
Young Writers Society

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Tue Jun 30, 2020 9:47 pm
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keystrings says...

Jeff Jonsin

Spoiler! :
Name: Jeff Jonsin, Superhero Name is Jewel

Age: 18

Gender: Cis male

Appearance: Jeff likes to wear plain clothes since they're not too expensive at outlet stores. His to-go outfit in cold weather is a nice Nike hoodie over a long-sleeve thermal with dark jeans. He has dark-brown hair he covers up with hats, brown eyes he hides with glasses sometimes, when he's not running around and is decently short for a guy.

As Jewel, he wears contacts, usually slicks back his hear to keep it out of his eyes, and wears a dark long-sleeve shirt that's a little too tight for normal wear, with pants that are basically leggings judging by how they tight they feel too.

Personality: Jeff tries his best to make friends with others, but his go-to action of laughing in awkward situations tend to alienate him from normal kids. If he feels burned by people, he gets pretty quiet and will just kind of look around, observing them instead.

As Jewel, he still laughs way too much, which is both good and bad. Good because that distracts bad guys sometimes, bad because no one takes him seriously. He's used to it though.

Background: Jeff grew up in a large family that liked to live near each other. From this, came never-ending fun and running all through the street. One day, when he was entering high school, Jeff and his cousins were playing tag in front of his house. A car had been driving by them but he didn't pay too much attention, as they were safe. Until his youngest cousin falls on a rock and twists his ankle. And another car was entering the intersection and sped up.

The next thing Jeff knew was he holding his cousin on the sidewalk, with the car driver crying by them. His family didn't know what to say besides thanking him and treating him with a sense of wonder and worry. From that day, he was different around strangers, as all he could think was whether he would be able to even save another like he had his cousin.

When Jeff hears about others having powers, he gets serious about wanting to make a difference. After graduation, he gets in contact with an old friend living in New York who claimed to have seen people running around with impossible abilities. He feels inspired and goes against his parents' plan for a normal, safe life for him.

He might as well use his powers for something like he had before. He just needs to learn control. Maybe New York will hold the key to help him.

Powers: He can run pretty fast, but only in times of chaos and necessity.

Strengths: Super speed works great when it works great.

Weaknesses: He's very awkward, tries his best to keep his "superhero" identity hidden, and often runs (*finger snaps*) into trouble when his super speed doesn't work great.
name: key/string/perks
pronouns: she/her/hers and they/them/theirs

novel: the clocktower (camp nano apr 24)
poetry: the beauty of the untold (napo 2024)

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Tue Aug 25, 2020 4:47 pm
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MaxaM says...

Keinoshi Shishigami

15 y/o

Jokes aside, he is male.

Keinoshi is quite small even for a 15-year-old, being a good few inches shorter than he should be, but that's probably due to malnourishment since most of the time he is too immersed in his studies or walking around to even bother to eat.
He is really pale since he usually only goes out at night, his eyes are of a dark brown almost black and his hair is a short dark mess.
If you see him without bags under his eyes, he's probably using make-up.

Keinoshi, or Kei for short, is an ambivert with a 0-bullshit police, having a knack for knowing when people are lying or trying to deceive him by having experience and also because he is really sensible and is good at reading emotions on people's faces due to being non-verbal for a long time and having people-watching as one of his hobbies. Actually the only thing he finds interesting about humans as a whole is the emotional range they can express and the ideas they come up with.
Kei is quite a thoughtful and diligent individual, dedicating himself to the study of the supernatural and philosophy, being quite infuriated when people deny the relevance of these subjects. He learned a lot of dead languages to be able to understand and write translated copies of works long lost on the subjects.
As someone who doesn't have very strong emotions and a has a strong sense of rationality, he has trouble understanding people and interacting in a tactful way, and most of the time he doesn't have the patience to deal with others, so he will constantly cut straight to the point unless the talk is about philosophical topics or the supernatural.
Despite all that, if you're able to interact with Keinoshi in a way he finds approachable he can be quite talkative. And if you're honest he will have no problems with lending you an ear and helping you with whatever problem you may have that he can do something to help.

