
Young Writers Society

Top Secret: Operation-22

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Reviews: 15
Thu Feb 03, 2011 6:18 am
the doctor says...


Blue is an architect who, after a business meeting in Manhattan, finds out about a secret plan that could alter the future of the world forever. Secret Plan: harness a secret atomic laser bomb that can freeze time. Blue then becomes incognito at one point, and fires an AK47 he picks up at enemies in a labyrinth.

SETTING: Manhattan, on the streets. There are Lampposts, tall buildings (another level you can go up to) with stairs

Special Note**: Blue Rodriguez talks a lot in third person. Sometimes he can't help it. Sometimes he is doing commentary just for the fun of it. He has two different characters – one when he is a narrator, and one when he is his real true self. Sometimes he doesn't realize when he is talking in third person. Sometimes others can hear him, sometimes they can't. It is pure imperfection.

Character Descriptions:
BLUE RODRIGUEZ: a 24-year-old Architect, Black hair, hazel eyes, in black, really stubborn and disrespectful, discovers something and gets involved. Talks a lot in Third Person.
DR. HARDY MILLER: A mental psychiatrist whom is scheming a bloodthirsty plan. Always talks in a faster pace than others.
DARREK HAMESLY: A homeless teen boy who has eaten no food, has no parents, learned from Books in the Library, is actually a robot.
FAT CHANCE: A really skinny guy named FAT
COMMON SENSE: A really fat guy named Common.
ZOA MANIFEST: A mysterious woman, who scavengers around Manhattan, that only Blue can see
JOHNNY PRESTON: Blue’s assistant, who follows him everywhere taking notes. The real man behind the whole plot. Blue doesn’t find out until the very end.
PUSH OASIS: Dr. Hardy Miller’s Confident

BLUE RODRIGUEZ and his young Assistant JOHNNY PRESTON start out the scene
just standing there frozen on the streets of Manhattan.

BLUE: (deep voice) What is fate? Is it a well-being of us all, created by an ominous mist of turbulence? We do not run, we do not hide. We don’t all go places extravagantly because we want to. The nature of our lives depend on only one thing. Our. destiny.
It all started with architect Blue Rodriguez and his young assistant Johnny Preston vigorously walking down the streets of Manhattan. Suddenly and ever so effortlessly, Blue was sprayed by droplets from the sky, scavenging hopeless droplets which deemed worthy of recognition. And then it all started. (changes expression)

BLUE starts walking through the streets of Manhattan, JOHNNY is following BLUE with a clipboard, taking down whatever he says onto the paper.

BLUE: (A drop of rain falls on his head) PAH! All this rain is making me putter. Joseph, help me with my coat, will you, and insure Sidnie gets me some sort of waterproof, what do you call it these days?

JOHNNY: An impenetrable cloak! (pause). I’m not Joseph, I’m Johnny.. –sir!

BLUE: Sorry? (ignores him)...So would you cancel all the appointments with Sidnie, we don’t need her efforts anymore, it’s incompetent. Did you get that Jordan?

JOHNNY: (Sighs) Yes, Blue. I’ve got it all down. Mr. Rodriguez?

BLUE: I told you only to call me by my first name, and if ever not, than Sir would be applicable. Anyway, did you get that part about canceling all the appointments with the Microsoft Company?

JOHNNY: Why in bloody hell would you ever do that? (pause) –S-sir?

BLUE: Oh, Josh, you of all people would know the crisis between Macs and PCs!

JOHNNY: So anyway, you have dinner with Mrs. Rodriguez in about two hours. And you have to baby sit your neighbor’s kids in---

BLUE: -- I-I have a wife?

JOHNNY: No, not a relation. But--

BLUE: (sighs with relief) Oh dear God, that would be terrible. (shakes head) Joseph, don’t you ever get the feeling, brr… feeling, (coughs) that something terrible always happens when it rains heavily on a day like this?

JOHNNY: It always rains in Manhattan.

BLUE: Yes, I guess you’re right. I just thought I heard something very peculiar. (freezes) Did you hear that?


DR. HARDY MILLER and PUSH OASIS enter through the door on Stage left in overcoats. Dim the lights as they enter. You should barely be able to see their faces.

JOHNNY: I don’t hear anything—

BLUE: Quiet Jackson! I can’t hear.

JOHNNY shuts up. Blue gets closer, and hides behind a lamppost.

DR. HARDY: (in a low, rasping voice) Hardy har har, Manhattan hasn’t changed at all. So, young Push Oasis, did you bring it?

