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Thu Dec 04, 2008 8:41 pm
Tabithalillian says...

Ok, I bet some of you are just fed up with twilight but I saw the movie and I thought it was a terrible sin casting Kristin Stewert and Taylor Launter as bella and jacob black. Here is one of my drawings that I did of how I pictured them! This is just one of my doodles but I am soo open to any critisim or tips any one would have for me! (and yes I know, im not all that good!)
Living in a tower

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Thu Dec 04, 2008 10:18 pm
Raimunda says...

you commented on mine to check it out so I'm gonna. And you know what, you've kind of got it. You can shade and you get how perspective and land work and you've twigged that clothes don't stick to bodies and they have creases. And you know how hair works! I LOVE YOU FOR THAT> So this is an excellent base to start on. You've got the tools, so all you've got to do is perfect using them.

Three things.

1. Work out dimensions of the body. If you put your hand to your face you realise it covers all your features. If you look at the hands on this, they're too small. Same with the feet; your feet are the same length as your elbow to your wrist. But you got the length and height of everything spot on, and I CANNOT DO THAT. I always draw the girls first and then the boy, and the boy ends up shorter. Eeee well. Did you draw jacob or Bella first? How did you work out the different heights??

2. faces. The space between your eyes is one eye width. You got the eyebrows in the right place, though! nobody gets the eyebrows in the right place! I dont! My mum doesnt! My ART teacher doesnt! Hats off!! Eyebrows start directly up from the tear ducts (if the person is NORMAL. Mine don't- but everyone elses should.) Also, never draw teeth in small heads. Not in detail. Maybe a white slash under the lips but people end up looking like old toothless ogres if you draw the teeth in. I mainly just colour the mouth black. Also, if you find a mirror and grin into it, you'll notice that theres an indent in your skin formed from the nose to the corners of your mouth (BEWARE-DRAW THIS FAINTLY OR YOUR CHARACTERS WILL LOOK WIERD. I always, always overdraw this line and it screws up my drawings. But its there and adds realism). And OOH OOOH OOOOOH I just noticed you drew Jacobs cheekbones like WOW in a very high-and-appropriate-to-tribal-ethnicities way! And I also noticed that you got the ear right (ears are as long as the top of your eyebrow to the end of your nose- roughly).

Also, Bella's profile; profiles become ridiculously easy after a while, and the best place to practice is in class, because you can see so many people from side on. The eyes are further back in the head that you've put them. nose and lips are RIGHT, though. Yey!

3. neck.

I hate necks. hatehatehatehate them.

Find a mirror, and tie back your hair. Then check out your neck from all angles and you'll realise WHY I hate them.

They have so many veins and muscles and lumps and lines its ridiculous. But all you need to know is that basically your neck holds up your skull, and your skull has a hole in for your neck. And its further back than you've drawn. Jacobs neck is the right size and shape and the only improvement might be an indentation for the adams apple (although it might look wierd; I'm not sure). But Bellas neck needs moving back.

But the best thing to do, if you are really serious about progressing this, is google DEVIANTART TUTORIALS and search the things you need to find out. Thats what helped me.

And you probably think I'm an arrogant up myself twit now... sorry. Ignore me if you like.

:) Im nice really.
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Thu Dec 04, 2008 11:05 pm
Tabithalillian says...

No, I now love you even more! (awkward!) Thanks, I really really need to work on shading and muscles. Yes, this is a doodle so I didnt do my best, but now I am soo working on this more, and I did what you suggested with necks. I now hate them too. I am so trying this on them though! thankyouthankyouthankyou!
And to asnwer your question, I actually drew jacob first and then thought about how small bella would look compared to him. Also I used a manican for how he stood and all that!
Living in a tower

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Mon Dec 08, 2008 2:52 am
JC says...

There's something awkward about Jacob's eyes and forehead. Like you tilted his features, but not his face. Or something. And his ponytail seems like it's too much to the side. Also, the 'whisps' in his hair seems forced, which they shouldn't. It almost looks like his hair is plastered to him everywhere and there's nothing natural about it. And his hands are tiny tiny. :/

Well, I can see her skull through her hair, which seems like a solid block of graphite. But I love her heel.

I think you should do some work with dimensions. A lot of this is very one dimensional, especially if you look at Jacob's hand, it follows the line of Bella's body which really makes no sense unless Bella has Jacob finger sized indents in her side...which I doubt.

But, I hate drawing human figures, and it's better than I could have done, so kudos.
But that is not the question. Why we are here, that is the question. And we are blessed in this, that we happen to know the answer. Yes, in this immense confusion one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for Godot to come. -Beckett

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Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:16 am
Telina says...

I really like what you are trying to do with the clothes, it really gives them character, I'm not artist but I think you have potential to be one!

I really like how you drew her leg and foot, very classy. Her chest needs to be more proportioned with her 'backside' ha-ha. Also her neck is a little too wide which make her shoulders look awkward; if you took back the line of her neck back you wouldn't have that problem. It would also make fixing her small arm easier. The arm should flow more naturally and have a bend where the elbow should be. Either that or if you did picture her with a stiff arm her shoulders would be stiff too, and they would be leaning away from Jacob.

I loved Jacob's pants you drew. His shoulders need to be more pronounced and wider and you started off really good with his upper arm but got to eager when drawing his forearm so it's a little to small.

Their hair should be flowing in the same direction unless there is some sort of movement with their body. At first I thought Bella was embracing him and that's why her hair was flowing backwards but then I looked at his hair and it's flowing in the opposite direction, therefore I think her hair should be flowing that way. If she is embracing him then it should only slightly flow that direction.

Why do we only rest in peace? Why don't we live in peace too?
— Alison Billet