Despite being from a family of supernatural experts, Keinoshi was never very talkative, and instead of doing straight-up fieldwork he is more attached to the study of theory through books and listening to tales and experiences from people on the internet to learn about aberrations and how to deal with them.
His parents never spent much time with him, since they dedicated their lives to learning and dealing with aberrations, so for a good part of his life he lived alone at one of the family's residence, and the time he spent with his parents were both valuable and traumatizing. Eventually, his parents stopped coming home, leaving him all alone.
Now, even though he stopped leaving the house, he is an expert on folklore and psychology and has a lot of potential to become a future specialist.

He doesn't have any supernatural power per see. But he can use aberrations to his benefit.

Quick at learning; thoughtful; honest; perceiving; good advisor; rational.
Has a hard time understanding sarcasm; inpatient; extremely introverted; can't deal very well with other's emotions; honest to a fault and he can't deal with formality or etiquette.

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Thu Dec 31, 2020 12:45 am
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Stringbean says...

Natalia Whitestar Dragonheart

Spoiler! :
Name: Natalia Whitestar vra Jeanarde Dragonheart

Age: Chronologically/legally:77
Biologically: late 40s to 50

Gender: Female

Appearance: A thin, gentle woman with dark, slightly wavy hair hanging to her lower back, usually French braided or pulled into a loose, bun-like updo, a few strands of gray around her temples. Dark, solemn eyes and an olive, sun darkened complexion, delicate facial features. Stands at 5'6", with an upright posture. Not muscular, but limbs firm from working. Usually wears a long, full skirt and simple cotton or linen top, plus black boots or hand made moccasins. Wears a silver band inset with sapphires and emeralds on a silver chain around her neck, always tucked beneath her shirt except when Sinestra flees the universe with it XD.

Personality: Typology: INFJ. Description: A warm, gentle, quiet woman. Tends to be empathetic and introspective to a fault. An overly dramatic internal world lol. Usually very patient and slow to anger, but also capable of being very stubborn and sometimes fiery. Personality generally underlaid with a solemnness. Can get very nervous, also irrationally tearful. Sensitive. Tends to spiral into depressive episodes now and then.

Background: Native to a small, isolationist, peaceful country called Misericord that has since been eradicated and genocided. Rose to power in the government through political activism after the early death of her parents. Overthrew own government, becoming sole leader, was then overthrown in turn, then became ruler of Belecthorian Empire for a short time before going into hiding for a year during a bloody civil war. Didn't return to rule during a second, external war that followed, in which the empire and her own country were overrun and their remaining people forced to emigrate to a new land for the next several decades. Was assassinated and returned to life via new type of surgery during this time.

Lived with her husband, Jaques vra Jeanarde for forty years in their new country, staying mostly reclusive while he continued his work in politics. Was asked by long time closest friend, King Michael Dragonheart II, to co-rule with him after his third resurrection surgery and agreed. Husband left her and it was revealed that he's actually a super villain that's been lying all this time and making everyone believe he's the good guy c:

Divorced husband, became romantically involved with Michael, and helped him with plan to lead people in escape into mountains after Jaques executed massive, catastrophic bomb attack on country. Been living there for about five years with Michael and their combined family in village people created. Has three grown children with Jaques, one dead, three adopted children with Michael, one biological child with Michael, and three step children through Michael, all dead.


Spoiler! :
Name: Limi-ithilo (Lilo)

Age: 42 (roughly equivalent to 17 in dryad terms)

Gender: Male

Appearance:5'7"; pale green, swampy colored eyes; hair like twigs full of birch leaves; his body is made of a mingling of skin and wood. Around the crown of his head, it fades into thick, oak-like bark that juts up at an angle past his ears and forehead; pointed ears, tipped with bark; his skin has a slight, greenish tint that gets much darker where it fades into wood/bark; his neck is mostly skin, but has a woody grain along the sides; running across his neck at a sharp upward angle is a thick, knotty scar (like the knot on a tree); wooden fingers; wears loose fitting earthy green and black clothing, often with a black cloak, always with a brown vest with a short, upright collar.

