
Young Writers Society

Just Some Thoughts

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Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:45 pm
vkshravi88 says...

What is life? There's always at least one point when everyone asks themself this question, and everyone's answers are always different in some way, but always similar in some way. So what is life then, if everyone's answers and thoughts and opinions are so different on it? Well to point out first, everyone's answers (including my own) are biased, because of the life that different people live. Everyone's answers are always a little similar because we are all human, but everyone's answers are always very different because we aren't all the same. So then what is life? Really? As unbiased as possible, and in its truest form, how can anyone define life? Well, this is the answer I came up with after looking at the world in a different kind of way.... seeing past, present, and the future of my friends and people I know. Just thinking about how everything fits together.

Life, it seems, is the only constant in the ever-changing world. Life can't change... I mean life is life no matter what. Life is always the same through everything that happens, everything that occurs. People can change, circumstances can change, situations, feelings, scenarios, settings.....all these things can change. Life doesn't change because it's always at the end once the changes are done. Just like every story has a beginning and an end, at the end of every change is the chance to keep on living. So many things fluctuate but the one thing always there for us is the choice to keep on living, to keep on going and fighting our demons whatever they are.

So if life doesn't change, then how can people blame life for dictating their emotions because of its fluctuations? Well that answer is known to everyone, it's just hard to accept. Optimism and pessimism are ultimately what determine true happiness or sadness in one's life. People going through a hard time will probably say life sucks for them or whatnot. But maybe, just maybe, everything is based on opportunity. On how you take things and deal with them, on what you learn and how you comprehend all those little details the world has. This may be getting a bit cosmic but what I'm trying to say (and probably what I'm completely failing at saying) is this - Life stays the same through every change that each individual goes through. So really it's completely up to that person how they look at their situation and look at what they have to truly feel happy or sad. You may have just been dumped after a 2 year relationship. Life didn't change, but rather the feelings did and yet, according to my theory, there's supposed to be something happy to this isn't there? Notice how what I said was completely one-dimensioned.... that breakup is only one aspect of one part of this person's life, whoever it may be. They forget the friends that are there for them, the people they SHOULD be with and whatnot. But this breakup could instigate something as you recover - you discover who's there for you in your time of need and who your true friends really are and who you can trust the most. And if anything else, at the end of that change, life is right there waiting for you, hugging you and letting you live and learn through everything until YOU end up changing as a person, whether it be for better or for worse.

I guess everyone loses track of the changes over time. The only reason I'm actually writing this is because I accidentally took a trip through memory lane. You know that Facebook message update that makes all your messages and chats like this uniform thing? Well anyways I was able to see a lot of the messages I sent and received from like years ago and I remembered all the situations and all the things going on at that time. And in just 2 years from then (which happens to be now) I revel in the fact that so much change can happen in so little time. So it made me wonder how anyone can predict what’s really going to happen later in life, unless they can see this whole cosmic picture first.... a picture you just happened to glance at if you're reading up to this point and actually made it this far. And here's where it ends I guess.... There's no editing process in the making of this huge note so if anything seems confusing I'll be happy to clarify. The reason I posted this is because it feels like some kind of enlightenment thing or whatnot and I had no idea who to share it with so I thought I might as well share it with everyone.... after all this is just one opinion (and a SUPER long one at that).
You are who you want to be.
While that may seem like and overstated statement.... if you keep in mind everything I just told you it'll start to make sense. And I think once you grasp a picture of what life really is, and what living really means, you have just a little bit more control and influence on how that life is going to turn out. So smile every day in and out... but don't just smile. Make it real. And trust me, that kind of thing really is up to you.
The complex journey of life begins with a simple step forward

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Mon Dec 19, 2011 3:46 pm
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pencilgirl says...

Hey! How are you? Welcome to YWS!
so for starters...WOW! No seriously i'm shocked! Dude this is just beautiful! I'm sorry but you have got to share some of you'r perspectives with me. This is amazing! It's like your voicing out my thoughts! Yea, i definitely agree with your thinking about how different people think of the meaning of life. I guess thats' because of how there steering there own car. I think life is a quest to discover why you exist among billions in this world. I think life has its twists and turns because its actually testing how we face boulders and move on. Your way of seeing the changes in paths of life is how you determine if "life sucks" or "life is the best thing that ever happened to you".
You have GOT to share some more perspectives and thinking with me =)

Sharp me and rub me,
Pencil. <3

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Mon Dec 19, 2011 4:34 pm
artemisathena13 says...

Wow. I thought that was a totally interesting thing. You have a lot of interesting things to think about. I agree that everyone has a different idea of life and what the point of life is. I think it's amazingly written. I also agree with pencilgirl. You are great at voicing your thoughts. I love your ending.
While that may seem like and overstated statement.... if you keep in mind everything I just told you it'll start to make sense. And I think once you grasp a picture of what life really is, and what living really means, you have just a little bit more control and influence on how that life is going to turn out. So smile every day in and out... but don't just smile. Make it real. And trust me, that kind of thing really is up to you.
I think life is finding out who you are and to make your impression upon other people. Things that happen to you that are bad are just obstacles.

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Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:25 pm
creativityrules says...

Hello there! I'm Rose!

First off, welcome to YWS! I hope you like it here as much as I do; there are so many awesome, helpful writers on here who've helped me improve my writing enormously. If you've ever got any question, please feel free to ask and I'll help you out in any way that I can! Now, on to the review.

As a whole, this is a wonderful piece of work. The meaning of life is something that's been discussed many times, but this interpretation of your feelings about it is different than anything I've read before. You presented your views and observations in a way that was easy to understand but still had enough depth to make me think about what you were saying. Great work there!

Really, the only major issue I find with this piece is the structure of its paragraphs. As a whole, they're slightly too large for my taste; I feel that they would be much easier to read if you scaled them down just a tad and divvied them up into smaller sections. For instance, your opening paragraph is far too long for me. I prefer to read opening sections that are two or three or, at the most, four sentences long; that way, the readers will be able to get a taste of your writing without feeling like they have to dive headfirst into a huge clump of words.

So smile every day in and out, but don't just smile. Make it real. And trust me, that kind of thing really is up to you.

This is awesome. I might just write it on a piece of paper and tape it to my bedroom door so I see it every morning before taking on the day. It's motivational, man. :D

All in all, great work! Always keep writing!

“...it's better to feel the ache inside me like demons scratching at my heart than it is to feel numb the way a dead body feels when you touch it."

-Brian James

Stories don't end because you stopped paying attention.
— SJ Whitby