
Young Writers Society

In the Arms of a Warlock - Chapter Three

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Wed Nov 30, 2011 11:42 pm
youngwolf1105 says...

Spoiler! :
This is chapter three of what I hope to be a very exciting novel! Hope ya'll like it.

The rest of the evening was very eventful. I helped Callie find a brand new, sexy wardrobe. We bought mini-skirts, shorts, camisoles, high heeled boots, high heeled shoes, studs, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings, belts, and everything in between. By time we were finished, we had more stuff than we could carry! We ended up having to store everything in the car just so we could go buy more. Thank goodness for daddy’s unlimited credit card! He didn’t care about how much I spent so long as I had a job to prove that I was responsible. Otherwise, I could buy the whole town so long as I kept my job.
“You know, Victoria, you didn’t have to do this.” Callie said on the way home.
“Now you tell me?” I jokingly yelled at her.
“Well, I guess we could take it back,” She said with a sad look on her face.
“No, I’m just kidding you! I love buying things for you. And I believe that this will help boost your confidence.” I said, patting her on the knee.
The rest of the day was wonderful. We explored the grounds and ate dinner in the garden. All the while we talked non-stop about Desantheo and Yasir. We talked, and dreamt of every possible scenario. What if they’re vampires? Or worse, in my case, werewolves? Callie and I had seen Twilight one too many times.
“What if, Desantheo and Yasir are Witches?” Callie asked, shuddering. It was a little chilly outside.
“I believe that for a male, that would be called a Warlock.” I said with a shudder.
“Really, that’s interesting. I never knew that.” She said, taking a sip from the cup in her hands.
“I wish I knew if Desantheo was serious when he said that he liked me. We knew each other for an hour, but it felt so much longer.” I said, staring into space.
“Strange, so did I. Ooh, maybe they’re our soul mates?” Callie said, hopeful. She was so young and gullible.
“I doubt it, we just met them.”
“But didn’t you say that you’d seen him in a dream?” She asked, obviously confused.
“Yes, but I might have seen him before and didn’t notice him.”
“Alright, but I still don’t believe you.”