PUSH: It’s right here, Dr. Hardy.

DR. HARDY: All right, any word from the Boss?

PUSH: He says to tell you, “The time has come.” Know what that means? Because I really have no clue –

DR. HARDY: Silence! It is none of your concern. Your job was to bring me messages, and the secret formula that will bring an end to all mankind! Muhahahah! THE TIME HAS COME.

PUSH: Pardon me, doc, but you’re joking right? Because—

DR. HARDY: No, you breathing idiot. The Boss told me specifically not to tell you. He said specifically, if I ever told you that, what was in this suitcase was the insignificant potion derived from Egyptian alchemists in the olden days

PUSH: B-but..

DR. HARDY: ...that I greatly discovered as a paleontologist in my earlier years, was Iraqnium, then I would be freed of my immortal soul, and put into the depths of hell.

PUSH: Erm, doc? You just said it.

DR. HARDY: No, you impotent imbecile! I said it FIGURATIVELY. If you had done any better in grade school--- Oh CRAP, I think we’re doomed.

PUSH: Gee, ya think?!

DR. HARDY: At least my communicator isn’t working... Damn me! The Boss is really going to kill us.

PUSH: No he’s not. He can’t hear us. We well know that we are out of range for him to ever hear what we’re saying. He’s not on my radar.

DR. HARDY: Hm, yes I suppose you’re right. But I warn you, if any – if ANY of this information about this incident leaves this place, I promise you I will strip you of your compromises and try until the day I die.

PUSH: B-But you never die!

DR. HARDY: (lips curl) Exactly.

PUSH: So, uh.. why exactly do you need this Iraqnium?

DR. HARDY: (brightens) Well of course, what do you think some scum-bag like you could discover it better, to the likes of me? OPERATION-22, top secret that is. What is it? Why, it’s the basis of our most important case anyone has ever taken.

PUSH: This doesn’t have anything to do with Catch-22 by Joseph Heller, does it?

DR. HARDY: (rolls eyes) So anyway, I just have to mix this Iraqnium, containing Erosion of Sulphide and a mix of Neuro-oxygen, which will intertwine itself with the atomic bomb ingredients to create a super mass atomic bomb that can...well, you won’t believe me but—freeze time, Hardy Har Har.

PUSH: You said it all. I don’t believe you. You know, you used to be a mental psychiatrist. I don’t know how you ended up being this way.

DR. HARDY: Life is messy, Push. You have to learn to deal with it sometimes – in different ways.. Come on, we’ve wasted enough time.

DR. HARDY and PUSH exeunt through the other side. BLUE resumes position as he was, before he stopped and listened.

BLUE: (in shock) D-Did you just see them? Freeze time? Iraqnium? The Boss? What are they talking about?

JOHNNY: Blue, I think you look a lot off colour these days. All you did was just (in a mocking tone) “Shh! Shh! I can’t hear”, Very Politely, and then I did, basically. I waited.. (looks at watch), oh about 5 minutes.

BLUE: Alright John Lennon, don’t play any mind games with me, you are my assistant, and assistants don’t lie especially when they are paid.

JOHNNY: Er, I’m interning for free, sir. And I didn’t “see” anything.

BLUE: Well in that case, you’re fired. You can’t help me if you can’t help me.

JOHNNY: (thinking over) Well, all right then Blue Rodriguez. I’ll leave you to your building yourself. (leaves scene)

BLUE: (rolls eyes) Oh, Darn Diddy Good Damnit.

Lights fade out. The scene changes to busy streets in Manhattan. DARREK HAMESLY is sitting on the streets (SR) reading a book. FAT CHANCE and COMMON SENSE are arguing via CS. ZOA MANIFEST is on a bench on SL. BLUE RODRIGUEZ walks in, with saggy eyes, yawning like he hasn’t slept in days.

BLUE: Blue Rodriguez had an unfortunate disaster occur to him while witnessing a dearly dreadful and shocking scene, he had just lost his confident, and he was lonely, afraid, and spiteful for a savior.

FAT CHANCE: Common Sense! You’ve got to have it!

COMMON SENSE: It’s not my fault I’m stuck here, fat like this.



BLUE: (steps in) Erm… excuse me, guys, sorry but, were you guys just talking about A boss by any chance?

FAT CHANCE and COMMON SENSE look at each other diligently, then go into an engaged huddle because they don’t want Blue to hear.

