
Young Writers Society

Monster Hunter Part 2

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Gender: Male
Points: 1040
Reviews: 1
Thu May 12, 2011 2:23 pm
Cramerx says...

My little sister and parents would both be asleep by the time I got home and even if I stayed out till 3 in the morning without calling my parents didn't think nothing of it or even ask where I was mostly because I was their little boy who would never do anything dangerous. I laughed in my mind with I thought of myself not doing anything dangerous as I walked in my house's door then walked up to my room, “It was a great to be a monster hunter” I said as falling to sleep.
I woke up in the morning to the sound of my mom calling me down stairs, I hopped out of bed then threw on a black t-shirt and jeans. I ran downstairs to find my dad sitting at the table with his nose in the newspaper,Mom with her head in her cooking, and my little sister reading some teen magazine like she was every time I seen her. I laughed as I said morning to them all while my sister didn't seem to notice that I was even there, I sat down at the table “Mom and Dad, I'm going to be out most of the day showing a new kid around town.” I said rubbing my eyes, They both nodded “Okay, son. Make sure they know the ropes and all that.” My dad said still staying at this paper, Normal: They didn't think nothing of it. I laughed quietly to myself until the door rang, The last time the doorbell rang Lord gyro made a illusionary mom then came here to get me to baby-sit him. I jumped up then ran to the door and opened it to find Raven standing that smiling “Hi James.” She said happily, I got a bit panicked so I walked out the door then shouted “I got to go guys, See you later.” This must have gotten my little sister's face out of the book because I saw her face appear at the window and then I heard “Mom! Dad! Come here you have to see this!” and then I saw my parents' faces appear above my little sister. I was too busy watching my parents to see Raven lend in by my neck but I did notice when she bit in, I winced slightly in pain but then said “Come on let's get going.” to Raven when I heard my sister said “She kissed his neck!”
I wondered what was going to happen when I got home today, Maybe my home life wasn't as boring as I thought it was. I took Raven a bunch of everyday places and told her how to act like a normal human as if I was one to talk, She got a big kick out of the strong man test at the circus by the fact that she swung the hammer and the metal weight flew up,knocked the bell off the scale. She loved it when she won a giant pink tiger so we spend most of the day at the fair then about 9 in the evening I took her home, I was wondering because I didn't have any monsters to fight today which was good but it was kind of boring. After I took Raven back to her house, I went back to my own house, unlocked the door, then walked in. Once I got in, I saw my dad,Mom, and little sister sitting in some chairs that was all in a line “Well, So who was your friend this morning,Brother?” My little sister asked crossing her arms, Dad ran behind me and patted me on the back “My little boy has a girlfriend.” My mom said patting me on the shoulder. My dad came in front of me “Her father came around today and told us. The weird thing about him was that he had purple eyes.” I grinned in anger “Purple eyes, The only one with purple eyes is Lord Gyro.” I said to myself forcing the smile to stay on my face “No, She is the one I was showing around today.” I answered trying to keep the smile on my face, “Don't Worry, Your going to that advanced student school with her in the morning. A bus is coming to pick you up so best be ready.” He said rubbing my head.
I nodded then walked up to my room. “I'm going to kill Lord Gyro.” I said laying down on my bed slowly drifting off to sleep, I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock. I got out of bed then loaded up my backpack before putting on my black jeans and red shirt, I threw on my backpack then ran downstairs to see a black bus in front of my house. My family hadn't woken up yet but there was a cell phone on the table with a note 'This is for you,James. When you get there call us. And we'll call you every Saturday.' I smiled shoving the cell in my pocket then ran out the door to the bus. The driver opened the door then I walked along the seats trying to find a free one, I saw someone waving me in the back...It was Raven. I walked back to her then sat down “Your on this bus too?” She asked cheerfully, I nodded “I guess it was a stoke of luck. So where does thi.....” I started but Raven lent up by my neck and bit in.
