
Young Writers Society

Thanksgiving at the Beach

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Sat Feb 23, 2008 4:59 pm
omgafilangi says...

So on the computer it seems my black and white looks washed out, so I thought I'd put a few of my color pictures on here. These are a few I took while at the beach (there are TONS more but I didn't want to scan all of them). Again, this was with my trusty old Pentax with color film instead. (you have to click on them to see what they really look like...otherwise they look blurry)

Used my zoom lens for this one

Another zoom

I love how you can see the moon over the water :)

Yes, the cliche footprints on the sand picture...I couldn't resist!

I just like the lighting


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Sat Feb 23, 2008 5:04 pm
Teague says...

*waves* Hello again!

Ooh, pretty colour.

The first and fourth ones are my favourites. Something about abandoned human structures and footprints in sand gets me every time, whether it's cliche or not. xD

I'd really like the second one if that power line wasn't in the way, but I guess you can't help that. I do like how the cattails are right up in your face, and you have to change your focus to see them properly.

Third one, OMG ocean. *melts* Haha, I'm a total sucker for peaceful shots of the ocean. And lol at the tiny moon. I personally don't like the bit of sand in the corner -- there should either be more or less of it -- but it looks fine with it there. *shrug*

Random note on the fourth one -- maybe you could crop the photo and focus more on the footprints? Right now it seems like they're not the focus of the photo.

Ow... the lighting on the fifth one hurts my eyes. But my eyes are kinda sensitive, so don't mind me. ^^ I kind of like the contrast? Haha, I'm on the fence about that one. =P

Nice photos!

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"Teague: Stomping on your dreams since 1992." -Sachiko
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Sat Feb 23, 2008 5:47 pm
Azila says...

1. I (like Saint) like the abandoned structure here. The water in the background and the brush in the foreground give a very immersed-in-nature type feel.

2. Again, the immersed feel. When I look at this one I feel like I'm a little animal of some sort, hiding in the weeds to observe the humans from a safe distance. ^_^ I think I can see the moon in this one too--or is that the sun? I think this one is neat, but what would it look like if you were focused on the grass and let the town be out of focus? I think that might be an interesting experiment.

3. I don't really like this one. (sorry) it feels a little TOO serene for me. I think there's too much sky. It would be more interesting if there was more sand, methinks.

4. Haha, very cliche! but well done nonetheless. I think there's a little too much sand and I would like to see more water, but I'm not sure that's possible.

5. This one is perfect! I love it, and don't think there's anything you can do to improve it. The silhouetted grass is just gorgeous.

Sorry if this wasn't very helpful, you've got some really nice photos here!


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Sat Feb 23, 2008 9:03 pm
scotty.knows says...

Most excellent. I tend to like color photos more than B&W anyway, so this was alright.

1st one: Very quaint. The angle and the colors make it look like a shot out of Better Homes and Gardens. I'm not particularly fond of the grass sticking up in front of the little patio thing- it looks a little messy- however, it does add a certain carefree element to the picture. I like this one. Many different facets to observe.

2nd one: Again, the blurred grass is a little distracting. It might just be the lighting of the shot, but it makes my eyes hurt. Not my favorite, this one. The background is busy, the foreground is busy, and so is the part in the middle.

3rd one: I like the moon out over the water, but it's fairly hazy and I didn't even notice the moon was there until I read the description. Maybe you could try taking it another time with the moon closer to the horizon and with higher zoom? Just an idea. It's very pretty though, as seascape pictures go.

4th one: I really like this one, actually. As cliche as "footsteps in the sand" are, the angle makes it less cliche. The people off in the background make it less cliche. The pier way back there is enchanting. I like this one, also.

5th one: I know most people don't like shots like these, but I really love dark landscapes against the evening sky. Here, the blurry grass works for me, with the way the stalks are blurred out, leaving the heads floating up there by themselves. This one is definitely my favorite. Spectacular.

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Sun Mar 02, 2008 6:18 am
Lucky_Author says...

Those are pretty good! You were celebrating Thanksgiving there? Wow, you're lucky. Anyway, back to you're photos.The 2nd and 3rd pictures weren't my favorites. They were good, don't get me wrong, I just think that they were too bland. Those pictures would look better if there was more in it, but not too much more, or else it will look clustered. I love the other ones, though. Especially the first one.

Keep on doing what you're doing

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If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.
— Henry David Thoreau, "Walden"