007 9:24 pm
Night Mistress says...

I can't wait for more. Please put up another piece.
"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

~Elizzabeth Grey of Addicting Posion

The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings. It is a sad spectacle to see the weaklings bruised, exhausted, fluttering back to earth.
— Kate Chopin, The Awakening