I winced in pain back then she sat back down licking her lips “I might just get addicted to your blood, James.” She said happily, I nodded “Yeah, But next time warn me before doing that.” I replied with a smile, Looking around the bus they looked like normal kids but I felt like I was being watched. I put on my sunglasses then whited out my eyes, What I saw scared even me. I looked around to see that everyone on this bus was a monster “I'm getting a bad feeling...” I said to myself staring at the kids, I quickly turned off my 'Ghoul eyes' before someone noticed but I may be able to use them in order to watch out because I already got the feeling that someone had their eyes on me. I was a bit shocked at first but then just shook my head “Just because this bus is full of monsters doesn't mean that the school is......As I was about to find out, I couldn't have been more wrong. We were driving for about a hour at the most before I saw the outside get really dark. "Raven, What is this school?" I asked looking out the window to see a very large castle surrounded by giant dead trees. Raven lent in by my neck then bit in once again which was twice on the bus, I winced but it didn't bother me much now."James, Your blood is just great." She said grinning slyly, I looked around at the other kids on the bus.
I could see that I was already on the most wanted list for the guys who were all glaring at me with almost crimson eyes. I really didn't care apart from the fact that still worried me: Everyone on this bus apart from me were monsters and the bus was heading to a giant creepy castle that I could get a really strong dark energy reading from. I cracked my knuckles "Maybe I could just take down the biggest guy when they attack me." I said to myself as we pulled up to the castle, I was the last one to get off then the bus driver grabbed my arm "Your in for a bit of trouble..." He said shoving me out the door then pulled out to the road, I shook my head "I really hate this idea." I thought to myself taking the cell phone from my pocket then dialing my phone number. It rung a few times then the answering machine picked up "Hi, Guys. I'm here all safe and everything so I'll talk to you on Saturday. Bye." I left as a message before hanging up the phone then shoving it back into my pocket. I walked through the giant wooden gates then walked a little closer to Raven "Umm, Is this like a vampire castle or something?" I asked really wondering but she shook her head
"Well, It might be but I'm really not too sure." She answered running through the doors, I followed her through the doors but then someone grabbed the back of my shirt. They turned me around then slammed me on the wall holding me there with one hand "Your small. How in this world did a tiny guy like you land a cutie like that?" He asked and from my eyes, I could tell that he was something like a giant. I grabbed his wrist then twisted it making him drop me to the ground, I kneed him in the gut then punched him in the face "Stop bothering me and if their is something that you want then ask the teacher. And she's not my girlfriend, She my friend." I told him walking to catch up with Raven, I looked a few yards ahead of me to see Raven getting one of the first year class sheets. "So what's the classes?" I asked looking at the wall where they pinned it, From what I could see it was a normal high school classes other then the few classes like 'Keeping Human Form - Human Customs' and a few others that I really didn't care to much to bother with. Raven jumped up and down shouting making the other students look at her "We're in the same classes!" She shouted, I grabbed her shoulder then nodded "Calm Down,Raven. A lot of the people are looking at you." I said as I stuck my hands in my pockets then started to walk toward our next class.
I had already figured out that Lord Gyro sent me to a Monster academy and that nobody cared if I had my ghoul eyes on because it was normal. With my ghoul eyes, it allowed me to blend in farther and keep tabs on everyone in the school that I seen which was perfect to the fact that I could tell what kind of monster everyone was and was ready if anybody attacked me. We got to the first class which was math, I walked in the door and thought "Perfect" as I sat in my chair which just happened to be right next to the guy that I punched in the face before coming in here. I waited for the math teacher to write the problem down, I knew that being the teacher's pet wouldn't get me far in this school so best to be the last one with my hand in the air. I waited until the teacher finished the problem, Then started to raise my hand when someone in the corner of the class shot their hand in the air "The answer is 854x^7,Sir." They finished as I looked back to see them, The one who hand was in the air was a tall skinny girl who was wearing square glasses. I was amazed that someone else in the class was able to answer the problem so quickly but I also wanted to know what kind of monster she was: After I looked at her for a few seconds before my eyes showed me what she was....a Gumiho (Demon fox with a thousand of tails)
I quickly turned my head back, It was best that I didn't catch her eyes because the last thing that I needed right now was a Demon fox following me around. The math teacher pointed to me "James, You come up here and solve this problem." He said sitting back down in his desk chair starting to write something down on a piece of paper. I nodded then started to walk from my desk, One of the guys tried to trip me back I flipped over it his leg landing right by the blackboard as I started to work out the problem. "So much, For not calling eyes to yourself....." I said to myself turning around to see that everyone in the class including the teacher was staring at me "You are correct, James. You may go back to your seat." He said wiping the board off, I nodded then sat back in my desk "All the newbies will be taking a name from the box so your partners can show you around the school grounds" I lent back in my desk with my hands behind my head, It shouldn't be too bad because that chances of getting the Gumiho as a partner was 40 to 1 in my odds.
