
Young Writers Society

In The Picture

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Thu Mar 15, 2007 4:11 am
Alteran says...

"Morons," said Alice softly. The men were coming closer. "I give one warning. Walk away now or I will stop you."

Deep chuckles echoed through the alley. Figures

The long wooden pole sweeped through the air, collideing with the mens bodies. The whistle of the wood sliceing through the air stopped leaving the men staggering about.

Alice lifted her hand and lit the lley with all the solar flare she could. Leaving only a blackened alley behind.

scenario: Your chracter's friend is about to have a sex change. How does your chracter react and are they supportive?
"Maybe Senpai ate Yuka-tan's last bon-bon?"
----Stupei, Ace Defective

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Thu Mar 15, 2007 4:19 am
Via says...

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Annah pryed, "I mean I am totally fine with it, it's up to you not me. I just want you to be sure you want this." Annah was telling the truth, looking at her life as of late she had learned to be totally accepting of anything anyone ever did that may have at one time seemed odd to her; she would have no friends at all if they weren't the same way with her.

Scenario: Your character can't sleep and cannot find a comfortable way to lay even is their life depended on it. He/she is stressed, but more annoyed with the fact that they are being deprived of sleep than anything else. It's 3AM, what do they do? How do they handle it? Do they kick at their covers angrily and scream into a pillow? Do they get up and have coffee? ...what do they do?
My Literary and Arts Blog

"I think I'd miss you even if we'd never met." -The Wedding Date

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Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:15 am
Crysi says...

Saphirus stared at the moonlight streaming in through his window. He could sense it was well past the middle of the night, but words would not stop filtering through his head.

He rolled off of his bed and slowly padded through the halls to the main room. Picking up his sword, he stabbed violently at the air, wishing for a target to pierce.

Master Sijaeus never taught me how to handle this... he thought, annoyed with the knowledge that his lack of sleep was encouraging his emotions. Furthermore, he had failed in his training, and that was something that would not be tolerated.


Scenario: Your character's heart was broken six months ago, yet he/she still thinks of his/her former lover constantly. What does he/she do to alleviate the pain, and how do others react?
Love and Light

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Thu Mar 15, 2007 3:37 pm
Via says...

I know he still loves me, he knows I still love him--so why bother dating anyone else? One day we'll be back together. It's hard to do this, here. To deal with everyone trying to set me up with guys I have no interest in--he was (is) the one for me. It's not my fault we moved and how I'd love to point that out, but there is no point--we are here now. They just don't understand how strong the feelings are between use, even continents apart, but thats okay; I wouldn't expect them too.

Scenario: Your character got into a fight with a lawnmower and lost one arm completely, what do they do to get back to their normal daily life? How do others react?
My Literary and Arts Blog

"I think I'd miss you even if we'd never met." -The Wedding Date

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Sun Mar 18, 2007 5:47 am
Alteran says...

"Hiya!" CHOP ChOP CHOP, "Ahh!!!!!" My arm!"

"Suck it up! get back in there!" yelled Ares. Colin's blood was spilling onto the ground. No one was helpling him. Why?

CHOP CHOP CHOP *gurrgle*

"AH!!!!!!!!" Colin bolted upright in his bed. "Phew, just a dream."

Scenario: Your character has been drafted by DC or marvel Comics to be the next big superhero. What is your characters abilities, their name, how do the handle it?
"Maybe Senpai ate Yuka-tan's last bon-bon?"
----Stupei, Ace Defective

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Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:38 pm
chocolatechipmuffin says...

(First of all, if you ever end a story that way, I will come after you with a chainsaw. "Oh, it was a dream" makes me REALLY REALLY mad.)

"Come on, Laury, say yes, you'll have so much fun being a star!"
"No, no, and no. I like being an anonymous, nerdy nobody. I don't want to be followed around by idiots with cameras, I don't want an eating disorder, and I don't want to be stupid!"
"Whoever said that being a star makes you stupid?"
Laury sighed. Paul really did seem serious about this, but she couldn't forget that only recently, he'd been an airhead celebrity, too. Sometimes, she couldn't help but notice, he still seemed to be somewhat airheaded. She wondered if he'd ever get over it. Would becoming famous at such a young age ruin him? It ruined lots of people, she knew, and she had no interest in becoming the girl who, five years later, is pitied and laughed at by the world, because she got to cocky, then ended up in rehab, just like the rest of them.
And who was Marvel, anyway, to decide who the superheros were? They just wrote about the superheros, they didn't give you powers or anything! They hadn't even been able to come up with a good name for her. She shook her head in disgust.
"Whatcha thinkin' about?"
"Ink-girl," Laury snorted.
"Yeah, that is kind of a lame name. But-"
"Kind of?"
"Okay, so it's a really lame name. But at least you get to be a superhero. That's pretty awesome."
"Oh, please. What kind of a super hero would I be?" Laury held up a bicep to demonstrate.
Paul pulled her gently into a hug.
"You will always be a superhero to me," he whispered in her ear.

