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Fate and Summer Nights Chap 1 (Harry Potter Fan Fic)

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Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:17 am
justhoppy12 says...

Chapter One

It was a dark, rainy night in the small country side of England. It was about 11:20 pm on a Wednesday. Severus, or Sev (as people called him these days) was sitting by the candle light, reading a potions book. Their power had just gone out and he was in the middle of researching for a big potions paper due after spring break. Oh how much he loved potions! He loved how a simple potion can make such an impact on anything, to animals to humans. He planned on being a potions teacher when he graduated from Hogwarts, which was coming up soon. He was half way thru his junior year. He was in the house of Slytherin, which made his parents very happy, seeing as both his mother and father were perfects. Severus flipped a couple pages ahead, and came to his favorite potion, the truth potion. With this potion, if you think someone is lying, you can make them take this potion, and whatever question you ask them, you have to answer them. It basically forces you to tell the truth. He grinned evilly as he thought of all the possibilities of making this potion. He could force his younger sister to tell him if her friend, Sarah liked him or not. But he knew in reality, her friend thought that he was cold, and ugly. Who would date a boy with a nose the size of a cucumber?

He frowned at this thought, and threw the book on his book bag. His eyes started to get weary and it was going to be a long next couple of days. His family was going to travel to France for a couple days before spring break ended, and then he had to go back to Hogwarts. He slipped off his black robe and his undershirt, and replaced them with a tight black t-shirt and some blue plaid pajama bottoms. Oh how he loved the color black! It was so mysterious and dark. His mother made a fit one day when she went in his closet to find out that he went to Diagon Alley and got MORE black clothes when she pleaded with him to buy some “colored” clothes for his wardrobe. When he responded with, “they didn’t have any different colored clothes.” She threw up her arms in defeat and never nagged him again to buy more “uplifting” colored clothes.
He crawled into his lumpy bed, fluffed his feather pillow, and got onto his side.

The air was stale, but cool for a spring night. He brought the blanket up to his neck, and closed his dark green eyes. It was so nice to be home, away from all the drama of school. But he missed it. He couldn’t wait to go back and try to ask Sarah out. Sarah had always caught his eye, and he so badly wanted to go out with her. She was a 4”6 girl, with black hair, just as his was, and blue eyes. Her laugh could be heard from miles away and even across the campus at Hogwarts. Her smile and nose was like a cat’s. She also often wore this sweet smelling perfume. What was that smell? Oh yes, Cherry Blossoms. When she walked past him with her sister, the smell of the perfume put him a daze for days. He sometimes had a naughty thought on how he would love to wake up next to her, after making love, and having the smell of her on his skin. Shaking his head, to get rid of these thoughts of Sarah, he concentrated on trying to get some sleep. Knowing that it would be a living hell for the next few days, Merlin knew that he needed it. His breathing started to slow, his eyes grew heavy, and he fell asleep smiling at the thought of seeing her again after spring break was over.

Severus woke up to the smell of bacon and pancakes. Thou he loved those kind of breakfasts; he wanted to sleep in more. So he flipped onto his stomach, and pulled the blanket over his head.

“5, 4, 3, 2, 1……”


His mother yelled thru the thin walls of the house. She always did that ever since she was little. At a certain time, she would yell at him that breakfast was ready. She also never understood why he loved sleep so much.

“You’re always up so late, and then you sleep in the afternoon. Why don’t you go out and do something instead of sleeping the day away and wasting time in that cramped, dark room of yours? Honestly Sev! You need to get a social life!” She scolded him. And his response was: “yes mother, I’ll work on it.”

Severus then groaned and crawled miserably out of bed. Not once had she let him sleep in past 9:30. It was rather annoying. He opened his squeaky, wooden door and climbed down the stairs to the first floor and went into the kitchen. His father, Charles was sitting at the head of the table reading, “The prophet”, and his sister, Emily was eating her breakfast, reading her Herbology text book. His mother, Cindy was piling some pancakes on a plate and she turned around and smiled.

“Good Morning my sunshine! How did you sleep?”