The class ended after about 20 minutes but I just breezed right through it, At the end of the class chose half of us to pick a name out of the hat. I was one of the ones to pick so I walked to the front of the line then picked a piece of paper from the hat, I opened it to find that the name was Sarah. I raised my hand "Who's Sarah?" I asked then the Gumiho walked up to me "Hi James, My name is Sarah." I forced a smile on my face then stuck out my hand "Nice to me you." I said politely but I knew that this was going to be trouble, I didn't know what kind but I knew that it was going to be trouble. She smiled then shook my hand "Your different from the rest of the newbies....." she said to me before leaving, I nodded: I knew at once what kind of trouble it would be. I turned to Raven after Sarah left the classroom "So who did you get paired up with?" I asked walking over to her, She dropped her head as a the jock that I gave the beat down to this morning walked over to her "I'm her partner, Jerk-Face." He said laughing, I waited until the teacher left the room to punch him in the nose once again. I waved Raven out of the room then walked over to him "Stop annoying me or I'll give you a real beat down." I said darkly before walking out of the room to catch up with Raven.
I smiled at Sarah who winked at me from a crossed the hall "I get a feeling that she likes you,James." She said poking me in the side, I pushed her hand away "Stop that, You act like my sister. Besides you need to watch out for that moron of a monster that your partnered with. I should be able to deal with whatever that girl can do." I lied because I really didn't think I could beat someone that powerful or at least without using my armor. The guy that Raven was partnered with was just a over-sized moron but the one that I was partnered with was a thousand tailed demon fox which meant a lot of trouble. The school day went by with close to no problems other then Sarah kept looking at me through out the whole day "Everyone, There will be no homework for today so you can look around the school grounds with your partner. " The teacher said before leaving, Raven ran over to me "Follow me, I need your help with something before we go back to our school grounds.." She said pulling me out the door, She ran outside pulling my arm along with her. I looked around "What did you need help wit...." I started but Raven bit into my neck, I should have known better then to think that a vampire needed my help with something.
She pulled her teeth from my neck "Man, Your blood is sooo good." She said licking her lips, I nodded rubbing my neck "Good to know..Good luck with your partner,Raven." She nodded as she walked off "Yeah, Same to you James. See you later." I waved walking back into the school doors where Sarah was standing with a smile on her face "Do you see anyone around?" She asked then I started to get worried "No, Why do you as...." I replied but she slammed against a wall, I coughed “I don't really like this tour much.” I said then put her hand to my neck “I know your not no monster,James. I will prove that your not a monster...” I shook my head: I didn't really think that she was that powerful that she could read auras like me, I changed my eyes to their ghoul form then looked at her “I'm not a human, I can tell you that for sure.” I said breaking her grip then rubbing my neck, She looked at me “Fine, But I will find out what you are but for right now come on so I can show you around.” I nodded then stuck my hands in my pockets “No Attacking me again okay?” I said walking out the door then once I got out the doors, I heard a scream coming from the under side of the school. I twisted around and looking around because I still had my ghoul eyes on, I saw a large dark energy coming from three different people from behind the school.
