
Young Writers Society

Doctor Who; Chapter 1; 11 Years Too Long.

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Reviews: 44
Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:38 pm
Winchester says...

Okay...This is my new Doctor Who fanfic... The story is a bit like Amy's. Okay?
BTW I think i have kinda come to the conclusion that Amy didn;t really exsist in this one yet...I just wanted to start from scratch.

Hope you like it!

11 Years Ago...

"Bye Honey don't forget to lock the doors" Skyes mum shouted from the mansions lobbey. Skye was alone again, she was ten for god's sake! Dad was always on missions, and Mum was always on buisness trips, Yeah there was the au pair Nancy, but she only came during the day she was at home watching casualty now.
There was no exploring of the mansion to be done, That had been done five years ago, So she headed up to her room and lied on her bed, then picked up a book and started to read but the closet, half hidden by her wardrobe caught her attention...again.
The closet had never been opened, Skye had tried but it wouldn't budge. Anyway there was something about it what made her not want to open it, it scared her and everynight she wished someone would come and open it and settle her fears.

What Could Posably Be Behind the Closet Door ?

She carried on reading until she heard a strange noise outside...It was a strange whirring noise then it stopped. And she heard the creek of a door. She grabbed her nightgown and ran downstairs and into the rose garden.
There she saw the strangest thing ever; A blue police phone box by the looks of it and infront of it a tall young man stood there dressed in a suit that didn't match and a bowtie that looked stupid, but she wasn't going to tell him that.

"Erm, Excuse Me?" Skye asked

The man looked up from fiddleing with somekind of screwdriver that didn't look like a screwdriver.

"Oh! Hullo, I'm the doctor" He said enthusicasticly, and stuck his hand out for her to shake it, She did.

"Could you please tell me were i am" He asked

"Yorkshire, England" Skye replied, He looked at her in a strange way.

"Wait, how old are you, and can i come in it's freezing." He asked

"Im Ten an-" She was cut of as she saw him running into her house, she ran after him until whack! he ran into a tree while shouting somthing to her. He got up and regained his balance then walked slowly to the door. That was when she decided he couldn't be a burglar.

They walked into the living room, he leant against the wall and asked

"Were are your parents?" He asked.

"Their working" She replied simply, and then she had a crazy thought... "Have you come to open the door?" She asked
He looked confused.

"What door?" He asked.

She lead The Doctor up the marble stairs to her room, and showed him the closet and how it wouldn't open he started by just staring at it, Skye got bored and randomly started drawing, she started the draw The Doctor, he jumped up and down, side to side, and tried to force it open, She finished the drawing just as he pulled out the screwdriver what didn't look like a screw driver.

"What's that?" She asked.

"This,-Wait I never caught your name?" He relised

"It's Skye, Skye Maxwell" She answered

"Well, Skye this is a sonic screw driver and with this i shall open this door!"
She looked at him strange, and then a gleam of blue light came from the end of the Sonic Screwdriver and she heard a click...and the door opened.

"What the?- Why?" She heard the doctor question, and she didn't blame him, In the closet there wasn't clothes or toys...It looked like a multicoulored river, blues, blacks and purples...and then it just dissapeared.
He looked bewildered, and turned to Skye.."Time Vortex..." He wispered. Then started to walk off.....

"Wait!" Skye shouted. He turned to look at the ten year old holding a very well drawn picture of him.

"What do you do?" She asked.

He seemed to consider somthing....

"The blue box?"

She nodded.

"Well, It's called the TARDIS, stands for Time And Reletive Dimension In Space, and its a space ship..."
She got it, and there was somthing about him that made it belivable.

"The set the story straight, i'm a time traveler"
Then before he could walk away again...She grapped the sleave of his mix and matched suit...

"Here..." And handed him the drawing she did.

"Well, wow...thankyou" He said, but there was somthing about him that made him look worried....

He put in back in her hand..."Keep it i'll be back soon just wait..."

Then he ran outside.

She ran to her window...and sat on the window seat and watched the him open the tardis, he turned and smiled at he then climbed into the Tardis and the whirring sound started again and she watched the Tardis dissapear...and she didn't even act suprised, To her it was....

She sat by the window, waiting for him for hours until darkness finaly caught her.

11 Years Later...

The Doctor stepped out of the tadis...He was in the same place, the same rose garden...so why was it daytime...?
Then he noticed the girl stood infronf of him, but it wasn't the ten year old skye he expected...This girl was about twenty-one.

"Who are you, and weres Skye Maxwell?" He asked.

The girl took one step closer, She was dressed in a fitted band t-shirt, skinny jeans and converse... Her hair was a light brown and fell just past her shoulders and her eyes were a shiny dark blue.

She started walking up to him, when they were face to face she slapped him, it was quite a slap...

"Why'd you do that!" He shouted, now with a bright red hand print on his cheek.

She gave him a very evil glare...something that could have spoken "you know exactly what!". She stepped back, i almost looked like she was starting to cry.

"eleven years." She wispered. And ran into the mansion.

Thanks for reading :)
"Winner, winner, chicken dinner" Wise words said by the one and only, Dean Winchester.

I was flummoxed by fractious Franny's decision to abrogate analgesics for the moribund victims of the recent conflagration. Of course, to display histrionics was discretionary, but I did so anyways, implicating a friend in my drama to make the effect cumulative. I think a misanthrope would have a prosaic appellation, perhaps one related to autonomy and the rejection of anthropocentrism. I think they wouldn't think much of the prominence of watching the coagulation of tea to prognosticate future malevolent events, not even if those events were related to jurisprudence.
— Spearmint