
Young Writers Society

Kiss the Damsel Chapter One

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Thu Oct 12, 2006 5:45 am
Certainly Love says...

Chapter 1

There was no telling whether Marcus Daniel was concerned about anything nowadays. It seemed as though he preferred the life of solitude, to which he kept to himself, stayed in doors, and paid no attention whatsoever to the matters set before him. He once spoke boldly about his good cousin Victor the day of his funeral, but after that day, he had not said a single word. His “supposed” mistress was completely dead to him and so she left Marcus to himself. Not one person brought up the question of the year, although they badly wanted to. It was in the matter to which the ton feared that, should anyone ask of what happened to his mistress, he would probably snap and kill someone. Some thought that he murdered her, it is the only logical reason for her disappearance and that was the subject Jane Dorsey decided to present to Pamela Westinburgh.

“It could be true, you know.” Jane had chosen a topic regarding Mr. Marcus Daniel. How it had become an interesting topic, there was no telling why…

“He is not a killer, Jane. You are over-exaggerating.”

“All I’m saying is that he could be.” Jane replied, setting her book aside.

“Marcus Daniel is a very preserved man and I wonder how on earth we started talking about him. It seems to me that I have reached my conclusion.” She sung.

“And what, pray tell, is that?” Jane snatched, a tad bit annoyed by her sudden indirect accusation.

“He caught your eye, didn’t he?”

“I beg your pardon!”

“You are pardoned. All I’m saying is that it isn’t common that an uncommon person is uncommonly talked about in doors.”

“We spoke profusely about scores of people. Why do you find it odd now?”

“Jane, Jane, Jane…if you admire the man, there’s no reason to hide it.”

“I beg your pardon!” She gasped.

“You are pardoned.”

“Pamela, Marcus Daniel is…is--a cold-blooded killer! I don’t fall in love with dangerous men.”

“Perhaps you do, you see, you could have acted civilized upon the sudden accusation, but no, no, no. You had to go and act like a mad hen.” Pamela tipped a spoon of sugar into her teacup and stirred it gently.

“I did no such thing. I am nearly just shocked that you would accuse me of such a thing. Besides, you never accuse me of anything.” Jane mumbled audibly.

Pamela eyed her with an all-knowing smile. Jane abruptly folded her arms in dismay. It was certainly rude of her to accuse Jane of liking Marcus Daniel. How, she wondered, did she come to that ridiculous conclusion? Jane hated the feeling she received from Pamela. If anything, Marcus was just another person among society, not that he ever socialized, to gossip about and calling him a killer was the best gossip ever. Jane sighed and Pamela did as well.

“If you’re going to mock me like that, then by all means, do it.”

“I am not mocking you. I am only thinking what a lovely match you two would make.”

“Alright! That is it! My own cousin will not make a fool of me. I am asking you…I’m begging you to desist.”

“You’re absolutely right…I should stop talking about how you two would make a splendid couple and I’ll just plan your wedding in my head.”

Jane let out a sigh of frustration. Why it was making her furious was beyond her. Pamela just sat calmly in her seat and continued to sip her tea. Evidently, Pamela and Jane were distant cousins. They had grown up together in Devonshire and lived in the city of London to attend numerous seasons. They were both in the marriage mart and still they had not found the right husband. Not that they were even looking…Jane Dorsey was not the beauty of the ball, Eliza Henry was. Now she was not a pleasant person, no, not as bad as Jane and Pamela. To be in her presence was like being a world of torture. She never had anything pleasant to say, especially to other handsome woman. Jane, too, was not very pleasant, but at least she had the decency to keep it to herself and others who felt the same. Eliza, however, saw herself above others, which was hardly a good attribute or rather quality…In truth, it was said throughout society that she had already been compromised. It was not a surprise to anyone, because anyone could see she possessed the will power to destroy her own reputation. Now here was a subject of conversation.

“If it is any comfort to you, I shall make inquiries upon whether Eliza Henry is untouched or not.” Pamela said, easing out of her chair.

“Oh, I forgot all about that rumor.” Jane said. Still a bit uneasy. “I suppose it’d be a good idea.”

“Which brings one thing to mind. While I’m skulking for information on Eliza Henry, do get the truth on whether Marcus Daniel is a cold-blooded killer.”

“Or not!” Jane said with a frown, “I can’t go about society asking that question. You know precisely what they’ll say.”

“I didn’t say to ask the ton.”

“No! I will not ask him that ridiculous question. I don’t even know him!”

“I say, get to know him…enough to where he is comfortable with you and then pose the question.” Jane sat in thought and Pamela waited for her reply.

“It’s a silly idea…but I find it intriguing somehow. So I will do it, so long as you don’t tease me and accuse me of having a tendre for the brute.”

“Good, then it is settled. We shall attend this week’s ball…and then let the fun begin.” Pamela smiled cunning and Jane could not help but oblige her.

It was a delightful evening and it was the night of this week’s ball to which every person, notorious or not, attended. Jane was delaying the carriages when Pamela called to her.

“Jane, the carriages are waiting!” Jane emerged from the house and greeted her cousin Zachary, Pamela’s brother.

“Hello dear cousin.” Jane appeared before him in a shiny maroon gown.

“You look dashing; surely anyone would ask your hand in marriage.”

“Oh, you jest, surely you know that there are other things to worry about than a proposal.”

Zachary chuckled and assisted Jane onto the carriage to which she sat next to Pamela. They were indeed anxious for more gossip. Of course, there were many things to gossip about.

“Tonight is the night,” Pamela said excitedly, “But I must leave early…”

“Leave? Whatever for?”

“My mother wants me home to meet somebody. She said he is a very important person.”

“Oh, well that leaves me with no one to confide in.”

“You could come to me if anything,” Zachary said.

Jane gave a wry smile, “Oh, that isn’t necessary. I wouldn’t want you to be bored with my constant jabbering.”

“Nonsense, Jane. You were always intriguing to most in social gatherings. Are you certain?”

Jane nodded and glanced at Pamela. “I assume you girls are going to dance the night away?”

They smiled and laughed, “No, we have other things in mind.”

“Well then. I expect you two to behave.”

“We are not children. I do hope you remember that.”

“I know, Pamela, it’s just I have always seen you and Jane as little girls. I ‘was’ only eighteen when you two were running wild.” Zachary smiled that knowing smile and winked at them.

Zachary Westinburgh was a very mellow man and never did he treat Jane and Pamela cruelly. He was but patient with them in everything…but the one thing he lacked as a gentleman was authority and strictness. Because he lacked such important qualities, Jane and Pamela often got away with things. They two, put together, were mischievous and sly. They even got the worst confession out of a man that appeared innocent, yet he was more than that. The ton possessed great sympathy for the man and sometimes, upon seeing the man, they say, “Poor old Matthews.” Jane and Pamela were extremely content with themselves and paid no attention to Mr. Jacob Matthews. Now, if only they could make Marcus Daniel and Eliza Henry spill the beans.

Upon entering the ballroom, Zachary left their side to tend to his usual social circle, not very good of him. He should know better that to leave his sister and cousin unattended. After all, they always had something cunning on their minds.

“I’m glad your brother doesn’t watch us like a hawk.” Jane stated with a sigh of relief.

“I know. My brother isn’t the best chaperon. That’s one reason I like attending the events he goes to.”
Pamela led Jane to the corner of the room, out of earshot. They did this to observe the ton and gather information from society’s actions. Pamela then spotted Eliza Henry at the farthest side of the room. Almost every gentleman stood beside her, eager for a dance.

“Oh look, there’s Eliza Henry, all petty and looking utterly desirable. Look how all those mongrels adore her unorthodox self. She’s a devil in disguise if you asked me.”

“I solemnly agree, Pamela. She is a devil in disguise.” Jane said, watching Eliza intently.

“Now, who knows more about Eliza Henry than Clara May?”

“I know, Samantha Bakersworth.”

“Ah, yes. Samantha Bakersworth.”

Pamela eyed her victim with devouring eyes, “Jane, I think this is going to be the best season yet.”

Jane chuckled, until they both laughed, but Jane’s merriment was brought to a halt as soon as she saw her victim entering the room. Jane’s eyes focused upon Marcus Daniel. He walked into the room smoothly and at ease. A few acquaintances had shaken his hand. Never did he smile. Soon enough he made his way to the refreshment tables to have a drink. Jane watched as he poured himself a glass. Everything about him was eerie and yet Jane felt excitement shoot its way through her, making her heart beat faster. Pamela then noticed Jane’s sudden silence.

“Jane, are you alright? What are you staring at?”

Pamela followed her gaze and smiled. “Oh, I see you’ve found Marcus Daniel. Doesn’t he look dashing?”

Jane looked away and frowned, “He may be handsome, but that will not change my view of him. Anyone could see that he is a cold-blooded killer.”

“I say, that is mighty cold of you.”

“Not as cold as his wretched soul.”

“My, my, my…you haven’t even met him and already there is hostility toward the poor man.”

“Perhaps I sense the truth, that he is an evil man. I shall easily die if ever I were to be in his presence.”

“Let us hope you do not do that. I need you to be alive to tell me if the mysterious Marcus Daniel is a murderer or not.”
Jane took a good look at him again. Indeed, he was handsome. He had pale white skin and wavy black hair. He was a tall fine gentleman, very quiet and serious as if the only thing on his mind leaving. In truth, Jane really liked that he was serious and in the end, she would never know why she hated him so much.

Jane took a deep breath and politely excused herself from her usual social circle. It was not easy leaving for Anna Montworth was greatly interested in what Jane had to say about her interesting encounter with the Marques of Gent.

“Miss Montworth, please, I really must be leaving.”

“Oh won’t you tell me what he said?”

“I promise to tell you another time, but I really have to be leaving.”

Jane smiled at Miss Montworth and hurried into the hall where she saw Marcus Daniel enter. Really, she was in over her head! Jane knew she was being a little too curious. Heaven knew what would happen next if he found her. Jane silently walked into the hall. She had passed the washroom and then noticed that the last door on the right had stood ajar. Maybe he was in there. Jane pushed the door open, but she paused.

“Why are you following me?”

His voice rung deep and Jane turned around, knowing exactly who stood behind her. She heard him light a match and watched as he let it burn at the thread of the candle upon the wall. Jane turned around and immediately saw his expression, it was quite uninviting for he was frowning. Jane knew he was indeed very attractive, but also intimidating. Jane bit at her lower lip and Marcus Daniel crossed his arms waiting for an answer. Jane stared at his deep blue eyes. In them, she could see the intensity in it.

“Well?” He said. He looked dangerous and yet so very sensual at the same time. He stood very close and he was a few inches taller than she was that Jane nearly felt so small.

“I was--I was just looking around.” She lied.

“Looking around? In the dark?” He asked with brows raised. “You know…I don’t like you very much, Jane Dorsey…but you’re pretty enough to ravish…here...in the dark. Is that what you want?”

Staring at his lips, Jane did not know whether to say yes or no. He was so very charming.

“Well?” he demanded softly.

“Yes---I mean, no! Of course not.”

“Good, now go back to the party; I’m sure there are many who are curious of where you went off to.”

“Nobody ever pays attention to what I do.”

“That’s what you think. You see, Jane, people know exactly what you do…and exposing people’s faults is what you really do. You think it is a way of setting things right in society. Well, I’m here to tell you, Jane…you have a lot to learn.”

With that, he walked away and disappeared into what seemed like a secret exit. Jane was left speechless and that was when she felt a spark of rage toward the man. Who did this man think he was? Jane had no other means but to return to the ball. There was nothing she wanted to do more than to find him and throw him a slap in the face. Jane was furious and she doubted she would ever talk to him again.
Last edited by Certainly Love on Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
Sincerely, Amanda R. Holden, Author of Azyea's GIfts

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Thu Oct 12, 2006 5:46 am
Certainly Love says...

Well, here's chapter one if you care to read it.
Sincerely, Amanda R. Holden, Author of Azyea's GIfts

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Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:43 am
Certainly Love says...

OK...I guess no one likes reading this.
Sincerely, Amanda R. Holden, Author of Azyea's GIfts

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Sun Dec 10, 2006 6:24 am
falling in love says...

OMG. I absoluely loved it. I will definetly read more. Okay I can't spell. Anywyas, It sounds so much like mine and Kay Kay's writing. That's so awesome. No crit.
"This was my first bus ride."
----Ardeth Bay from the Mummy Returns

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Thu Dec 14, 2006 12:47 am
misspriss says...

When Pamela smiles, I believe the correct way to spell it would be cunningly instead of cunning. I'm not trying to be a snob or anything.

“Good, then it is settled. We shall attend this week’s ball…and then let the fun begin.” Pamela smiled :arrow: cunning and Jane could not help but oblige her.

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Fri Dec 15, 2006 5:53 am
Certainly Love says...

Actually that's really how it was supposed to be, it was just a minor error, but thanks for your concern.
Sincerely, Amanda R. Holden, Author of Azyea's GIfts

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Fri Feb 16, 2007 1:49 am
mandylynn16 says...

sorry, computer repeated my post, so I deleted one...sort of
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Last edited by mandylynn16 on Fri Feb 16, 2007 1:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Fri Feb 16, 2007 1:49 am
mandylynn16 says...

Amanda-(i hope :) )

I started reading this story and I was having a great time. Then we had to leave, and I closed it down.
...I literally couldn't wait to get back and finish it!! And that was just the first chapter...:):):) I will definitely read the rest, but I just wanted to post my thoughts on the first chapter. It is a great beginning to an assuradly excellent novel and I want to compliment you on a job well done!

I've never been that great at critiquing, aka, finding the negatives, but if it means anything, I found no errors.

And now, you have someone to read your stories. A not-so-great someone, but I will read them and tell you what I think. !!:D!!
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The most important thing is to have fun! Stress makes for distress and neither of those belong in writing!
— Kaia