Sarah shoved me back “Stay here!” She shouted running toward the back, I laughed “Yeah, Like I going to miss out on some action.” I said happily running around the side of the school, I got behind the school in a few seconds to see two girls backing away from a guy with large jagged teeth and claws “Wow, A Kubikajiri (Corpse-chewing graveyard spirit) He looked at me “Go away, I'm hungry!” He screamed at me but I just laughed at him “You think that I'm going to leave? Yeah right, Now get away from the girls.” He roared in anger, I smiled at him “I'll eat you first!” He said running at me, I jumped up on to a tree then he ran into a wall. From the tree, I saw Sarah along with a few people standing by her “Hi there, I'll be done here in a minute.” I shouted jumping down giving the Kubikajiri a drill kick to the center of his back, I hopped back landing a few yards behind him.
He screamed “Your going to die,Kid!” My blood boiled, Then I made a scowl “Kid?!? You are so going to die now.” I yelled as he rushed at me, I got his shirt then twisted and threw him against the school wall “I hate being called Kid!” I shouted cracking my knuckles, I stood by a tree watching as the two guys that Sarah brought with her picked the Kubikajiri then walked away, Sarah walked over to me “I guess that I was wrong about you because you took down a Kubikajiri without getting so much as a bloody lip. Here, You are now the newest member of the school guard squad.” She said handing me a small card that had my picture and name on it. “Cool.” I said putting the card in my back pocket, “See you later, I think I'll go to bed now.” I said waving to her walking back in the school, I took a piece of paper from my pocket. “Let's see.. My room number is 239.” I said putting my hands behind my head as I walked then a man in a black suit jumped out in front of me
"James, It's nice to meet you. Would you like to join the monster fighters club?" He asked sticking out his hand, I nodded then shook his hand "Sure! Monster Fighters Club sounds pretty fun so I'll join but I'm not going to go through some weird test to get in." He smiled after I finished "You passed the test already,James. You beat a second-year Kubikajiri without so much as a landed blow on yourself. We'll tell you when to come later on so just be ready." He said walking away then I just rubbed my head "That's Weird..." I said walking back to my room, When I entered some guy hanging from the ceiling
"You must be me new room mate,Mate!" He said jumping down from the ceiling landing on his feet, He walked over to me and shook my hand "I be a Warg (Giant Demon Wolf),Mate." He said cheerfully with a one long tooth exceeding over his lip, He must have saw me staring at him because he laughed then said "Most monsters have something in their human form that makes them out of the norm." He explained then I broke in "Oh I get it, For your it the tooth and for me it's this." I said turning my eyes to ghoul form, He laughed then punched at me but I dodged "You got some real good eyes, Mate. Bet you can track my moves with them eyes, Right?"
He said laughing putting his hands behind his head, I laughed "Nice to meet you, My name is James. What's your's?" I asked nodding, Then he jumped up then hung himself by his legs from the ceiling "Me name be Wag, I guess. You can take whichever bed cause I like to hang upside to sleep." He replied happily, I laughed laying in the bottom bed "Man, This school may be full of monsters but I'm more like them then anybody that I've ever met in my life." I said to myself before falling asleep. I woke up when Wag started to tug on my arm "Wake up, mate! We be needing to get to class in less then ten minutes." He yelled which was really barreling because he was Warg which means he's a giant demon wolf but even in human form he's got a super-loud voice.
I jumped up then I cracked my head on the bed "Thanks for the wake up call,Wag." I said rubbing my head and getting out of bed, Wag punched my arm "Sorry about that, Mate! But really we be needing to get to class soon." He said throwing a few books in a backpack, I nodded then threw on my shoes and picked up a few books. I switched my eyes to their ghoul form to look normal here then walked out the door along with Wag right behind me. I started walking down the hallway then I was joined a few minutes later by both Raven and Sarah "Who be the girls,James?" Wag asked then I laughed pointing to Sarah "This is Sarah who is a Gumiho and I guess my boss." I said then Sarah laughed "Don't forget it." She replied punching my shoulder, I pointed to Raven was smiling "And this is Raven, One of my best friends." I said pointing from Raven to Wag. Everyone started to talk to each other and figure out what each other was without them telling each other, I guessed that they must have gotten a kick out of the quiz shows from the human world.