Personality: Friendly, caring, and quiet. Nervous person, a bit timid with other people, but very loyal and brave. Rather innocent. Pure-hearted. Very at home in nature, forests especially. Fun and laid-back once gets comfortable with someone.

Background: Lived with his mother in their village for his first four decades. Born with dark magic as well as his regular magical powers. Accident combined with his lack of control of the dark powers resulted in harm to his tribe's forest and nearly the death of another villager. Was permanently banished from his home by the tribal head. Wandered a little while before being attacked by farmers and loosing his voice. Rescued by light elf who took him to a group of dark magic users working to free an extremely powerful, imprisoned necromancer, trained him to sign, and became like his sister. Learned to control his dark magic a little better, but never used it much.

Stayed with the group until the necromancer was freed, then left with the ancient Healer Sinestra to another world. She had healed his voice once and they became close, like mother and son, then he lost it again in another attack involving a cursed blade, so the injury couldn't be healed again. Is permanently mute, but still signs and can communicate with Sinestra telepathically. Also holds part of her soul and she holds part of his, so his abilities were increased until going to the new world in another universe where magic is weak.

Powers: Can create energy force fields as shields. Run of the mill earth magic. Some telepathy. Dark magic involves manipulation and creation of poisons from the earth.
acethetic and paronoid
*waves leafy fronds*

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Wed Jan 13, 2021 7:15 am
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Riverlight says...


Spoiler! :
Name: Sinestra Oceanna Hopkins-Jones

Age: Even she doesn't know. She's old ;-;

Gender: Female

Appearance: Her appearance varies, but from now until the end of her life, Sinestra is a wrinkled, obviously ancient woman with silver-gray hair wrapped in a tight bun. She has a long aquiline nose and almond-shaped blue-green-gray eyes.She's more than 6 feet, 4 inches, carries a wooden cane with a silver handle, and is normally dressed in traveling dress robe thingies with a satchel, leather boots, and some assorted jewelry. She currently has two magical rings on hand, one owned by Natalia (@Stringbean) and Ismelda (one of my characters).

Personality: Sinestra is a wise semi-immortal with a strict set of moral, ethical, and religious codes she follows to a T. Claiming that she works for God, Sinestra tends to take the moral high ground and is (almost) always there to pull people out of messes, including the ones that they made themselves. Despite her austere and strict composure, Sinestra does have a lighter side, but it needs the perfect timing and placing too come out

Background: Sinestra was born to Oceanna Hopkins-Jones and Sylvestre the Necromaner as the eldest of three triplets, her brothers being Atticus and Carter, two lesser mages. Sinestra was raised on Earth by Protestant family from 1870 to 1885 in the state of South Carolina as her mother wanted her children to be raised separately. After her adopted parents were killed by the KKK for raising a witch after Sinestra accidentally setting Galvston, Texas on fire. Sinestra fled on foot to Boston. where she met Apollo Cartington.

Cartington, who was himself a renowned magic user, took Sinestra in as his won and brought her to his magic school, the Royal Academy of the Magical Arts, where the school staff trained, taught, and molded Sinestra. It was here that she met Deserae Winteremere (@ChamomilePendragon) for the first time, and the two became their own family of outcasts.

After tensions at the school reached a boiling point, Sinestra privately perfected her time-traveling and teleportation skills, arriving in medieval France. Alongside the Flamels, Sinestra perfected an immortality serum and also found ways to create immortality by placing parts of people's souls in one another. The Flames adopted Sinestra as heir own, and they traveled extensively through Europe, Asia, and Africa over the centuries.

As time went on, Sinestra began exploring other worlds and established a group of Apprentices to carry out her peace-keeping mission throughout the multiverses. Notable Apprentices from Earth include(d) Morgan le Fay, Merlin, Houdini, Mother Shipton, Mother Jones, Eleanor Roosevelt, and the Flamels. After her 13,000 birthday, Sinestra first came across the world of Belecthoria during its earliest days of creation. Vowing to keep Belecthoria safe, stable, and free at any cost, she took it upon herself to make Belecthoria her pet project of sorts.


