
Young Writers Society

Chapter Four: NaNo

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Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:01 pm
Soulkana says...

Chapter 4: Reaching Teria

As the small group head east towards the growing city of Yeran a young teenager stares blankly down at a small headstone at the edge of a large yard. Wearing only black, she lets small tears fall as she whispers, in despair, "I'm sorry, Yuki." With a small sob, she sets the white rose upon the grave and turns away quickly as her mother shouts out, "Aryiana! Get in here it's time for language!"

Turning with one last mournful gaze at the tombstone, Aryiana rushes into the house shouting in fake cheerfulness, "Coming, mother!"

As the wind blows upon the headstone leaves brush away to reveal a small paragraph etched painstakingly within the stone. It reads, "In light, darkness thrives. But for those who are dark, light is not always right. Just as traditions are not always right to keep."

Aryiana skids into a halt just in front of the parlor door, face flushed and chest heaving for the ever crucial oxygen. Spotting both of her parents sitting almost business-like upon the sofa, she hesitantly walks in, questioning, "What's wrong?"

The two share a glance that sends Aryiana's heart stopping and her mouth to dry. Now fearing the worst she whispers, petrified, "You're not going to..burn me like Yuki...are you?"

Her mother gasps, placing her hand to her mouth in disbelief that her daughter would possibly think such a horrendous thing, "Of course not! He deserved it for defying us! You have never taken that wrongful path!"

"Nor shall you ever." Her father cuts in coldly, gazing at her with unloving eyes. He moves his hand to pick up a piece of paper asking curtly, "Do you know what this is?"

Aryiana stops and glares, "No, I don't. So please enlighten me, father, on what that flimsy parchment has anything to do with me and what happened to my twin brother." Her tone turns harsh with suppressed rage as her hands clench tightly into fists.

"It says that if you do not consent to having an oath sworn to the high council to be of our traditions you will meet the same fate as that traitorous boy." He barks sharply and almost smiles as his daughter turns gray.

Eyes taking in the parchment almost as if it is a death sentence, Aryiana shouts, "I won't be a part of your old fashioned traditions! Those traditions caused my brother to be burned alive and for me to lose the only friends I have! All for the sake of your precious SECRET!"

Her father stands up, hovering dangerously over his daughter's rather tall form, hissing, "You will do as you're told. The ceremony is tomorrow night at half past dusk. Now go away, we have no need for such disrespectful company."

The two of them turn away to look over their finances, leaving Aryiana standing there frozen, body going cold with frightening anger. Spinning around she storms out from the dimly lit parlor to enter the grand entrance, where she spots the old hiding place Yuki had shown her a few days before his burning.

Glancing around to make sure no servants were watching, she ducks underneath the elegant limestone staircase into a small pocket of space just big enough for two. Curling herself inside it she agonizes over the life altering options she had. Either sign away her life upon an oath that her beloved brother had forsaken or take his path and flee from this cruel matriarchy.

Tears spilling down her face, Aryiana ignores her body's need for hunger and with a small sob leaves the tiny space to the backyard. Running frantically against the biting wind, she drops to her knees beside the tombstone, not bothering with the fact her new clothes have become saturated in mud.

Kneeling over the grave, her tears flow down to the stone like a cascade of rain. Sobs racking her body she pleads with heart wrenching cries of one who is lost in her choices, "Yuki...tell me...what am I suppose to do? I don't want to be like them...I don't want to follow their ways! Big brother...please, help me!"

Unable to find a reason to go back within the house, she stays in that crouched position for hours upon end. Sobs reducing slowly to sniffles and her fingers numb with oncoming winter as the sky darkens, foretelling snow, she numbly realizes there was only one way to escape these traditions.

Fearfully glancing over her shoulder to the house, she relaxes slightly at the darkened windows...they must've fallen asleep she concludes. Gaining courage she sprints along the back fence towards the gate as quickly but as quietly as she could. Hands fumbling in their numbed state at the handle she manages to yank it open. A loud screech of metal rubbing against each other causes her to freeze with sheer panic.

Waiting a brief minute, staring with a thudding heart at the large, elegant manor, she quickly runs out of the yard and into the deserted streets with blood rushing in her ears.