I laughed as I saw the Kubikajiri guy that I pounded into the ground last night, He walked by growling with a cast on his arm, broken nose, and a black eye. "That guy looked like he got hit by a train." Raven said turning her head as the guy pasted, I grinned "Close, But it was a little worst." I muttered to myself then Raven looked around the hall, After she did she snuck over behind me and while I was talking to Wag she bit into my neck. She pulled her teeth after about five seconds but it really didn't hurt that much after all the times that she did it. Sarah and Wag didn't seem to care apart from starting to talk to Raven again "Now me guess would be you be a vampire, Are me right?" He said cheerfully, We all laughed until we reached our classroom. I walked in along with my friends to find that we were the first ones there apart from the teacher
"Good morning,Students. Your a bit early but you can wait if you want." I looked at Wag angrily "How much earlier are we sir?" I asked politely then he turned around "Well, I think your about a hour early but if you want then I could start the class for you guys then you could have a free period where this class was." He said putting a few papers in his drawer, I looked at my friends then nodded "Sounds good,Sir. If it's not too much trouble." I replied sitting in my desk, He started to write on the board "It's fine, Your some of my better students so I can weed out the better ones in the morning." He said lifting a few papers from his desk then pinning them to wall, He started to write words on the papers "These are symbols that the human world uses for different meanings." He started turning to the blackboard, I nodded laughing under my breath "Of course there would be a class where they taught you about the human world." I thought as the teacher pointed to me "James, I want you to explain what this symbol means." He said pointing to a red circle with a line through it.
I got to my feet then walked to the black board "This is a symbol for not allowed so if a picture of a dog had this over top it then it means that 'No Dogs Allowed'." I explained before sitting back in my seat “Very good,James. It seems that you know Basic Human Symbols pretty well.” He asked Wag,Raven, and Sarah to tell him what a few different symbols meant which they all answered easily, The teacher rubbed his head “You have your basic human symbols down pretty good so you may leave for the time being.” He said sitting down at his desk and waving us out of the room, I looked around after we left to find that all of the other classes were about to start. I turned to Wag who was looking around too “See I planned this from the very start,Me Lad.” He said happily as we walked by the other students, I punched him in the arm “Right, You guys want to go to the gym and play a bit until our next class?” I asked turning to look at Sarah and Raven who both nodded “Sounds good, We'll meet you there okay.” Sarah said walking off with raven somewhere.
I nodded to Wag as I looked around and found that we were the only ones left walking around "We'll see who can show off the most,Okay mate?" Wag said happily walking a few steps ahead of me, I shook my head "Sounds like fun, But do you know where the gym i...." I started then five guys walked out in front of us cracking their knuckles "This the guy who beat you up?" One of them asked making a fist, Then the guy that I beat up last night walked out from around the corner "Yep that's him, Be sure to give him a good beat down." He ordered looking at us, The other guys nodded "Right Boss...." They all said at once, I shook my head "Looks like we're going to be late to the gym,Wag." I said making a fist then Wag held me back
"I be wanting you to count to ten,Mate. But mes not think that this will take that long." He said putting his arm down, I shrugged "Alright then; One,Two,Three." I said starting to count then I saw wag rush at the guys and do a round-house kick sending all five of them flying into a locker "See? I be right, You only got to six or seven right?" I nodded while walking up by him "Well, I only got to five but that was pretty awesome...." I said turning to the Kubikajiri that was standing there in shock "Would you like a another beat down?" I asked holding up my fist, He growled then ran away "What be the history about you two,Mate?" Wag asked me as we started to walk again, I stuck my hands in my pocket "Well, Last night : I found him trying to eat a few girls so I creamed him without him laying one hand on me. That's how I got this..." I finished taking out the school guard card that Sarah gave me last night, Wag laughed "Wow, Your pretty good." He said cheerfully, I nodded "Thanks, But your really good too." I replied putting the card back in my pocket when a man in a black suit jumped in front of us, "Hello James. Hello Wag. Would you like to join the Monster Fighting Club?" He asked looking at Wag who smiled widely "I be loving to, I can't wait to fight some real fighters." He said happily as the guy in black nodded and walked away.