That night was dreamless. But it was also fretful. I couldn’t sleep all that good. So after awhile I decided that it was time for a walk. I threw a robe on and headed out into the cool, London night air. But I didn’t leave the grounds. I only ended up in the garden once more. I didn’t want to be there, but it was drawing me in.
In the midst of the garden, was a statue? I had never seen it before. It seemed out of place, yet so familiar. I walked up to it and placed a hand upon its broad shoulder. Instead of being cold, it was so warm. The warmth traveled up my arm and caused me to jump back in surprise. It unfroze and turned around. I soon realized that it wasn’t a statue.
“How are you?” Were the first words out of his mouth. Then I realized that it was Desantheo. Instead of being scared, I felt safe. I jumped into his arms and cried out with joy. I’d barely known him, yet it felt like we’d been together all of our lives. “Well, don’t I feel loved.”
“I thought I’d never see you again! I’ve only known you for a few hours, but it feels so much longer.” I confessed to him. It felt strange to say the words out loud to him. But instead of the reaction I was expecting, for him to laugh in my face and push me away. He smiled and looked at me with serene eyes and said to me.
“I would be lying if I said that I didn’t feel the same.” And with that, he bent over and softly kissed me. It had been so soft, and so gentle. But I had felt it with every fiber of my being. When he’d let me go, he turned away in anger.
“What have I done? What’s wrong of me?”
“It is not you that I’m angry at, it’s me. You’re so kind and forgiving, and I don’t deserve it. Not after the horrible things I’ve done.” He said, his back still facing me.
“Like what? You can tell me anything, and I will not judge. For it is not my place.”
“Oh, but it is! It’s everyone’s. What I’ve done is unforgivable. Why do I let those wenches get to me?”
“Wenches? You mean the girls we saw at the theatre?” I asked. He slowly turned for me to see the anger in his eyes. They were the same, beautiful eyes I’d fallen in love with, but scarier.
“Yes, those power hungry, bloodlust craving bitches! And I’m not talking of a female dog. They aren’t good enough to be a dog.” He said, slowly at first while his voice rose in anger. Slowly he came toward me, obviously trying to scare me off. But I stood my ground and looked right into his eyes. “Why do you stay? Can’t you see I’m dangerous?”
“Yes, I can. But I believe that everyone is dangerous in their own ways. And to tell you the truth, I think I’ve always loved you. Whether it was in a past life or if it’s just natural, I’m not sure. All I know is that ever since I’ve met you, I feel as if I’m complete. When you’re gone, I feel lost. You’ve caught me, now I’m yours. And just like that stupid song Callie sings, we’re stuck like glue. I swear, that’s what makes her dangerous, that damn country music.” All the while I’d been speaking tears had welled up in his eyes. One betrayed him and rolled down his cheek. I took my thumb and caught it, then looking at him the whole time, licked it off my thumb. He smiled and gently took my hand in his and held it to his face. And the whole world disappeared for a little while. It was only Desantheo and I, no one else. After awhile, he picked me up and carried me to the house. I was afraid that he wanted something that I wasn’t ready for, but I was wrong. Yes, he carried me to my room and laid me upon the bed, but he didn’t try anything funny. He bent over and kissed my forehead, then my nose, then finally my lips. It was a soft, gentle kiss, but filled with so much passion. He stood up, looked at me, and then he left. I then found out that he never said good bye, because he would always return.
I awoke the next morning feeling revived and fresh. Callie was already up, as usual. She was an early riser because she had never slept in a day of her life. She had always gotten up at the crack of dawn to feed the chickens or something. But now that her parents didn’t own a farm, but a very powerful business, there was no need for her to. But she still did, because she loved the familiarity.
I was surprised to see that I’d woken up early. My alarm clock had said that it was merely 8:00 a.m. The room was filled with a wonderful aroma. It instantly set off alarm bells in my head. For you see, Callie couldn’t cook to save her life. The only thing she was able to cook back then was eggs and toast. Then again, her mother had never taught her how to cook, because she didn’t cook. They had moved to England when Callie was fairly young, about the age of fourteen. But she had been old enough to keep her country accent.
“Callie? Are you okay?” I cautiously asked aloud. I didn’t hear an answer. But I saw my answer.
We were made to corageous,
We're taking back the fight.
We were made to be corageous,
And it starts with us tonight.

And the only way we'll stand,
Is on our knees with lifted hands.
Make us corageous,
Lord make us corageous. - Casting Crowns

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22 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 365
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Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:56 am
demib says...

this is good! i like it! lovely description good wrod phrase and an awesome dream!keep that pencil FLowin!
"With everything that has been left unsaid,
They go with the tears you shed."
Don't shed your tears,for your words should not be left unsaid.

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Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:23 am
amygabb says...

I really liked this! *clicks the like button* I admit that I didn't read the other three chapters but this chapter makes me want to. It kept my attention the entire time. There weren't any outstanding grammatical errors that I caught. I thought the relationship between Callie and the main character was very believable. My absolute favorite part was : (and I just found one thing that you should change!)

“Yes, those power hungry, bloodlust craving bitches! And I’m not talking of a female dog. They aren’t good enough to bedogs.”

That made me laugh out loud, I don't know why.

Anyway, I look forward to the rest of this!
Life is not about how you sing in the sun, it is about how you dance in the rain.

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Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:00 am
NightWriter says...

Hey again!

This is a good chapter, but as I have said before, rushed. I mean...already this guy she's just met is wanting to kill these girls. Like, personality change, much? Your readers need to take this stuff slow.
Also, one more thing. Sentences like:
“I thought I’d never see you again! I’ve only known you for a few hours, but it feels so much longer.”

Um, well, say them out loud. And then pretend you're saying them to Mr.Perfect.
People just don't do that, and people's emotions and actions are one thing that you can't make up when it comes to writing, unfortunately. You can exaggerate, of course, but not make up.
Still; I guess that's how you work, and that's cool.

The cliff hanging last sentence is really good and I'm curious.
“Callie? Are you okay?” I cautiously asked aloud. I didn’t hear an answer. But I saw my answer.

Allover, there's nothing I haven't said before. I liked it.

NightWriter x
raised by wolves // brought up on words.

— soundofmind