Spoiler! :






Spoiler! :






Spoiler! :





The politics of the world may be corrupt, but that does not mean that we must be corrupted ourselves.

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Fri Feb 26, 2021 10:12 pm
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Spearmint says...

Spoiler! :

Nicknames: Ari

Gender: Female

Age: 15ish

Species: Human, but semi-magical

Appearance: Rather short (around 5'2") with brown hair and amber eyes.

Personality: Sarcastic sometimes, but generally a peacemaker.

Strengths/Powers: Ari's only power is conjuring up tomatoes. Yup, you read that right-- tomatoes, in varying degrees of ripeness. Other than that, Ari's good at climbing and running.

Fighting Style: Ari prefers to avoid hand-to-hand combat, although she might climb up a tree if possible and throw some unripe tomatoes.

Weaknesses: Most of the time, Ari will do anything to avoid fighting. Others might call that cowardly, but Ari calls it self-preservation.
Last edited by Spearmint on Tue Mar 30, 2021 9:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
mint, she/her

.--. / ... ...- -.-. .-.. / - .--. ..- .- / .--- --- ...- .--- / .--- --- .--. .-- / .--. .--- .-.. / .--- -.-- .-.. .... -

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Mon Mar 08, 2021 7:11 pm
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blueca says...

Spoiler! :
Name: Fabian Josiah Mayhem (Born Fabian J. Ashford)

Age: 23

Gender: Male, he/they

Appearance: He's pale, tall, and slender, with the air of a classical vampire but with a nu goth sense of style and not quite as dead looking. Fabian has short black hair that's slicked back, with longer bright white bangs. Their eyes are grey and clouded with cataracts, as they were born blind. He has a variety of simple black tattoos all over his body, most of them including eye imagery. The most notable of these tattoos are the eye on the center of their chest, the pentacle covering their upper back, and the small ankh on his right wrist. He has two peircings on his left earlobe, and one lobe peircing and an industrial bar on his right.

Personality: Fabian is a slick and cocky individual. They're also quite the narcissist. Outwardly, he acts rather laid back and carefree, but he’s willing to go to extreme lengths for personal benefit. He often thinks lowly of those around him and tends not to bother with debates as he likely already views his stance as fact. Fabian is slow to anger, but prone to holding grudges. They're very manipulative, and will try to gain social control of any situation they find themself in.

Background: They've distanced themself from family connections, as far as changing their surname. He has worked as a paranormal investigator before, but has shifted his focus to jewelry making and works as an apprentice jeweler.

Powers: Fabian can see from any eyes around them. This includes people, animals, pieces of art, and their own tattoos. The only eyes he cannot see from are his own. There is a very faint crimson glow from any inanimate eye used. Fabian is aware of the position of any usable eyes in his range of about 30 feet, but not what or who they belongs to.

Spoiler! :
Name: Cerulian

Age: Ze doesn't keep track

Gender: Non-biney, ze/zir/zirself

Appearance:Image (IC: aloha sushicore on Picrew)

Personality: Cerulian is a thrill seeker at zir core. Ze has experienced some of the most wild things the multiverse has to offer, so ze jumps at any chance to try anything new or exciting. Cerulian is very impulsive and chaotic, often causing a stir just because it's fun and ze can get out of it without consequence. Ze posesses lot of knowledge and insight, but tends to keep zir thoughts to zirself unless the situation calls for it. Cerulain has difficulty forming long-term relationships because of zir immortality and nomadic lifestyle.

Background: Zir race was cursed to eternally living split between dimensions and universes, never fully or consistantly existing in a single space. Cerulian learned how to use this to zir advantage and now skips all across space, time, and the multiverse, trying to find anything fun or interesting to brighten up zir existence. Cerulian has made many aquaintences across zir travels, but ze hasn't been permanant enough to make a friend.