COMMON: (Exaggerated loud whisper) Was it my imagination, b-but, Did he just SEE us? I mean, Really see us?

FAT: Maybe he was practicing lines...Guy seems like he was drifting.

COMMON: Yeah, and I’m the king of the living dead. (slaps FAT)

FAT: So, what should we do?

COMMON: I’m thinking...(turns around to face BLUE) (changes tone of voice) Hey There! My name is Sense, Common. An’ This is my friend Fat, uh, really Fat Chance.

BLUE: He’s not really fat at all, in fact, you are.

FAT: (Loud whisper) Did you hear what he said, he heard us!

BLUE: Yes, of course I heard you. I even heard you whispering over there in that secluded huddle of yours. Now I understand you were naming “The Boss”?

COMMON: What’s your business with our boss?

BLUE: (lies) I-I need to find him. Some trade businesses. Very Confidential. Not for you to know, sorry.

COMMON: What are you anyway?

BLUE: I beg your pardon?

FAT: He MEANS, what kind of creature are you? Elf, Angel, Unicorn?

BLUE: (changes expression) And in the midst of the two Undesirable creatures, he wanted to curse the despicableness of the two, but decided not to. (changes face again)

BLUE: I-I’m a doctor. Pharmaceutical sales – I’m immortal.

FAT: Yeah, right. What’s your name then?

BLUE: You should’ve said, “Fat Chance” I daresay it would have been a lot funnier.

FAT: Oh yeah? Yeah? You think my name’s funny, do you?

BLUE: I think it’s mildly entertaining, yes.

COMMON: Enough bickering, you guys. What do you want with our boss?

BLUE: (sighs) Alright, if you really want to know, well. My name is Dr. Hardy Miller and I’m on a Top Secret Investigation and –

FAT: Oh, Noooo! Not Dr. Hardy Miller.

COMMON: You know this loser?!

FAT: Oh, please don’t hurt me, please! Just go about with your business and leave us alone.

BLUE: You remember, don’t you?

FAT: Of COURSE I remember! I’ll give you anything I have! Whatever you have, name it, and go!!!

BLUE: All right, listen up clearly. I want you to take me to the Boss. You have a communicator?

COMMON: Well, just use your COMMON SENSE, there’s one of yours sitting right there, bearing your mark on it.

BLUE: What?!

BLUE looks back at COMMON SENSE and FAT CHANCE but they have already left the scene. He walks up to DARREK HAMESLY.


DARREK: Sorry.

BLUE: Apology accepted. (pause). Where did you get that book?!

DARREK: Some kid threw it at me.

BLUE: My dear boy! This will not do. You are a cheat no doubt about that, but you have transferred to me in fact, very wrong signals. You did steal that book! Where are your goddamn parents?

DARREK: I have none, mister.

BLUE: (calms himself) So um, mind giving me that communicator?

DARREK: Like.. a walkie talkie?

BLUE: You have it, you know you have it, they said you had it.

DARREK: Who’s they? And who are you? (pause) Hey, you’re that builder dude! The one of the front cover of every magazine

BLUE: (smirks) And I suppose every boy like you would know that fact?

DARREK: I read all these reviews about you! You claim to build all these buildings but really you’re just a scam and a fraud. Everyone says so! Everyone pretends to like you but all they ever do is make fun of you behind your back.

BLUE: Why, there’s not an ounce of truth in that message!

DARREK: It’s true. It’s all in the magazines.

BLUE: (grabs him) Where is that communicator?

Suddenly ZOA MANIFEST stands up from the bench and steps in.

ZOA: I’d drop that kid if I were you. He doesn’t have it.

BLUE: Oh yeah? And who are you, his protector?

ZOA: That’s none of your concern. My name is Zoa Manifest. You’re Blue Rodriguez, the human special. You, robot, are Darrek Hamesly, the boy with no parents, they just left you there.

DARREK: Yeah, mum. Pardon me, miss, but you just called me a robot.

ZOA: Yeah, a fine dine of one too. Look, they made you all look real and stuff. I wonder who was your creator. (looks at Blue) And you have a fine ego telling people you’re Dr. Hardy Miller. Many people hold grudges against him.

BLUE: W-wait a second, you heard that? I mean, you were there the whole time and you didn’t say anything?! Who are you?

ZOA: I have a long past. We have no time to discuss. The war is raging. Dr. Hardy Miller will succeed in a matter of days. We must stop him.

BLUE: Who said anything about helping you?

DARREK: I know her (he twinkles his eyes)

ZOA: See, he knows me, now let’s get going.

