
Young Writers Society

It Wasn't Supposed to End This Way (Chapter Five)

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Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:58 pm
Confused.pirate says...

“So Trista, how’s that Transfigurations paper going?” I was walking with Gia a few days after I had the terrifying dream/message from the Dark Lord, trying to figure out how to solve the problem of never seeing Harry Potter during the day.

“Oh, it’s going a’right…” I responded quietly. I had been seriously shaken since that night, and I could tell Gia noticed a difference.

“Are you sure everything’s okay Trista?” She gazed at me with a concerned look in her brown eyes.

“Yeah, er...I’m fine,” I put a more composed expression on my face and attempted to a cheerful tone. “Just thinking about the tournament. Who do you think is going to win?”

She immediately looked ecstatic as if I had given her a lifetime supply of chocolate frogs for her birthday, “Well, of course I want someone from Hogwarts to win, like Cedric or Harry, but Viktor Krum is a professional Quidditch player. He must be extremely athletic and competitive.”

“That’s true,” I agreed patiently. She continued to talk about it and the rumors about how Harry was chosen; a wizard of age did it for him, he charmed himself, he’s just that awesome, anything and everything had been discussed. I was the only student in the entire Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry who knew why he was chosen, and I needed to get closer to him. Fast. It’s too bad I’m older and have different classes…

“That’s it!!” I exclaimed in the middle of the hallway. Miscellaneous faces turned to see what was so exciting, but moved on when they noticed it was just two nobodies talking about nothing important. I had never seen Gia with many other friends besides me, which didn’t quite matter. The less people knew me, the better.

“What? That Harry was chosen because he threatened Dumbledore with a blast ended skrewt?” Gia questioned in wonder. She obviously thought I was still talking about the tournament.

“No. Um, I need to go. I’ll see you during dinner,” I excused myself and skipped hurriedly to Professor McGonagall’s office around the corner.

“Professor!” I cried out once I entered the classroom. “Professor McGonagall?” I looked around the room and decided to walk towards the front of the classroom, discovering a door, which lead to her personal office. “Professor?” I searched again.

I found her organizing her desk with quick waves of her wand, “Yes, Miss Selinda?” She glanced at me above her half-moon spectacles.

“I need to request a class transfer. Do I talk to you or Professor Dumbledore?” I tried to sound convincing and firm, but I was a terrible liar. One reason why I was sorted into Hufflepuff I guess.

Professor stared at me curiously, “Now why would you want to do that? Aren’t the classes you have sufficient enough for you?”

I quickly came up with a reasonable response, “Home schooling didn’t prepare me correctly for real school classes. My parents would prefer me to switch into a couple fourth year classes.” It’s amazing what you can think of when your life is being threatened by the Dark Lord.

She stopped waving her wand and began to ponder, “I see. I guess that’s an appropriate reason to transfer. Which classes were you thinking?”

Bloody hell. Didn’t think about that part. What classes did Harry have? “Well, I think I might need to step back in your class Professor, no offense to you or anything. The subject never really stuck to me.”

Professor McGonagall looked surprised, “Really Trista? I thought you were doing well in my class.”

“It must be the new paper…we didn’t really write much at home,” Let’s hope that worked.
After a few seconds of speculation, Professor finally decided, “Okay, I will discuss this with the Headmaster and notify you about the switch in a few hours.”

A rush of relief spread through me like a warm fire on a cold evening, “Thank you so much Professor.”

As I was starting to walk out she stopped me, “Oh and will Transfigurations be the only class you switch Miss Silenda?”

I thought about this for a second. I didn’t know any of Harry’s other classes besides the fact that he had Transfigurations after me, so I didn’t want to risk any chance of being placed in a younger aged class with no Harry Potter, “Yes, that will be all for now.”

“Okay, you are excused,” she shooed me off and I scurried to dinner.

I caught up with Gia at the Hufflepuff table, sat down in front of her, and hungrily grabbed a chicken leg, mashed potatoes, cranberries, and a goblet of pumpkin juice.

“Where did you run off to in such a hurry?” Gia questioned while taking a gulp of her Gillywater.

“I transferred into fourth year Transfigurations,” I muffled through a mouthful of mashed potatoes. “I needed to take a step back because I was home schooled. Parents’ orders.”

Gia looked a little shocked at first, but then shrugged and said, “Oh, well now you can’t help me with that paper due Friday. I’ll have to talk to Stephanie…”

We continued to eat and chat about random topics until we were stuffed to the brim with delicious food. We both packed up and started to trek back to the common room. Once we passed through the portrait I plopped myself onto an oversized armchair and took out a sheet of parchment.

“Hey, Gia, I need to write a letter to my parents about my transfer. I’ll head up to bed in a bit, okay?” I partially lied. I was going to tell them about the transfer, but also tell them to report to the Dark Lord that I was finally taking action and news about Harry Potter will make his way soon.