Staggering over to the large mountains she wanders around the mountains in search of the path leading to the other side. As she stumbles her way through the mountains, her heart rejoices in freedom, wishing almost sadly that her brother had been able to get away...just as she was now.

With a sigh she continues down the path with desperation to get as far from her house as possible. As far from the traditions that left her like a caged dove in a world she did not belong, nor wanted to be in.

As Aryiana flees from her parents on the opposite of the mountains a young girl huddles within a cave out of a tree's roots with tear stained face. Pushing her body tightly into the hole, she watches fearfully as an elderly man walks in front of her hideout, stiffing her whimper as he turns to face the tree.

Hardly breathing she crawls deeper into the roots, eyes gleaming with instinctive adrenaline. The chilly air cuts through her thin shirt, sending her body heat dying as she starts shivering violently. Scantly clad in only a thin pair of tattered jeans and a black shirt all but falling off her frail frame, torn and covered in dirt. Upon her neck hung a beautiful pendant with the name Evelyn engraved elegantly against the moon which lay in the center of a pentagram locket. Its length reaches down to the bottom of her chest and has been circled around her neck, comfortably, so it only went down to lay snugly upon the area of her collarbone.

As the man moves on she lets out a soft sigh full of relief. Breathing in deeply, she waits a few minutes before risking the chance of escape to peek her head out into the darkly lit forest. As she surveys the few feet she could make out in front and around her, she slowly rushes into the valley ahead, just narrowing escaping the notice of her hunters.

Nimbly rushing into a row of tiny shacks along the base of the mountain, she spots one that looks as if had only been recently abandoned. Still warm and stocked with food she curls up in the small bed, not even minding the red strained blanket. Resting her weary head upon the semi comfortable pillow, she slips into unconsciousness, grafeful she has managed to escape her pursuers for the hundredth time within the past three years. Allowing her heart to relax she murmurs sleepily, "I'll move on in the morning...I can't stay long...they'll find me, again."

As she sleeps, undisturbed, Nastusia and Rayan awaken in the night to a rustle in the bush. Eyes darting warily around the campsite they notice almost panicking that Takeshi and Aticulis were gone. Jumping to their feet they hurry over to a nearby trees and hides underneath the roots. The forest themselves were designed long ago for the roots to be formed as a hut in order to store food during winter and as a sanctuary for those caught in blizzards. As they squeeze together inside they huddle together as Rayan whispers, almost inaudible, "Where did they go? They wouldn't have left us alone if there was dangerous people lurking around, right?"

Nastusia, numb with fear and blood rushing with the flight response murmurs back, almost afraid to concede it, "Daddy wouldn't let us be in danger unless something happens to him..." Her voice trails off as they hear Takeshi call out for them, his voice tinged with fear and concern.

Tentatively peeking out from their small root hut, Nastusia calls out, "Daddy, are you guys alright?"

They hear a slight shifting nearby as Takeshi spots them from a few feet northeast. Walking up to them he scolds lightly with his hands on his hips with a stern glare, "Now, why on Janena are you two hiding under that tree?"

The two shuffle out to blush and murmur, meekly, "We didn't see you and Aticulis around...so we hid incase something happened to you. We're sorry..."

Takeshi's gaze softens at once as he reminds himself, almost scoldingly, that they had grown up hiding from danger. Their primal instincts to protect themselves at all cost is more dominant than others. With a slight smile he praises them, gently, "Amazing, little ones."

The two share looks of astonishment and confusion before simultaneously inquiring with wide eyes, "Why amazing? We made you worry!"

Takeshi calmly takes their hands and leads them, as if guiding his own children through dangerously enormous crowds. As he reaches the campsite he explains further, "The two of you have the instincts needed to survive in a war. A war that shall soon plague our country." His voice turns from a praising soothing to a grim, oppressive note as he carefully crosses his legs to sit in front of the fire. With one slightly scarred hand, he motions the three children to gather around beside him, his face serious.

Sitting down beside the fire the three children willingly lean closer to him, eager to hear what he would tell them. Resting her head against her father's shoulder, Nastusia questions softly, "Do this have anything to do with the Reya Academy?"