ZOA and DARREK get up to leave, and BLUE follows in confusion.

BLUE: (off stage) He doesn’t know you. He was just saying that.

BLUE is sitting on in what looks like a dentist’s chair, while Zoa is feeding Darrek some metal chunks as food. They are in a place filled with clouds.

BLUE: While Blue hastily followed the apprehensive Zoë Manicure, and daring Darrell Holmes, he slowly slumped to the ground in boredom.. (changes face)

ZOA: There there, little Darrek is all nice and fed now.

BLUE: What-uh, so what are we doing here? Where are we?

ZOA: My secret hideout. Just sit down, and pay attention. I have prepared a simple slide for you to entertain you during the premises. Listen carefully... It involves a very...

ZOA punches a tranquilizer into BLUE. Lights fade out. Lights in and ZOA MANIFEST is now sitting in the dentist’s chair, eyes closed, arms folded across her chest. She gets up and does a little dance. Her eyes perch open to reveal a blank stare. Meanwhile BLUE RODRIGUEZ is watching this with discontent (SR), trying to figure out what it means. At the same time, a recording of ZOA’s voice plays..

ZOA: It involves a very complex arrangement of modern times. It requires you to think as fast as possible, with your strongest reflexes. You do not know yourself, Blue Rodriguez. You think you are some regular guy living in Manhattan. You think you are some powerful Architect. People laugh behind your ugly face, for they don’t respect you. You did not know of this until I told you. You—
You think you know everything, but you don’t Blue Rodriguez. You’re wrong. You think you know everything, but you don’t. You can’t do whatever you want. You think...

Lights fade out. Lights in on the scene where Darrek is hastily drinking an oil can. BLUE again is still on the cloud, but gasping heavily crouched into a ball. ZOA opens her eyes...

ZOA: I’m sorry. You had to be d-drugged while the procedure took place. You were out for about an hour. Now for this whole mission you can hear my voice inside you.

BLUE: (snaps) Hear your voice?! Hear your voice, (sarcastically) oh I’m so assured now that I won’t die. I was violated. Misused.. desecrated, humiliated, raped into desolate plunder. I mean come on, if you’re so unproblematic, why don’t you just do this yourself? You know what that felt like? Oh, I’m sure you do, Miss Zephi Miles because shit like this happens to you everyday.

ZOA: (looks hurt) I know how you feel. I’ve been through this before.

DARREK walks up to ZOA and pats her on the back.

DARREK: You shouldn’t let it get to you, Miss Zoa. He doesn’t understand. He doesn’t feel like you do. He is.. (thinks) ..a disconcerted human special. (hugs her)

BLUE: (wipes tears off his face & tries to fight anger) So what do I have to do?

ZOA: You and Darrek will be on your own from now. It’s time to meet Jones Pabla.

Blackout. Lights are dim, onto the streets of Manhattan. You should barely be able to see the two figures wandering around.

BLUE: I can’t believe she’s making us go into a sewer, the nerve of that lady.

DARREK: Me no like sewers. Sewers make body rust..

The sound of a heavy metal lid falls to the floor. They open it, and jump through the hole. Lights finally heavy to the stage. The set is a greasy filthy place, full of mice and garbage.

BLUE: So this is the entrance to the labyrinth?!

DARREK: Supposedly. What's our plan, smart guy?

BLUE doesn't answer. Instead, he pulls out an AK47 gun.

DARREK: Where'd you get that?!

BLUE: Jacked it from Zoa. You should see her collection. This is nothing, but it was the only thing that could fit underneath my jacket. Listen. You stay back here and hide in case I need you.

DARREK nods, and BLUE goes to pursue the labryinth. He goes through different staircases, and always comes back on stage again. He is circling. Finally he finds the 2nd phase of the labrynth. He hears voices.

DR. HARDY: It is almost complete. Now have you gotten the Iraqnium here safely, Push?

PUSH: Yes Boss. Here it is. (hands him a suitcase)

DR. HARDY: Well well well, I'm impressed for somebody who hardly graduated from graduate school.


BLUE: And so it was then that Dr. Hardy accidentally spilled the potion into the darkness and treachery underneath (face solemn)

DR. HARDY: Blasted Pigeons! Not into the mortal realm! (Slaps Push) You’ll regret this, you scoundrel! Now off with you!

BLUE: Dr Hardy sent Push out to the elegant mixture and waited, drinking vodka. He then received a visitor (changes face)

BLUE: Hullo.