Your character is on a sinking ship with the three people closest to him/her/it. There is one more life boat that will seat three people. What does your character do?
"The only winner in the War of 1812 was Tchaikovsky."
~Solomon Short

"We are all of us living in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."
~Oscar Wilde

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Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:53 pm
carelessaussie13 says...

It was a beautiful day, too beautiful to be listening closely to the ceremony going on in the canoe around her. Kenichi, the medicine man, was invoking the big water goddess to aide in curing poor dear Tarai, who was sick with bad meat. Grandfather was humming softly, and Kaska realized with relief that she wasn't the only one not paying attention to the ceremony.

The sky was a perfect blue, marred only by a fluffy white cloud like the breath of an angel on a winter day, and the big water was as calm as could be, perfect for the curing ceremony.

A sudden sharp word broke her reverie. She realized with a measure of manic that there was water all around her bare ankles, seeping up from a crack in the stern of the canoe. She looked up sharply at her three favorite people in the entire world: Kenichi, Grandfather and Tarai. The canoe was taking on water far too fast to carry them back to shore, at least not with all of them aboard. There was only one option. Kenichi was wearing the holy cloak of the medicine man, which could not get wet. Grandfather was an old man and would surely drown on the swim home, and Tarai was ill and barely conscious. Kaska kissed Grandfather on the whiskery cheek and slid overboard into the big water.

The frigid water hit her all at once, wrapping her body in a blanket of the cold and, somewhere, the hands of the goddess, big water. Her buffalo-skin clothes were weighting her down, but she dared not take them off; it would shame her ancestors for her to be seen wading onto shore wearing nothing but her light wool underpants and corset. She swam with all her might and prayed to the big water to keep her family safe.

I had to change the scenario slightly to fit the character's world. There are no ships, only canoes.

SCENARIO---You come home to find blood on the floor the drips leading into your bedroom.
β€œTo awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world.” - Freya Stark

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Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:54 pm
Poor Imp says...

Tov hesitated, the briefest half-flicker of a look and pause. Piers found it difficult to give him credit.

A split-second later, he had ducked under Fedya's arm - out-flung and unsteady - and was balanced on the narrow skiff's steel rail. Flippant, he waved.

"Er, hey - Aleda can come, right?" He swayed, dropping a hand to brace himself.

Fedya blinked, dazed. "But, only room for...Gavno, Tov, poshlee - pochemu?"

"Er, why?" Tov grinned. "She prettier, right?"


Scenario: Your character is sitting beside a window, looking out. Why and what do they see?

EDIT: Oy, Careless beat me to it. !_! Strike my scenario then, take the above.
ex umbris et imaginibus in veritatem

"There is adventure in simply being among those we love, and among the things we love -- and beauty, too."
-Lloyd Alexander

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Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:32 am
Alteran says...

Careless' Scenario:

Colin put his backpack on the floor and there it was. Glistening red droplets reflecting the afternoon sun. He followed it slowly up the stairs. The trail growing darker as he followed it.

A muffled groan escaped his bedroom.

"M-mom?" Colin said softly. He hesitated at the door handle. they might have a gun. Maybe a knife. He yanked the door open ready to fight and found his mother standing over a man. His gut lay spalttered on the walls.

His mother turned to Colin, "Oblivia!"

(I cant dismiss your scenario Imp :)
Imps Scenario :

Alice stared out into the rainy sky. Her mother's yelling really depressed her sometimes. She knew it was just the ilness but it still hurt sometimes.

Colin was coming up her sidewalk. He's so nice to me. What did I ever do to deserve him?

Scenario: Your chracter is bitten by a racoon. What do they do?
"Maybe Senpai ate Yuka-tan's last bon-bon?"
----Stupei, Ace Defective

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Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:56 pm
Via says...

Annah glanced down to the source of the pain just in time to see the little creature scurry off. Damn, she thought. She shrugged a little--it's not as if she hadn't been hurt worse--leaned back up, and continued her game of frisbee with her friends along the beach without even a single thought of rabies.

Scenario: Your character is stuck without a lick of technology--no phone, no cellphone, no computer, no internet, no electricity period--in the middle of nowhere, what do they do? How do they react? Why are they there and is there anyone else with them?
My Literary and Arts Blog

"I think I'd miss you even if we'd never met." -The Wedding Date

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Sun Apr 01, 2007 3:03 pm
Pushca says...

After three days bent over backwards, Gwen was starting to think that the intensive yoga retreat was not the best idea. Stuart was stretching her clothes out in all the wrong ways while Harrison tried to kill her mother. She sighed. I liked those clothes....

"Gwen? GWEN!" She was startled back to the immediate physical, where, head to ankle, she tipped, her landing looking like a flower petal with the grace of a a dog with three broken legs.

