
Young Writers Society

Change of Heart chapter 3

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Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:35 pm
angel007angel says...

Declan gave me a call straight after he arrived in Manchester. I could tell he was hurrying me to hang up, as he said there was a hot tub in the diner where he was staying and was desperate to hang with ‘the boys’.
It really got me down at the fact he doesn’t even want to have a good long chat with me, but then I guess I’m not used to be dating older boys.
I gave Darla a call, to see if she wanted to come and hang out at my place, but she has a cousin from Germany around for three days and her mum doesn’t want Darla disappearing with a delinquent.
I have no idea why Mrs Thomas would say that about her daughter’s best friend but then I’m used to my own mum saying things about me like that.
This whole thing of her going mental and being controlling over me happened when dad ditched us nine years ago. He and mum always argued and had a right go at each other every day and dad just gave up and went one day. From then mum has been always going out for a drink and meets new guys all the time.
I remember one time when I was eleven and she had separation anxiety or whatever, and she wouldn’t let me leave the house without her. I don’t get it really, she keeps saying how much I look horrible in high heels or how slutty I look with a short skirt on, but when I comment on her she clips me around the ear. I just pick up what she has been saying really, so she has only herself to blame.

Darla rang back an hour later.
“Sorry I’ve been so late but Mickey wants to meet you,” Darla pants, like she’s been running a marathon.
“Um… Okay then, who’s this Mickey guy?”
“Girl. Mickey is a girl, and um… she’s my… my cousin, you know, from Germany,” Darla rushes.
“Right. Well, just one question,” I start, “why the hell are you panting?”
“Oh, um…” she stops as her mum screams for her to come off the phone. I can’t see how Darla says her mum is awesome.
She slams the phone down almost immediately before I go to speak. If this Mickey girl wants to meet me because I sound horrible by what Mrs Thomas has been saying, then I will go absolutely mental.

Turns out Mickey heard that my dad lives in Austria and was confused as to why I’m not there with him. It sounded like separation isn’t common for Mickey’s life and took me an hour and a half just explaining to the douche bag about what it is. I’m not sure if she still understood but all I know is she learnt some new English swear words today.

Walking home was silent, lonely and strange. I went the ‘short way’ because the long way has a scary Rottweiler called Misty and she hates me, whenever I walk that way she literally chases me.
So this short way is honestly no short way. I have to walk through a lengthy alley, and I’m sure the guy in the second house watches me from his bedroom window.
So there I was, ambling across kicking stones a deep voice comes from behind me.
“Oi, you!” He snaps, as I stop almost immediately from being startled. “Come ‘ere.” His strong northern accent is a new thing to me, I’m not really used to these accents. “Now!”
I feel my bitter breath against myself. I was so scared I had no idea what to do. Was I going to be abducted? You know what I’m like, stupid and irresponsible, I guess that’s me. But I was going to do what all people would do, and that’s… run.
So I did. I didn’t actually know when to stop, as if I looked back I would have stopped and never be able to run again, as I haven’t done PE for three years. I kept running until I reached home, which by the looks of things the weirdo had gone. Long gone.
I raced indoors, slamming the door straight behind me where mum was smoking a cigarette while watching a DVD about fitness. Now I know where I get my enthusiasm for fitness from.
“Where have you been?” Mum asked, stubbing her cigarette out.
I sit and catch my breath. Ignoring mum’s question I check my mobile.
Not a text message from Declan. Not one saying hi, how are you, or even a smiley face would do me happy. But I mustn’t worry or be mad, I don’t want to be a clingy girlfriend, I want to be a sweet, caring, perfect girlfriend.
“Hello? Earth calling Evan?” Mum calls, shouting in my face.
I blink my eyes snapping out of it. “Sorry, yeah, okay I’ll do that. I’m going to bed,” I walk out before taking a sip of mum’s cider which sat on the coffee table.


Christmas Eve. I hate it. Especially when I haven’t got anyone any presents yet and everybody is going mental to find a something before tomorrow.
I only had twenty pounds on me, and I had to buy a fair ten or eleven people gifts. They will have to make do with a mug set again and Darla, Tammy and Linley can have a small bar of chocolate. Sorted.

Walking home, I avoided the short way this time, and ended up calling mum to pick me up. Robert was with her. He was driving, in my mothers car. She hardly ever lets anyone drive her precious car, as it cost her a fortune. This was shocking.
I jumped in the back of the car where literally dozens of shopping bags were flunked on there. Robert let out a weird cackle.
“Sorry sugar,” Robert apologized, looking in ahead.
“Sugar? Excuse me but I’m not your sugar. I’m no ones sugar, so just back off,”
“Evan!” Mum cried.
I rolled my eyes.
“No, no. It’s okay Tabitha, I’ve heard what little Evan is like, I’m used to it with James,” Robert chuckled.
Tabitha? Seriously? Mum hates being called Tabitha, she prefers Tabby, but obviously Tabby doesn’t suit Robert’s style. And little? I’m not going to get along with this guy.
“Yes but James is twelve and maturing into a teen, of course he’s gonna have cheek, Evan hasn’t seemed to have grown out of her attitude,” I roll my eyes again, and say nothing. I have no energy from shopping to argue with her.