DR. HARDY: (scowls) Oh, Hullo to you to now, What in heaven’s arse are you doing out here?

BLUE: Oh, I don’t know. Quite frankly, I was on a business trip and I ended up here instead! Why don’t you tell me what happened?

DR. HARDY: (suspiciously) You didn’t see or hear anything, did you?

BLUE: No, just that I have this (holds out his hand)

DR. HARDY: Where did you get that? How did you get that? When did you get that? Why did you get that? Who did--...

BLUE: What bottle? (He looks confused)

DR. HARDY: Oh, damn you! Damn you all! (charges at Blue)

BLUE: Oh Darn Diddy Good Damnit...

BLUE dodges DR. HARDY after he charged at him, takes out his AK47 Gun, and fires it randomly.

BLUE: Random Gun noises occur (Random gun noises occur) His gun runs out of ammunition. (changes face)

BLUE: ARRGGHH!!! (tries to fire, but they are all blanks now) (changes face)

BLUE: Blue is now faced with a nostalgic dilemma, will he choose to surrender to guilt, or prepare for war...

DR. HARDY: Who the hell are you talking to, when nobody is listening to your stupid story?

BLUE: BLUE freezes for a moment, and just enough for the right time, but his assistant Johnny Preston appears and diminishes Dr. Hardy Miller into a seam of ill fate and at last he was gone forever. (changes face)

JOHNNY: Miss me, Blue?

BLUE: Wait, so that worked?!

JOHNNY: That’s right (frowns) I mean *coughs* that’s wrong. You’re wrong.

BLUE: What the hell are you doing here? I thought I fired you.


BLUE: You’re my savior! When we get out of here, I swear bundles of cash. (attempts to hug Johnny)

JOHNNY: I’m afraid you’re very wrong, Blue Rodriguez. You see, I have a much better plan in store for you.

BLUE: What are you talking about? You’re Johnny Preston. You’re...

JOHNNY: My name is Hamesly Plethers. I created the mass of robots. Catching on?

BLUE: (gapes mouth) If you created Darrek Hamesly that means you’re the—the..

JOHNNY: My other, more common name is Too-Too. Yes, Operation-22.. Two-two, get it? (Rolls eyes) I’m the The Boss, the creator. Surprised? Well, you bloody well should be.

BLUE: What’s this all got to do with me?

JOHNNY: You see, Mr. Rodriguez, ever since I “apprenticed” under you, I felt an uncomfortable presence tugging at my skin. IT WAS VEXING. Then, uncontrollably, that idiot over there, Miller dropped it. He spilt it on your forehead!!

BLUE: So, er.. I’m the Iraqnium?

JOHNNY: (sarcastically) No, you’re not.

BLUE smiles then maliciously fires his AK47 gun at JOHNNY PRESTON.

JOHNNY: Unfortunately, I’m invincible, and nothing can stop me. Too bad I don’t have an Achilles’ Heel for you.

ZOA: (voice) Blue, he has an Achilles heel. It’s on his right leg, see that spot?

BLUE: (out loud) What’s an Achilles heel and why is on your right leg?

JOHNNY: An achilles heel is a weak spot. But how did you get to know that? I see.. you have acquainted with my dear sister..she should learn not to meddle with things.

ZOA: (voice) Now the only way to defeat my brother is to trick him. He's very cunning, but he's a darn fool.

JOHNNY: What's she saying, my darling sister? You ready to lose the bet?

BLUE: What bet? What are you talking about?

ZOA: (voice) Don't listen to him Blue. You have to follow my instructions carefully. You have to win. Do it for yourself. Do it for mankind. Johnny is going to freeze time, and you have to get out of there.

BLUE: Wait a second, how do I know who to trust, I can't trust either of you!

JOHNNY: (laughs) Me and Lil Sis made a bet to see who would freeze time first. You see, it is impossible to save the world without sacrificing yourself first.

BLUE: But if I killed myself, would you still be able to use me? - Since I'm dead?

JOHNNY: (smirks) We'll see.

BLUE: (changes face) AT that point in time, Blue Rodriguez came to a sudden moment where he realized something so significant, he could barely breathe. He stopped with his heart, and used all his mind forcibly to create a surge of power that was once nonexistent. (changes expression)

BLUE: Johnny Preston, prepare to meet your fate in battle.

JOHNNY: Hah, you think you can outsmart me? I'm the boss, I'm the creator of this outer dimensional world. I know everything, down to the last spell you could ever use on me. Face it Blue, every thing's over.