Gia yawned, “Okay. I’m exhausted anyway. Goodnight!” She lethargically walked up the stairs to the girls’ dormitory.

I took a deep breath and stared at the blank sheet of parchment. Okay, I need to word this carefully. I dipped my quill into the ink and began to write…

Mother and Father,

I am extremely aware of the consequences our family faces if I do not continue with my job. I am writing to inform you that I have requested a class transfer so I can be with Harry Potter. Please inform the Dark Lord as soon as possible…

“Watcha writing?” My parchment was snatched out of my hands. I freaked and looked up to see who the culprit was. Of course, it was Cedric.

I jumped up and stretched out in an attempt to snag my letter back, “Give that back!!”

He laughed and began to read in a dramatic voice, “Mother! Father!”

“Cedric, give it back!” I couldn’t help but smile, but began to freak when I remembered I mentioned Harry Potter and the Dark Lord already.

“What, is this personal?” He goofed and held the paper up so I could barely reach.

“Come on Cedric. What are you, three years old?” I reached for the parchment.

He gasped, “I take offense to that!”

“You better,” I was finally able to grab my letter and fold it away. I stuck it in my robes and breathed a gigantic sigh of relief. That was too close.

We both sat down next to the fireplace, him with a huge smile on his face. Then suddenly a more serious expression grew on his face, “Well, I actually came up here to ask you something.”

He actually looked nervous, and I grew ever more curious, “Yes?”

“I um…er…” he cleared his throat. “I was wondering if you wanted to take a trip to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?”

I froze in shock. Did Cedric Diggory really just ask me out on a date? Me? The home schooled transfer student? “Wow Cedric, I never expected you to ask.”

“Is that a no?” he asked concerned.

I had to quickly respond, “Oh no! I’d be delighted to go with you! I’ve never been anyway.”

“Oh really?” a smile returned and his eyes brightened with delight. “Then I’ll be your personal tour guide.”

“Why thank you,” I graciously added. I was floating with glee at the thought of walking side by side with Cedric through the cute little town I had heard stories about.

We both stood up and stretched, and I confessed I should probably go to bed.

“Alright my lady, I’ll see you in the morning,” Cedric winked and said goodbye.

I reluctantly trudged up to the dormitory, unwilling to leave this beautiful moment. The popular, beautiful, Tri-Wizard Tournament Champion just asked me on a date. Me. The quiet, secretive, home schooled nobody with one friend.

The lying and sneaky daughter of two Death Eaters. Slave to the Dark Lord.

This couldn’t possibly end well.
"The differences in life are what create the challenges which open the door to discovery."

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Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:02 am
Eniarrol says...


I've been reading your novel for a while now and I really like it. First I like how you portray Cedric and Trista, how Cedric is charming,funny ect I always liked the character Cedric and I felt they didn't say too much about him in the Goblet of Fire book/movie so I like this. With Trista I love her sort of crush (Romance?) with Cedric it's realistic and cute I really feel like you are living the characters life.

Although, I think you could improve with how Trista feels about being a slave of the dark lord. You have told us that she was shaken but, how does she feel? Is it something she was pushed into by her parents? Or something she was brought up with? Does she get on with it, or want to break away?

A very good novel I like how you tell it through the eyes of a another person mutating the story not in a part way but a good way to see different points of view.

I look forward to the next chapter,
A hero isn’t defined by winning. Loads of heroes die in the effort. Most of them never get any recognition. No, a hero is just somebody who does the right thing when it would be far, far easier to do nothing.

~Previously SweetMoments

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Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:38 pm
LittlePrincess says...

Back again!

he’s just that awesome
That made me laugh.
Does Gia's view on the games reflect the view of everyone else at Hogwarts? Try and show that, like that she is so excited about it.
“What? That Harry was chosen because he threatened Dumbledore with a blast ended skrewt?” Gia questioned in wonder. She obviously thought I was still talking about the tournament.
Still laughing.

We both packed up and started to trek back to the common room.
I don't think trek really works there.

I absolutely love the interaction with Trista and Cedric. It wasn't so cheesy that it was annoying and it wasn't so unrealistic, either. It was adorable and makes me really excited for the next chapter. That's something you need to watch out for, of course because there is a lot of danger of slipping into the cheesy/unrealistic zone. But I thought you handled this well.

I don't have anything else to really say about this chapter, other than that the story is moving along nicely. I would love to see more of Trista's thoughts about her task, though. She obviously has some sort of inner conflict going on... I mean she must feel something about being responsible for HP's death even if she doesn't really know him.
"One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes."
The Little Prince

I have lived through much, and now I think I have found what is needed for happiness. A quiet secluded life in the country, with the possibility of being useful to people to whom it is easy to do good... then rest, nature, books, music, love for one's neighbor - such is my idea of happiness.
— Leo Tolstoy