I do have to admit, I love Christmas day. I don’t know what it is, but the feeling is exciting, and I have always loved it even when dad left. I guess the fact it’s just me and mum and no daft git chewing her face off every five minutes makes it okay. I like it when I get loads of CD’s, that way I spend my whole day in my room. Well, that’s what I’ve been doing for the past three years.
This year I thought would be different. Just me and Declan together, but nope, just me again. With my tunes.
It’s not all bad, this year mum has made a cake, which might have came out really awful, so I have made a back up plan. I will eat myself silly, but only choosing light foods as when Declan comes back on New Years Eve I don’t want to be the size of a rhinoceros, not a good look. Then I can say that I am far too full to eat. Not exactly my most amazing plan ever but it should work, I’d do anything to get out of eating my mother’s cooking.
I took all my presents at the time of nine o’clock, a time which I have always, for no reason, and opened them in my room.
Opening my presents was interesting, mum bought me nine presents, when usually she gets me two or three. I was feeling slightly guilty at the fact I got her chocolates and a mug, but she was making a brew and chomping away at her chocolates, so I needn’t make any excuses why I hardly spent money on her again. After into listening to non-stop Muse, I got really bored. Not because of Muse, no way, but because my lips were in snogging mode and no one was there to snog. Declan has actually sent me a text this morning, not asking how I was, or asking what I was doing at this moment in time, nothing like that. He only sent me a picture of him and his mates in their underwear making stupid faces.
I guess he thought it would make me smile.
Well he was so wrong for thinking that. Very, very wrong. It really got me pissed off. I mean, no I love you babes, or I hope your having a good Christmas, but only seven of his friend and him doing pratt faces half naked. I guess some of his friends were pretty fit, one had gorgeous blonde hair, but the only one who attracted my attention was Declan. When I looked at him my heart skipped a beat.

After mum’s friends all left my house wasted, mum laughed herself to bed and I was all alone and in peace for once. I couldn’t wait any longer, I just had to call Declan, I couldn’t have gone a day without phoning or texting so I did. And I don’t care what it says in my magazines, about if you call your boyfriend it will give him the wrong idea. Those people make that crap up.
Some guy picked up and sounded extremely smashed.
“Hey?” He slurred.
“Um… This is Declan’s girlfriend, is he there?” I asked.
“Right, well, let me see,” He thinks, I try not to lose my patience, “yeah I think I can find your guy for you.”
“Cheers.” I say. My heart is pounding. I have no idea why, I’ve done way more than talk over the phone to him before.
“Hello?” Declan said very slowly. “Who’s this?”
“Um… Declan, it’s Evan. What did that guy say?” I grumbled. I could hear mum coming into the kitchen.
“Oh sorry. That was Max, he’s drunk way too much. Look, that doesn’t matter, so what’s on?”
What’s on? Seriously? You don’t say that to your girlfriend when you are miles away from her! Jeez, I pity myself sometimes.
“Nothing much really, what about you?”
“Oh gosh, Evan babe, I have to go, the boys have bought some tequila shots!” He yells down the phone over the pounding music.
“Declan! You can’t keep hanging up on me like this, I’m fed up of it, I just want to speak to you,” I plead.
He sighs. “Look, if I don’t go I’ll get a huge wedgie, see you.”
The phone went dead.
Sometimes I wonder why I even bother with boys.
- angel007angel x

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Fri Oct 21, 2011 5:44 am
Hecate says...

Hey there! I'm here to review chapter 3 for you (obviously) ! But anyway, let's start with the nitpicks:

angel007angel wrote:I could tell he was hurrying me to hang up

I think you should reword this to 'I could tell he was in a rush to hang up.'

angel007angel wrote:It really got me down at the fact he doesn’t even want to have a good long chat with me

Perhaps something like 'The fact that he doesn't even want to have a good long chat with me really got me down.'

angel007angel wrote:I have no idea why Mrs. Thomas would say that about her daughter’s best friend but then again I’m used to my own mum saying things like that about me.
I just think it sounds better this way.

angel007angel wrote:she keeps saying how much I look horrible in high heels
Get rid of the 'much'.

angel007angel wrote:before I get to speak

angel007angel wrote:I feel my bitter breath against myself. I was so scared I had no idea what to do.

Here you switch tenses. Try and keep the tenses consistent.

angel007angel wrote:I jumped in the back of the car where literally dozens of shopping bags were flunked on there

Scratch the 'on there'.

angel007angel wrote:and no one was there to snog.

'And there was no one to snog' sounds better.

Remember not to switch tenses! Keep your tenses consistent!


You introduced a new character in this chapter. The guy with the Northern accent? I thought you ought to include a description of what he looks like, at least when we first see him. But this is only if you plan to make him a key part of your plot. Otherwise, no.

I like the way your characters speak. They are, I presume, of a lower socio economic background and the slang words they use emphasize that. So well done :).

Evan's mom is still rocketing between drunk-alcoholic-slutty-mom to overprotective-caring mom. Though, this is a good thing. You're creating a unique character. She's not a cardboard cut out. Perhaps, she blames herself for drinking and getting with all those guys and tries to compensate it by being over protective of Evan? I think her mom can be a really interesting character.

Evan is still your average biting, witty rebel sort. Sure, that's nice to work with, but I would sure like to see some developement in the coming future :)

I don't know if Mickey is to be a key figure, but as she's staying a short while, I suppose not. If this is Mickey's only apperance in the story, she's pointless really, so you can scratch her out as a whole. If not, by all means keep her.

Well done :) Keep writing.

As a writer, I'm more interested in what people tell themselves happened rather than what actually happened.
— Kazuo Ishiguro