
Young Writers Society

Watercolor art dump

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Sat Dec 22, 2012 7:42 pm
xXTheBlackSheepXx says...

So! I really wanted to get back into traditional art and it's taking me a bit to get used to all of it, haha! There is no "undo" button on paints unfortunately x)

And my ink and pens from Japan are ordered and on their way! woot woot! Have a safe trip guys, lol. You will have a loving home. x)

First picture is a character of mine I've been envisioning for a while called Black Fury. She's 17 and is a deadly archer! She's supposed to have black hair, but it's hard to get deep shades of watercolor so it's brown. Fury has magical powers, but is paranoid and afraid of them due to some mistakes she's made in her past. So she sticks to the typical way of fighting with weapons.


this is a watercolored fairy thing... did you know that mixing colors is kinda hard and that your reds will turn out hot pink?? cuz they do. digitally edited.


random dude with watercolor...


same dude with a different pose. (pink is supposed to be dark red, LOL)


thanks for looking, everyone! Happy holidays :)
The bad news is we don't have any control.
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-Chuck Palahniuk

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Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:31 pm
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Twinkle4ever says...

Woweee! You painted these!! I couldn't paint anything without going out of the lines. You're awesome! All you need to work on are the proportions. Well, not exactly. It's just the hands. I've noticed in the first three paintings that the hands are a bit small. I know, there's no undo button in actual painting.But other than that, they're all pretty cool. The first one looks like an abstract painting. you could add different shades of a single coloring in the background to give it more of that absract effect. The second one: the fairy's cute. And I'm in love with her dress. You're best when it comes to style! =P You did a great job digitally enhancing it. It actually looks like she's in flight rather than someone drawn in empty air.
The third one: It's so hard to shade like that for me. You've given perfect dark and light strokes in this one.
The fourth one: NOW FLAWS! love it!! :)
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Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:52 am
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Alteran says...

I hate Watercolors! Kudos to you for actually working with them cause I think they're a pain.

As Twinkle stated, there are some proportion issues. It's more obvious in the first one. Her arm is extremely long. At least it comes off that way. Part of that is also because her torso seems a bit long. Not by much. I notice this because of the arm. The distance from the shoulder to the elbow is what I think is throwing me off. It just seems a little too long.

The third and fourth are my favorites. I Just love them.

I wish I could see the second one without the digital work done. I have a few tips on mixing water colors, but I need to see the color it turned into before I start babbling nonsense.

I enjoy these very much and best of luck on future watercolor adventures. It is a skill I envy for sure. I cant even make a proper looking stick man in water colors.
"Maybe Senpai ate Yuka-tan's last bon-bon?"
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Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:12 pm
xXTheBlackSheepXx says...

Thanks guys for the great reviews! They were very helpful! ^_^
The bad news is we don't have any control.
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-Chuck Palahniuk

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Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:10 am
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shiney1 says...

Dang, you are pretty good with these. I can't use watercolors to save my life...

So I don't really have anything constructive to say that has not yet been said already, but I have to say that I think the last one is the best :D
"If you ever have a problem don't say 'Hey God I have a big problem.' Rather 'Hey Problem... I have a big God and it's all going to be okay."

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Sun Jan 13, 2013 5:55 am
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ERZA says...

Well, you've got such nice pics in there. And I know it has been such a tough work for you to paint them. I love water colour simply because they are easy to wash off if they stain your clothes LOL...actually I worked my ass off for five years before starting to love them and the best thing is after it has dried, you can always correct little mistakes here and there.
The first one is so cool. I love the pose! Although you could darken the eyes with a fine lining pen or something to spice it up! :) Then again, the rest of them are pretty much okay...And yeah, love that guy too and its not that bad since I am used to seeing water coloured drawings of dark red-turned pink and it looks good on the guy too.... :D
Always and Never are two words to always remember never to use.

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Sun Jan 13, 2013 10:18 pm
xXTheBlackSheepXx says...

Thanks for the input, shiney!! :D

And Erza, I'm beginning to love watercolors as well ^_^ They look simple to begin with, but only when you start working with them do you realize how difficult they can be! But once I am getting the hang of it, I'm finding I love watercoloring. First of all, they are pretty cheap to buy, and secondly, they can be pretty quick to color with too haha. And yeah, they don't stain either! :)

Thanks everyone for the reviews!
The bad news is we don't have any control.
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-Chuck Palahniuk

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Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:50 am
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FermentingFruit says...

Congrats Sheep, you have the honor of being my first review for the race (Which I will probably lose though)

These were all really good, and a lot better than I could do, but I do have a few nitpicks. However, they're mostly with just the first and second one. Like the others above me said, there were a few proportion issues that could be fixed. With the first one also, I thought the colors were pretty bland. It's just all brown and tan, and I understand that's a lot of clothes, but I don't know, I just didn't really like it. My main issue with these were the eyes. I noticed the eyes were a little differently sized, and on the second one, they had different gradients. Not like I could do any better, but just what I thought. You did really good with the eyes on the third one though, and I thought those last two were really good, even if he was wearing pink lol. Really great Sheep, especially with watercolors. I'll make sure to get to a lot more of your other works for the race :)

Hoped these helped,
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Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:49 am
xXTheBlackSheepXx says...

I am so honored! :D And good luck!!

Thanks so much for your opinions! You're right, I should've done a little better on the eyes :) I'll be sure to look up some good references and really work that area next time. That review was very helpful, thanks again!
The bad news is we don't have any control.
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-Chuck Palahniuk

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Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:48 am
Cspr says...

