
Young Writers Society

Automatically in Love: Bill Kaulitz Fantasy Ch. 4

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Thu Aug 05, 2010 2:24 pm
TokioHotelVampire says...

Lexis's Perspective
"Let's go dance!" We've finished dinner and I keep begging to Bill to go dance.
"Lexis, no. We just ate. What if we get sick?"
"We won't! We're gonna work off our dinner! Well, dance it off. Please Bill?" I shoot a puppy dog face and whine.
"Fine. Let's go."
"YAY!" He laughs as I pull him off his seat and drag him to the separate dance floor. The Birthday Massacre's "Happy Birthday" is playing. I start dancing and singing along.
I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his around my waist. We let the music guide our bodies and dance to the song's beat.
"I think my friend said 'Don't forget the video.' I think my friend said 'Don't forget to smile.' You're a murder tramp, murder tramp,' I think he said. 'You're a murder boy, birthday boy,' I think I said." The song ended and everyone was clapping.
"This is a lot of fun. I am glad you dragged me in here." He smiles and brings me closer as another song comes on.
"'Exploration.' It's a song from Coraline. It's very calm. I like it." The song starts playing and I'm gazing into Bill's eyes: a sea of chocolate.
"Suli au len Le je le fanilé jenti Amen zun don Antwo dal tan Felice se li mue." I lay my head on Bill's chest. "It's nice." I close my eyes and gently rock back and forth with him. The heat radiating off him makes my skin tingle with delight! And the smell of orange-spice coming from that heat fills my head with pleasure. He lifts my chin up and leans towards me some.
"BILL!" Great. The perfect moment had been ruined by a girl who looked like a poser big-time! She ran over to us and, like an angry animal, grabs my hair and throws me to the ground. I look at her and see nothing but rage on her face as she turned to Bill. "How could you do this to me?! WE are together. Not you and HER! Why would you even look at a stupid, dirty, little slut when you should have a woman!" It's Britt. Dear god! There are so many questions going through my head, I barely heard the rest on the conversation.
"You are right. I do want a woman. Not a slut. Especially not one who will change her style to fit in," Bill replies. He kneels down and takes my hand. "Are you all right?" I nod and glare at the bitch who threw me down. Bill helps me up and turns to the bitch. "You are a slut Britt. Lexis here is a woman." He wraps his arm around me and gives me my purse. "We should go." I nod and we walk out together with dignity.
"I'm so sorry this had to happen. Next time, we are going to the park." We're in the car and Bill's driving me back home. I turn down the Green Day CD so we could talk.
"Maybe we could go to your hotel room. I want to meet the others so much!"
"That actually sounds great!"
"When can we go?"
"How about now?"
"Really? Sure. But can I get changed first? I don't think I should meet them like this." I looked at my dress and we laugh.
"Of course Lexis. We will stop at your house and you can change real quick." Bill parks in front of my house. I give him a quick hug before running inside.
"Hey Lex. Where were you? Mom's gonna be mad!"
"No she won't! She's the one who wrote me the note!" My little brother, Macks, is being a pain in the ass again! To make matters worse, his little friend, Qwin, just poked his head to see what is going on. His eyes pop when he sees me.
"Don't you know it's not polite to stare?" I run up to my room and change into a pair of black pants, a black shirt with broken hearts on it, and my combat boots. I check my makeup and write a note for my mom letting her know where I'm at. I grab my cell phone, leave the note on the kitchen counter, and run out the door.
"You took 15 minutes! Did you plan on leaving me waiting on you forever?"
"Hey, 15 minutes isn't very long! I can tell you're impatient!" We both laugh and start driving to Bill's hotel.
Mein Herz kämpft
Gegen mich
Wie'n Alien in mir
Ich steh auf
Dreh mich um
Alles blutverschmiert
Ich schau in den Spiegel
Und da steht geschrieben

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18 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1040
Reviews: 18
Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:42 pm
ASingleDarkRose says...

Very descriptive, but i think the reader needs to know more about the relationship between britt and lexi. why does britt hate lexi so much? It was just didn't make a lot of sense. And how could britt have been stalking the singer if she only knew him for a few days? The way bill talks about the girl who was stalking him makes it seem like britt had been after him for a long time.
Good work, and i'll keep a look out for more chapters. =)

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5 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1062
Reviews: 5
Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:31 pm
TokioHotelVampire says...

To ASingleDarkRose:
The relationship between Britt and Lexis is complicated. After reading your reply, I think now I'll add some bonus chapters that are about Britt's and Lexis' relationship and Britt's stalking Bill. About that, also, Britt has been stalking Tokio Hotel for a while. About 2 years. So look out for the bonus chapters. They'll explain everything. =) I'm glad that you like the story so far. I'll definatley keep writing.
Mein Herz kämpft
Gegen mich
Wie'n Alien in mir
Ich steh auf
Dreh mich um
Alles blutverschmiert
Ich schau in den Spiegel
Und da steht geschrieben

Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.
— H. Jackson Brown