He sat down across from Emily and grabbed some pancakes, syrup, and a mug of coffee.

“Oh, same old, same old Mum.”

She kissed his cheek and sat across from his father.

“Charles? Did you make those reservations to the hotel in France liked I asked?” She asked him, helping her self to some crispy bacon.

“Yes Dear, I did that last week remember?” he said in reply not looking up from the paper.

“Well, I just wanted to make sure that you had done it. I would hate to go to France, and have to stay at your mothers.”

Charles looked up and grinned. His mother and Cindy were not the best of friends after Charles and she got married. They always fought and argued on the best ways to raise her children, questioned her way she had chosen to go back to school to be an Auor, and why she lived in the small country side of England, instead of living in the never quiet city. Cindy couldn’t stand her by any means. She swore to Charles that was the only downer of marrying him. On the other hand, she adored his father. His father worked at Gringotts bank, and always thought that she had raised the children very well, praised her for going back to school, and was pleased that she had chosen to live in the country side of England, because it was peaceful and beautiful. His mother looked over at Emily.

“Emily dear, have you packed yet?” She asked sipping her black coffee. Emily looked up and rolled her eyes.

“Mom, I told you yesterday that I packed. Severus didn’t do his! Why are you asking me when you should be asking him the same thing?” She replied, glaring at Severus. His mother looked over at him and gave him the, “you better pack before noon, or else you’re going to be in trouble look”. He glared back at Emily, and stuck out his tongue before he got up and placed his plates in the sink.

“That was a Wonderful breakfast, Mother!” He told her, sucking up to her.

“Thank you darling! I’m glad that you enjoyed it!” She thanked him and ruffled his hair as she passed by him to go into her room to pack a couple more things.

“Sucking up again I see.” Emily accused harshly.

“Me? I wouldn’t do that ever!” he said, pinching her in the side as he walked back to his room.

“Hey! That hurt you troll!” She yelled at him.

He chuckled evilly and walked over to his bed, and accidentally stepped on his potions book. Leaning over, Severus picked it up and placed it on his marble desk. Then he went over to his book shelf. There were many books on it, Authors ranging from Dickens to Robert Frost. He ran his fingers over the spines until he came to one that the spine was worn a bit, but was familiar. Taking it off the shelf, he brought it over to his bed and opened it to his class photos. It was last years, but he didn’t mind. He just wanted to see Sarah’s photo before they went to France. He scanned his eyes along the rows of pictures, before finding hers. She was wearing her hair up in a bun, and was laughing in the photo. He smiled and touched the photo. She for sure made him weak to his knees, no matter what she did. Then he flipped to the back of the book. In the back, people had written their signatures and a message. There were quite a few from each house, and then he came across Sarah’s. Her handwriting was curly and she wrote: “Have a great summer, Sev! Try to get some color you hear?” Love, Sarah; with a winking smiley face.

He smiled again, and then read some other signatures on the page. And one caught his eye. It was signed by a girl named Vicki.

Vicki… Did I have a class with her? Oh yeah! Potions.

He flipped back to his classes section and found her name. Vicki Warfield.
She was about 5”4, glasses, and had a sweet smile, with blondish brown hair to her shoulders. She wasn’t beautiful, but she was very pretty. She was very smart, one of the smartest girls in Gryffindor. What was he thinking? He obviously had a crush on Sarah, but there was just something about Vicki that made him think.

This is crazy. We hardly even speak to each other in class. Our houses are enemies! I would be the laughing stock of Slytherin if I EVER went out with her.

He shrugged and slipped the book under his bed. Why did he slip it under his bed? Because he just felt like it. He went over to his closet, and pulled out all the shirts, pants, boxers, and sweaters he had and stuffed them into his suitcase. He pat himself on the back.

Take that Emily! I packed in less than 5 minutes and it took you a day to pack.

And with that, he flopped back on the bed and closed his eyes for a short snooze until his mother came and got him and headed off to France for three days.

Yewis superiority!
— Several authors from the auspicious site.