
Young Writers Society

Love of Words <1>

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Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:52 pm
Forestqueen808 says...

This is a story I came up with in English class and I hope it will spread out to be longer. Please tell me what you think!

Love of Words
Chapter 1

I sighed as my white feather quill placed a dot at the end of the sentence. I blew on the black scribbles, hoping the ink not to smear. I turned my head to look out my window. I had a small view of town, the steeple of the church just barely visible above the green hills. A lake was a little ways off, beautiful snowy white swans swimming in its crystal clear water.

"Oh dear, what should happen next?" I asked myself. I read the chapter I had just finished over and over again, but nothing terribly exciting would come to my mind.
Meanwhile, inside my book the mistress Alexandria had just been murdered by her own husband, leaving their fifteen year old daughter terrified, and running.
I lay my head down on my desk, my ebony hair coming out of its messy bun. "Something has to happen," I muttered. "But what?"
"Abagail!" my mother's shrill voice echoed up our wooden stairs.
"Coming!" I shouted back down. "Guess you'll have to wait Jane," I smiled and set aside the stack of papers. I quickly walked down the stairs, trying not to rip the hem of my dress.

I walked to where my mother was waiting. "I'm going into town I'll be back around-" she stopped. "What is that on your face?"
I touched my face, dark ink appearing on my fingertips. I smiled, and laughed slightly. "Um, ink?"
My mother tskd and then looked down at my dress. "Oh Abigail! Look at your dress!" I looked down and saw the white spring dress dotted with black. "Well, I want to take you into town. I hear there are some fine suitors in town."

I groaned and looked up the stairs longingly. I had no desire to go into town, I just wanted to finish writing.

"Well, hurry up!" my mother barked. "Go and change, then we will go to town."

"Yes ma'am," I said and went up the stairs, as slowly as possible.

"Hurry up Abigail! I'm going to be late for lunch with Lady Isabella!"

I groaned even louder. Not Lady Isabella Watson. She only wanted to criticize my looks, my actions, and my stupidity. I wasn't amazing at the piano forte, I couldn't even sew a cross stitch, and according to her I would never marry a man with a fortune.
I walked into my room and changed into a pink and white muslin dress, glancing at myself in the mirror. My hair was falling out of its bun, but I didn't care. A few ringlets fell by my ear, and my blue eyes weren't bright and big like my blond blue eyed sister Catherine.

Why, did me, being the oldest be the homely one? I sighed and walked down the stairs again to where my mother was waiting. "Hurry!" she shook with anxiety and we walked out to where the carriage was waiting for us.

"Lady Isabella has been looking forward to see you again. Tis a shame Catherine couldn't come, I believe she will soon be engaged. Oh and at fifteen."

"To whom?" I asked.

"Captain Liters," she smiled and I rolled my eyes. I truly hoped Catherine wouldn't marry the captain. He had a long pointed nose and buck teeth, I shuddered at the thought. Surely there were other suitors better than him. He was rich, well at least his parents were, I wasn't so sure about him.

But maybe, one of the reasons I didn't want Catherine to marry him was because I didn't want her to be married before her older sister.
Last edited by Forestqueen808 on Sat Dec 12, 2009 7:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sorrow lasts through this night
I'll take this piece of you,
and hold for all eternity
For just one second I felt whole... as you flew right through me.

~Sorrow by Flyleaf

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Sat Dec 12, 2009 5:38 pm
eurobeat_faerie says...

If this was a book, it would be one I would definitely read. This a good beginning, you lay down setting, character, and a hint of plot. The only thing that bothered me what exactly what time period this was meant to be, and this sentence:
I blew on the black scribbles, hoping the ink not to smear.

As I said before, I'm not sure what time period this is supposed to be set in, but the first thing that seems out of place was this:
"I guess you'll have to come into town with me and we'll buy a new dress, since I know that one won't wash well."
People just didn't go out and buy new dresses every time they got a stain unless they were wealthy, but you implied that Abagail's family was middle class, and if you haven't already I would do some research into your time period to see if they even had a middle class, because for most of history there wasn't.
Although I'm sure you'll explain this in later installments, how is Abagail writing in the first place? Again, not sure when this happens, but unless this is Victorian-era-ish, Abagail's parent's wouldn't endorse it and Abagail could never get published.
Review: Would be something I would continue to read, solid, entertaining beginning, not sure about the time period.
Once upon a time, there was a man who was allergic to peanuts. He was eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich by the side of the mountain, and a rock fell on him and he died.
Moral of the story: Expect the unexpected.
Like fried sushi.

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Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:00 am
MeadowLark says...

Hiya! I spotted your second chapter so realized I should read the first...and then decided to review it. So, here it goes!