Powers: Ze's near constantly fading and drifting between realities. Cerulian can concentrate zir being into a certian point temporarily in an aproximation of a typical physical form. Zir appearance reflects how present ze is in a space, being translucent or see-through most of the time since ze isn't completely in that given reality. This also affects how Cerulian can be physically interacted with. Most of the time, a regular human would be able to walk right through Cerulian with only slight resistance, as if moving in a liquid. While it takes a lot of energy to completely exist in one place, ze can choose all the places ze is occupying. Typically ze is only in one place with other beings at a time, since zir movements are the same across all realities. Cerulian can "teleport" in a way by removing zirself from a reality then re-entering that reality at a different point. Ze can time travel in the same way, but isn't as good at that.
i can't beleive it's not gender!
my name is the same as my user, or you can call me jan Laso!

romance makes me uncomfortable, please don't.

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Mon Mar 15, 2021 10:49 pm
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Pokeberry111 says...

Lee Mayo

Spoiler! :
Nicknames: Lee

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: Fifteen

Species: Stayr

Appearance: Brown hair when human/ blond when in Stayr form, he has pale skin and green eyes, more goat-like teeth, short, small chubby horns protrude from his head in Satyr form.

Personality: Chill, laidback, nice, understanding, smart

Strengths/Powers: Walking on ledges and not falling

Fighting Style: Kicking, or bitting anywhere, more in his Satyr form

Weaknesses: His horns and tail

Brief History: Parents are supportive, has a friend called Peach,

Other: He likes ducks and fish
"If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can't hear them anymore." -Michele Ruiz
Berry/Lu's the name
Berry's Google Doc Books ^^

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Tue Apr 06, 2021 5:51 pm
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King15Mori says...

Name: Dorian Maddock

Age: 14 - 23

Gender: male

Appearance: Nose length curly brown hair, Carmel colored skin,slightly slanted black eyes, full lips, slightly muscular build, 5,11<- height.

Personality: Extremely analytical and has a tone of game sense. Quiet and smart, gets bored easily and keeps so himself. Not very empathetic towards others. Embarrassed easily, likes pain. know it all.

Spoiler! :
Background: An Orphan, whose parents died when on an scuba trip to uncover a new species of fish and were dragged and drowned when their boat driver pulled off without them, forgetting they were there due to his dementia.

Powers: undecided//

Strengths: His wit and ability to shrink into the background.

Weaknesses: His strength which is a last resort and his Indifference
The High Elves talk of perfection, but they are a complicated people...I should know, for I am their King, but that is a secret between you and me. To everyone else, this one is simply Mori a noble of the high elven court. :wink:

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Sun May 23, 2021 8:37 am
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SoullessGinger says...

Roleplays used in: The Land of the Eternally Bound (if you are currently participating in that one, and you want Lyrth’s backstory to remain a secret for you to discover over the course of the story, don’t read this XD)
Spoiler! :


Zolyrth Dustkarn (He goes by Lyrth)


He’s not really sure, but probably eighteen or nineteen




Lyrth is 5’11”, wearing fantasy-esque black leather armor and a deep gray-blue cloak, clasped at the throat with a small raven broach. The right side of his face is marked by a deep scar running from his eyebrow down to the neck of his armor and disappearing beneath his clothes. His skin is a dark gray, almost metallic but not quite, and his irises are a luminescent lavender. They’ve seen too much for one who has only been alive for so long. His hair is white, and reaches just past his shoulders in waves. There are braids and beads woven in it, giving him an odd look as the beads catch the light and reflect it elsewhere. His ears take on an elven shape, and sport an assortment of gold piercings. On the palms of his hands are strange tattoos that seem to have been done by an amateur. Across his back is strapped a long double bladed scimitar of some shimmering unknown metal. Build-wise, he’s very strong, but lean, as if more accustomed to dodging and dancing with his blade, rather than direct strikes and blunt force.


Lyrth is very charismatic, and fond of sarcasm. He loves music and sings often (A wonderful excuse for me to write ballads). He dislikes speaking about himself and his past (hehee) but tries his hardest to make others feel protected and that they can trust him. Other bits and pieces: He’s incredibly determined to reach his goals, and what he values the most is his freedom, those he loves, and beautiful things.