Nodding, Takeshi murmurs sagely, "The Academy was built almost a million years ago in order to give the Summoners and Necromancers a safe place to hide. The only way for it to be discovered is if a student or member within the school hands out its location...willingly. This is why no one has ever found it that wasn't of the Ancient Races."

The three glance at each other, now very curious to arrive at this powerful school. With a light smile Takeshi goes on, "But lately things have changed. Nothing is as it seems. The dark no longer means evil and the light no longer stands for justice and truth. The Ancient Races no longer stand for what they used to. Time has warped the people into misguiding and the path to ruins."

His eyes turn sad as he stares at the flame with a distant expression, his fingers absently running along the ground. As he pulls himself from the trance, Takeshi notices with a hint of surprise at the ancient symbol he had unconsciously drawn within the dirt. With a scowl he swipes dirt around it, obscuring it's image.

Rayan asked, softly, "So is that what those men are? The light that's dark? Does this mean you're the real light, sir?" His angelic face almost looks deadly then as he reminisced upon the men his mother warned him about with tales while his father had taken long trips away from home, the only happy memories he held, until now.

Takeshi shook his head in denial, "No. I am grey. I follow no path. Only to bring Janena's old matriarchy back. While men are not inferior to the women, their brash decisions have caused our world to spiral drastically to a path of destruction and fear. Having a female ruler has always been, so far, the best choice. But since the deplorable massacre on the human behalf, the heir of Janena has only been known to one family, the Darkcasta, or later known as the Redmoon. For they are the heirs, but none have been powerful enough to take on the role as heir, for the planet itself chooses it's ruler, not the people."

With those final words he stares knowingly at Nastusia who blushes lightly as she gazes down at the mark upon her arm, gaining new knowledge about its various meanings. With a shrug he murmurs, "We need to make our way through the mountains and into the blossoming town, Teria."

He pulls out a map and sets it carefully down upon the ground. Unraveling it, he points to the middle of Caviak Forest in which they were presently in. Looking closer, Rayan points out somewhat desolately the mountain chain right beside the forest, where the manor is a few kilometers from. As she stares at the town of Teria, a few miles from the forest and mountains, she can't shake off the feeling something important would happen there.

Sighing, she stands to cradle the egg that had begun glowing a light black, a sign its hatching is approaching. With a tender stroke of its hard shell, she holds it in the crook in her elbow as she starts on the path towards Teria, still contemplating what will happen when they get there and whether or not it would be for the best.

Aryiana stands at the edge of the mountain path, knowing with a uncertain pang of her heart that her parents had, by now, noticed her flight. Glancing behind her, she could hear an elderly man ordering for his followers, it seems to sound like, to find a girl with mismatched eyes and black hair.

Despite her position, Aryiana prays to the Ancient Race that the girl would escape those cruel men. Quickly deciding not to stay within the region much longer with people searching, she heads the way she knew leads to the town of Teria, hoping to find a way to Reya Academy...in hopes to find a goup that didn't follow the rules of her family..and to grow strong enough to stand up for her beliefs.

With a lighter heart she begins walking, head up and eyes flashing dangerously to those who dare to stand in her way. With each step her more sinister side begins slipping in and she found herself wondering how to make them pay for what they did to her dearest brother. Breaking into a psychotic smirk, she whistle happily, not caring for the frightful and startled looks she receives from the humans along her way.

Waking to the smell of something cooking, Evelyn blearily opens her eyes to see the moons shining brightly. Glancing at the moons with longing she finally uncurls from her scrunched up position to carefully step out of the tree's roots to meet the edge of the forest. Straining her eyes she spots just barely a town in front of her.

Heart rejoicing at the ability to sneak within the other people she heads towards Teria, without stopping to eat for her starving stomach, which growls softly. Unknown to her, several others were heading the same way. Like a beacon, the town seems to draw all kinds of crowds and some were not needed.

She wonders absently if there was some way she could go to a school to learn to control the power she had used against him. Her mood darkens with rage as the memory overtakes her. Tears slowly fall as she remembers with clear imagery her parents screams and the man who had taken them so cruelly from her.

"Evelyn, sweetie, please come back inside." Her mother, Agenlia, pleads as Evelyn stands outside the house, absently staring at the three moons, curiously. Their usual bright glow seems dimmer now...as if something has dulled its beauty. With a slight frown she turns to answer her mother, only to be cut by a scream.

