
Young Writers Society

need chapter 2

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Points: 907
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Sat Sep 10, 2011 12:50 am
danielle17 says...

I had found Marie-Louise and Cassidy outside the dining hall, realised with a sinking heart breakfast was over and then discovered to my delight both my two bestfriends were in my French class with me which was were we were sitting now, the three of us gathered around a four seat table.

"So how was your holidays?" Cassidy, the shy one of my two best friends asked me.

"I spend most of it studying unless you count the one weekend I hit Paris shopping with my older sister Skye. I touched up on my french and know I'm totally going to ace this class but Paris gets boring after the second visit." Cassidy and Marie-Lou nodded in agreement.

"Thats why my family hit Spain this year." chipped in Marie-Lou, the confident, dramatic one alot of the boys had an eye for. "I was hoping for a holiday romance with some tall, dark and handsome spanish waiter but there was no chance with my parents around."

"I stayed home this year. Like you said Brookelyn, I studied alot. I'm a victum of exam stress!" said Cassidy cheeks turning red.

"We're all worried about exams." I soothed Cassidy and Marie-Louise pulled her into a tight hug but Miss George, the french teacher interrupted our conversation before it could go any further. I was kind of glad. Cassidy got so worked up about nothing at times it got to much for me or Marie-Lou to deal with. If the conversation hadn't been stopped early that coild have possibly been one of those times.

"As I was saying," Miss George said clearing her throat "I'd like to indrocude you to our newest pupil. Tyler Harper." I looked up suddenly interested and forgot how to breath.

Tyler Harper was stunning. He was no smaller than six foot and although he was slim I could tell there was muscles rippling under his plain white shirt. His eyes were green. Bright, bright green and they sparkled with mischief...danger. His pale complexion contrasted perfeclty with his jaw lengh black hair that stuck up in many directions as if he had a habit of running his hands through it. His left ear was pierced right the way up and his full pink lips were curved into the perfect smirk as he took in his surroundings.

"WOW!" giggled Marie-Lou. I rolled my eyes at her but what she was saying was correct WOW!

Tyler's POV

There was one remaining seat left at a table were three girls sat. The first girl was slightly overweight and had masses of frizzy auburn hair and a smarting of freckles across her face. She didn't look particularly interesting. The second girl was hot. Very hot. Tall and blonde with legs like barstools, she was very cleverly showing off in black, schoolwear shorts.

The third girl was also good looking but not hot like the leggy blonde. She was small. Almost half the size of me and very thin. Delicate. Breakable. Her hair hung in lose curls at her shoulder blades and her baby blue eyes were unreadable. Guarded. Despite all the make-up she was wearing there was an aura of innocence about her.

"Hey." the leggy blonde grinned twisting her hair around her finger as I took a seat "I'm Marie-Louise."

"Hey." I gave her a cheeky winked. Why not? Her whole faced lit up and the freckled girl laughed quietly.

"So what school did you attend before here, Tyler? Francis Academy? Johnstons?" asked the blonde, Marie-Louise. Clearly Francis Academy and the other one were private schools.

"Before here I was in a detention centre." I grinned wickedly at the look of shock on all three girls faces "yeah the court set me up here but I plan on getting kicked out soon and going back to the streets. Place is full of fucking snobs and spoilt brats."

Marie-Louise and the freckled girl gasped in horror. I glanced at the girl with the guarded eyes and I could have swore I saw her grin.

"Spoilt brat? Snob. I think not!" said Marie-Louise huffily.

"Oh yeah, how much did that bag cost you." I smirked pointing to her designer book bag. When she didn't answer I wided my smirk ever so slightly. This time the girl with the guarded eyes could not hide her grin.

"And you are, love?" I asked her.

"Somebody you don't know. Now do you mind. I have my work to complete." she replied heatidly.

"easy there, love." I said. She was a fiesty one. I liked that.

"Nope not love, keep guessing." And it took me a moment to realise she was on about her name. Clever and quick-witted too. I smiled to myself...if I was going to get myself kicked out this dump I wanted layed first. I wanted the fiesty one with the guarded eyes and I would't settle for no less.

A big mountain of sugar is too much for one man. I can see now why God portions it out in those little packets.
— Homer Simpson