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Photos at the beach ^_^

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Sat Mar 07, 2009 6:15 am
Nutty says...

This is quite addictive, isn't it?

My second attempt at photography ^_^

Well, I took my camera to my Aunt's wedding, which was at a local beach. I ended up taking more photos of the beach then the people (whoops).

There are people in some of them (unavoidable, unfortunately) but this is some of the better ones:

We had to cross this- I was a little paranoid about falling and breaking my camera 0.o

From above the beach





To give you an idea of the scale



...Okay, okay, I'll stop. >.<;
It's not easy having a good time. Even smiling makes my face ache.

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Sat Mar 07, 2009 9:38 am
Shauni says...

Hi there! Really cool photos.
And don't worry, I think you probably gave a better use to the camera by taking pictures to the beach then to the people in the wedding.
Now the actual review:

Photo 6: My favourite and it looks like a kind of professional photo, not so random like that.
Photo 7: It nice but nothing that much, even so, just to know the scale.
Photo 8. Lovely too and because it has that doodling on the sand in the left corner on the picture it gives and harmonious look.
Photo 9: Again, it's harmonious and the image it's really pretty, all the three (7,8 and 9) are well proportioned. I see you respect the 2/3 rule. Nice!

You might be wondering why didn't I review the other photos?! Because they are kind of random pictures and these were the ones that called me the attention for being a slightly more professional, but all of your pictures are great. But the first five look just if you were showing the beach to us, like "I've been there. Right over there is that kind of river and them....".
Great work!
Keep capturing images!

Really nice for a second time :D!


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Sat Mar 07, 2009 9:50 am
Lava says...


So let's looka t these, from photography as an art point of view.
Most of these don't strike me. They are quite your usual "Oh, I've been here" pictures.
Here are somethings which I liked

3rd: It's nice. Try tweaking it on photoshop to get the plant to be in focus, making the background a little blurry and invcrease the contrast. Should look good that way.

6th: Just for the sheer size of that rock. It's a nice pic, even otherwise. The kind of pictures you might see on a calendar/magazine. You could enhance its colours ythough.

7th: Would have been a great pic if the lighting, contrast and coulours and saturation were tweaked a bit. It's a nice concept.

So yes, I know photography is quite addictive :)

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Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:53 pm
Lost_in_dreamland says...

Wow. New Zealand/ American/ Canadian/ wherever you live beaches are very different from British beaches. xD

I really like these pictures.

Anyway, I have to go and get some lunch, but I shall come back and review, just bug me until I do so. xD
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Sat Mar 07, 2009 4:20 pm
beckiw says...

Hey Nutty!

Back to review your next set of photies :)

I should point out that I am not a huge fan of beach photographs or photographing at the beach lol

1. Its sort of boring I guess :s There aren't many interesting lines to look at it's all very horizontal. However I do like the path of water leading from the bottom of the frame and out into the sea. That is good. Leading the eye through the photograph.

2. I quite like this one. I feel like the plants in the foreground are mimicking the rocks in the background. Again you are trying to chop up the photography by using different fields and that is good thinking :) I wouldn't say it was an outstanding photo though and I think I would prefer focus on the plants because they are a tad fuzzy.

3. I'm not sure if I like this one or not. I like the idea I can see behind it but I don't like how the plant cuts across the frame in the centre. Perhaps if you have it to one side, so it was more framing the shot rather than being the focus of the shot.

4. This photo has some interesting framing potential and lines in it but the background view sort of lets it down for me. You have the plant framing to one side which I quite like (it seems to be a habit of yours :P) and you have this sort of path of water which leads the viewers eye down to the sea which is good. It just doesn't quite all work together.

5. I like the waves crashing that you have caught in this photo but it is a bit of a generic beach photo I'm afraid and doesn't have your usual depth to photos that I like.

6. This is one of my favourites of the bunch. I love the looming cliff to the left of the frame. I like the angle you have on this. Had you taken the photo front on it wouldn't have been as interesting but the angle makes this photo. Good Job!

7. This one is kind of fun. Whenever I am supposed to take photos of people at a party I tend not to and find something else to photograph. Like how you said you did lol I like in this photo how you have captured the kids playing and messing around. It's a good photo :)

8. I like the idea behind this photo. Again you are chopping up your fields. Having something in the foreground and then in the far background. But I just think there is too much space inbetween lots of sands and sea and nothing really. So I don't think it quite works.

9. I like this photo too. Perhaps I just don't like sea photos because to me the sea is boring and horizontal and has no great lines lol The light on the right handside of the photo is a little weird kid of hazy but I love the light on the left hand side of the photo. I also like the sea coming in at the bottom of the photo it makes it more interesting.

Good job with the photos! At least you are thinking about how to make the photos more interesting and have better lines and sometimes here you were sort of thinking about the viewer and how to lead them through the photo. I say that but you may have done this all automatically and not realised. That is what I do lol I never realise I'm composing I just do it.

Again keep photographing! :) Hope I wasn't too harsh!

PM me if you have any questions.

Bex x

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Sat Mar 07, 2009 6:40 pm
elizajoe says...

Really cool photos, love the detail and crispness.

Photo 1: I love how you can see where the water has sort of eroded the sand. The rocks are really cool too. But it's a little blurry.

Photo 2: The rocks in the distance are cool, and the contrast between the plants and the water looks awesome.

Photo 3: I like how the plant bends in the wind, it looks so graceful.

Photo 4: The water flowing across the beach is nice.

Photo 5: Kind of boring, just looks like you took a picture of the water.

Photo 6: Those cliffs are awesome, and I like the fact that the cliffs are sharp and crisp, but the grass is soft.

Photo 7: Those cliffs must be huge! I love the fact that it looks like the little kids are trying to push over the rock.

Photo 8: I like how you captured the detail of the sand, water, horizon, and sky. But I wish you would have done more of the sky.

Photo 9: I like this one, the stone in the middle looks kind of like a Chia pet. But too much of the rocks are in shadow.
I am a traveler coming to a crossroads
Searching for a signpost
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I am baby bird in the nest
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Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:31 pm
Rosendorn says...

Hiya Nutteth!

Hmm, this will be a hard critique. Just the pictures I feel could use some improvement:

Third picture- I feel like the reeds could have been framing the scene a bit more, Right now they cut into the landscape a lot, and that tinny little hint of one is a bit distracting. ;) Put things more off to the side in future pictures.

Fifth- Cut some more sky dear. ^_^ Then it becomes a picture of the water and the rock, and we know where to look.

Seventh- Put the kids more to the right so we don't have so much empty space there. ^_^ Makes the picture less "airy."

Eighth- I would crop this picture so the sky is on it's own, as is the sand. It would make things less blank in the middle. ;)

Nice work Nutty! Post more soon? :P

Questions? PM me.

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Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:39 pm
Musicaloo7311 says...

Gorgeous photos, in my opinion! As I told you, I'm no pro in photography. I'll just let you know my favorites: 1 and 3. The focus could use some work, but quite good for a newcomer!
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Sun Mar 08, 2009 12:15 am
Insomnia says...


I know nothing about photography, so I can't really give you anything constructive here, but I had to post and tell you that I think they all look really good. I think the second one's my favourite, though. They're all interesting. Plus, you promote New Zealand. xD Because we really need more tourists to come over here and hog our beaches. *nods*

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