(Lyrth here was originally a DnD character that I converted to roleplay, so his backstory is heavily impacted by the DnD universe) Lyrth is a dark elf (aka drow) and was born to House Dustkarn in Menzoberranzan in the Underdark. House Dustkarn is the seventeenth house of Menzoberranzan so his family life was chaotic as Matron Dustkarn struggled to bring up their standing. At the young age of ten, he was captured by a band of slavers smuggling their victims through the Underdark and taken. He was then sold to The Crimson Arena, which is a gladiator arena. He grew up fighting and learning the politics of battle. He had two people he was close to: Velda Torfang, a half-orc girl who loved to sing and was like a sister to him, and Marigold, a curmudgeonly old warrior who taught the two of them to fight. Whe Marigold was killed protecting the two of them in melee combat, Velda was gravely injured and just before she died, her body disappeared in a puff of black smoke, leaving nothing but her precious family ring and a raven feather behind. Lyrth then poured all his energy into buying his freedom from the arena so he could discover what happened to Velda and if she was still alive, find her. When he turned sixteen, he was approached by an anonymous sponsor, who promised him exclusive weapons training and the opportunity to buy his freedom in exchange for one favor; to assassinate Morcanthil the Boar, an up and coming young knight in a battle tournament. Lyrth battled with this moral quandary, but eventually made up his mind to get out of the arena above anything else. He succeeded and was granted his freedom. But when the sponsor was discovered to be behind Morcanthil’s death, the law came after Lyrth. He spent the next three years running from the law and making money as a bounty hunter while searching for any clues to Velda’s disappearance.


He has a few hereditary magical gifts, like summoning starfire globes of light, and a sphere of darkness to fight in, but nothing much else. He also has magical tattoos on his palms; the left symbol enhances his dark vision, and the right is a blood oath to find out what happened to Velda. Other than that, he fights physically. Lyrth is a fearsome opponent when using his prized double-bladed scimitar, his lone companion and most trusted friend, who's gotten him through many a brutal battle.


Lyrth has an excellent singing voice, is very charismatic, and has almost no trouble getting along with people (it was necessary in the arena, to charm the guards and audience for food, medical treatment, and safety outside of the ring itself). He is very kind to those who deserve it, and tries his best to see the good in things.


Lyrth holds a MEAN grudge. He only considers you worth risking his life for if he truly believes you are someone he can trust. He can be incredibly cruel and rarely shows mercy to his enemies, even when he has the opportunity to. He’s not very patient and extremely driven. For physical weaknesses, he has trouble seeing in the sunlight, as he has not evolved genetically to see in the sunlight. Also, his right ankle has been broken twice and is weaker than his left.

P.S. Remember to do at least one nice thing for yourself today! I’m glad that you’re alive :)
[call me ell, or ellen, or Soulless, or Ginger, the list goes on]

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Fri Dec 02, 2022 7:28 pm
ccarson says...

Spoiler! :

Name: Cleo Carson

Age: 27

Personality: Calm, cool, collected. Shy around strangers.

Appearance: Tall | One eye green, other eye purple | Black hair | Has a pair of tan wings with darker speckles.

Gender/Pronouns: She/Her

Weapon(s)/Tool(s): Glock 19(9 mm hollow-point), 3A ballistic vest, Baton, Flashlight, Radio, First-Aid kit

Other: Her wings can slide into slits on her back, folding neatly against her spine. It's how she hides them. Corporal for the [REDACTED] County Sheriff's Office.

Originally From: Maximum Ride (Non-Canon, fanfic universe)
Corporal Cleo Carson

Bucklin County Sheriff's Office

Cleo Carson and Bucklin County are purely fictional

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Sun Feb 26, 2023 8:40 am
JasmineFelicia says...

Spoiler! :
Name: Edmund (Ed) Forrester

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Appearance: His hair is a sort of muted blonde, and he has gray eyes. He usually wears fluffy sweaters that are easy to hide in.

Personality: He's a pretty soft person. He's very level-headed, however. He's also an optimist in the sense that he believes there is always hope. He's also very friendly, and bouncy.

Background: His mom works as a pilot, and he often doesn't see her for long stretches of time. His father used to work. . . Dubious jobs, but now has settled down with his family. They're a really lovely family, honestly. That's if you ignore the fact that Eds sister died a while back. That he hallucinates her and believes she's still there. His parents don't mention this, but his older brother detests him for it.