Turning, she watches with a sickening stomach as a man clutches tightly her father and mother. His eyes turn from them to gaze at her almost with glee as he sneers, "Do you remember me, fools?"

Evelyn stares at the old man with fear. How did he find us?! She thinks, panicking as she tries to move back. However, her legs refuse to obey her mind as she watches with horror as he skillfully draws a rune within the air and fire begins to lick at her parents clothes.

"Mommy! Daddy!" She screams, running over to the old man in desperation to free her parents. Kicking with every might, her eyes blurring with tears, she looks up at her parents as their faces twist in agony as they writhe and shriek with pain. Sobbing, she flees, desperate to escape this evil man.

As she runs into the woods the echoes of her parents screams and their agonized faces forever etch themselves within her memory. Staggering blindly through the dark forest she jerks around as a twig snaps behind her. Standing before her was the very man who just minutes ago watched with delight as her parents were burned alive.

Backing away petrified she begs, "Please, sir..don't kill me!" Her mismatched eyes bore imploringly into his as he takes a taunting step forward, like a predator stalking, mocking its prey.

"Oh don't worry." He smiles deviously as he gently snatches hold of her arm before she could break free. He carefully pulls her up and lightly strokes her cheek, eyes dancing with passion, "I won't kill you."

Her eyes brighten with hope and just as she opens her mouth, he adds on, with a cruel sneer, "Yet."

Her eyes turn wild with fear as his hand tenderly strokes her face before sliding slowly down chest, smirking as the almost thirteen year old girl watches him with disgusted terror as she kicks her legs in hopes to pry him away. Eyes darkening with rage he pulls his hand back to grasp the knife at his waist, snarling, "Either you obey or I'll make sure you're in too much pain to fight back."

Evelyn quickly jerks her mind out of the memory as the rest fades, her mind locking it deep inside as she shudders violently. As the town becomes in site she smiles with relief. Freedom from that man she seeks within the town, praying that at least someone there would be able to help her find a school to attend.

Takeshi smiles with relief as they reach the edge of the Caveik Forest, cheerfully stating, "Teria is only a twenty minute walk from here. We'll rest the night and get some shopping done before we leave."

Nastusia, Rayan, and Nova trail behind, each deep within their own thoughts. Nova glances over at Rayan, blushing slightly, while glaring openly at Nastusia whose fingers gently stroke her egg who is merely an hour from hatching. As they move forward, Nastusia slowly drifts away into her thoughts, blindly following behind Takeshi with a tight grip on his cloak sleeve. Beside him, Aticulis engages him in a dreadfully boring conversation, to the teens, at least, upon the subject of different uses of a creatures' blood within some brand of armor.

As they enter the bustling town they could hear a girl asking around for possible schools. Eyes sparking with an unseen emotion, Takeshi whispers to Aticulis to take the children to a nearby inn before disappearing the crowd after the young teen who moves along the many shops, almost pleadingly asking for any.

Frowning, Nastusia watches him leave, head throbbing as her throat closes. Aticulis quickly grasps her arm, asking concern boring into her unfocused eyes, "Nastusia, what's wrong?"

Dimly, she remembers vaguely her father's last curse and lets tears fall down her face as her throat and heart constrict with overwhelming pain. Falling back into unconsciousness she inwardly screams for Takeshi as she goes limp in Aticulis's arms.

Aticulis sighs as he watches the young teen go limp, his mind running through all situations that could possibly lead to her passing out so suddenly and with a indication that something is seriously wrong with her and as he carefully lifts her in his arms and walks the rest of the way to the inn, he wonders if Takeshi knew what was going on.

Entering the inn, he orders strictly to the other two, "Stay right beside me, do not wander. Is that clear?"

The two stare at him and nod quickly, pressing close to him as he walks up the desk asking the skinny woman with a bored look upon her face, "I would like two rooms, please?"

She stares at him and then at Nastusia whose face contracts with pain as her breathing turns labored. Dully, she produces from her cloak two keys, hissing coldly, "Get that thing out of my site!"