I blew on the black scribbles, hoping the ink not to smear.

Like the person above said, the time is quite unknown. But, I am assuming this is before the 1900's and so I doubt people would be writing in scribblers. I always thought that was a futuristic thing. Also, hoping doesn't flow right here. I would replace it with wishing or something. It just suits it more.

"Guess you'll have to wait Jane," I smiled and set aside the stack of papers.

Replace the comma with a period. I also wanted to point out that here you describe what she's writing on as a stack of papers. When before she was writing in a scribbler. Hmm...stack of papers is better.

I quickly walked down the stairs, trying not to rip the hem of my dress.

This is a rather boring sentence, and I find you are lacking description in parts of this. Yes, I'm a description bug. Describe parts of the house maybe to bring it to life more. Are there pictures hanging on the walls, is there a large chandelier hanging above the stairs? Or is the house fairly small?

Also, "walked quickly" is too telly. Try saying "I hastily made my way down the staircase, praying I wouldn't rip the hem of my dress."

I walked to where my mother was waiting.

Where was she waiting? At the bottom of the stairs? In the front entrance or the sitting room?

I looked down and saw the white spring dress dotted with black.

You used looked twice in the same paragraph and sounds slightly repetive. Spice this sentence up a bit.

"Well, I want to take you into town. I hear there are some fine suitors in town."

Now her mother is taking her to town? Why the sudden change of plans?

I groaned and looked up the stairs longingly. I had no desire to go into town, I just wanted to finish writing.

There's that blasted looked word again. Try glanced, or something more...spicey! Also, perhaps add more of the MC's thoughts into this. Like is she thinking what other vicious things she could do to her characters, or she reluctance to meet suitors?

Not Lady Isabella Watson.

This Lady Watson sounds quite rude to put it in nice terms :D Why don't you add some emotion from the MC towards this woman. Like anger or annoyance at the way Watson thinks of her.

Why, did me, being the oldest be the homely one?

I would reword this too: Why, me the oldest, have to be the homely one?

I was thinking, if she didn't like bing homely, wouldn't she do something to make herself appear more prettier? Like fix her hair, clean the ink off her face? Or she not one of those girls?

"Hurry!" she shook with anxiety and we walked out to where the carriage was waiting for us.

This needs more description. Is there two tall black horses standing in front of the carriage or a team of ox? Is the carriage a pumpkin or a beautiful stagecoach? Did her mother beckon her daugther with a hand to hurry. And why was she shaking with anxiety?

"Lady Isabella has been looking forward to see you again. Tis a shame Catherine couldn't come, I believe she will soon be engaged. Oh and at fifteen."
"To whom?" I asked.

Wouldn't the MC know that her little sister was going to be enganged soon? Also, add some character actions here. Everything just seems so...flat!


This is interesting, and I don't quite know what the story is about just yet. But then again, this is the first chapter!

You defiantly need to throw in more description and use different words instead of just "looked" or "walked". Everything happens so fast and that most likely is because there isn't enough description to make things more alive and realistic. At least, that's my opinion.

The characters are okay. However, you should describe the mother and give your MC more thoughts.

PM if you have any questions. This is a good start, just needs a little work.

Purple light in the canyon
that is where I long to be
With my three good companions
just my rifle, pony and me

--- "My Rifle My Pony and Me"

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Sun Jan 10, 2010 5:40 pm
BenFranks says...

Hello! Nice read you have here, these are just a couple of my thoughts and feelings:
Forestqueen808 wrote:
Love of Words
Chapter 1

I sighed as my white feather quill placed a dot at the end of the sentence. I blew on the black scribbles, hoping the ink not to smear hoping that the ink would not smear - reads better. Revise this. I turned my head to look out my window. I had a small view of town, the steeple of the church just barely visible above the green hills. A lake was a little ways way - no plural needed off, beautiful snowy white swans swimming in its crystal clear water. Good description, but try to keep the atmosphere, the water wouldn't necessarily be crystal clear at such a distance. Use phrases like "I could just make out", etc.[

"Oh dear, Oh dear makes this read sarcastic in my opinion, I'd just have it as "What should happen next?" what should happen next?" I asked myself. I read the chapter I had just finished over and over again, but nothing terribly exciting would come to my mind. I like this, it's interacting with the reader.
Meanwhile, inside my book the mistress Alexandria had just been murdered by her own husband, leaving their fifteen year old daughter terrified, and running.
I lay my head down on my desk, my ebony hair coming out of its messy bun. "Something has to happen," I muttered. "But what?" This is good character development, but I feel you need to find something captivating to hook your reader.
"Abagail!" my mother's shrill voice echoed up our wooden stairs.
"Coming!" I shouted back down. "Guess you'll have to wait Jane," I smiled and set aside the stack of papers. I quickly walked down the stairs, trying not to rip the hem of my dress. This is good, readers can assosciate with this.