BLUE: Oh, but no it isn't, Too-Too.

BLUE uses his mind calling powers to summon DARREK HAMESLY, and in the same process breaks the link between him and ZOA MANIFEST. DARREK's appearance stuns JOHNNY PRESTON for one second.

BLUE: And one second is all Blue Rodriguez needs to fire at his inexplicable Achilles' heel, one that is unknown to his sister herself.
Blue graciously fired his AK47 bullet into the same mark of Darrek Hamesly's the one on his right arm, and Johnny Preston was incoherently blown into pieces.

Suddenly, FAT CHANCE and COMMON SENSE appear, ready for action.

FAT: Did somebody call me through a mental link?!

COMMON: Yeah, hey Dr.Hardy! Need any help?

JOHNNY: You blithering idiots! Get out of here! You're ruining the central plan. No other mythical creature is supposed to be here. Just ME, HIM (points at Blue) and DARREK. Understand?

FAT: Yes sir...--

COMMON: No, Boss. It's time we stop listening to all your crap.

FAT: Yeah. I've been skinny for ages. You should've changed me back ages ago. It's time to be rid of our curse once and for all.

COMMON: Yeah, we're not afraid of you anymore.

BLUE: Go get 'em kiddos.

FAT CHANCE, COMMON SENSE, and DARREK HAMESLY all charge at JOHNNY PRESTON, making him unable to move, but JOHNNY, being as invincible as he is manages to throw them all off with a flick of a smooth hand motion.

JOHNNY: Well, Blue. Here's your chance now. Will you sacrifice your friends or fall to your fatal death?

BLUE: (to ZOA) Are you ready Zoa Manifest?

ZOA: I will always be ready, until the end.

JOHNNY: Sister dear, come to join the fight?

ZOA: No, I've come to end it.

JOHNNY: Well it's a little too late now. The clock is ticking. Soon, my real loyal servant Push Oasis will be here with the forumla. Time is running out slow. You'd better hurry if you want to get out of here alive. Save yourself-

ZOA: Save your mouth, you've got a lot to learn, Johnny Preston. As if changing your name wasn't bad enough. Haven't you ever learned from Mama and Papa?

JOHNNY: Mama and Papa betrayed us. They scorned us from day one.

ZOA: Well, they should've ended you in the first place. You had no right to be born. You-a halfling? They should've thrown you out the second they'd known.

JOHNNY: And now you have another one standing right next to you and you choose to defend him instead of your dear brother.

ZOA: That's exactly what I plan on doing, but you've chosen a path for me I never expected going on...

JOHNNY: No, you don't mean...

ZOA: Exactly. The path I should've taken a long time ago to end this.

ZOA walks up to JOHNNY and kisses him on the lips, breathing contently at his side. Her's and Johnny's bodies are fading through the light. She turns back at BLUE.

ZOA: Take care of the world, BLUE. And remember, you can always look for me in the skies up above. I will be taking very good care of this naughty guy.

ZOA disappears into thin air, while BLUE watches for a long moment. He then returns to the 3 bodies, his new found friends.

FAT: Hey, look, I'm Fat again! Yipee!!!

COMMON: And I'm not Fat! Thank god for that.

BLUE: Can anybody please explain what just happened?

FAT: Zoa sacrificed her life, to save this world. She knew Johnny's greatest secret. He was a halfling, and in order for him finally to be defeated was one last kiss, by his own blood. The goodwill of his race. You see, he's half, well.. Satan, and nobody would love him. He's trapped with Zoa forever, and she can do whatever she wants with him. But she can't come back to this world.

BLUE: What about Push Oasis?

DARREK: Oh, me took care of him long ago (points into stomach)

BLUE: So how did you end up about getting this curse?

FAT: Oh, that's a long story.

COMMON: For another day to tell.

DARREK: And another day has ended.

FAT: Now we must depart and say our goodbyes.

BLUE watches as his 3 friends leave the scene. He thinks for awhile, walks up to the centre of the stage, and starts talking.

BLUE: What is fate? Is it decided by your own rightfulness, in search of a greater tomorrow? Is it the learning process you will have to take on a perilous mission to find ancient treasures of wisdom beyond. How will fate determine your life? Well there's only one way to find out-to live it in the present moment.

Something similar to the mission impossible theme plays in the background, and BLUE looks at the audience, smiling, and walks off stage chuckling.


oh to be a cat in a pile of towels
— ChesTacos