Powers: N/A

Strengths: I'm unsure if this counts as a strength, but being healthy? Other than hallucinating his sister and not fully grieving that, he's really good at finding a proper place to vent, and how to help others cope with things. I think in a writing world that's a strength-? Other than that - he's good at talking to people!

Weaknesses: He's probably too trusting at times. He's hesitant to assume the worst of a person, because, he thinks, maybe, they just need a friend?

Name: Calvin Amirten

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance:He has bright red hair, green eyes. Will wear anything he finds in his closet, but always ends up dressing as if for an occasion.

Personality: Really excited guy who likes making jokes. Really likes trying to help people. Is very encouraging to those around him. Will not hesitate to do things that need to be done.

Background: TBD(Angst)

Powers: TBD

Strengths: Tries helping people, this sort of makes him outgoing and willing to put himself out there more

Weaknesses: He struggles with self-confidence, honestly might expend himself go the point of exhaustion

Name: The Narrator

Age: ?

Gender: ?

Appearance: None

Personality: likes breaking fourth walls, talking to the audience, or being sarcastic

Background: ?/None

Powers: Occasionally interjecting in Calvin or Ed's (or any of their characters) stories

Strengths: Knows a lot

Weaknesses: Angsty but gets too attached to characters
Hi, the name is Jasmine, but you can call me Jaz! Nice to meet you :D !

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Mon Aug 14, 2023 5:56 pm
NadyaStatham says...



Spoiler! :
Names: Lorenzo Rodrigo
Nickname >> Enzo
Age: 19
Gender/Pronouns: He/Him

Appearance: He has a tall lean frame, with black hair that slightly hides his face. He has a slit in his eyebrow. He has a Hispanic-Italian looking face with blue eyes. He has a visible scar on his right upper arm from cutting a vein on a piece of scrap metal when he saved his sister from falling on it and it going through her head. He has a sharp jawline. He usually wears black T-shirts and jeans or a black hooded sweatshirt.

Personality: Has a deep voice, is friendly. Waits for people to make conversation or prefers to be alone. Hates people chewing loudly or in his ear, dislikes chewing gum and is on a cola diet. Poor at maths but loves history, probably top of the class in history and geography. Likes to be left alone and loves to draw when he is in his own world.

Other: He lives with his strict, disciplined father and his beautiful 21-year-old sister. His sister, Raquel, has failed several times in two grades and is now only one grade above him. The reason for Raquel's failure will be revealed later on. His father has given his sister one more year at school. If she fails again, he will not be happy. His father wants him to study hard and become a doctor, but this is completely against Lorenzo's wishes.


Spoiler! :
Real Name: Raquel Rodrigo
Nickname >> Raquecita
Age: 21
Gender/Pronouns: She/Her

Appearance: She has black hair that reaches just under her shoulder and slightly hides her face. He has a nice posture and a slit in her eyebrow. She has a fearless looking face with blue eyes. She usually wears black Tops and jeans or a black hooded sweatshirt.

Personality: Has a cold voice, is not so friendly due to past problems. Dislikes making conversations with people and likes to be alone. Hates people chewing loudly or in her ear, dislikes chewing gum. Poor at History but loves maths.

Strengths: Working with a weapon, Fighting, Determined, Brave, Left-handed, Knife fighting, Leadership.

Weaknesses: Her brother, Lorenzo. Loyalty, Penetrating, Hot temper, Claustrophobia, Snakes.

Backstory: She lived with her strict, disciplined father and her younger 15-year-old brother, Lorenzo. Raquel had failed several times in two grades and was now only one grade above Lorenzo. Her father had given her one more year at school. If she failed again, he would not be happy. Her father wanted Lorenzo to study hard and become a doctor, but this was completely against Lorenzo's wishes.

She has a hot temper and thinks she's not good with little children because she lost her mother at a young age and her father wasn't a great parent.


I feel like if I was the mafia I’d leave a voicemail.
— Tuckster