I walked to where my mother was waiting. "I'm going into town I'll be back around-" she stopped. "What is that on your face?"
I touched my face, dark ink appearing on my fingertips. I smiled, and laughed slightly. "Um, ink?"
My mother tskd what's 'tskd'? and then looked down at my dress. "Oh Abigail! Look at your dress!" I looked down and saw the white spring dress dotted with black. "Well, I want to take you into town. I hear there are some fine suitors in town." This dialogue is slightly wooden at how quickly your character changes the subject. Perhaps elaborate on the dress more? But your dialogue is well structured.

I groaned and looked up the stairs longingly. I had no desire to go into town, I just wanted to finish writing. We all feel like this! :)[

"Well, hurry up!" my mother barked. "Go and change, then we will go to town." barked? woah! Change of character here, this could be good or bad depending on if you keep up the personality ideas.

"Yes ma'am," I said and went up the stairs, as slowly as possible.

"Hurry up Abigail! I'm going to be late for lunch with Lady Isabella!"

I groaned even louder. Not Lady Isabella Watson. She only wanted to criticize my looks, my actions, and my stupidity. I wasn't amazing at the piano forte, I couldn't even sew a cross stitch, and according to her I would never marry a man with a fortune. Well written and good plot development as well as a good introduction to a new character! - Reads a little like Jane Austen, very professional!
I walked into my room and changed into a pink and white muslin dress, glancing at myself in the mirror. My hair was falling out of its bun, but I didn't care. A few ringlets fell by my ear, and my blue eyes weren't bright and big like my blond blue eyed sister Catherine. "sister, Catherine." Make sure you use commas and pick up on any other small grammar errors.

Why, did me, being the oldest be the homely one? I sighed and walked down the stairs again to where my mother was waiting. "Hurry!" she shook with anxiety and we walked out to where the carriage was waiting for us. I like this. :)

"Lady Isabella has been looking forward to see you again. Tis Make sure you take extra care with slang in dialogue, use grammar where necessary. I'd personally write this as "T'is" but that's just me a shame Catherine couldn't come, I believe she will soon be engaged. Oh and at fifteen." Very good, you've created a potential plot from dialogue - excellent.

"To whom?" I asked.

"Captain Liters," she smiled and I rolled my eyes. I truly hoped Catherine wouldn't marry the captain. He had a long pointed nose and buck teeth, I shuddered at the thought. Surely there were other suitors better than him. He was rich, well at least his parents were, I wasn't so sure about him. Very good character introduction, brilliant!

But maybe, don't need the comma here one of the reasons I didn't want Catherine to marry him was because I didn't want her to be married before her older sister.

- Very good read
- Pick up on errors
- Like you've mentioned: make a little longer so the atmosphere is solid.
- Give us a hook nearer the start of the chapter, something that forces us to read on.

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Wed Jan 13, 2010 6:15 pm
captain.classy says...

Foreeeest. Okay, now that that's over...

I only spotted a few things, but that's because I wasn't really looking. ;)

Why, did me, being the oldest be the homely one?

'Why did I'
Me changed to an I, delete the comma after 'why.'

Tis a shame Catherine couldn't come, I believe she will soon be engaged. Oh and at fifteen."

That 'Tis' deserves to be written as 'Tis.

He was rich, well at least his parents were, I wasn't so sure about him.

By the way you are talking about him, we already know you're 'not so sure.' You can delete the underlined.

This interests me. On to the next part...


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Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:55 pm
BeautifulDoom says...

I really really like this. The story line seems great, and I can really relate to it. I have a sister who's only a little younger than me, so I can also relate. Can't wait to read Chapter Two! xD
"There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart's desire. The other is to get it."

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Sat Jan 16, 2010 7:16 pm
ballerina13 says...

:D I found this very interesting. I am left wondering what time period this is in though. I think maybe in the time period of Jane Austen or even in the late 19th century. I thought that this was wonderfully written and I only found a few mistakes having to do with commas and grammar. Take for example: "Why did me, being the oldest be the homely one?" Me should be changed to I. So just go back and reread it and that should help. I feel that you could have elaborated on your character more in this chapter for she is your main one. Also describe more of the scene. So us instead of just tell us what is going on. This sounds very intriguing and I hope that you continue with it. It has potential.
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"No one can arrive from being talented alone,work transform talent into genius" - Anna Pavlova

Love is so short, forgetting is so long.
— Pablo Neruda