Okay, so I'm a fan of DIY watercolor (see: acrylics with various amounts of water mixed) which is what I used for most of the stuff I do now, which is something I might suggest for you to try out.

Here's what I gleamed:

Hands are the size of faces. I know. It's weird. But they are.

The first girl's neck looks broken and the shadowing is a bit not good. The hair is fantastic. But the neck is wonky. The eyes are obviously different sizes. The face is shaped as if you're seeing her straight on, but I believe her neck is meant to be turned. Work on darkening the eyes and applying more shadowing. Her arms are held in ways me, with my Joint Hypermobiliy Syndrome, cannot manage.

My suggestion? Unless you were going for objective abstract (see: most things I do), I'd say draw skeletons before you draw bodies. Use them for reference until you get a better hang of watercolors. Because how her body is twisted makes me hurt. And, as another person mentioned, it's all rather brownish. It reminds me of The Orange Meal Incident. Also, the boots could use some flair.

As for the fairy girl, my eyes are a bit messed up right now and OMG she hurts them. -whimpers- I mean, not your fault, but all the hot colors in the world, yo. Btw, the clash of red amidst it all sort of bothers me. Better job with the face and neck, but some work could be done. The lower arms and hands are funy, too. Your hair is of course fantastic. But, um, the digital parts of the drawing are really obvious and sort of clash again. So, um, work on that? Love the clothes, though, especially the top. -purrs-

Like this guy better. Head looks good, neck is better, but he reminds me of the older guy I know who had his arm in a cast for too long when he was growing and now has a man's body and little boy's lower arm. O.o So.

Third image is also good, but work on facial feature proportions, skeletal line up, how the neck muscles work (see: shouldn't be that stark), his shoulders shouldn't really be that rolled forward, and oh my gosh his shirt is crooked.

Note: I'm more than a little OCD (seriously) so take everything I say with a grain of salt, of course.

My SPD senses are tingling.

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Sun Jan 27, 2013 3:44 pm
crossroads says...

Hey :3

I just thought of stopping by and saying a few words, though I see you already got feedback..

They are all pretty good, you actually managed to make amazing details in watercolour, how big are this pictures?

As people have already said, the proportions are a bit off. You should watch that the hand and the face are about the same size (of course, in different shapes as they are), and in the first picture of the random dude, his shoulders are too low. You did the neck well, and then pushed them too much down when drawing the hoodie.
As for deep colors, you should use ink. It goes marvelously with watercolours, and you can make details be more visible with it ;)

I liked the last picture the best ^^

I hope I sad something useful, I must admit I didn't actually read other people's reviews so I can't tell if I just repeated what someone has already said..
In any case, keep drawing, I like your style :3

Kind regards as always,
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Sun Jan 27, 2013 4:25 pm
Rydia says...

It's been a while since I reviewed any artwork other than my sister's but I saw watercolour in the title and simply could not resist. Watercolours have always been one of my favourite media!

1. Fury is standing in a very strange pose! She looks very unbalanced and that goes against the statement that she is an archer. I also think the boot on the right (the viewer's right) needs some more work. The left one is very nicely formed and has lovely shading, but the one on the right looks a little awkward! A bit too long and too narrow I think.

My other comment is for her arms. The one on the left is too hidden by hair and it doesn't look much like an arm because of this. You should be able to see at least some of the peach of the skin through the hair.

In general though, I like it. The hair and face are my favourite parts, though there's something slightly awkward in the placement of her neck/ head? But it's a good concept and she seems like a cool character.

2. I like this one a lot! She looks very sad/ tired and the vibrancy of the colours really helps to make this piece feel a little magical. I think the back leg is a little bit off. Perhaps the shoe is smaller than the other and the leg a little more stiff and shorter? The design of the boots and the clothing in general are great though, really nice blend of Victorian/ fantasy.

3. This one's also good! His arm gets a little thin/ short toward the end but I love the hair and face and other than that you've done a good job on the proportions. Plus I like the pink xD

4. Not much to comment on here either. Nice, smooth lines and good proportions. I would perhaps say the neck is a little thick but good work on the shading and nicely done!

Thanks for sharing. I think the first was a much poorer example of your work than the others, but you quickly pulled it back. The third and fourth are my favourites. Keep it up!

Heather xxx
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

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Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:56 am
morgansboss says...

First Painting: Love her stance! The only thing is that you can't really tell the difference between her left and her right arm-warmer-thing... Maybe you should try making the colors more contrasting... like her skin lighter, clothes darker? Just a thought. (Oh, and her left foot as well... the angle is a bit off. When drawing it, imagine she's standing on a actual surface. That always helps me)

Second Painting: I love the detail and the color choice... The only thing that bugs me is the length of her legs... Try making the top part of her leg (above the elbow, mostly under the skirt) longer. So maybe you should try either making her skirt longer or have more leg showing underneath?

Third Painting: ahhh! Love this! It's so... realistic. But in a non-realistic way? Haha, I don't know how to explain it but it's cool. The only thing is his arm. It's almost like a opposite problem from the leg problem in Painting #2: the top part of the arm is fine but the bottom part is too small, in both length and bulkiness.

Fourth Painting: No suggestions besides maybe adding a bit more to the image. I love the creases on his hoodie- clothing wrinkles have always been the hardest part of drawing people to me, and you did very well.

Good job :)

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