Scenario: Your character walks in on their two best friends, erm, getting it on, so to speak. What do they (your character) do?
"Nothing I could write would be as shocking and offensive as censorship itself." -Deb Caletti

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Sun Apr 01, 2007 3:11 pm
Meep says...

"Glory ...?" Mariel pulled open the door, and then slammed it closed again. "Never mind," she shouted.

Neither of them heard her.

"Sonofabitch," she muttered, lighting a cigarette. "Thanks for the warning, bastard!" she shouted again, kicking the door for good measure.

scenario: Your charater's best friend wants to go on a road trip, but your character isn't so sure that's a good idea.
βœ– I'm sick, you're tired. Let's dance.

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Sun Apr 01, 2007 10:39 pm
extrication says...

Errol frowned at the pile of stubbed cigarettes near the plywood porch. It's one thing to smoke, and quite another to be chain smoking, he thought, irritated. He could see it now: Evan bemoaning the loss of his precious cancer sticks, and the doctor frowning as he told Evan he has black lungs, and saying he's a right berk for getting himself sick, only not in those words. Kind of disgusting, if you think about it.

Evan was staring off into the distant woods serving as the age-old border around this place, far as he could tell. These days, he really couldn't tell much of anything about Evan. A Great Wall of China had settled between them, what with his bastard ancestor being all ambiguously evil. Kind of like Voldemort, honestly. But this was neither the place nor time to muse over it, he supposed. Mindlessly he dug his heel into the hard earth, wishing for the heat to be gone.

Rain would have been seriously welcome too, but the sun, as constant as ever, shone down their necks. Errol even felt sweat trickle down his throat and his shirt stuck awkwardly to his back. And it was random thoughts like that which crowded his mind before Evan spoke up.

"What're you doing here?"

Errol twitched a bit, the stink of murky cigarette heavy in his nostrils. He replied, hoping that nonchalance was in his voice: "Rurik wants to go on a field trip. Want to come?"

"No." And that was that, not even a brief moment to think it over. Admittedly, he was slightly miffed.

"Why not?" he asked, even though he had just guessed the answer. He ignored the feeling of his heart sinking.

Evan exhaled smoke. He watched it uncurl slowly in the heat for a minute before responding. "I don't want to."

And what really got him, that painful stab, was the fact that Evan had left it unsaid: I don't trust your ilk anymore.

Errol didn't push it. "Alright," he said slowly, getting up. "Will you be fine without me?" As if Evan really wanted him here. Evan needed someone though, and apparently he wasn't it.

"Yeah. Go."

The screen door banged shut when Errol let it swing behind him, stepping into the dark cool of the cottage.

scenario: Your character forms a dangerous habit. How do your other characters react?
because memory moves in orbits
of absence, because she holds her hands out in the rain,
and rain remembers nothing, not even how it became itself.
- Las Ruinas del Corazon, Eric Gamalinda

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Sun Apr 01, 2007 10:57 pm
Meep says...

(Heh, I have an entire story posted about that. :oops: )

Stella slammed the gas and the car bolted forward.
"Stella! This is not America! Drive on the right side of the road!" Benji closed his eyes, feeling slightly carsick. It probably had something to do with going well over the speed limit down the wrong side of the road.
"I am on the right side of the road!" Stella shouted back, holding up her right hand to prove her point.
"Then drive on the left!" Lily insisted.
"No - woah!" Stella turned the wheel sharply, swerving out of the way of an on-coming milk truck.
"Way to be, Yank." Benji muttered.
"Shut it, Redcaot. Nobody's out on the roads out here. It's the fucking English countryside. That's the first sign of civilization we've seen in three hours!"

scenario: your character is learning to drive, but can't tell his/her left from his/her right.
βœ– I'm sick, you're tired. Let's dance.

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Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:19 pm
extrication says...

"OhmiGOD." Regina whimpered, her face covered with her hands. "16 is too young to die."

"Stupid-drivers-can't-drive-for-shit--" Anna gritted out, swerving rapidly. She gripped the wheel painfully. "ACK!"

There was a loud screech as the car came to a sudden stop on the (miraculously) empty sidewalk. Regina nearly threw herself out of the car and unsubtly thanked whomever was up there. And then she turned her head to glare at Anna, who managed to look both pissed and sheepish at the same time.

"Please tell me you can tell from your right and your left," Regina growled. "Apparently your kindergarten teacher neglected to teach you the BASIC of directions."

"Of course I know my left and my right," Anna retorted. "It's those other idiots who don't!"

scenario: Your character has a song stuck in his or her head. What does she do about it? XD
because memory moves in orbits
of absence, because she holds her hands out in the rain,
and rain remembers nothing, not even how it became itself.
- Las Ruinas del Corazon, Eric Gamalinda

I have a Gumbie Cat in mind, her name is Jennyanydots; Her coat is one of the tabby kind,with tiger stripes and leopard spots.
— T.S. Eliot, Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats