
Young Writers Society

I'm So Proud Of You - Chp 4

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Points: 850
Reviews: 56
Fri Dec 30, 2011 4:10 pm
EvensLily says...

Maggie watched as Carla dumped her heels down in the corner of the room. King had left and Maggie couldn't be happier.
"You should give king a beak you know" she said examining Maggie.
"What makes you such an expert on king?" asked Maggie defensively.
"Err, have you read US Weekly? He's on every cover! You know he beat that English vampire dude, err what's his face? Oh, yeah Robert Patterson as the sexiest man in the world" Maggie raised her eyebrows.
"King Elliot is not the sexiest man in the world, as a matter of a fact I think he's slimy and mischievous"
"yeah but you think everyone's slimy and mischievous, you know the whole world isn't out to get you" she gestured toward the only picture/poster on the wall.
"What does sexy mean?" asked Charlie, Carla burst out laughing and held her sides.
"Nothing Charlie, come here" Charlie happily bounced off his windowsill and onto Maggie's lap. Maggie held him close to her and her whole insides swelled with love. "Charlie, I think we are going to have to move anyway" Charlie signed.
"I know mummy"
"are you okay with that?"
"he'll be fine" Carla sang. "You’ll have so much fun, trust me" she grinned at both of them. "do you have any pjs?" she asked.
"What? You are totally not sleeping here"
"err, why not?"
"are you aware of the circumstance?" snapped Carla, "I cannot sleep on my own, knowing, well, you know"
"okay fine, but you do realize though you're sleeping on the floor?"
"what?" gasped Carla.
"What?" mimicked Maggie and she snuggled up to Charlie. "Charlie and I need our beauty sleep"
"that was the worst night sleep I have had in my whole life" shot Carla giving Maggie a glare as Maggie dropped Charlie off at school. She had informed the teacher of the move and, the teacher looked outraged.
"you’re supposed to give a school 2 months before your removal, you have given us two days"
"yes well, life sometimes gives you crap and when life gives you crap you either step in it or walk around it" the teacher didn't seem pleased. Maggie threw Carla an icy glare before getting on the metro they had scammed their way into.
"What?" she snapped. "You’ve obviously never slept in a cardboard box with a new born baby" Carla had shut up.
Maggie stepped on the metro and sat in the nearest seat, popping her head on the metal bar next to her seat she closed her eyes. Carla was right it had been a terrible night sleep last night.
Absent minded Maggie dropped her purse, her things spilling out of her bag, cursing herself she bent down to pick it up but someone was already in the process of doing it. Maggie was about to shout at this stranger before she released who he was.
"Oh hi Alex" the bartender smiled a self satisfied smile as he handed Maggie her things.
"Hi Maggie"
Maggie stood outside the pearly black gates with her mouth wide open.
"Are you sure this is the place?" she asked Carla.
"Yup, 742 Evergreen Terrace. He had the whole street Redone so he could have the same address as the Simpsons"
"you’re kidding me" Maggie gasped.
"Nope" she quickly rang the bell.
"Hello" an unknown voice rang back.
"err hi, this is Carla McNairy with Maggie hardly-"
"wait repeat the last name"
"err, Margret Hardly"
"brilliant" the man beamed. "Come on in" the gates opened and a huge mansion came before them.
"Oh. My. God." Carla gasped. Maggie walked on the gravel first and was incredibly happy she was wearing her long dirty blue skirt (long meaning trailing on the floor), a ripped black long sleeved top, a jacket with holes in the armpits and best of all, and her holey tennis shoes. Carla on the other hand couldn't walk. "Wait up!" she cried. Her heels kept on getting stuck in the gravel, her short skirt kept on ridding up. Maggie rolled her eyes at the 27 year old, how come Maggie was so much more mature?
Before Maggie could even reach the big wooden double doors with a lion knocker a tall, skinny, older man appeared. As Maggie strolled into the room her eyes nearly popped out of her sockets. The butler was dressed in a tuxedo, the marble floor was sparkling to perfection and the chandelier was as big as Maggie's apartment, taking up nearly the whole of the room.
"May I take your, err, coat?" asked the man looking Maggie up and down in a disapproving manner. Maggie felt a serge on anger, so the servants thought they were better than them?
"Yes" Maggie took the coat and threw it at the man. "Where’s king" she snapped. "The quicker I get out of here the better"
"well, we are just going to have to keep you a long time aren't we?" Maggie turned around the see king leaning on a big brown wooden arch on the left. Glasses were slumped down his nose and he snapped a book shut he had been reading. His jeans were slumped low around his waist and his blue baggy t- shirt made him look absolutely normal. Maggie kept her hands on her hips and was suddenly aware she had showered yesterday but hadn't washed her hair in two weeks. As king walked closer, the book in his hand became clearer.
"Pride and Prejudice?" Maggie gasped.
"Don’t look so surprised, it's one of my all time favorites books. I've read it about 8 times but when it comes to classic literature I believe you must read it At least three times to get the best maximal understanding" Maggie completely agreed, she remembered giving her brother the exact same speech. "Are you a fan of the classics?" he asked.
Hell yes.
"Hell no, I find them boring and tidius, just like this conversation"
"oh how delightful you are! I love a girl with fire, Peter if you would put the kettle on"
"I don't like tea" Maggie snapped again.
"Good because it's not for you... Carla! What do I owe this honor?” Carla frowned.
"He’s asking why your here” Maggie signed, turning towards Carla who giggled.
"Oh right, well yeah, I was bringing Maggie. She has the documents. I've also booked the flight for tomorrow morning King, the tickets came today, and Maggie and I are all packed. When you text me last night you said we could stay at the busk hotel for a while? Is that right?"
"Yes but it's taken out of your wages"
"obviously" Carla signed. King was about to speak but Maggie butted in, thrusting the paperwork into his hand.
"It’s done" she said simply. King took the paperwork and nodded. Someone popped their head around the corner without being asked, and took the papers from kings hand, bowing he disappeared again. Peter came around the corner with a cup f tea and handed it to king.
"Thank you"
"oh look, the dancing monkey has manners" Maggie laughed coldly, king started to choke on his tea.
"I beg your pardon" he said outraged.
"You just sit here in your nice fancy house and let other people do your dirty work for you, while people are going hungry in the streets, you sit here and take in the luxury don't you? Your nothing but a coward" Carla gasped.
"I have been called many things in my life, and a coward is not one of them"
"well maybe it's about time someone did"
"and you think you just know me do you?" snapped king. "We have parley had two conversations and you think you can make a judgment like that. That my friend is ignorant, now, get out of my house, the both of you"
"we are going to be late" Maggie screamed at Carla as thier made their way through the airport. Carla snarled something under her breath and flung off her heels, both running frantically. They couldn't miss this one, if they did, that was it. They would be vulnerable, and Mimsy had called them this morning demanding to know where they were, Mr. & Mrs. Lee had been looking for them. Maggie stared down at the child in the trolley that seemed to be having a blast, to think Mr. & Mrs. Lee wanted to hurt her child. They wouldn't get close, not on her watch.
"Last call for flight 372 to Las Vegas" she heard Carla curse from behind her as they reached the servicing desk. Huffing and puffing Maggie slipped the documents onto the table, the air sturdiest gave them both one irritated look. She battered her fake eyelashes as she stared down at the documents.
"Miss McNairy you have been upgraded to first class" the sturdiest passed Carla the tickets and issued her inside. Maggie waited rather impatiently, her heel hitting the floor in a rather unattractive rhythm.
"I'm sorry mam, but there is only one ticket and there are two of you" she said glancing down at Charlie with considerable dislike.
"No, I understand it might be difficult to count for you but two tickets are clearly there" the sturdiest gave a cold laugh.
"This one’s date is for 2012... Mam" Maggie snatched the ticket out of the hand of the rude sturdiest.
"Impossible" she muttered to herself. However, the ticket didn't lie, 2011 had become 2012.
Oh no.
"Something must have gone wrong with the transaction, there has to be something you can-" Maggie however, was never heard the stuardest had shut the gate.
"I'm sorry there is nothing I can do at this time" the stuardest smirked.
"what does she mean mummy, why have they shut the gate?" asked Charlie confused.
"I-I don't know Charlie" Maggie walked away in a blur, she sat down by the nearest bench and watched Charlie as he begged to play in the play area.
What the hell was she going to do?
She had no apartment.
She had no money.
She had no family and no friends that weren't currently in the air.
She was screwed.
A laugh broke off her worries as she turned towards the source. She could have guessed it, Charlie had made a friend. He had no problem making friends, it came naturally to him, all he had to do was smile at someone and they would become hooked to him.
No food.
No clothes.
Children's home.
No more Charlie.
Tears burnt in her eyes. She promised herself if something like this happened she would have to give him up, she couldn't look after him.
"Excuse me" a familiar voice came from behind her. In a desperate rush she tried to dry her eyes. “miss hardly are you crying" Maggie stared at the tuxedo wearing butler.
"No, no"
"shouldn’t you be on the plane?"
"Decided I wasn't going to go"
"and you naturally decided that you would pack and come to the airport"
"yup" Maggie turned to the butler but he was gone, good riddance.
"Margret hardly, what the hell are you still doing here?" a voice demanded behind her. Maggie sank in her seat in fear of crying, in fear of showing weakness.
Write and Smile people! X

Stupid risks make life worth living.
— Homer Simpson