He doesn't react at all to her statement but the two teens at his sides, bristle, eyes clouding with fury. Opening her mouth, Nova begins to spit out in anger, "She's not a thing!!-"

Before she could continue her father, harshly growls, "Hold your tongue, Nova Alix. This is no time to argue with a mere human."

Turning on his heels, Aticulis walks away from the desk and into the hallways to find their rooms. Still fuming the two teens follow in behind, grumbling and scheming. Together they push open the door to their rooms and watch as Aticulis carefully sets Nastusia down on a bed.

As she stirs briefly, Takeshi knocks on the door and enters the room without waiting for a reply. Trailing behind him, Aryiana glances at the bed, her eyes widening as she spots a spiraling aura around Nastusia. Looking closer she whispers almost frightfully, "Who put such a dark rune on her? She can't even be past my age!"

Takeshi turns towards the girl, demanding, almost threatening, "How do you know?"

Aryiana winces before drawing back, whispering half afraid and half proudly, "I can see magic and its shapes." Stepping closer to Nastusia who turns to watch her through half lidded eyes.

"So you can see it?" Nastusia whispers ashamed of her burden being shown to anyone but her dad. Shakily grasping for her egg she murmurs feebly, "It'll hatch soon. I can't wait."

Her expression relaxes as the pain creeps away into a tolerable ache as she strokes the egg, an odd look on her face. As Rayan watches her from a chair he pulls up to her beside, he realizes with a lump forming in his throat, it is as if a mother looking down at her sleeping child. Her eyes watch with delight as the egg slowly begins to crack.

Rayan watches with baited breath as the egg slowly reveals a beautiful tiny cub. Aryiana smiles lightly at their wonderment as it peers blearily around. As the egg is finally cleared out of its way they smile lightly. It looks almost like a normal human white tiger cub but instead of being whie with black stripes it has almost violet-black stripes as it consciously moves towards Nastusia, the comforting aura he had come to trust while still developing inside the rather large egg.

Nastusia carefully scoops up the beautiful cub as Takeshi's and Aticulis's raised voices bleed through the paper thin walls of the room beside theirs. As the reason of their discussion becomes clear the three children turn to gaze at Nastusia with questions.

Looking away she can feel her heart rushing with fear as those oppressive memories make their way into the front of her mind. As pain and grief enter the normally bright eyes, the others immediately understood that no one was ready to talk about it. In quiet respect and reassurance, they settle with sitting next to her, each giving their own whispers of advice.

Smiling sincerely with relief at their respect of her privacy, Nastusia asks, "So...are we all heading to Reya Academy?"

They all grin at her with excitement grins as Aryiana mutters, "Anything to escape the past...." Her long brown hair falls forward as her head lowers, effectively showing to the world that whatever had her running into them is clearly not pleasant.

Nodding in agreement, Nastusia sagely responds, handing out her own piece of knowledge with grace in her speech, "But to make a future you must accept and let go of the past. But for us...I'm sure letting go will not be a task so easily to forget as others. But because of our hardships, we shall either break or become stronger than others."

The others agree as Takeshi says behind them, "Very well said, children. You're advice and conversations make me realize that once we leave this town, we should at least unlock your individual talents. Nastusia, I have found a rune healer that may be able to lessen the runes at least until she can break them. We'll go tomorrow."

She nods with a smile as they sort out rooming arrangements. Still exhausted from the onset of pain, Nastusia slowly shuts her eyes, fingers curling tightly around her father’s cloak, and with a smile, falls into an easy slumber.
May the gentle moon take you into peaceful dreams. May the mighty sun brighten your new days.

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9 Reviews

Gender: Male
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Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:26 pm
ArahAkachi1 says...

Love it, a really good addition
Writing your name can lead to writing sentences. And then the next thing you'll be doing is writing paragraphs, and then books. And then you'll be in as much trouble as I am!

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Wed Nov 23, 2011 2:43 pm
sandayselkie says...

I love it also. It took me a little bit to realise that the girls were all converging in one place.
"Live in the present, remember the past and fear not the future, for it doesn't exist and never shall. There is only now."

"That's the spirit. One part courage. Three parts fool"

Every time someone steps up and says who they are, the world becomes a better, more interesting place.
— Captain Raymond Holt