I patted Wag on the shoulder "Nice Job, He must have seen you put a beat down on those five guys. I'm in that club too." I told him cheerfully as we entered the gym door, I saw Raven and Sarah swinging at the top of the ceiling on ropes "Hey! Get down here you monkeys!" Wag shouted up to them and they jumped down then kicked Wag sending him flying into the patted wall "Don't Call us monkeys again, Understand?" Raven said pointing at Wag, I laughed then dodged a kick then Sarah aimed at me. "Hey, We came here to have a little fun." I said then Sarah and Raven walked in front of me cracking their knuckles with a flame in their eyes "Right, So we're going to play with you!" They shouted at the same time then kicked at me,I jumped up in time to dodge but not quick enough to dodge Raven's punch. She hit me in the gut and sent me flying into a wall "That hurt..." I said getting to my feet and cracking my neck "Alright, No more Mr. Nice guy." I said jumping over them and landing on a set of weights.
They twisted around in time to get hit with a few soccer balls in the chest. I picked up another one in each hand ready to strike again but they grabbed the soccer balls that I threw at them then shot them both back at me I turned to the just in time for the balls to miss me. I landed behind the weights after dropping the ball that I was holding "This is not going to end well....." I thought then heard a loud shout from the other side of the room "The wrath of dodge-ball!" I turned around to see Wag throwing a few soccer balls at Raven and Sarah who jumped backward and dodged, Wag ran behind the weights where I was "Let's take them down!" He yelled picking up a few dodge-balls and throwing them again but both Raven and Sarah dodged. I tapped Wag on the shoulder "Now what's our attack pla...." I started but got nailed in the gut by a ball that Raven threw, The impact sent me flying back a few yards. I crawled back forward to the weights while holding my stomach "How 'bout hitting them without getting hitting me." He replied as I tried to regain my breath, I waited until a few balls flew over top of the weights.
I grabbed them and threw them back at Raven who jumped up in the air to dodge both of them “Now Wag!” I shouted pointing at the now landing Raven, Wag grinned as he threw the soccer right at Raven “Perfect shot!” He said then a red tail appeared out of no where to catch the ball in mid-air, Both Wag and I quickly looked around to see where it came from and saw that Sarah had at least ten tails “Hey, That's cheating!” I yelled as I blocked three soccer balls that Sarah threw at me using her tails, I flipped backwards a few times then dodged to the left “Let's see here......” I said under my breath then caught grabbed another ball from the ground and smiled
“If they want to play that way.” I said quietly whiting out my eyes, Sarah threw another five balls at me but with my 'Ghoul eyes' I could see everywhere the balls were going. I easily dodged three and caught the other two “Too easy” I thought just as the bell rang, Sarah's tails disappeared and we all started to growl “Darn, Just when the getting was good.” Wag said reading my mind, I shrugged then turned my eyes back to normal “Come on, Our next class is in a few minutes.” I said rushing out the gym door followed by the rest of my friends to our next class.
Men are born without limits but learn about them throughout their years.

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25 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 1764
Reviews: 25
Sat May 14, 2011 8:43 am
IKnowAll says...

Great! I love this, when you're done you should divide it into smaller chapters, till then, keep writing! I noticed some double negatives at the beginning, though... And a few grammatical errors, but if it ends up as a book your editor can take care of that, right?
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."
-Mark Twain

Sometimes even shooting stars find wishes that miss their marks.
— TryHardNinja